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  • ArenaNet Staff

Being that the notes have gone out early and the theorycraft is in full swing, I want to add one additional note on Preparations.This ability type still carries similar functionality to other abilities that have arm-times. For preparations, the cast time is 1/2 second and the arm time is set at 3 seconds, with the activation being instant for non-damaging ones and 1/4 second for the damaging ones.These abilities have a few unique aspects to them. We're looking forward to seeing the builds and gameplay that you come up with!

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Patrick.2987 said:Why on earth would you make core necro faceroll aswell instead of nerfing the kitten out the especs? Something like removing torment on scourge f1-f4 and pulsing quickness on reaper etc. are broken. No need to make core the same broken level. Nerf everything finally to make the game at least a bit interesting.

Lmao seriously? If u were expecting a large significant nerf blanket effecting all classes than maybe but with reapers already low mobility nerfing reapers quickness pulse would wreck reaper making it a sitting duck and would significantly lower its dps. Why not just ask them to delete it? Cores already considered weak compared to most classes and u want its especs lowered to its level instead of it brought up to the especs level? Wow lmao. Scourge is a prob in wvw though but that's not so much cuz their OP as it is with how their mechanics function in wvw that makes them a issue.

Reaper was fine before a lot of buffs like 100%quickness in shroud. Just because other specs are even stronger does not make it need buffs. The problem with all the cd reductions and power creep is more mindless spam, because cds are back up fast. Game was actually decent when u had to use ur 50cd stab to get a safe stomp, put poison on players which are up to heal themselves or interrupt keyskills to bait dodges. Now it is massive heal vs massive damage and everything spams cc all over the place. Fun to play fun to watch.

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@Karl McLain.5604 said:Being that the notes have gone out early and the theorycraft is in full swing, I want to add one additional note on Preparations.This ability type still carries similar functionality to other abilities that have arm-times. For preparations, the arm time is set at 3 seconds, with the activation being instant for non-damaging ones and 1/4 second for the damaging ones.These abilities have a few unique aspects to them. We're looking forward to seeing the builds and gameplay that you come up with!


Just to make sure I understand; Would it take me 3 seconds to place the preparation (as in, be rooted in place) and it's ready to be activated after that or do I place it instantly but can move away and I just can't activate it until 3 seconds have passed?

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@Patrick.2987 said:

@Patrick.2987 said:Why on earth would you make core necro faceroll aswell instead of nerfing the kitten out the especs? Something like removing torment on scourge f1-f4 and pulsing quickness on reaper etc. are broken. No need to make core the same broken level. Nerf everything finally to make the game at least a bit interesting.

Lmao seriously? If u were expecting a large significant nerf blanket effecting all classes than maybe but with reapers already low mobility nerfing reapers quickness pulse would wreck reaper making it a sitting duck and would significantly lower its dps. Why not just ask them to delete it? Cores already considered weak compared to most classes and u want its especs lowered to its level instead of it brought up to the especs level? Wow lmao. Scourge is a prob in wvw though but that's not so much cuz their OP as it is with how their mechanics function in wvw that makes them a issue.

Reaper was fine before a lot of buffs like 100%quickness in shroud. Just because other specs are even stronger does not make it need buffs. The problem with all the cd reductions and power creep is more mindless spam, because cds are back up fast. Game was actually decent when u had to use ur 50cd stab to get a safe stomp, put poison on players which are up to heal themselves or interrupt keyskills to bait dodges. Now it is massive heal vs massive damage and everything spams cc all over the place. Fun to play fun to watch.

Its was fine than got nerfed to meme spec then got some nice things to take it outa meme status and u want it back in? Sounds like ur a core player hating on their own espec lmao

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I'm pretty psyched for Thief portals, but my enthusiasm will be greatly dimmed if they are like the Scourge tunnels I gave up on early. To wit, short range and won't let you go anywhere you can't just walk to. (Maybe that got fixed later, I never bothered to try again).

"No valid path to target" makes a teleporting utility pretty useless.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Karl McLain.5604 said:Being that the notes have gone out early and the theorycraft is in full swing, I want to add one additional note on Preparations.This ability type still carries similar functionality to other abilities that have arm-times. For preparations, the arm time is set at 3 seconds, with the activation being instant for non-damaging ones and 1/4 second for the damaging ones.These abilities have a few unique aspects to them. We're looking forward to seeing the builds and gameplay that you come up with!


Just to make sure I understand; Would it take me 3 seconds to place the preparation (as in, be rooted in place) and it's ready to be activated after that
do I place it instantly but can move away and I just can't activate it until 3 seconds have passed?

It's a fairly quick 1/2 second cast. I'll look to edit the post and incorporate this info.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@Dadnir.5038 said:While I'm fine with most professions change, I think that this thief's shadow art rework is the worst thing that could happen to thief. It's litteraly promoting the toxic gameplay that generate complaints about thiefs over and over. It's beyond dumb to push stealth attack power even further when their level of power is already an issue in itself. This change is bound to create issues.

None of the meta thief builds use the Shadow Arts traitline so they’d be forced to drop a traitline to take SA, meaning they’d be forced to lose out on damage or utility

Meta is bound to change every patch, more toxicity in a reworked traitline is bound to drop toxicity in the game.

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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


  • Soul Eater: This trait no longer heals while shroud life force replaces health.

So basically it heals no more in competitive modes: Axe is not a melee weapon and Greatsword is really easy to kite and interrupt. At least restore the previous 200 healing at second wielding a greatsword. This is only a nerf.


  • The following skills have been removed: Needle Trap, Tripwire, Shadow Trap, Ambush.
  • Traps (Skill Category): This category has been replaced by a new skill category: Preparations.
    • Preparations will function in a similar fashion to trap abilities, but they will not fire unless the thief chooses to trigger them. Each preparation will have a radius of 240 and will produce a variety of results, including the introduction of a portal-type utility that can ferry allies to a location.
  • Prepare Pitfall: This new skill will mark your current area with controlling magic, readying the location to crush enemies when released.
  • Pitfall: This new skill will unleash your pitfall on an area, knocking down foes and delivering constant damage over time.
  • Prepare Thousand Needles: This new skill will mark your current area with inhibiting magic, readying the location to poison enemies.
  • Thousand Needles: This new skill will unleash a hail of needles that immobilizes enemies on impact and repeatedly strikes foes over a short period of time.
  • Prepare Seal Area: This new skill will mark your current area with stifling magic, readying the location to seal enemies in.
  • Seal Area: This new skill will seal your marked area, blocking projectiles and preventing enemies from entering or leaving.
  • Prepare Shadow Portal: This new skill will mark your current location with shadow magic.
  • Shadow Portal: This new skill will unleash the shadow magic at your prepared location, creating a one-way portal that you and your allies can take. Allies traveling through the portal will be granted stealth, and foes around the portal's exit will be weakened. This skill is split between game modes, allowing 5 allies through in PvE and WvW, while only allowing one ally through in PvP.

1) I don't get the sense of the new "fake traps" or as you call them "Preparations skills": you continue talk about magic (controlling magic, inhibiting magic, stifling magic, shadow magic).. thief is an adventurer profession, not a mage. Thief have to use trap, not magic!

  • Deadly Arts: This line has had some traits reworked due to the removal of Traps as a skill category. Preparations will not be receiving a trait at this time and will instead be balanced as though they are traited already.
    • Adept
      • Dagger Training: This trait no longer inflicts poison on dagger attacks.
      • Trapper's Respite: This trait has been reworked and renamed Deadly Ambition.
      • Deadly Ambition: Inflict 2 stacks of poison for 3 seconds when striking a foe, with an internal cooldown of 3 seconds in PvE, 5 seconds in PvP. Gain +120 condition damage when this trait is equipped.
    • Master
      • Deadly Trapper: This trait has been reworked and renamed Even the Odds.
      • Even the Odds: Inflict 5 stacks of vulnerability for 10 seconds on targets you steal from. Gain 5 stacks of might for 10 seconds when you hit an enemy with a stealth attack.

2) Dagger training+Deadly Ambition is a huge nerf for condi daredevil builds.. I can't understand the sense of the new Deadly Ambition trait: 3 stack of poison (thanks to Potent Poison) every 3 or 5 second? And how we can use it to kill something? With the actual Dagger training I can stack in 3 seconds 6-10 stack of poison.. with the new Deadly Ambition only 3!!

"The ambition" to kill someone will always remain only an ambition! :'( That's the reason of the trait name

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@Karl McLain.5604 said:> These abilities have a few unique aspects to them. We're looking forward to seeing the builds and gameplay that you come up with!

I'm sorry but if this comes off as blunt but this right here shows how out of touch you are with the player base, and frankly I find it rather insulting as a long time player to be viewed as some kind of twisted entertainment for this team. Between here and Reddit there are hundreds of people posting how they are sick and tired of reworking their characters to suit every cock and bull idea that gets tossed at us, without any interaction whatsoever. Having to spend countless hours reworking gear and spending gold hand over fist because someone decides it would be great fun to mix things up. I swear it just seems like you work in your own little world with no regard to your own player base, it's been a horrible trend that seriously needs to come to an end. You want a whole new design then pour that effort into creating new elites, templates or classes and stop tormenting people who just want to log in and enjoy the characters they've worked very hard at perfecting over a long period of time and let them enjoy playing what they love.Something the devs need to keep in mind, the premise of this game is that it is horizontal progression but every time they throw some crazy reformat of classes we are pretty much stuck chasing new gear, replacing weapons, changing stats even changing classes that we've worked hard to gear and master etc. How much does that differ from having to push to the next tier of gear in game like WoW?

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@Vlad Morbius.1759 said:

@Karl McLain.5604 said:> These abilities have a few unique aspects to them. We're looking forward to seeing the builds and gameplay that you come up with!

I'm sorry but if this comes off as blunt but this right here shows how out of touch you are with the player base, and frankly I find it rather insulting as a long time player to be viewed as some kind of twisted entertainment for this team. Between here and Reddit there are hundreds of people posting how they are sick and tired of reworking their characters to suit every kitten and bull idea that gets tossed at us, without any interaction whatsoever. Having to spend countless hours reworking gear and spending gold hand over fist because someone decides it would be great fun to mix things up. I swear it just seems like you work in your own little world with no regard to your own player base, it's been a horrible trend that seriously needs to come to an end. You want a whole new design then pour that effort into creating new elites, templates or classes and stop tormenting people who just want to log in and enjoy the characters they've worked very hard at perfecting over a long period of time and let them enjoy playing what they love.

Are you against improvements or change? Because it sounds like you just hate change. And that's not a healthy way to think.

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March 27, 2018 Patch Notes:

  • Net Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented players from being able to fire this skill at targets behind them.

July 11, 2019 Upcoming Patch Notes:

  • Net Shot: Fixed a bug that could allow this skill to be fired backward.

Any reason why the later note is considering the first one a bug?? Also why reverse this?

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@Vegeta.2563 said:

March 27, 2018 Patch Notes:

  • Net Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented players from being able to fire this skill at targets behind them.

July 11, 2019 Upcoming Patch Notes:

  • Net Shot: Fixed a bug that could allow this skill to be fired backward.

Any reason why the later note is considering the first one a bug?? Also why reverse this?

It's just that good-old-fashioned rotation... modify something here, something there, then put it back with different meanings... just to look like you are doing something, anything, to appear active and listening.

I am just doing my PvP dailies for the past 3 years. This is my feedback.

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@Dirame.8521 said:

@Karl McLain.5604 said:> These abilities have a few unique aspects to them. We're looking forward to seeing the builds and gameplay that you come up with!

I'm sorry but if this comes off as blunt but this right here shows how out of touch you are with the player base, and frankly I find it rather insulting as a long time player to be viewed as some kind of twisted entertainment for this team. Between here and Reddit there are hundreds of people posting how they are sick and tired of reworking their characters to suit every kitten and bull idea that gets tossed at us, without any interaction whatsoever. Having to spend countless hours reworking gear and spending gold hand over fist because someone decides it would be great fun to mix things up. I swear it just seems like you work in your own little world with no regard to your own player base, it's been a horrible trend that seriously needs to come to an end. You want a whole new design then pour that effort into creating new elites, templates or classes and stop tormenting people who just want to log in and enjoy the characters they've worked very hard at perfecting over a long period of time and let them enjoy playing what they love.

Are you against improvements or change? Because it sounds like you just hate change. And that's not a healthy way to think.

It's not about being against change. It's about being against BAD change. Change without rhyme or reason is bad change.

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@Trollocks.5084 said:

@Karl McLain.5604 said:> These abilities have a few unique aspects to them. We're looking forward to seeing the builds and gameplay that you come up with!

I'm sorry but if this comes off as blunt but this right here shows how out of touch you are with the player base, and frankly I find it rather insulting as a long time player to be viewed as some kind of twisted entertainment for this team. Between here and Reddit there are hundreds of people posting how they are sick and tired of reworking their characters to suit every kitten and bull idea that gets tossed at us, without any interaction whatsoever. Having to spend countless hours reworking gear and spending gold hand over fist because someone decides it would be great fun to mix things up. I swear it just seems like you work in your own little world with no regard to your own player base, it's been a horrible trend that seriously needs to come to an end. You want a whole new design then pour that effort into creating new elites, templates or classes and stop tormenting people who just want to log in and enjoy the characters they've worked very hard at perfecting over a long period of time and let them enjoy playing what they love.

Are you against improvements or change? Because it sounds like you just hate change. And that's not a healthy way to think.

It's not about being against change. It's about being against BAD change. Change without rhyme or reason is bad change.


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Chronomancer: At this point I am thankful I didn't stay too invested in playing my chronomancer after the first couple years post HoT. They have been hammered with change after change after change for nearly 2 years now. I doubt I will ever try to go back to playing one with this kind of history. When the Chrono was released there was a sense of identity and fun in play style. Over the last two years though it has been tossed back and forth with seemingly no care or perhaps simply no idea what in the world a Chronomancer is supposed to be.

Scrapper: I had finally pulled together a couple decent scrapper builds and have been playing it in PvE for the last few months and now this. I will look things over again once the release is live, but I don't see how this leaves anything for a scrapper healer or a scrapper juggernaut (Not meta, I know, but hey I liked it). IMHO the biggest hit here is the -300 Vit. At first glance this looks like a similar tradeoff as found in Warrior Berserker, except it isn't. At least with the Berserker there is a trait that allows that loss of toughness to be recovered, but here there is no way to recover that lost vitality with other traits.

Holosmith: yep, its already been said lots, but the loss of tool belt skills for a length of time is just crushing. Especially since it punishes the same play style diversity that they originally gave the holosmith in allowing an overload trait build.

Soulbeast: I knew this was coming. Too many people whining about PvP and WvW SB for it not to happen. I'm glad they were at least kinda gentle here, but I don't really expect it to last.

Druid: really? really? The only spec hammered harder and longer than druid is chrono! How was this even necessary.

Guardian: Retaliation & Ferocity. Again, enough people have been grumping about this that it is not surprising, but I think it is misplaced. Losing the 100 ferocity with the shift to zeal also seems pointless on a class that doesn't dish out top tier dps.

Revenant: going to have to withhold comment here until I play it. It looks like Unyeilding anguish and Embrace the darkness are going to end up serious net losses, but I personally can't tell for certain yet.

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I donno did u guys think it was a new team or somthin? Wasnt this all to be expected?Arent we all used to this ride? Lol-why this change?-why that change?-why kill this build?-why nerd this?-why nerd that?-why wasnt this nerfed?-why is this still useless?-who asked for these changes?-these changes make no sense-why reduce build deversity?EtcEtc

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So here are some numbers you can calculate for PVE - Power Holosmiths:Laser's Edge medium additive dps increase was 11,25% before this patch when you took the Blast module trait.If you assume 10 conditions on your target and assume1): Lasers Edge scales and descales linear and completely continously: You have a medium increase of 0,25% Damage by that trait, but you loose sth like 0,5 - 1k at least from losing Toolbelt Access during Overheating2): Lasers Edge stays at an 15% dps multiplicative increase after you have overheated , meaning you have the exact same same additive uptime as before, but about 4% more dps than the patch before. That way you may just be able to stay somewhat at the exact same dps numbers than before.

This basically means that your burst is gonna be sth. like 8,5% higher than before, but your average DPS will be lower in general or maybe just where we were before ( which is unlikely in my opinion).

There are other possibilities, like more thresholds etc. , but for a class that takes such a high risk to play and is kinda complicated to play AND already scales on the lower end of PVE Dps - Options, why would you think that is a reasonable change? Please Anet give us the Laser's Edge Change, but do not completely forces us out of toolbelts for the entirety of our cooldown.

And I did not even begin to talk about PvP yet, is losing half your HP not enough Penalty? Make it so toolbelts have a few seconds cooldown when overheating. I think that is more than enough.

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@Karl McLain.5604 Sorry to disturb but does the balance team have any plans on when the next balance patch will be (after this oncoming balance patch)? The patch cadence used to be quarterly (once every 3 months) but then it was sped up to every 4-6 weeks a year ago and now we had another close to 3 months between major balance patches. Just having a general idea would be helpful for people who do dps testing and guides as knowing about how long the current status lasts helps at planning stuff. (As Kitty's been thinking about restarting Kittymarks to test and publish numbers of all kinds of builds again if the BP frequency is slowed down again.)

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