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I'm worried about this game, When WOW classic Comes out.

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Pro Classic

  • WoW Classic is interesting to people with nostalgia and who are tired of WoW Live (so mostly rooted within their own player base)
  • It's of interest to people who do not want a continous gear treadmill, though last I read was that Blizzard is not ruling out to release the Expansions down the road so that's a maybe

Con Classic

  • It's of almost no interest to non WoW players since the game is by now 15 years old and younger gamers are not flocking to MMORPGs en mass least of all 15 year old MMORPGs
  • It's of no interest to people who dislike WoW or have quit WoW due to what ever reason
  • WoW Classic comes with a HUGE grind which many people like to forget. We are talking multiple days /played to 60

Guild Wars 2 meets some criteria (gear treadmill, people who have quit WoW) but overall caters to a completely different player base.

Will people try out WoW classic? I'm quite sure some will.Will this affect other MMORPGs in the market temporarily? Very likely.Is this of a great concern to GW2 or Arenanet? Unlikely.

At this point in time the biggest danger to GW2 is GW2 and what content is or is not delivered.

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Unless GW comes up with strong update there is high chance that some players will switch to WoW.

There is simply too much hype train around WoW Classic at the moment, and a lot of people have never played it. At the end of the day people will gravitate to fresh product that is abundant with life and activity, not the one that lacks it. At the end of the day, if potential players who never played GW pick up WoW instead of GW, and lack of updates drains the existing playerbase your net result is going to be a dead game. That is already happening with the PvP community

The fact that GW2 and WoW cater to different type of players doesn't matter since player base of GW2 already isn't a single homogenous unit with only single preference and products within monopolistic competitive markets still do compete with each other and competition isn't just about keeping your consumer from switching to a new product but also about getting new consumer to pick up your product instead of competitors. And this is where GW is obviously strugglingFor a personal example, unless something changes with GW2, I am probably switching to Destiny in September. And these two games are barely similar genre.

Recent "explosion" of popularity of ESO and FFXIV show quite clearly that perception of quality and perspective future matter extremely when gamers pick up their game. That's why renewed interest in ESO and FFXIV far surpasses that towards GW2.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:You should be more worried about ffxiv

apparantly , the expansion is great, but the levelling experience is atrocious.never made it past 20, the story is awful, and has more backtracking , than ANY other mmo

There are apparently 16 million people that would disagree. With that said, many says it’s a bit slow in the beginning but all seem to agree that the story is awesome and one of the strongpoints of the game (if you can read). If you never played past lvl 20 you haven’t experienced the game.

16 mio players made it to endgame? in your dreams, i doubt even wow can boast that number16 mio ACCOUNTS..different storythis game has around 12 mio. last wow number i heard was around 50 mio, and that is quite a few years agoand if the good parts only starts after 20, then that is a very poor design decision, since NEW players dont get that experienceif the first mouthful tastes like kitten, do i really want to eat the rest?


Ive tried, and failed, to get into ffxiv as well. Those early levels are just mindless drudgery.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:You should be more worried about ffxiv

apparantly , the expansion is great, but the levelling experience is atrocious.never made it past 20, the story is awful, and has more backtracking , than ANY other mmo

There are apparently 16 million people that would disagree. With that said, many says it’s a bit slow in the beginning but all seem to agree that the story is awesome and one of the strongpoints of the game (if you can read). If you never played past lvl 20 you haven’t experienced the game.

16 mio players made it to endgame? in your dreams, i doubt even wow can boast that number16 mio ACCOUNTS..different storythis game has around 12 mio. last wow number i heard was around 50 mio, and that is quite a few years agoand if the good parts only starts after 20, then that is a very poor design decision, since NEW players dont get that experienceif the first mouthful tastes like kitten, do i really want to eat the rest?


Ive tried, and failed, to get into ffxiv as well. Those early levels are just mindless drudgery.

You are missing the point! It’s not about YOU. It’s about a game that has exploded in popularity and currently are ”stealing” players from both wow and gw2. Wheter you understand this or not is besides the point. Anet needs to take action or many more will follow.

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@Tarlonniel.6534 said:

@"Ashen.2907" said:Ive tried, and failed, to get into ffxiv as well. Those early levels are just mindless drudgery.

Are they? Hmm. I've been eyeing FFXIV, especially since they added the Trust system, but I'm still having too much fun here to jump ship for something I might not like.

I did the free trial up to L30. I found the story to be overly "cute," unoriginal and trite. It also involved (as someone else said earlier) a ludicrous amount of backtracking (go to A, then to B, then C, then back to A, then to D, then back to B....). Whenever a game that requires a sub for full access makes me spend a significant portion of a play session wasting time, I uninstall, and that's what happened to 14 for me.

Now, I never saw "endgame" activity. That may be the best thing since sliced bread. If you play for endgame, and getting to it is just a necessary evil, that may make for a good game. It's not for me. Maybe the story gets better after L30. If so, I wonder about the thought process that puts all of the creativity into the latter half of the journey and little to none into the early part. Games need to hook player interest -- especially as there's a free trial. So, I suspect the story doesn't get any better.

So, that leaves the question whether GW2 is a better game for you. If you're having fun here, then play GW2. The 14 free trial is still available. You could decide that trying it costs you nothing but a download and some time. Or, you could ask yourself whether what you like about GW2 is the aspects of this game that make it unlike other MMO's -- because you won't find that in either 14, a game that offers a very standard MMO experience, or WoW Classic.

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@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:

@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:You should be more worried about ffxiv

apparantly , the expansion is great, but the levelling experience is atrocious.never made it past 20, the story is awful, and has more backtracking , than ANY other mmo

There are apparently 16 million people that would disagree. With that said, many says it’s a bit slow in the beginning but all seem to agree that the story is awesome and one of the strongpoints of the game (if you can read). If you never played past lvl 20 you haven’t experienced the game.

16 mio players made it to endgame? in your dreams, i doubt even wow can boast that number16 mio ACCOUNTS..different storythis game has around 12 mio. last wow number i heard was around 50 mio, and that is quite a few years agoand if the good parts only starts after 20, then that is a very poor design decision, since NEW players dont get that experienceif the first mouthful tastes like kitten, do i really want to eat the rest?


Ive tried, and failed, to get into ffxiv as well. Those early levels are just mindless drudgery.

You are missing the point! It’s not about YOU. It’s about a game that has exploded in popularity and currently are ”stealing” players from both wow and gw2. Wheter you understand this or not is besides the point. Anet needs to take action or many more will follow.

You are mistaken.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:You should be more worried about ffxiv

apparantly , the expansion is great, but the levelling experience is atrocious.never made it past 20, the story is awful, and has more backtracking , than ANY other mmo

There are apparently 16 million people that would disagree. With that said, many says it’s a bit slow in the beginning but all seem to agree that the story is awesome and one of the strongpoints of the game (if you can read). If you never played past lvl 20 you haven’t experienced the game.

16 mio players made it to endgame? in your dreams, i doubt even wow can boast that number16 mio ACCOUNTS..different storythis game has around 12 mio. last wow number i heard was around 50 mio, and that is quite a few years agoand if the good parts only starts after 20, then that is a very poor design decision, since NEW players dont get that experienceif the first mouthful tastes like kitten, do i really want to eat the rest?


Ive tried, and failed, to get into ffxiv as well. Those early levels are just mindless drudgery.

You are missing the point! It’s not about YOU. It’s about a game that has exploded in popularity and currently are ”stealing” players from both wow and gw2. Wheter you understand this or not is besides the point. Anet needs to take action or many more will follow.

You are mistaken.

Only time will tell. The continued focus on the gem store will punish this game for sure.

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@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:

@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:You should be more worried about ffxiv

apparantly , the expansion is great, but the levelling experience is atrocious.never made it past 20, the story is awful, and has more backtracking , than ANY other mmo

There are apparently 16 million people that would disagree. With that said, many says it’s a bit slow in the beginning but all seem to agree that the story is awesome and one of the strongpoints of the game (if you can read). If you never played past lvl 20 you haven’t experienced the game.

16 mio players made it to endgame? in your dreams, i doubt even wow can boast that number16 mio ACCOUNTS..different storythis game has around 12 mio. last wow number i heard was around 50 mio, and that is quite a few years agoand if the good parts only starts after 20, then that is a very poor design decision, since NEW players dont get that experienceif the first mouthful tastes like kitten, do i really want to eat the rest?


Ive tried, and failed, to get into ffxiv as well. Those early levels are just mindless drudgery.

You are missing the point! It’s not about YOU. It’s about a game that has exploded in popularity and currently are ”stealing” players from both wow and gw2. Wheter you understand this or not is besides the point. Anet needs to take action or many more will follow.

You are mistaken.

Only time will tell. The continued focus on the gem store will punish this game for sure.

My apologies for not being clear. The part where you are mistaken is where you state that it is not about me. It is. It is about tens of thousands of "me's," making individual decisions about what they like or dont like. There is no need to wait for time to tell.

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@mikhail.3506 said:

@Haleydawn.3764 said:I didn’t realise players had to only play and spend money one game.I don't think you fully realized how hyped up WOW classic is.

I also don't think you realize wow has a clear distinct playerbase.One that doesn't overlap much with the gw playerbase.Especially the financial commitment for WoW makes the playerbase fractured

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:You should be more worried about ffxiv

apparantly , the expansion is great, but the levelling experience is atrocious.never made it past 20, the story is awful, and has more backtracking , than ANY other mmo

There are apparently 16 million people that would disagree. With that said, many says it’s a bit slow in the beginning but all seem to agree that the story is awesome and one of the strongpoints of the game (if you can read). If you never played past lvl 20 you haven’t experienced the game.

16 mio players made it to endgame? in your dreams, i doubt even wow can boast that number16 mio ACCOUNTS..different storythis game has around 12 mio. last wow number i heard was around 50 mio, and that is quite a few years agoand if the good parts only starts after 20, then that is a very poor design decision, since NEW players dont get that experienceif the first mouthful tastes like kitten, do i really want to eat the rest?


Ive tried, and failed, to get into ffxiv as well. Those early levels are just mindless drudgery.

You are missing the point! It’s not about YOU. It’s about a game that has exploded in popularity and currently are ”stealing” players from both wow and gw2. Wheter you understand this or not is besides the point. Anet needs to take action or many more will follow.

You are mistaken.

Only time will tell. The continued focus on the gem store will punish this game for sure.

My apologies for not being clear. The part where you are mistaken is where you state that it is not about me. It is. It is about tens of thousands of "me's," making individual decisions about what they like or dont like. There is no need to wait for time to tell.

You could be a minority, you know. The other tens of thousands might like the game. Why are you assuming everyone thinks like you? Many have already left and more will probably follow if we don’t see some changes. But it’s better to put your head in the sand and pretend the game is perfect.

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@"mikhail.3506" said:I honestly Hooope nothing will happen to this game, it's a good game. But if we don't get a HUGE update like a new expansion/content come August there won't be anyone left playing this game. No players= no money = no content. It's gonna be a vicious cycle.

So What new content are we getting in August, and will it be enough to stop people from going to WOW CLassic?


People do love their nostalgia. It might please them for a time. It was fun when it was back then but now the fun is in the memory of it for me. I cannot say I want to play it again when I am already not playing the current version for years. People will find what they remember it was like is probably not exactly what they are going to actually play which was what it was really like. Nostalgia for me is most fun watching other people's. I have no time for it. Guess staying here sounds simpler.

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I wonder if WoW Classic will kill WoW.

WoW Classic's target audience are old players who are nostalgic for the "good old times", and newer players who want to see what the old timers keep rambling about. It's very unlikely that WoW Classic will get completely new players - those who could be interested in WoW are either playing it already, or would likely be driven off by all the anachronisms in WoW Classic.

I can't help but wonder if this will work. Back at the time of the original Guild Wars, we would often get a new guy who would say, "I have played WoW, and then Age of Conan and Warhammer Online and LoTRO and Aion and Chronicles of Spellborn trying to find a game just like WoW, why doesn't Guild Wars have tanks or raids or mounts?". But that was then. Now, with the MMORPG genre slowly fading, we don't have nearly as many people who played WoW and are still jumping from game to game looking for something like it. Either they are playing one of the few remaining MMORPGs, and thus are invested there, or they have given up on MMORPGs. Considering how those have been designed as an addiction, I wonder how many of the players who have quit MMOs would return for WoW Classic.

Meanwhile, the newer WoW players probably won't last long in WoW Classic - they will miss the characters they have already invested a lot in, and all the quality of life changes in the current WoW.

Which leaves basically the current WoW players who have been playing it for a long time and are nostalgic for how things were. These are likely to play WoW Classic and stay there for a while.

So Blizzard would be basically cannibalizing itself, splitting the current WoW playerbase between two games, with very few new players. Which would only speed up WoW's very slow and agonizing death.

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I chose GW2 over WoW years back because of cost, though I have to admit I do miss actual farming and classes with a purpose (not just in certain instances). Farming for mats on GW2 is horrible and 99% of it involves gold farming to buy materials on TP instead and the time-gating for Ascended is really annoying. That being said, I do enjoy GW2 and when I heard of "Classic Wow", I eye-rolled because I knew Blizzard were just trying to rake in more money from the nostalgia.

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@spectrito.8513 said:WoW classic is appealing for those stuck in sPvP and WvW who barely gets any attetion from Anet.Those 2 game modes are dying, bugs takes ages to be fixed, promising updates that never come, updates are rare and most of the times they only create more problems than they fix.WoW classic is fun a lot more fun for PvP oriented players, hardcore and casuals.

This is my biggest gripe with ArenaNet and GW2. A complete and utter lack of bug fixes. They have one person working on fixes and even before that when the team was bigger, fixes didn't come out quickly enough and there are a plethora of bugs from early game content that never got addressed. Bug fixes don't make money.

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you had to no life classic to get any where i for one, don't have that time or patience any more to go all through that again. and 40 man raids were a nightmare, getting all those people together was horrible: we had to have 20+ players on waiting lists when someone inevitably drops out for what ever reason (like progression bosses). and then all that drama, my god i can't count how many guilds imploded all due to raids. suffice to say, i most certainly do not miss this period in wow. i do admit, during the first 6 months OW pvp was pretty fun though. until raid gear that is. but you have to raid to get pvp gear or you will get destroyed by those that do. ya, no thanks to that.

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@"mikhail.3506" said:I honestly Hooope nothing will happen to this game, it's a good game. But if we don't get a HUGE update like a new expansion/content come August there won't be anyone left playing this game. No players= no money = no content. It's gonna be a vicious cycle.

So What new content are we getting in August, and will it be enough to stop people from going to WOW CLassic?


The only people you have to worry about are those that came over from WoW, the regular GW2 players won't leave to try it...we/they didn't and don't want to try it...you have nothing to worry about.

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@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:

@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:You should be more worried about ffxiv

apparantly , the expansion is great, but the levelling experience is atrocious.never made it past 20, the story is awful, and has more backtracking , than ANY other mmo

There are apparently 16 million people that would disagree. With that said, many says it’s a bit slow in the beginning but all seem to agree that the story is awesome and one of the strongpoints of the game (if you can read). If you never played past lvl 20 you haven’t experienced the game.

16 mio players made it to endgame? in your dreams, i doubt even wow can boast that number16 mio ACCOUNTS..different storythis game has around 12 mio. last wow number i heard was around 50 mio, and that is quite a few years agoand if the good parts only starts after 20, then that is a very poor design decision, since NEW players dont get that experienceif the first mouthful tastes like kitten, do i really want to eat the rest?


Ive tried, and failed, to get into ffxiv as well. Those early levels are just mindless drudgery.

You are missing the point! It’s not about YOU. It’s about a game that has exploded in popularity and currently are ”stealing” players from both wow and gw2. Wheter you understand this or not is besides the point. Anet needs to take action or many more will follow.

You are mistaken.

Only time will tell. The continued focus on the gem store will punish this game for sure.

My apologies for not being clear. The part where you are mistaken is where you state that it is not about me. It is. It is about tens of thousands of "me's," making individual decisions about what they like or dont like. There is no need to wait for time to tell.

You could be a minority, you know. The other tens of thousands might like the game. Why are you assuming everyone thinks like you? Many have already left and more will probably follow if we don’t see some changes. But it’s better to put your head in the sand and pretend the game is perfect.

I never said that everyone thinks like me. I never said the game is perfect.

You know this whole straw man argument thing is awesome. So much easier to argue against your own false constructs than what other people actually say right?

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