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I'm worried about this game, When WOW classic Comes out.

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I don't see any harm to GW2 because of that. I mean: WoW always existed out there. Now they are taking a step backwards (I guess "classic" means old/outdated stuff without expansions like it was years ago before updates/patches) ... so what? Some nostalgic/hardcore gamers that already liked WoW might play this. Limited amount of people.

GW2 has a completely different combat system. When I started with WoW ages ago (shortly after release) I found it hard and boring to level. And lots of content only gearded towards groups and "elitists" (endgame content is basically optimizing your performance to be accepted in raid parties and doing dungeons ... repeating ... repatnig and grinding for items ... boring).

After 6 months and being at level 40 or 60 without mount (getting money took some time) I stopped playing back then. Now I heard the later updates made it "easier" (but putting more end game content ... so it is normal to make the beginning faster so others can catch up) ... can't imagine anyone wanting the old system back.

Also people that like GW2 probably like it because of other reasons. (I doubt anyone is playing it for the raids for farming items only.) There are lots of jumping puzzles. Exploring the world is actually fun. Leveling is fast. And grinding gear is not necessary for playing most of the content. The lore and the races are fun. (Nowadays I hear a lot of people complaining that orcs and stuff are "generic" in regards to fantasy. Especially when it comes to anime. Personally I prefer well done classic races and too fancy new own creations are bad in a lot of cases. GW2 managed to create some own stuff that is great - with the Asura, Sylvari, Charr - I don't even miss the dwarves.)

Imo GW2 should focus on the stuff that makes it different. And keep the players that play because of that ...not trying to get too many new players but also at the same time not losing players. (Catering too much towards WoW fans might lose the core players that loved/supported Guild Wars for years now.)

WvW and PvP imo needs a lot of attention. PvP players might switch to other games if GW2 introduces more classes/elite specs (which PvE players want but you can still deliver other content ... mapes to explore, achievements,) - which comes with trouble in balancing when already in the PvP forums the people are complaining. (I wouln't be against totally different sets of skills for each game mode - instead of only one or another skill that behaves differently. Would mean balancing for 1 game mode wouldn't affect the other game mode.)

Edit: I don't know about the other mentioned games here. FF I only know the single player JRPG and one of the older MMORPGs of that franchise. (Which seemed bad). I guess to compete with Gw2 it is important to avoid being grindy as necessity for end game content: No repeatedly grinding the same dungeon to be able to just get into another dungeon where playing 1 specific build is mandatory to be accepted in the party. Where doing that stuff is the only content in end game. Outdated. Same with the "holy trinity". Most important thing is the combat system that feels more action like. I mean any game just based on clicking a skill - where hit ratio is just calculated based on stats ... is totally outdated. At least some blocking/dodging (I think there exist games that allow more than GW2) should be mandatory - otherwise the game will get boring and feel too old/outdated.

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It'll be a nostalgia trip for current subscribers, and that's about it. It will die in about a week or two.

Current subscribers to WoW can play WoW Classic for free with their current subscription. People playing on private servers won't come over, because they are already playing Classic for free and have invested a lot of effort into their characters. Think they are going to just stop playing on their private server and migrate to the official one and start paying a monthly subscription to have to start all over from scratch? No way. Why would they do that?

As well, it won't bring in new players. Again, they have to pay a subscription just to play WoW Classic, when tons of private servers already have it for free. What would be the incentive for them to pay a monthly subscription over playing for free? Plus, new gamers won't want to play WoW Classic. A lot of people seem to have forgotten how much of a grind fest it was and the commitment that was required to progress. With the instant gratification attitude of gamers these days, they won't enjoy WoW Classic.

And those already playing retail WoW will probably give it a glance for nostalgia sake, but return to retail WoW after a few days. There is so many QoL changes in retail that you are going to not have in WoW Classic. Retail WoW has become so relaxed and ease of use, that going back to WoW Classic would be a shock to them.

Blizzard would have to make WoW Classic a free game in order to draw players in, because that monthly subscription for an old version of WoW is going to keep a lot of players from trying it out. Especially when they can play the same thing for free elsewhere, if they want to try it out.

GW2 has nothing to worry about when it comes to WoW Classic. Nice thing is, GW2 is B2P (Buy to Play). So if you really want to, you can go pay your monthly fee to WoW Classic and try it out for a few days before the nostalgia wears off, and GW2 will still be sitting here waiting, with nothing preventing you from playing it whenever you want. Unlike WoW Classic which you will have to pay monthly for just to play it.

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WoW was the game I played right before I came back to GW2. And that was only because I finally gave up on LOTRO after getting to destroy the Ring (spoiler, sorry) and deciding that the Mordor expansion was not something I was interested in buying.

WoW recently gave people 3 days free game time, so I went back to it and couldn't even make it to the second day without saying "Nope, not for me anymore". There's no way I'd even consider WoW Classic.

If it floats your boat though, you do you.

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@"Kaliwenda.3428" said:WoW was the game I played right before I came back to GW2. And that was only because I finally gave up on LOTRO after getting to destroy the Ring (spoiler, sorry) and deciding that the Mordor expansion was not something I was interested in buying.

WoW recently gave people 3 days free game time, so I went back to it and couldn't even make it to the second day without saying "Nope, not for me anymore". There's no way I'd even consider WoW Classic.

I didn't even get to installing it.

When WoW first launched I loved it, back then I had no responsibilities so I could "no-life" it and I got to 60 (which is a long journey in itself) ran dungeons to slowly build up my gear to eventually run raids and I enjoyed it, mostly, but I don't have the time anymore and everything is so much slower than GW2 or current-era WoW. I suspect that vanilla WoW has a very niche market.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"kasoki.5180" said:Unless GW comes up with strong update there is high chance that some players will switch to WoW.

There is simply too much hype train around WoW Classic at the moment, and a lot of people have never played it. At the end of the day people will gravitate to fresh product that is .....

Fresh Product.....vanilla WoW.

lol ok.

It is a fresh product as it hasn't existed for over a decade now. And a lot of current MMO players have NEVER experienced it. Your witty simplistic comments don't change that.

A lot of people in this comment section don't seem to understand how consumer behaviour works. Just because two products have different "target audience" doesn't mean that they are not competition to one other. Especially if this is already happening.

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@IndigoSundown.5419 said:

@"Tarlonniel.6534" said:Are they? Hmm. I've been eyeing FFXIV, especially since they added the Trust system, but I'm still having too much fun here to jump ship for something I might not like.

I did the free trial up to L30. I found the story to be overly "cute," unoriginal and trite. It also involved (as someone else said earlier) a ludicrous amount of backtracking (go to A, then to be, then C, then back to A, then to D, then back to B....). Whenever a game that requires a sub for full access makes me spend a significant portion of a play session wasting time, I uninstall, and that's what happened to 14 for me.

A friend recommended FF XIV to me, saying it was like the single player Final Fantasy games. So I decided to give it a try.

First quest: talk to persons A and B and C. Boring, but ok.

Second quest: kill 3 insects, 3 squirrels and 3 pigs. Third quest: kill 6 insects.

Those enemies were sitting there just outside of town, just waiting for people to kill them, one by one.

I then uninstalled the game as fast as possible.

Do people really still play games like this? With all the "kill 10 rats" quests and with very boring 1 vs 1 combat?

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@TheAgedGnome.7520 said:WoW Classic is Blizz's act of desperation to stem the hemorrhage of subscribers. It will be a flash in the pan.

P.S. - Don't you guys have phones?

It's more like them trying to capitalize on the popularity of private servers.

@XenoSpyro.1780 said:The level of uninformed in this thread is too kitten high.

@TheAgedGnome.7520 said:WoW Classic is Blizz's act of desperation to stem the hemorrhage of subscribers. It will be a flash in the pan.

If you only knew how many unofficial servers Blizzard had shut down, especially
Blizzard even lied and said "the data was lost" and clearly didn't want to do it until recently. The WoW playerbase have been calling for classic servers for quite a while now. EverQuest has classic. Runescape has Classic. It's a thing that people want.

Most of them are just hating for the sake of it, and have never played WoW; and if they have, they don't understand how it actually works.

I don't like it either, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate both the good and bad things it has. And it has a lot of good things.

@kasoki.5180 said:

@kasoki.5180 said:Unless GW comes up with strong update there is high chance that some players will switch to WoW.

There is simply too much hype train around WoW Classic at the moment, and a lot of people have never played it. At the end of the day people will gravitate to fresh product that is .....

Fresh Product.....vanilla WoW.

lol ok.

It is a fresh product as it hasn't existed for over a decade now. And a lot of current MMO players have NEVER experienced it. Your witty simplistic comments don't change that.

A lot of people in this comment section don't seem to understand how consumer behaviour works. Just because two products have different "target audience" doesn't mean that they are not competition to one other. Especially if this is already happening.

They're in for a huge surprise. I don't think many people around here understands how either MMOs or online communities in general work at all.

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Classic has great open world, the gameplay might not feel great if you like action oriented style since it is more like dnd rule set. Having great open world puts it directly against GW 2 since it the bread and butter of the game. I'm more worried about other games though which have targeted similar game style and content. Crowfall and New world are WvW direct competition (hope it becomes the next big mode since i dislike the BR and it is time for it to die down), then there is Ashes of creation(and it doesn't end up as a scam) that goes after PVE, PVP and WvW with strangely similar combat to GW 2. There is probably large variety of MMO lights that will also try to take piece of the pie. For some strange reason GW2 seems to be stagnating like Warcraft, like they have made their niche and are happy to stay there, but soon something will come that will start a shift and arenanet would end up trying to play catch up.

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i left WoW at it's classic times, the only reason why i am liking that game now is because of all the improvements.i never liked WoW back in 2004, got back at it on private servers but even with WoTLK i got bored out of my skull, it's better now. (the last expo is simply horrible but loved legions)

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@"Lonami.2987" said:Most of them are just hating for the sake of it, and have never played WoW; and if they have, they don't understand how it actually works.

Isn't that a good sign? Having so many Guild Wars players that have never played WoW or who "don't understand how it actually works", and thus wouldn't abandon GW2 for WoW?

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@kasoki.5180 said:

@kasoki.5180 said:Unless GW comes up with strong update there is high chance that some players will switch to WoW.

There is simply too much hype train around WoW Classic at the moment, and a lot of people have never played it. At the end of the day people will gravitate to fresh product that is .....

Fresh Product.....vanilla WoW.

lol ok.

It is a fresh product as it hasn't existed for over a decade now. And a lot of current MMO players have NEVER experienced it. Your witty simplistic comments don't change that.

A lot of people in this comment section don't seem to understand how consumer behaviour works. Just because two products have different "target audience" doesn't mean that they are not competition to one other. Especially if this is already happening.

Funny, old content brought back in WoW is new, but old content brought back in Guild Wars 2 is an abomination and reflects badly on the Devs (according to these forums).

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Imagine getting hyped for a 15 Year old mmo, those who are interested in have seen the content times and times again. Will it take some players? Yeah,of course, but i don't think it will hold most players longer then 3 months. Its grind heavy, be it farming elixirs and flasks,reputations and even gearing takes forever. Have fun collecting 40 players for your weekly molten core run. Yes, it worked on private servers, and there were lot of players on Nostalrius or how it was called. But why? Easy, you didn't had to pay a monthly subscription. I don't think it will keep people for a long time. But we will see.

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@Lonami.2987 said:

@TheAgedGnome.7520 said:WoW Classic is Blizz's act of desperation to stem the hemorrhage of subscribers. It will be a flash in the pan.

P.S. - Don't you guys have phones?

It's more like them trying to capitalize on the popularity of private servers.

@XenoSpyro.1780 said:The level of uninformed in this thread is too kitten high.

@TheAgedGnome.7520 said:WoW Classic is Blizz's act of desperation to stem the hemorrhage of subscribers. It will be a flash in the pan.

If you only knew how many unofficial servers Blizzard had shut down, especially
Blizzard even lied and said "the data was lost" and clearly didn't want to do it until recently. The WoW playerbase have been calling for classic servers for quite a while now. EverQuest has classic. Runescape has Classic. It's a thing that people want.

Most of them are just hating for the sake of it, and have never played WoW; and if they have, they don't understand how it actually works.

I don't like it either, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate both the good and bad things it has. And it has a lot of good things.

LOL. I played WoW from Wrath thru Panda-land and then some. I enjoyed it, and don't regret it (well, maybe some of the rep grinds for mounts, the repeated dumbing down of talent trees, the ruining of Druid tree form, the changes to Shaman totems, etc.). WoW playerbase has been on a downward trend for years, and each new release only provides temporary upticks.

WoW Classic will breathe temporary life into that dying Blizz corpse, even bringing back some of those things I liked. But soon enough, the shineness of an old retread will wear off and everyone except the core addicts will leave for greener pastures.

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@kasoki.5180 said:

@kasoki.5180 said:Unless GW comes up with strong update there is high chance that some players will switch to WoW.

There is simply too much hype train around WoW Classic at the moment, and a lot of people have never played it. At the end of the day people will gravitate to fresh product that is .....

Fresh Product.....vanilla WoW.

lol ok.

It is a fresh product as it hasn't existed for over a decade now. And a lot of current MMO players have NEVER experienced it. Your witty simplistic comments don't change that.

A lot of people in this comment section don't seem to understand how consumer behaviour works. Just because two products have different "target audience" doesn't mean that they are not competition to one other. Especially if this is already happening.

That's not really accurate ... the don't compete for the same market. For lack of a better term and for the willingness to have pedantic argument hunters attack me ... GW2 targets casual market players and WoW doesn't. That's why people don't have much concern about WoW Classic having a large impact on GW2. Even more importantly, GW2 makes revenue on GS ... it's not a sub based system. So the reality is that even if people do go to play WoW Classic and probably dislike it ... Anet probably hasn't lost much revenue, if any.

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@mikhail.3506 said:I don't think you fully realized how hyped up WOW classic is.

Hyping WOW classic is about as effective as lipstick on a pig, I played it at release way, way back in the day, it is so old and dated now, I pity anyone that thinks they are somehow cool playing it in 2019. GW2 has nothing to worry about in regards to WOW classic.

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