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We need improvements to the character selection screen

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Edit: Nevermind, for some reason I was thinking character creation instead of character select. So everything I wrote is irrelevant, except the bit below which still applies.

I wouldn't say it's needed exactly and I'd be opposed to it taking priority over...basically any other QoL update (improvements to the preview window for example) but I wouldn't be against these options being added one day if someone at Anet had time for it.

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@DarkNighT.7319 said:The char select screen needs functionality, more character boxes on the screen, a way to sort them according to various options like playtime, profession, alphabetical.It doesn't have to be fancy, looks wise it's fine as it is.

This I do agree with. It would be really helpful to be able to have more characters displayed at one time and to be able to re-order them. Even with just 13 character slots it can be annoying to find the one I want, I can only imagine how it is for people with 70.

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@anninke.7469 said:I'd much rather have my toons comfortably seated in cozy armchairs around a fireplace on the select screen. No need to have them fully armed and everything in their free time.

Not very helpful on my account with 45 characters. Unless the asura are sitting on human's laps, perhaps. Naw, still too crowded.

But yes, options for arranging the characters would be very welcome.

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I'd settle for just changing it to a new background. I liked the core and even the HoT backgrounds, but not so much the PoF one. The older ones were good for taking standard poses of my characters for reference, the PoF one... not so much. Even if they just allow us to pick and choose, that'd be enough for me.

I would enjoy weapons and backpacks being visible. I'm indifferent about auras since I don't really use them on my characters.

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Id say a system like Tera, all your characters on screen at once! (say groups of 9 ) then an arrow next to them to scroll to the next 9 characters, give them an animation like 'Cross arms' Make them look like they're active. Would make the start up menu more active and, oh maybe you might play that character you forgot about.

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I would like to see what each character has on their Hero Tab.

Too many times I go looking for the characters with the maxed crafting skills, a certain weapon still equipped, or something in one of their inventory bags.

I know I can to to GWEfficiency to find all that stuff too (so don't jump all over me), but should we have to rely on an outside website?

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The only thing mentioned in this topic I really care about is a way to sort characters, by age, alphabet, playtime, race, profession. Preferably with a good set of options so you can find the one that suits you the best. If we got that I'd be fully satisfied.

More stuff than that would just be bonus fluff. I can see the suggestion Game of Bones make, being useful though.

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