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Condition Berserker VS Condition Spellbreaker

Regon Phoenix.8215

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Lets start with the obvious:1) Berserker have lots of traits to support condition damage and have utilities to deal condition damage. Berserker looks like an improvement upon core condition builds;2) Spellbreaker have no traits to support condition damage and have no utilities to deal condition damage. Spellbreaker doesn't like it is meant to deal condition damage. In fact, even core warrior seems like a better choice for a condition build.

About two weeks ago i returned to play my bow warrior in PVP. I always wanted to play it, but it never was a good build. Many time i tried to create a build (using berserker elite) for condition bow warrior which would be at least decent. But two weeks ago i tried replacing berserker with spellbreaker.....Here are my findings:1) Spellbreaker deals more condition damage than berserker, because it have way easier access (and arguably better) bow burst skill;2) Spellbreaker have better sustain, because it can easier get off Adrenal Health (defense trait) ticking;3) Spellbreaker have better defense against direct damage and against condition damage (full counter of course);4) Spellbreaker more pressure, because it can peel away defensive boons.

So, what's the point of berserker? It have traits for condition damage, it have utilities for condition damage, but it is still outdone by spellbreaker who have none of those.Why would anyone play Condition Berserker (one of its intended builds), if people can simply play Condition Spellbreaker (who isn't even supposed to be played as condition spec) and perform way better? Why does berserker even exists at this point?

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Because condi berserker has aoe fields and is squishy, while spellbreaker can cast condies on the move and is harder to kill. You mentioned all of those which is quite obvious answer to your question.

If you compared these in pve, spellbreaker wouldn't even get close to zerker. Just because zerker is labeled as condi doesn't mean that it will always be the best condi build on warr. A lot of builds are very situational.

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You know how with Spellbreaker using full counter allow you to recast your f1? Berserker can do that - like 5 times in a row. It's f1 even does more damage as a result, so it seems like it's a build/rotation problem.

For best dps, use longbow in one set and mace/shield in the other, and make sure all your skills are rage skills to keep you in berserk for maximum amount of time and use your f1 as often as possible. No way spellbreaker or core will ever come close to that.

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@steki.1478 said:Because condi berserker has aoe fields and is squishy, while spellbreaker can cast condies on the move and is harder to kill.

Core bow burst offer better AOE field than berserker bow burst.

@steki.1478 said:If you compared these in pve, spellbreaker wouldn't even get close to zerker. Just because zerker is labeled as condi doesn't mean that it will always be the best condi build on warr. A lot of builds are very situational.

That's why i specified that i am talking about PVP.

@rng.1024 said:You know how with Spellbreaker using full counter allow you to recast your f1? Berserker can do that - like 5 times in a row.

Imagination doesn't count. Burst skills have CD and require adrenaline. There is now way you can do 5 burst shots in a row with a bow.

@rng.1024 said:It's f1 even does more damage as a result, so it seems like it's a build/rotation problem.

Scorched Earth (berserker) - 3 stacks of burn for 4 secCombustive shot (by spellbreaker) - 4 stacks of burn for 5 secWhy are you lying, mate?

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@steki.1478 said:Because condi berserker has aoe fields and is squishy, while spellbreaker can cast condies on the move and is harder to kill.

Core bow burst offer better AOE field than berserker bow burst.

@steki.1478 said:If you compared these in pve, spellbreaker wouldn't even get close to zerker. Just because zerker is labeled as condi doesn't mean that it will always be the best condi build on warr. A lot of builds are very situational.

That's why i specified that i am talking about PVP.

@rng.1024 said:You know how with Spellbreaker using full counter allow you to recast your f1? Berserker can do that - like 5 times in a row.

Imagination doesn't count. Burst skills have CD and require adrenaline. There is now way you can do 5 burst shots in a row with a bow.

@rng.1024 said:It's f1 even does more damage as a result, so it seems like it's a build/rotation problem.

Scorched Earth (berserker) - 3 stacks of burn for 4 secCombustive shot (by spellbreaker) - 4 stacks of burn for 5 secWhy are you lying, mate?

You asked why condi berserker exists and the answer is pve.

Considering that none of them are particularly viable in pvp I don't even see the reason to compare them there. First comment in this thread already answered that part.

Chrono was also played as condi and mirage was played as power. Pvp is not just about damage type, it's also about execution as well as defense.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@steki.1478 said:Because condi berserker has aoe fields and is squishy, while spellbreaker can cast condies on the move and is harder to kill.

Core bow burst offer better AOE field than berserker bow burst.

@steki.1478 said:If you compared these in pve, spellbreaker wouldn't even get close to zerker. Just because zerker is labeled as condi doesn't mean that it will always be the best condi build on warr. A lot of builds are very situational.

That's why i specified that i am talking about PVP.

@rng.1024 said:You know how with Spellbreaker using full counter allow you to recast your f1? Berserker can do that - like 5 times in a row.

Imagination doesn't count. Burst skills have CD and require adrenaline. There is now way you can do 5 burst shots in a row with a bow.

@rng.1024 said:It's f1 even does more damage as a result, so it seems like it's a build/rotation problem.

Scorched Earth (berserker) - 3 stacks of burn for 4 secCombustive shot (by spellbreaker) - 4 stacks of burn for 5 secWhy are you lying, mate?

Dude you are comparing one burst skill against another in order to decide viability of a condition build. So what if it does less burn, it has lower cd and higher coefficient, your heal and elite fully recovers adrenaline and mixed with mace primal bursts knocks anything a condition spellbreaker can do out of the park. Berserk mode also passively increases your condition damage by ~20%. It's definitely a build/rotation problem.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:Lets start with the obvious:1) Berserker have lots of traits to support condition damage and have utilities to deal condition damage. Berserker looks like an improvement upon core condition builds;2) Spellbreaker have no traits to support condition damage and have no utilities to deal condition damage. Spellbreaker doesn't like it is meant to deal condition damage. In fact, even core warrior seems like a better choice for a condition build.

About two weeks ago i returned to play my bow warrior in PVP. I always wanted to play it, but it never was a good build. Many time i tried to create a build (using berserker elite) for condition bow warrior which would be at least decent. But two weeks ago i tried replacing berserker with spellbreaker.....Here are my findings:1) Spellbreaker deals more condition damage than berserker, because it have way easier access (and arguably better) bow burst skill;2) Spellbreaker have better sustain, because it can easier get off Adrenal Health (defense trait) ticking;3) Spellbreaker have better defense against direct damage and against condition damage (full counter of course);4) Spellbreaker more pressure, because it can peel away defensive boons.

So, what's the point of berserker? It have traits for condition damage, it have utilities for condition damage, but it is still outdone by spellbreaker who have none of those.Why would anyone play Condition Berserker (one of its intended builds), if people can simply play Condition Spellbreaker (who isn't even supposed to be played as condition spec) and perform way better? Why does berserker even exists at this point?

There is only one reason why you feel good to use condi build as spb, but really trash as berserker --- the amount of time you have to cast burst skill. Some useful trait effects only triggered after successfully cast burst skill.

Now let's ask Anet why they rework berserker, shall we :-1: ?

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@rng.1024 said:Dude you are comparing one burst skill against another in order to decide viability of a condition build. So what if it does less burn, it has lower cd and higher coefficient, your heal and elite fully recovers adrenaline and mixed with mace primal bursts knocks anything a condition spellbreaker can do out of the park. Berserk mode also passively increases your condition damage by ~20%. It's definitely a build/rotation problem.

Good job. You almost got the thing i was talking about right. On paper berserker should offer a better condition build in PVP. All the trats, all utilities, etc. It SHOULD be the case, right? However, in reality it isn't the case. It is counter-intuitive, but nevertheless spellbreaker is still better for condition bow build. It doesn't make sense until you try it and find out that spellbreaker perform way better than berserker. It was bizarre to me as well at first, but that's how it is.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@"rng.1024" said:Dude you are comparing one burst skill against another in order to decide viability of a condition build. So what if it does less burn, it has lower cd and higher coefficient, your heal and elite fully recovers adrenaline and mixed with mace primal bursts knocks anything a condition spellbreaker can do out of the park. Berserk mode also passively increases your condition damage by ~20%. It's definitely a build/rotation problem.

Good job. You almost got the thing i was talking about right. On paper berserker should offer a better condition build in PVP. All the trats, all utilities, etc. It SHOULD be the case, right? However, in reality it isn't the case. It is counter-intuitive, but nevertheless spellbreaker is still better for condition bow build. It doesn't make sense until you try it and find out that spellbreaker perform way better than berserker. It was bizarre to me as well at first, but that's how it is.

Since both elite specs count as a level 1 burst, the Primal Burst is better in every way:

  • More burn
  • Last longer
  • Hits harder
  • Lower cooldown

Spellbreaker has only 1 way to recharge the f1 which is Full Counter, Berserker has both it's heal and it's elite.

For sustain I fully agree Spellbreaker or core wins the day, but not including mace/sword burst and rate plus range of condition application as a factor in your argument just showcases the bias of your opinion - which is just that as it has no basis in facts.

For those interested in checking for themselves, here's the skills (both act as a lvl 1 burst):

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Condi Spellbreaker can reflect Condis on itself to others , making them automatically deadly against Condi Comps coupled with their Resistance gain from FC since they can wade into yur entire Condi cesspool, take little damage from, and inversely dump the whole she-bang onto yu and yur buddies

Obviously this is only workable in PvP.

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@Yasai.3549 said:Condi Spellbreaker can reflect Condis on itself to others , making them automatically deadly against Condi Comps coupled with their Resistance gain from FC since they can wade into yur entire Condi cesspool, take little damage from, and inversely dump the whole she-bang onto yu and yur buddies

Obviously this is only workable in PvP.

Not reflect. Copy. Big difference...

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:Its a very long argument for something thats nullified by asking "whats the point of condi warrior?" first.

Because there is none.

It is fun and it is very viable at low ranks.

I am not here to ruin your fun. SB is better than berserker in PvP for anything. And ya, condi warrior does not work.i am not sure how low in the ranks you are talking. I do not think this is even gold viable.

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@rng.1024 said:

@rng.1024 said:Dude you are comparing one burst skill against another in order to decide viability of a condition build. So what if it does less burn, it has lower cd and higher coefficient, your heal and elite fully recovers adrenaline and mixed with mace primal bursts knocks anything a condition spellbreaker can do out of the park. Berserk mode also passively increases your condition damage by ~20%. It's definitely a build/rotation problem.

Good job. You almost got the thing i was talking about right. On paper berserker should offer a better condition build in PVP. All the trats, all utilities, etc. It SHOULD be the case, right? However, in reality it isn't the case. It is counter-intuitive, but nevertheless spellbreaker is still better for condition bow build. It doesn't make sense until you try it and find out that spellbreaker perform way better than berserker. It was bizarre to me as well at first, but that's how it is.

Since both elite specs count as a level 1 burst, the Primal Burst is better in every way:
  • More burn
  • Last longer
  • Hits harder
  • Lower cooldown

Spellbreaker has only 1 way to recharge the f1 which is Full Counter, Berserker has both it's heal and it's elite.

For sustain I fully agree Spellbreaker or core wins the day, but not including mace/sword burst and rate plus range of condition application as a factor in your argument just showcases the bias of your opinion - which is just that as it has no basis in facts.

For those interested in checking for themselves, here's the skills (both act as a lvl 1 burst):

What? :D :D :D that's not even close to be real.

Lets compare them equally in the same frame of 30 adrenaline

Scorched earth:1 shot3 stacks of burn for 4 secLast for 4 sec (fire field)Narrow radius (140)

Combustive shot:3 shots6 stacks of burn for 5 secLast for 9 sec (fire field)Wide radius (360)

With the same adrenaline spellbreaker can dish out way more damage, maintain fire field way longer and hit way more enemies. Primal burst is demonstrably worse in every single way imaginable.The only advantage berserker have over spellbreaker is in environment when you aren't being attacked and can spam bursts at long rage (but that only applies to pve), but even then beserker mode have 15 sec cooldown, which is far longer than cooldown of spellbreaker's burst cooldown of 8 sec.

"which is just that as it has no basis in facts" a clear case of projection, because you tried to compare scorched earth (30 adrenaline cost) and combustive shot (10 adrenaline cost) and then concluded that the one who cost 3 times more adrenaline is "better". Your argument is not only not based on facts, but it is also not based on reality of this or any other world.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@rng.1024 said:

@rng.1024 said:Dude you are comparing one burst skill against another in order to decide viability of a condition build. So what if it does less burn, it has lower cd and higher coefficient, your heal and elite fully recovers adrenaline and mixed with mace primal bursts knocks anything a condition spellbreaker can do out of the park. Berserk mode also passively increases your condition damage by ~20%. It's definitely a build/rotation problem.

Good job. You almost got the thing i was talking about right. On paper berserker should offer a better condition build in PVP. All the trats, all utilities, etc. It SHOULD be the case, right? However, in reality it isn't the case. It is counter-intuitive, but nevertheless spellbreaker is still better for condition bow build. It doesn't make sense until you try it and find out that spellbreaker perform way better than berserker. It was bizarre to me as well at first, but that's how it is.

Since both elite specs count as a level 1 burst, the Primal Burst is better in every way:
  • More burn
  • Last longer
  • Hits harder
  • Lower cooldown

Spellbreaker has only 1 way to recharge the f1 which is Full Counter, Berserker has both it's heal and it's elite.

For sustain I fully agree Spellbreaker or core wins the day, but not including mace/sword burst and rate plus range of condition application as a factor in your argument just showcases the bias of your opinion - which is just that as it has no basis in facts.

For those interested in checking for themselves, here's the skills (both act as a lvl 1 burst):

What? :D :D :D that's not even close to be real.

Lets compare them equally in the same frame of 30 adrenaline

Scorched earth:1 shot3 stacks of burn for 4 secLast for 4 sec (fire field)Narrow radius (140)

Combustive shot:3 shots6 stacks of burn for 5 secLast for 9 sec (fire field)Wide radius (360)

With the same adrenaline spellbreaker can dish out way more damage, maintain fire field way longer and hit way more enemies. Primal burst is demonstrably worse in every single way imaginable.The only advantage berserker have over spellbreaker is in environment when you aren't being attacked and can spam bursts at long rage (but that only applies to pve), but even then beserker mode have 15 sec cooldown, which is far longer than cooldown of spellbreaker's burst cooldown of 8 sec.

"which is just that as it has no basis in facts" a clear case of projection, because you tried to compare scorched earth (30 adrenaline cost) and combustive shot (10 adrenaline cost) and then concluded that the one who cost 3 times more adrenaline is "better". Your argument is not only not based on facts, but it is also not based on reality of this or any other world.

I stopped reading after you treated Spellbreaker burst as a tier 3 burst. And on top of that you don't realise that when out of Berserk you have access to the exact same t1 burst as Spellbreaker does.

It's okay to want to be right, but wanting alone doesn't necessarily make it so.

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I think the other thing being missed is that SB lacks flaming fury, mh sword berz f1 which stacks a ton of burning.It also lacks torch.It is also missing 33% burn duration.

It also means that you are required to take arms for condi dmg and tactics for the longbow trait. Which means you lose out on discipline.

I could see this for pve, but for PvP it just seems tough. Getting players to stand in fire fields is already hard enough...

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@rng.1024 said:I stopped reading after you treated Spellbreaker burst as a tier 3 burst.

Where? Can't you read? Quote me stating that spellbreaker burst is tier 3 burst. I dare you.

@rng.1024 said:And on top of that you don't realise that when out of Berserk you have access to the exact same t1 burst as Spellbreaker does.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D when was the last time you played berserker?

@rng.1024 said:It's okay to want to be right, but wanting alone doesn't necessarily make it so.

Yeah, you should follow your own advice.

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@Opopanax.1803 said:I think the other thing being missed is that SB lacks flaming fury, mh sword berz f1 which stacks a ton of burning.It also lacks torch.It is also missing 33% burn duration.

It also means that you are required to take arms for condi dmg and tactics for the longbow trait. Which means you lose out on discipline.

I could see this for pve, but for PvP it just seems tough. Getting players to stand in fire fields is already hard enough...

Did you read the original post?The same build, but different elites.Both uses bow.Despite beserker having condition traits and condition supporting utilities, it still under-performs when compared to spellbreaker with the same build and same weapon (bow).Berserker with sword might be better than spellbreaker with sword, but that's not the point of this thread.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@rng.1024 said:I stopped reading after you treated Spellbreaker burst as a tier 3 burst.

Where? Can't you read? Quote me stating that spellbreaker burst is tier 3 burst. I dare you.

@rng.1024 said:And on top of that you don't realise that when out of Berserk you have access to
the exact same
t1 burst as Spellbreaker does.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D when was the last time you played berserker?

@rng.1024 said:It's okay to want to be right, but wanting alone doesn't necessarily make it so.

Yeah, you should follow your own advice.

Alright. You said:"Combustive shot:3 shots6 stacks of burn for 5 secLast for 9 sec (fire field)Wide radius (360)"

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combustive_ShotLet's look at it's tier 1 properties:

  • It's 2 shots (may I remind you the berserk skill has 3)
  • 2 stacks of burn for 5 sec (berserker has 3 stacks for 4 sec)
  • Lasts for 3 sec (fire field, while berserker version lasts for 4 sec)
  • Wide radius (360, since you've been disproven on every point so far I'll let you have that it's smaller, however the berserker skill can still hit 20 more targets)

And also you were right about the regular burst when out of berserker (my bad and ty for calling it out), but the funny thing is that it's irrelevant. Let's check your 30 sec window again.

Berserker:With all rage skills you can easily keep berserk mode up for (giving you benefit of the doubt) 20 seconds.That equals:20/5=4 regular burstsHeal and elite = 2 moreSo 6 bursts in 30 sec.

Spellbreaker:Full Counter can be used twice in 30 sec, so that's = 230/8 = 3 regular burstsSo 5 bursts in 30 sec

Since I already showcased how the berserker burst is better in every way except radius, and it can be used once more in the timeframe even though I am extremely generous leaves no room for your opinion. Let's just forget everything else berserker enhances by the by, on this skill alone berserker still wins.

If you still can't see it fyi, you were listing the t3 effects of Combustive shot - that's how I knew.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@Opopanax.1803 said:I think the other thing being missed is that SB lacks flaming fury, mh sword berz f1 which stacks a ton of burning.It also lacks torch.It is also missing 33% burn duration.

It also means that you are required to take arms for condi dmg and tactics for the longbow trait. Which means you lose out on discipline.

I could see this for pve, but for PvP it just seems tough. Getting players to stand in fire fields is already hard enough...

Did you read the original post?The same build, but different elites.Both uses bow.Despite beserker having condition traits and condition supporting utilities, it still under-performs when compared to spellbreaker with the same build and same weapon (bow).Berserker with sword might be better than spellbreaker with sword, but that's not the point of this thread.

If you aren't using your second weapon set, I don't really know what the point of this build is. Sure, you can use it?

Why are you trying to lock the discussion to only comparing bow use? I thought the point was berzerker vs SB?

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@rng.1024 said:Alright. You said:"Combustive shot:

3 shots (as in 1 shot cost 10 adrenaline, so 30 adrenaline means you can use it 3 times)

6 stacks of burn for 5 secLast for 9 sec (fire field)Wide radius (360)"

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combustive_ShotLet's look at it's tier 1 properties:

  • It's 2 shots (may I remind you the berserk skill has 3)

How in the hell can besserker use it 3 times with only 30 adrenaline? :D :D :D :D

@rng.1024 said:

  • since you've been disproven on every point so far I'll let you have that it's smaller, however the berserker skill can still hit 20 more targets

You haven't even disproved me once and you claimed that berserker can use burst his burst 3 times with 30 adrenaline.......

@rng.1024 said:Since I already showcased how the berserker burst is better in every way except radius, and it can be used once more in the timeframe even though I am extremely generous leaves no room for your opinion. Let's just forget everything else berserker enhances by the by, on this skill alone berserker still wins.

Yeah, by comparing beserker magically using his burst 3 time with only having 30 adrenaline in total against 1 single burst of spellbreaker. Yes, in that, you proved you immeasurable intellect. However, in reality berserker can use his burst one with 30 adrenaline, while spellbreaker can use it 3 times. And 3 spellbreaker bursts are way more powerful that 1 berserker burst. I am sorry that reality doesn't work like your fantasy.

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