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Havent played in 10 months. PVP is still in a state of MASH BUTTONS to win.


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I was hoping when there was a culling of jobs they might of gotten rid of the major players in the poor balance of this game, but alas, its still the same. I havent played in 10 months, and started again this weekend. Things are STILL the same.

Overpowered combos, skilless AOE (CC/dmg/condis), classes which for the life of me i don't know why they allow to do what they do (mesmer cough)

The game needs new management, or a new dev team.

The story devs = awesomeThe art team = awesomeThe Balance team = needs replacement, plain and simple, they have not been doing a good job for the last couple... years? 3-4 maybe?

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@Kahrgan.7401 said:I was hoping when there was a culling of jobs they might of gotten rid of the major players in the poor balance of this game, but alas, its still the same. I havent played in 10 months, and started again this weekend. Things are STILL the same.

Overpowered combos, skilless AOE (CC/dmg/condis), classes which for the life of me i don't know why they allow to do what they do (mesmer cough)

The game needs new management, or a new dev team.

The story devs = awesomeThe art team = awesomeThe Balance team = needs replacement, plain and simple, they have not been doing a good job for the last couple... years? 3-4 maybe?


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@Blocki.4931 said:There is actually quite a lot of thought behind skill placement and I don't think somebody who hasn't played the game in almost a year is able to make any judgments about that whatsoever.

@sephiroth.4217 said:The game is balanced, just not around PvP.

People who defend the balance, are part of the problem. Pay no heed to the same people ensuring the death of the game.

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@Kahrgan.7401 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:There is actually quite a lot of thought behind skill placement and I don't think somebody who hasn't played the game in almost a year is able to make any judgments about that whatsoever.

@sephiroth.4217 said:The game is balanced, just not around PvP.

People who defend the balance, are part of the problem. Pay no heed to the same people ensuring the death of the game.

Ok but what does that have to do with my comment?

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:The game is balanced, just not around PvP.

The only area that balance matters is pvp. (and maybe for those that play meter wars)

@sephiroth.4217 said:The game is balanced, just not around PvP.

The only area that balance matters is pvp. (and maybe for those that play meter wars)

That's bullshit. The game is mainly a pve game. PvP is a side thing nobody upstairs really cares about.

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I actually don't think the issue is balance as such. I'll try to elaborate:

We can all agree the expansions brought some powercreep.

  • What does this do in effect?It makes the game more accessible for a greater part of the audience. A dumbing down if you will, so that you don't need to be god tier to win against your hard counters. They even went a great length to remove profession-specific counters entirely.

This means we are no longer playing the game as it was intended, but rather we are relying on powercrept builds to face against eachother with a few dodges sprinkled in between for a feeling of autonomy. This is why it seems it's all about buttonmashing on a point. And you can do that while being successful, make no mistake. But then you are at the mercy of circumstance. Ever wonder why the top 25 seems to be the same players over and over? It's because they actually play the game instead of relying on flavour of the month to get them there, which still is very much possible to do. But it requires effort not many are willing to put into a game.

This is why you see mostly mindless buttonmashing, bad rotations and players who believe this game is all about pure numbers in queues. But rest assured there are better quality players and gameplay in the higher divisions, problem is it's alot harder to get there with a dwindling population - causing many to feel like they got hit by a truck (because such a massive skill gap) instead of being able to slowly see it coming and adjust accordingly in order to improve.

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@rng.1024 said:I actually don't think the issue is balance as such. I'll try to elaborate:

We can all agree the expansions brought some powercreep.

  • What does this do in effect?It makes the game more accessible for a greater part of the audience. A dumbing down if you will, so that you don't need to be god tier to win against your hard counters. They even went a great length to remove profession-specific counters entirely.

This means we are no longer playing the game as it was intended, but rather we are relying on powercrept builds to face against eachother with a few dodges sprinkled in between for a feeling of autonomy This is why it seems it's all about buttonmashing on a point. And you can do that while being successful, make no mistake. But then you are at the mercy of circumstance. Ever wonder why the top 25 seems to be the same players over and over? It's because they actually play the game instead of relying on flavour of the month to get them there, which still is very much possible to do. But it requires effort not many are willing to put into a game.

This is why you see mostly mindless buttonmashing, bad rotations and players who believe this game is all about pure numbers in queues. But rest assured there are better quality players and gameplay in the higher divisions, problem is it's alot harder to get there with a dwindling population - causing many to feel like they got hit by a truck (because such a massive skill gap) instead of being able to slowly see it coming and adjust accordingly in order to improve.

Playing it the way Anet want and taking our freedom of choices away forcing us to go also go Toxic

-If you want to live; join Toxicity-If you want to survive join Toxicity

Toxicity is the way to go


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@Kahrgan.7401 said:I was hoping when there was a culling of jobs they might of gotten rid of the major players in the poor balance of this game, but alas, its still the same. I havent played in 10 months, and started again this weekend. Things are STILL the same.

Yes. PVP is just like it was for years - you need absolutely no skills and no tactics to win. Just take overpowered easy to play class, mash random buttons and win. Average fights against some classes lasts 2 sec or less. And while pvp is THE MOST FUN PART OF THIS GAME, it is still the most broken and neglected part of game. It could be literally made better by simply nerfing all damage and all healing by 70%. It something this simple can improve PVP gameplay, then it should be clear how bad it is.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@rng.1024 said:I actually don't think the issue is balance as such. I'll try to elaborate:

We can all agree the expansions brought some powercreep.
  • What does this do in effect?It makes the game more accessible for a greater part of the audience. A dumbing down if you will, so that you don't need to be god tier to win against your hard counters. They even went a great length to remove profession-specific counters entirely.

This means we are no longer playing the game as it was intended, but rather we are relying on powercrept builds to face against eachother with a few dodges sprinkled in between for a feeling of autonomy
This is why it seems it's all about buttonmashing on a point. And you can do that while being successful, make no mistake. But then you are at the mercy of circumstance. Ever wonder why the top 25 seems to be the same players over and over? It's because they actually play the game instead of relying on flavour of the month to get them there, which still is very much possible to do. But it requires effort not many are willing to put into a game.

This is why you see mostly mindless buttonmashing, bad rotations and players who believe this game is all about pure numbers in queues. But rest assured there are better quality players and gameplay in the higher divisions, problem is it's alot harder to get there with a dwindling population - causing many to feel like they got hit by a truck (because such a massive skill gap) instead of being able to slowly see it coming and adjust accordingly in order to improve.

Playing it the way Anet want and taking our freedom of choices away forcing us to go also go Toxic

-If you want to live; join Toxicity-If you want to survive join Toxicity

Toxicity is the way to go


I agree it's incredibly hard to not let it affect you, but like most things in life it's a choice you make. Just like choosing to improve yourself over flaming teammates when you lose a game, admit you got bested by a better player or still believe in the comeback if you are down 300 points.

Every time I have a losing streak I need to sit down and analyze my games, to see where I, just 1 player, can swing it so that status quo is kept or we gain something. You'd be surprised how much your choices actually matter in whether it's a win or not, even more so when you have teammates who struggle to do the same.

Going toxic over a loss is easy. Winning means less toxicity. So you can either cry about losing and continue on doing it, or you can learn from your mistake and carry the next one. Everyone can carry the game in some way, and everyone can improve their rotational plays. All you have to do is ignore the toxicity, not expect to be god of pvp tomorrow already and put in some effort even if it's a losing game.

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@Amaranthe.3578 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:The game is balanced, just not around PvP.

The only area that balance matters is pvp. (and maybe for those that play meter wars)

@sephiroth.4217 said:The game is balanced, just not around PvP.

The only area that balance matters is pvp. (and maybe for those that play meter wars)

That's kitten. The game is mainly a pve game. PvP is a side thing nobody upstairs really cares about.

A good PvP scene is what keeps a game alive and popular. The only reason Gw2 is still relevant is because of the combat system offering (somewhat) engaging gameplay in PvP or WvW. Theres plenty of MMORPGS that offer way better PvE content than Gw2, but because their combat system is lackluster a lot of us PvP players do not want to bother with it.

If Gw2 would completely lose their PvP community so PvE will be the only played thing, the game would die off because theres other games offering way better PvE.

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@Snellibee.2761 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:The game is balanced, just not around PvP.

The only area that balance matters is pvp. (and maybe for those that play meter wars)

@sephiroth.4217 said:The game is balanced, just not around PvP.

The only area that balance matters is pvp. (and maybe for those that play meter wars)

That's kitten. The game is mainly a pve game. PvP is a side thing nobody upstairs really cares about.

A good PvP scene is what keeps a game alive and popular. The only reason Gw2 is still relevant is because of the combat system offering (somewhat) engaging gameplay in PvP or WvW. Theres plenty of MMORPGS that offer way better PvE content than Gw2, but because their combat system is lackluster a lot of us PvP players do not want to bother with it.

If Gw2 would completely lose their PvP community so PvE will be the only played thing, the game would die off because theres other games offering way better PvE.

Complete and utter bs, I'm sorry. A good pvp scene offers more options but it's not the core of any MMORPG, most certainly not GW2.Let's just look at what ANet tells us through their work. The only thing that actually gets a stream of content is open world and story PvE through LS. Fractals and raids get some content but the cadence is absurd although I can see why releasing new raids/fractals is harder than for most MMOs.Now let's look at PvP, when was the last serious content update for sPvP? when they added stronghold lol. And that didn't even catch on. Since launch basically you're stuck with one game mode, PvP isnt a priority. Same applies to WvW.GW2 caters to casual PvE players who don't want vertical progression/a gear treadmill. That's who the game is for and there are lots of those people. And there are no other big mmorpgs who offer only horizontal progression without a gear treadmill.PvP and WvW is there for you to dabble in on occasion. MMORPGSs in general are a very poor choice for a game that's main focus is PvP, the balance ain't gonna good no matter what you do unless you make all the classes too similar.

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