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Hi, Can we have a Roadmap for PvE?

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Hello there,

Now that W7 has been released, what's the plan for PvE? I have read the previous note about roadmap post from Anet, however it didn't have much info about raids of such.

I know that those comments can be triggering, especially since a lot of effort has been put into developing the newest raid wing. But it was completed way too fast by most players. I'm just wondering what is the future of the game towrads it endgame content at the moment more than anything else.

My main questions are:-Will raids be released every 9months from now on? Will the next raid be in the next expansion?-Are we going to see some new contents arriving for Fractals etc... ?-Will there be something new? or a reforge of something already existing?-Will there be open beta of upcoming raid wings to avoid W7 effect ?

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While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.

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Anet is not going to tell you when they next raid is coming out, nor should they. Too much can happen in this industry in too short a time. No reason to build expectations only to later have people call them liars. Not like it hasn't happened already.

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@Vayne.8563 said:Anet is not going to tell you when they next raid is coming out, nor should they. Too much can happen in this industry in too short a time. No reason to build expectations only to later have people call them liars. Not like it hasn't happened already.

Of Course there is a reason to say that there is new content coming. Anet spits in the faces of their most dedicated players. Raiders stick around 9 months for 2 days of content. Same goes for WvW and PvP. People there spend the most time in the game and they're most invested. They do not want to talk with their playerbase. They're afraid of it. And sorry to point that out but somebody who logs in once every 3-4 months is not a valuable player. That's why they should announce that new exciting content is coming. It's for those who spend in game the most to be rewarded. They will stick around and work towards something in-game knowing that something fresh is coming.

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@Vayne.8563 said:Anet is not going to tell you when they next raid is coming out, nor should they. Too much can happen in this industry in too short a time. No reason to build expectations only to later have people call them liars. Not like it hasn't happened already.

we dont want specific dates. just tell us there is somethinganet is in silent mode and it's not good for the game

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@PervMonk.4891 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Anet is not going to tell you when they next raid is coming out, nor should they. Too much can happen in this industry in too short a time. No reason to build expectations only to later have people call them liars. Not like it hasn't happened already.

we dont want specific dates. just tell us there is somethinganet is in silent mode and it's not good for the game

Anet announcing stuff wasn't good for the game either. lol

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@Fawx.9064 said:While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.

That's inacurate information, so many players from the Raiding community have quitted the game following W7. Those people were in the TOP PvE Guilds. Mightyteapot is currently struggling to find Guilds to join the ERP tournament.

Also, Anet should release close to IMPOSSIBLE challenge mode, and nerf them a few months later. THere is nothing wrong with that. WoW does it all the time and it's great. So if you want that challenge mode kill within the first few months you need to be truly dedicated.

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@"Fawx.9064" said:While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.

Actually, to be fair, it's a pretty accurate comment. Just because content is repeatable doesn't mean it sustains it's users.

I mean, do OW players sit back and say "Oh, we can repeat Core GW2 ... we don't need new maps or LS or storyline .... we are happy." OFC not.

@Krzysztof.5973 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Anet is not going to tell you when they next raid is coming out, nor should they. Too much can happen in this industry in too short a time. No reason to build expectations only to later have people call them liars. Not like it hasn't happened already.

Of Course there is a reason to say that there is new content coming. Anet spits in the faces of their most dedicated players. Raiders stick around 9 months for 2 days of content. Same goes for WvW and PvP. People there spend the most time in the game and they're most invested. They do not want to talk with their playerbase. They're afraid of it. And sorry to point that out but somebody who logs in once every 3-4 months is not a valuable player. That's why they should announce that new exciting content is coming. It's for those who spend in game the most to be rewarded. They will stick around and work towards something in-game knowing that something fresh is coming.

Let's not get too sensational here ... the dedicated players (I'm going to assume you mean semi to high frequency players) don't need Anet to come hold their hands with promises of what's coming every 2 months. We have 7 years of experience in this game to have a general understanding of what we will see and what kind of content it will be. In fact, I would say the LESS a player is dedicated, the MORE they demand these updates because they play for very specific interests.

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@Vayne.8563 said:Anet is not going to tell you when they next raid is coming out, nor should they. Too much can happen in this industry in too short a time. No reason to build expectations only to later have people call them liars. Not like it hasn't happened already.

Yet somehow many other games can manage to set up expectations and for alot more than simply a 3 boss wing. From f2p to b2p to sub fee only.

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@PervMonk.4891 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Anet is not going to tell you when they next raid is coming out, nor should they. Too much can happen in this industry in too short a time. No reason to build expectations only to later have people call them liars. Not like it hasn't happened already.

we dont want specific dates. just tell us there is somethinganet is in silent mode and it's not good for the game

I want dates, i believe anet is perfectly capable to provide that, im sure they have them internally like many other studios do. Q timeframes also work.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

Let's not get too sensational here ... the dedicated players (I'm going to assume you mean semi to high frequency players) don't need Anet to come hold their hands with promises of what's coming every 2 months. We have 7 years of experience in this game to have a general understanding of what we will see and what kind of content it will be. In fact, I would say the LESS a player is dedicated, the MORE they demand these updates because they play for very specific interests.

Sorry, but could you elaborate a bit more, because I'm failing to see how this make sense.

I'm a relatively dedicated player as long as there is content, and even when there is no content, I still try to keep myself busy within the game. I however do not spam achievement as this doesn't make much sense to me, and it is not something which I enjoy. But I'm interested in what's about to come next for GW2 PvE content, because right now the game is making me wonder whether or not I should just log into the game everytime they release somethign new, play for 1 to 2 weeks and then stop again while playing again. And in all honesty, this is the last thing which I'd want.

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@"Fawx.9064" said:While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.

Its not even truely repeatable. Anet is so scared of players "farming" raids, they nerfed repeatable rewards - which were low to begin with - into the ground to make it as unattractive as possible to repeat raids more than once a week. So in this context that means, if (and thats still a big if) we get w8 in 9 months, w7 is only 30min * 36 weeks worth of "content". So thats 18 hours. Add 2 hours for progression and maybe 4 hours for CMs, you are at 24 hours.You can artificially (yay, buzzword) stretch the content by doing w7 only with pugs, then you get maybe a hundred hours of frustration out of it. I mean, seriously, how can you fall into the first hole on adina CM three times in a row?

Guess why raids are slowly dieing? 24 hours of content that you have to stretch over 9 months.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Anet is not going to tell you when they next raid is coming out, nor should they. Too much can happen in this industry in too short a time. No reason to build expectations only to later have people call them liars. Not like it hasn't happened already.

Yet somehow many other games can manage to set up expectations and for alot more than simply a 3 boss wing. From f2p to b2p to sub fee only.

Other companies do things differently. In fact, all companies are different. Are you saying every single other company can provide a road map. Guild Wars 2's strength has always been it's weakness. They try a lot of stuff and see what works. That makes it harder to announce stuff.

Piers Anthony, when he writes a book, outlines the entire book beforehand and rarely ever deviates from his plan. He can tell a publisher exactly what's going to happen before he even submits his book. Stephen King has an idea and he excavates it like it's a dinosaur fossil, already there but is has to be dug up. Pretty much is words from the book on writing. He couldn't give you advance knowledge of what he was doing because it's a work in progress all along, and likely to change multiple times.

Anet is an interative company that changes things all the time. That's the weakness...it also happens to be their strength. Every company doesn't work the same way. This company doesn't perform in the way you want it to. Doesn't mean that's better or worse, but it does create a different type of product.

There are many MMOs that give a road map that I'd never play because I don't like either their business plan or I don't like how the games are structured, or the fact that pretty much everything they do is just a carbon copy of something that already exists elsewhere, without a thought process to creativity.

Anet can't do it and it's not the only company that can't. And I'll take that over some companies and their road map. I'm sure there are companies that can provide both options, but don't make it sound like every other game does this...because it's not true.

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@tim.4596 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:

Let's not get too sensational here ... the dedicated players (I'm going to assume you mean semi to high frequency players) don't need Anet to come hold their hands with promises of what's coming every 2 months. We have 7 years of experience in this game to have a general understanding of what we will see and what kind of content it will be. In fact, I would say the LESS a player is dedicated, the MORE they demand these updates because they play for very specific interests.

Sorry, but could you elaborate a bit more, because I'm failing to see how this make sense.

I'm a relatively dedicated player as long as there is content, and even when there is no content, I still try to keep myself busy within the game. I however do not spam achievement as this doesn't make much sense to me, and it is not something which I enjoy. But I'm interested in what's about to come next for GW2 PvE content, because right now the game is making me wonder whether or not I should just log into the game everytime they release somethign new, play for 1 to 2 weeks and then stop again while playing again. And in all honesty, this is the last thing which I'd want.

I'm a dedicated long term player too, but I don't just spam achievements to spam achievements. I spam achievements to get certain skins unlocked, or to get certain tonics unlocked, or to get certain titles I want unlocked. The game is about picking a goal and going for it. If you have no goals, there's no game. It doesn't have to be about spamming achievement points.

The skyscale took me a while to get, and then the legendary trinket came out. I liked the effect with the first legendary trinket so i went for it. Now i'm trying to get enough jobreakers to put a holographic dragon in the Guild Hall..admittedly this is more of a guild effort. You can be a person who doesn't focus on just achievements and still has goals.

The reason the achievement panel is so important in this game is that there's no quest log. It becomes your quest log. These are the things i"m working on.

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@Yasi.9065 said:

@"Fawx.9064" said:While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.

Its not even truely repeatable. Anet is so scared of players "farming" raids, they nerfed repeatable rewards - which were low to begin with - into the ground to make it as unattractive as possible to repeat raids more than once a week. So in this context that means, if (and thats still a big if) we get w8 in 9 months, w7 is only 30min * 36 weeks worth of "content". So thats 18 hours. Add 2 hours for progression and maybe 4 hours for CMs, you are at 24 hours.You can artificially (yay, buzzword) stretch the content by doing w7 only with pugs, then you get maybe a hundred hours of frustration out of it. I mean, seriously, how can you fall into the first hole on adina CM three times in a row?

Guess why raids are slowly dieing? 24 hours of content that you have to stretch over 9 months.

Name me any content in the game that is adding more that 24 hours of content over 9 months if cleared at optimal efficiency. Also, you talk as if w5 was invalidated as soon as wing 6 released, and wing 6 as soon as wing 7. Wing 7 is permanent content. It'll exist until its removed, not until wing 8 comes out.

And don't make me laugh about nerfing repeatable raid rewards. Repeatable rewards never existed. Claiming that a champ bag and 2 bags of gear was "repeatable reward" for raids is laughable. You can't nerf something that was never there.

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@Fawx.9064 said:

@Fawx.9064 said:While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.

Its not even truely repeatable. Anet is so scared of players "farming" raids, they nerfed repeatable rewards - which were low to begin with - into the ground to make it as unattractive as possible to repeat raids more than once a week. So in this context that means, if (and thats still a big if) we get w8 in 9 months, w7 is only 30min * 36 weeks worth of "content". So thats 18 hours. Add 2 hours for progression and maybe 4 hours for CMs, you are at 24 hours.You can artificially (yay, buzzword) stretch the content by doing w7 only with pugs, then you get maybe a hundred hours of frustration out of it. I mean, seriously, how can you fall into the first hole on adina CM three times in a row?

Guess why raids are slowly dieing? 24 hours of content that you have to stretch over 9 months.

Name me any content in the game that is adding more that 24 hours of content over 9 months if cleared at optimal efficiency. Also, you talk as if w5 was invalidated as soon as wing 6 released, and wing 6 as soon as wing 7. Wing 7 is permanent content. It'll exist until its removed, not until wing 8 comes out.

For me personally, W5 becomes invalidated after farming it for 3months straight. It just isn't a challenge anymore. It's pure farm.

And don't make me laugh about nerfing repeatable raid rewards. Repeatable rewards never existed. Claiming that a champ bag and 2 bags of gear was "repeatable reward" for raids is laughable. You can't nerf something that was never there.

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@Fawx.9064 said:Name me any content in the game that is adding more that 24 hours of content over 9 months if cleared at optimal efficiency.

Probably no content does that. However, in my opinion it's better to have 2 hour content every 3 months, than having 10 hour content every 15 months. On average, they are the same, but the first one makes me happy and allows me to continue playing the game, the other one burns me out first, then it bores me. For a free to play game, faster release schedules are always better.

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@tim.4596 said:

@Fawx.9064 said:While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.

Its not even truely repeatable. Anet is so scared of players "farming" raids, they nerfed repeatable rewards - which were low to begin with - into the ground to make it as unattractive as possible to repeat raids more than once a week. So in this context that means, if (and thats still a big if) we get w8 in 9 months, w7 is only 30min * 36 weeks worth of "content". So thats 18 hours. Add 2 hours for progression and maybe 4 hours for CMs, you are at 24 hours.You can artificially (yay, buzzword) stretch the content by doing w7 only with pugs, then you get maybe a hundred hours of frustration out of it. I mean, seriously, how can you fall into the first hole on adina CM three times in a row?

Guess why raids are slowly dieing? 24 hours of content that you have to stretch over 9 months.

Name me any content in the game that is adding more that 24 hours of content over 9 months if cleared at optimal efficiency. Also, you talk as if w5 was invalidated as soon as wing 6 released, and wing 6 as soon as wing 7. Wing 7 is permanent content. It'll exist until its removed, not until wing 8 comes out.

For me personally, W5 becomes invalidated after farming it for 3months straight. It just isn't a challenge anymore. It's pure farm.

And don't make me laugh about nerfing repeatable raid rewards. Repeatable rewards never existed. Claiming that a champ bag and 2 bags of gear was "repeatable reward" for raids is laughable. You can't nerf something that was never there.

I can understand that. I’m a raider myself. My only point is that our community is exaggerating the levels of content that we receive. No area of the game receives more than a few hours of content every few months - and even what most areas do receive - none have the replay ability of raids.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Fawx.9064 said:Name me any content in the game that is adding more that 24 hours of content over 9 months if cleared at optimal efficiency.

Probably no content does that. However, in my opinion it's better to have 2 hour content every 3 months, than having 10 hour content every 15 months. On average, they are the same, but the first one makes me happy and allows me to continue playing the game, the other one burns me out first, then it bores me. For a free to play game, faster release schedules are always better.

I hear what you are saying. I’m the same. I’d much rather have less more often.

That said - I equate a raid wing to about an hour a week, for as long as I want to do it. The time value I place on the content is different to the value you do.

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@Fawx.9064 said:

@Fawx.9064 said:While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.

Its not even truely repeatable. Anet is so scared of players "farming" raids, they nerfed repeatable rewards - which were low to begin with - into the ground to make it as unattractive as possible to repeat raids more than once a week. So in this context that means, if (and thats still a big if) we get w8 in 9 months, w7 is only 30min * 36 weeks worth of "content". So thats 18 hours. Add 2 hours for progression and maybe 4 hours for CMs, you are at 24 hours.You can artificially (yay, buzzword) stretch the content by doing w7 only with pugs, then you get maybe a hundred hours of frustration out of it. I mean, seriously, how can you fall into the first hole on adina CM three times in a row?

Guess why raids are slowly dieing? 24 hours of content that you have to stretch over 9 months.

Name me any content in the game that is adding more that 24 hours of content over 9 months if cleared at optimal efficiency. Also, you talk as if w5 was invalidated as soon as wing 6 released, and wing 6 as soon as wing 7. Wing 7 is permanent content. It'll exist until its removed, not until wing 8 comes out.

And don't make me laugh about nerfing repeatable raid rewards. Repeatable rewards never existed. Claiming that a champ bag and 2 bags of gear was "repeatable reward" for raids is laughable. You can't nerf something that was never there.

For one thing, while it wasnt much before, it was still at least 120% more than it is now. Before it was barely worth spending the time to repeat raids, now its not worth at all anymore, you are now paying for it. Thats imo a big difference. You are now getting punished for repeating raidcontent.

Living Story gets a release every 3 months that contains something to grind for at least 10 hours. Also stays in the game, map, story instance, repeatable hearts and all.

@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Fawx.9064 said:Name me any content in the game that is adding more that 24 hours of content over 9 months if cleared at optimal efficiency.

Probably no content does that. However, in my opinion it's better to have 2 hour content every 3 months, than having 10 hour content every 15 months. On average, they are the same, but the first one makes me happy and allows me to continue playing the game, the other one burns me out first, then it bores me. For a free to play game, faster release schedules are always better.

Neither w6 nor w7 had enough of a challenge to them to burn any raider out. The only wing that had that was w5.

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@PervMonk.4891 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Anet is not going to tell you when they next raid is coming out, nor should they. Too much can happen in this industry in too short a time. No reason to build expectations only to later have people call them liars. Not like it hasn't happened already.

we dont want specific dates. just tell us there is somethinganet is in silent mode and it's not good for the game

So far Anet is unwilling to even say whether there's an expansion in the works. And here we're asking not only about confirmation on some less impactful content, but about a roadmap...Somehow i don't see any sort of info forthcoming.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Anet is not going to tell you when they next raid is coming out, nor should they. Too much can happen in this industry in too short a time. No reason to build expectations only to later have people call them liars. Not like it hasn't happened already.

we dont want specific dates. just tell us there is somethinganet is in silent mode and it's not good for the game

So far Anet is unwilling to even say whether there's an expansion in the works. And here we're asking not only about confirmation on some less impactful content, but about a roadmap...Somehow i don't see any sort of info forthcoming.

Companies offer info on their time schedule, not yours. They said, straight out, that the next episode of the living story is next. My guess is they have features which can be delivered either in an expansion or in the living world and haven't internally decided how they want to deliver it yet.

Seems to me the main difference between LS and an expansion is elite specs, and some special feature like mounts or gliding. If they're going to deliver anything like that during a living world season then it's no different from an expansion. Instead of holding back delivery to package it, they'll release when things are ready. To you whether there's an expansion or not is a plan. Maybe Anet feels (and they've said this) they'd rather deliver features as they're ready than hold them back for an expansion.

The playerbase has expansion on the brain, but it's not necessary if we're getting the same stuff. And since Anet may not have made that decision they might have nothing to say. They said Season 5 is coming next. If they're going to give us elite specs, why does it matter if there's an expansion or not?

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Fawx.9064" said:Name me any content in the game that is adding more that 24 hours of content over 9 months if cleared at optimal efficiency.

Probably no content does that. However, in my opinion it's better to have 2 hour content every 3 months, than having 10 hour content every 15 months. On average, they are the same, but the first one makes me happy and allows me to continue playing the game, the other one burns me out first, then it bores me. For a free to play game, faster release schedules are always better.

Both are necessary because one brings consistent "fast" aditions and the other brings big meaty ones.

Anet does neither because neither the 2 hours of content come out every 3 months nor the 10 hours come out every 15.

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