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@Suraci.1642 said:

  • Soul Eater: This trait no longer heals while shroud life force replaces health.Excuse you Anet, I dont think you put much thought on this one, reaper uses shroud as a mean to survive when their red life ran out, allowing being healed while in shroud will help the reaper to get back into the fight, mind you that you cant be healed by allies like druid and fb while in shroud, so if you are low on health and then enter shroud ((((((cant be healed by any means except the tiny vampiric traits that heal like 300 health but noone would even run them on dps build)))))), you then exit shroud with the low health stay the same,
    get smashed
    , I believe you got this backwards anet, here is how you do it right: Remove heal when not in shroud and allowing heal while in shroud. As for the concept of a soul eater, the reaper enters a demonic form that continuously ripping life from nearby foes just so much better, how can you eat someones soul when you are in normal form like a puny human or a cutie charr??????Exactly, hope some one reads this. They removed the GS trait and gave this, now they nerf it, maybe just maybe add 20% leach life on GS so it has some kind of weapon trait. Reaper should use GS but it is so hard to go in melee out of shroud, give it the option to be useful. Wasn't the whole point of reaper to be scary and slow and do a lot of damage in close range, so you should be really careful in melee with it, not bum rush it and win. No healing shroud ok, then give some Big life leech on hitting with GS it is slow and hard to do and with the cast times of 1 1/4 , 1 second it is easy to dodge, give reaper some outplay potential, you know some back and fourth. It is a melee speck that can't melee that well and GS needs some love.

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@"Vegeta.2563" said:

March 27, 2018 Patch Notes:

  • Net Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented players from being able to fire this skill at targets behind them.

July 11, 2019 Upcoming Patch Notes:

  • Net Shot: Fixed a bug that could allow this skill to be fired backward.

Any reason why the later note is considering the first one a bug?? Also why reverse this?

That's easy. Throughout the game history, devs have yo-yo'ed engis around constantly, sometimes even mistating things about the profession, what they felt made certain things OP, etc. The mere fact they initially thought the fact you couldn't shoot net shot backwards as a bug then now claim that shooting it backwards IS a bug is minor, but telling. They call it "Overload" instead of "Overheat" - minor, yes, but still a bit telling. They now claim they want to make scrapper a more melee tank but then take away things that would allow that and give nothing really in return to accomplish that. Utility belt skills are an essential part of engi skills - utilities and elites are supposedly balanced around having both. Now, they will take it away from holo's who use a fairly high risk grandmaster trait and the elite belt from scrappers. I feel like one of the reasons why engi is played so little is because they keep tossing around the purpose and functions of everything to the point where engi has a complete mess of utilities and traits. They finally reworked gyros - good. How about a rework of turrets (Which are mostly useless in the vast majority of situations now) and gadgets (also a total mess)?

I don't think the scrapper changes will kill scrapper. But the changes definitely don't seem to fall in line with what the stated purpose is. It seems to me more like they started reading forum and reddit posts about dps gankers QQing about them not being able to spam-kill a support scrapper, went to nerf it, and then thought "Now, how can we try to make this sound like a rework and not just a blanket nerf?" Ironically, this may make Scrapper even more OP in WvW raid play. Why? Because the main counter to AoE stealth for a while has been Detection Pulse. With that gone, Veil and Sneak Gyro spam will have very very few counters that can compete. But, I hardly doubt the balance devs gave a single thought about this or WvW raid play in general.

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The only game modes that reaper has "too much survivability is open world PvE and WvW. And that's mainly due to the healing gained from cleaving 5 targets or abusing a bug that allows you to heal off ambient creatures.

Necro has the worst survivability in the game and relies heavily on supports and terrain to be anything, but a "free kill".

There should be more ways for Necro to heal while in shroud. Otherwise shroud just becomes a way to delay necros very abrupt death.

Head over to the Necro forums to see my post on why healing in shroud is not over powered, but actually necessary to Necro gameplay.


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Finally my joking around about a thief portal dream has been recognized. However if I am reading this right the damage reduction buff that we had passive while stealthed has been removed as a trait passively but reintroduced as a master trait when revealed. I guess that is fair enough since there was no protection the moment they spam reveals with every device, watchtower, and sentry plus class skills that do it too. I still can't believe the portal and no ones really up in salty tears over it.

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Seriously? That Soul Eater nerf was entirely not needed! Each class has a mechanic to cope with damage mitigation, from blocks to invulnerability and stealth while at the same time having very powerful heals. You have been saying that necromancer's defense mechanism is the shroud. But something you can't seem to understand is this: when Reaper/Necro goes into Shroud with low health, barring some traits what would hamper your dps, you would come out with low health. Anet, you have made great strides towards having Reaper's Shroud as an offensive tool as well, where it easily is our best damage dealer. But now you made life much harder for dps builds to maintain their Scholar Runes so in essence this can be a potential nerf to our dps as we either have to wait to get healed or just go in Shroud with less than 90%.

But in short: what's the point of having a defense mechanism that leaves you right were you where?AT THE VERY LEAST, if you insist on removing the healing aspect, increase the damage to 20%.

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@Auburok.4518 said:

@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

  • Overload: Overloading now disables all toolbelt skills for its duration.

You want to know this decision is poorly thought out? This entire trait (Photonic Blasting Module):
- Depends on overheating, and now half of a holosmith's options are cut off. This is really disappointing.

Is this referring to overheating, what is overloading on holo?

There is no "overloading", just overheating.

Yes, but just like how some skills refer to "Healing Power" as just plain "Healing" they called Overheat "Overload" in this situation.

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Disclaimer: I'm speaking as a PvEr who uses a power reaper main. I don't PvP, rarely WvW (but with another class), and have never raided.

As other have stated, the Soul Eater nerf is completely unwarranted, unjustified, and unasked for. Who in their right fucking mind actually said "You know, Reaper is a bit TOO survivable in PvE"? Really? What the heck!

If this nerf goes through in PvE, the so-called "Balance Team" will be killing my main character, making her pretty much useless to play as she is right now. When that happens (Hopefully something will change), then Anet leaves me no choice but to stop spending money on this game, and start spending it somewhere else. I know my just under $3,000 contribution to this game is just a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things, but that's seriously how I feel right now.

I know I'm sounding melodramatic, but I'm quite serious. This nerf the Balance Team is proposing will be costing Anet money.

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@"Endless Soul.5178" said:Disclaimer: I'm speaking as a PvEr who uses a power reaper main. I don't PvP, rarely WvW (but with another class), and have never raided.

As other have stated, the Soul Eater nerf is completely unwarranted, unjustified, and unasked for. Who in their right kitten mind actually said "You know, Reaper is a bit TOO survivable in PvE"? Really? What the heck!

If this nerf goes through in PvE, the so-called "Balance Team" will be killing my main character, making her pretty much useless to play as she is right now. When that happens (Hopefully something will change), then Anet leaves me no choice but to stop spending money on this game, and start spending it somewhere else. I know my just under $3,000 contribution to this game is just a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things, but that's seriously how I feel right now.

I know I'm sounding melodramatic, but I'm quite serious. This nerf the Balance Team is proposing will be costing Anet money.

Unfortunately them changing there mind is basically unheard of, there's more chance that in 3 months if a lot of people complain about reapers garbage sustain they may improve it in another way and that's a big MAY.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Endless Soul.5178" said:
I'm speaking as a PvEr who uses a power reaper main. I don't PvP, rarely WvW (but with another class), and have never raided.

As other have stated, the
Soul Eater
nerf is completely unwarranted, unjustified, and unasked for. Who in their right kitten mind actually said "You know, Reaper is a bit
survivable in PvE"? Really? What the heck!

If this nerf goes through in PvE, the so-called "Balance Team" will be killing my main character, making her pretty much useless to play as she is right now. When that happens (Hopefully something will change), then Anet leaves me no choice but to stop spending money on this game, and start spending it somewhere else. I know my just under $3,000 contribution to this game is just a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things, but that's seriously how I feel right now.

I know I'm sounding melodramatic, but I'm quite serious. This nerf the Balance Team is proposing will be costing Anet money.

Unfortunately them changing there mind is basically unheard of, there's more chance that in 3 months if a lot of people complain about reapers garbage sustain they may improve it in another way and that's a big MAY.

Yeah, so I've heard. I'm really not expecting anything to change, but I still felt that I needed to add my voice, you know?

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@Endless Soul.5178 said:

I'm speaking as a PvEr who uses a power reaper main. I don't PvP, rarely WvW (but with another class), and have never raided.

As other have stated, the
Soul Eater
nerf is completely unwarranted, unjustified, and unasked for. Who in their right kitten mind actually said "You know, Reaper is a bit
survivable in PvE"? Really? What the heck!

If this nerf goes through in PvE, the so-called "Balance Team" will be killing my main character, making her pretty much useless to play as she is right now. When that happens (Hopefully something will change), then Anet leaves me no choice but to stop spending money on this game, and start spending it somewhere else. I know my just under $3,000 contribution to this game is just a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things, but that's seriously how I feel right now.

I know I'm sounding melodramatic, but I'm quite serious. This nerf the Balance Team is proposing will be costing Anet money.

Unfortunately them changing there mind is basically unheard of, there's more chance that in 3 months if a lot of people complain about reapers garbage sustain they may improve it in another way and that's a big MAY.

Yeah, so I've heard. I'm really not expecting anything to change, but I still felt that I needed to add my voice, you know?

I hear ya! Lol

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The problem is once again, the balance team ignores the players suggestions who are actually good at their class. They should look at comments posted coming from people who are/have been in top 100 LB in the past. The difference in matches between someone who sits Plat II-III and someone who sits in Gold I is so massive that the meta is practically completely different at those levels. And then MATs add a whole new level of complexity on top of that.

So when someone at that level posts a suggestion about their class, what does balance team do? They Ignore it, and try to find a solution that also panders to the lower elo. Problem is, people at lower elo don't actually experience balance problems they experience phantom issues caused by their mistakes in play.

Result: Another bad balance patch with way, WAY too many dartboard changes.

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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" , I think you guys either do not understand what trade's are or just throw it a publicity stunt. I will use an example of trade off that makes sense. Core Guardian and FB. Virtues for core guardian are instantaneous. FB tomes require casting and take over weapons bar, but are much stronger. This is a trade-off. An example of a trade-offs that do not work is warrior all three, core, berserker and SB. SB is superior in PvP and most PvE content, the end. There are no trade-offs, cuz neither core or berserker have the sustain to be effective in PvP. SB out dpses them in long PvE engagements. Berserker has higher burst, but is not enough to stand out in any form over SB.

Just cuz there are different skills between elite and core that does not mean there are trade-offs. There must be a clear cut advantage for using the different functionality. If one is superior then the whole trade-offs does not work. And note, this cannot be measured on skill basis. You have to look on the builds available as a whole.

Also, you guys are throwing some really weird explanations in patches, that if I take literally, I can only conclude a major lack of understanding of either how builds are designed or how they function. Like, Scrapper as a tank. As compared to what before? It was always a tank.. Or Reaper has high survivability?! Really?! Did someone think: "look a possible second life pool," and thought the Reaper is survivable? I am serious, cuz no one played the class in PvP for more than 10 games thinks that Reaper is remotely survivable. Did you measure it by soloing a champion in PvE?! I am not sure... Whats next? Someone is going to conclude that thief is tank cuz of the traits that heals 20% on critic and nerf their mobility?!

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@otto.5684 said:@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" , I think you guys either do not understand what trade's are or just throw it a publicity stunt. I will use an example of trade off that makes sense. Core Guardian and FB. Virtues for core guardian are instantaneous. FB tomes require casting and take over weapons bar, but are much stronger. This is a trade-off. An example of a trade-offs that do not work is warrior all three, core, berserker and SB. SB is superior in PvP and most PvE content, the end. There are no trade-offs, cuz neither core or berserker have the sustain to be effective in PvP. SB out dpses them in long PvE engagements. Berserker has higher burst, but is not enough to stand out in any form over SB.

Just cuz there are different skills between elite and core that does not mean there are trade-offs. There must be a clear cut advantage for using the different functionality. If one is superior then the whole trade-offs does not work. And note, this cannot be measured on skill basis. You have to look on the builds available as a whole.

Also, you guys are throwing some really weird explanations in patches, that if I take literally, I can only conclude a major lack of understanding of either how builds are designed or how they function. Like, Scrapper as a tank. As compared to what before? It was always a tank.. Or Reaper has high survivability?! Really?! Did someone think: "look a possible second life pool," and thought the Reaper is survivable? I am serious, cuz no one played the class in PvP for more than 10 games thinks that Reaper is remotely survivable. Did you measure it by soloing a champion in PvE?! I am not sure... Whats next? Someone is going to conclude that thief is tank cuz of the traits that heals 20% on critic and nerf their mobility?!

Well u did it now :( next patch thief getting mobility nerf, thieves gonna be so mad at u lol

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@Xervite.5493 said:Glad that SB got nerfed, sadly that weakness spam still in play oh well

Yes, sadly. Let's nerf that aswell. What's the next ranger defense mechanism on the chopping block? It doesn't have hard invulns or blinks/teleports, so it would have to be to chop every leap into half their range to cut some of that spicy mobility.

Oh, I forgot. They removed the evade from the druid staff too. But a person happy about guardian buffs certainly don't care about druid falling further and further behind the bloated firebrand as a support in competetive modes.

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  1. U cant leave CI mirage like that - to strong
  2. Warrior needs to be toned down, instead of getting a buff. 25% to 50% dmg reduction seems like a big buff to me
  3. Holo is overperforming - needs nerf
  4. Thief changes seems interesting, but daredevil still needs buff, 600 range on swipe is something that thief cant stay with
  5. Chrono in wvw zerg plays seems dead to me now, im not sure how it can spawn any clone against enemy zerg/blob
  6. Fb is to good in its role, that other supports has no right to be. Stability and aegis spam is what makes it that good. cut fb acces to boons or give other supports more stability
  7. Duo of fb+ scourge needs to be toned down - other specs dont need more power creep
  8. Good nerfs on rev and soulbeast, im curious how condi revenant will be performing now

my few thoughts

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WHY WHY WHY - WHY TOUCH Ancestral Grace????? - lets face it - staff has no dmg in wvw none! - at least we got 5 skill and 3 that we can kite or help others why take it away from us - when you got tone of aoe cc classes around??? you will just force us to play safe and leave team fights now! - thief got a shadow step - mes got a blink?? i dont get who cried of unbalance for a staff 3 on druid???? fine you wanna take staff 3??? at least give us some evade backward? or dmg on staff 1 skill!!! or staff will be RIP - its bk to gs to everyone or even worse forever kite - sword! - very very disappointing!

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@Zenor.2097 said:So here are some numbers you can calculate for PVE - Power Holosmiths:Laser's Edge medium additive dps increase was 11,25% before this patch when you took the Blast module trait.If you assume 10 conditions on your target and assume1): Lasers Edge scales and descales linear and completely continously: You have a medium increase of 0,25% Damage by that trait, but you loose sth like 0,5 - 1k at least from losing Toolbelt Access during Overheating2): Lasers Edge stays at an 15% dps multiplicative increase after you have overheated , meaning you have the exact same same additive uptime as before, but about 4% more dps than the patch before. That way you may just be able to stay somewhat at the exact same dps numbers than before.

This basically means that your burst is gonna be sth. like 8,5% higher than before, but your average DPS will be lower in general or maybe just where we were before ( which is unlikely in my opinion).

There are other possibilities, like more thresholds etc. , but for a class that takes such a high risk to play and is kinda complicated to play AND already scales on the lower end of PVE Dps - Options, why would you think that is a reasonable change? Please Anet give us the Laser's Edge Change, but do not completely forces us out of toolbelts for the entirety of our cooldown.

And I did not even begin to talk about PvP yet, is losing half your HP not enough Penalty? Make it so toolbelts have a few seconds cooldown when overheating. I think that is more than enough.

In comparison to other dps classes i dont think that this is an positive improvement.I dont see that Im equal to any other dps classes. I would say im below them

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@Handin.4032 said:

@"Vegeta.2563" said:

March 27, 2018 Patch Notes:
  • Net Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented players from being able to fire this skill at targets behind them.

July 11, 2019 Upcoming Patch Notes:
  • Net Shot: Fixed a bug that could allow this skill to be fired backward.

Any reason why the later note is considering the first one a bug?? Also why reverse this?

That's easy. Throughout the game history, devs have yo-yo'ed engis around constantly, sometimes even mistating things about the profession, what they felt made certain things OP, etc. The mere fact they initially thought the fact you couldn't shoot net shot backwards as a bug then now claim that shooting it backwards IS a bug is minor, but telling. They call it "Overload" instead of "Overheat" - minor, yes, but still a bit telling. They now claim they want to make scrapper a more melee tank but then take away things that would allow that and give nothing really in return to accomplish that. Utility belt skills are an essential part of engi skills - utilities and elites are supposedly
around having both. Now, they will take it away from holo's who use a fairly high risk grandmaster trait and the elite belt from scrappers. I feel like one of the reasons why engi is played so little is because they keep tossing around the purpose and functions of everything to the point where engi has a complete mess of utilities and traits. They finally reworked gyros - good. How about a rework of turrets (Which are mostly useless in the vast majority of situations now) and gadgets (also a total mess)?

I don't think the scrapper changes will kill scrapper. But the changes definitely don't seem to fall in line with what the stated purpose is. It seems to me more like they started reading forum and reddit posts about dps gankers QQing about them not being able to spam-kill a support scrapper, went to nerf it, and then thought "Now, how can we try to make this sound like a rework and not just a blanket nerf?" Ironically, this may make Scrapper even
OP in WvW raid play. Why? Because the main counter to AoE stealth for a while has been Detection Pulse. With that gone, Veil and Sneak Gyro spam will have very very few counters that can compete. But, I hardly doubt the balance devs gave a single thought about this or WvW raid play in general.

Oh yeah, calling Overheat "Overload" is very worrisome

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This thread is too long for me to find the answer in the time I have by searching, but my question is, if "Speed of Sand: Instead of granting superspeed when dodging, this trait instead causes Mirage Cloak to grant +66% movement speed," then are they readjusting the dodge back so that it still covers the same area as another profession's dodge? Since they adjusted it down previously to align with other professions, this sounds like you'll only move 66% of the distance.

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Dear Arenanet,

Weaver in sPvP

Upcoming Changes are OK, so far it looks as 10% nerf to power builds. Not sure what was a reason to do it, but will see how it will be comparable to other classes.

It still serious lack of conditions removal on Elementalist besides Arcane+Water lines;I believe Arenanet should not force people to use Arcane+Water;I believe Arenanet should not punish people who do not want to use Arcane+Water;

AIRBiggest PAIN is Air line, it has no conditions removal. Point. Why?Please add at least SOMETHING.

EARTHBig problem is EARTH line, no one use it because conditions removal does not really work here and also damage is non existing here.Look Elementalist has 7-8 conditions on him, if just ONE condition is burning Elementalist will imediately have <75% health after 1 second !and then [Diamond Skin] will not work AT ALL and Elementalist will die immediately considering low health pool

  • Please add 3 conditions removal to [Diamond Skin],
  • or reduce threshold to 25%
  • or remove 1s CD

FIREOne available option via Fire [smothering Auras] is not enough vs any conditions builds (Messmer, Necromancer, etc). Absolutely not enough.Lesser Cleansing Fire just 3 conditions removal on 60s cooldown is a joke as well. One necromancer may appliy 6-8 conditions every 10-15sMay Aura Application remove also 2 conditions?

"Protection"Considering lowest Armor, lowest Healing Pool, etc, Elementalist MUST have a protection buff (I am talking about melee-weaver)But then weaver FORCED to take Arcane line,Please give possibility to obtain some protection besides Arcane line!I believe Arenanet should not punish people who do not want to use Arcane, and should not force players to use Arcane;Alternative must be big a big DMG buff if Player will not use Arcane to balance RISK vs REWARD.Current state is - if I will not use Arcane, Risk will many time increase (no Protection!) but no visible Reward, DMG buff in not significant and now even reduced by 10% after this patch, so without Arcane Melee Sword Weaver is unplayable. Why Weaver - Elite Profession is unplayable without a specific trait line - Arcane?

Minor stuff:[Aquatic Stance] - nobody use it 2 years, why you do not want to buff it?

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  • Ele weapon skill merge
  • Holo 150 heat trait buff
  • Zeal and burn dh buffs(for now)
  • Auspicious anguish nerf
  • Core necro shroud buffs
  • Sicem meme ranger got gaped thank god
  • New thief tools
  • Berserker buffs
  • Scrapper Reveal isnt 1200 range anymore


  • Scrapper Reveal doesn't exist anymore
  • Staff ele nerfs
  • buffing scrappers sustain which everyone hates about it right now while nerfing its damage options
  • antitoxin still exists
  • No Shattered Aegis buff
  • Chrono got gaped in pvp/wvw
  • No CI aids daze spam nerf
  • Sand Savant still exists
  • Soul Eater nerf lmao
  • random condi rev nerf cmonbruh
  • huge nerf to impossible odds mobility
  • thief will probably still suck lets be real
  • Berserker buffs

Status: lmao

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"Overload: Overloading now disables all toolbelt skills for its duration."

Not only is it supposed to be called "Overheat," but think about this.

In addition to Photonic Blasting Module being even less viable (as it depends on overheat), in addition to overheating already making you lose 5,000 HP, killing your possibility of Heat Therapy, reducing your movement speed due to damage, preventing you from re-entering photon forge, it's made even worse in that the change will take effect in ALL gamemodes (even PvE, like why?) and shuts down your ability to survive upon overheating. This isn't acceptable at all.

What kind of 'feedback' caused someone of influence to decide this change needed to happen? I'd really like to see that feedback. Because I don't believe it exists. I've seen people complain about Scrapper being too bunkery (check), I've seen people complain about Rifle Holosmiths having too many control effects (check), I've seen people complain about Power Wrench giving people Prime Light Beam/Elixir X every 40 seconds (check), I've seen people complain about the 25 stacks of might (sorry, in order to do anything about that, my people, diviner's and seeker's amulet + Rune of Strength need to be removed from balance which will just be a big snowball of catastrophic build changes), but I have never once seen or heard anyone suggest that Overheat should be even more crippling. If anything, it should've been changed so that control effects could not force a player into Overheat (once again, because of stun chains).

I wonder where this 'feedback' is coming from.

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