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I would be interested in an NPC AI buff in WvW. How about you?


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@Knighthonor.4061 said:would be cool if the AI NPCs at structures in WvW could use Siege Weapons left behind, and Cannons and oil sieges and stuff like that against enemy factions that get aggro.

I wouldnt mind a little more.challange in guards like dessert bl

I dont want more pveI want more strategy instead of either PS or dive in head firstIn a tower/keep

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The npc buff I would respond mostly to is the targeting AI. I can be around 20 friendlies and all the NPCs single me out. I am the one getting blinded, immobilized, knocked down, etc and nobody else is sharing in that misery. Run past a tower, all the archers are pounding me. I am on siege off to the side and some player picks on the guards, they all run over to me instead of responding to the player starting the attack.

Whatever flag I have flipped in the AI to pick me over everyone else, I would love to see unflipped.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@Cambeleg.7632 said:Good joke.

Now, moving oooooon!

Imagine you playing solo defense. Enemy zerg coming, npcs come in and man the left behind arrow carts ti rain down some terror on defense along with you to hold off the zerg.

As much as this would help against servers like Blackgate, Im still gonna have to say a hard no to Pve having a more active role in WvW. Ill add on to what the other guy said and say I would like it if AI did absolutely no crowd control damage. No blinds/Immob/stun etc. NPC's should just be a time sink that gives defenders time to respond. Not a crutch to rely on when fighting.

The less Pve the better.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@Cambeleg.7632 said:Good joke.

Now, moving oooooon!

Imagine you playing solo defense. Enemy zerg coming, npcs come in and man the left behind arrow carts ti rain down some terror on defense along with you to hold off the zerg.

Now imagine:

  1. NPC is bugged and attacks your own structure instead of enemy.
  2. NPC is bugged and doesn't anything.
  3. NPC is bugged and avoids you to use the siege in a wise way.
  4. The previous options, but without being bugged.

No, defense doesn't need NPCs for helping. Defense needs to be well rewarded so incentiving people to defend already. And of course, this point addresses to...

... ta-daaaaaaa, a really balanced WvW, with balanced populations, rewarded and balanced scoring system, bla bla bla.

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@Cambeleg.7632 said:

@Cambeleg.7632 said:Good joke.

Now, moving oooooon!

Imagine you playing solo defense. Enemy zerg coming, npcs come in and man the left behind arrow carts ti rain down some terror on defense along with you to hold off the zerg.

Now imagine:
  1. NPC is bugged and attacks your own structure instead of enemy.
  2. NPC is bugged and doesn't anything.
  3. NPC is bugged and avoids you to use the siege in a wise way.
  4. The previous options, but without being bugged.

No, defense doesn't need NPCs for helping. Defense needs to be well rewarded so incentiving people to defend already. And of course, this point addresses to...

... ta-daaaaaaa, a really balanced WvW, with balanced populations, rewarded and balanced scoring system, bla bla bla.

People do defend, shadespam of scourge, non spotable rev Hammers and pulls without sense (like mesmer and firebrand pulls) do Just totally fuck up the Idea of defense

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@L A T I O N.8923 said:

People do defend, shadespam of scourge, non spotable rev Hammers and pulls without sense (like mesmer and firebrand pulls) do Just totally kitten up the Idea of defense

Of course, I agree absolutely there are certain kind of skills that shouldn't interact with enemies as they do (adding to your examples, Necros torch 5 for saying a very clearn one). Both statements are compatible, tho.

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@acdspydar.8920 said:There's alot that can go wrong with that, but I do think it's ridiculous that a solo player can walk into any objective and capture it assuming no skilled players show up to contest.

People keep saying a lot can go wrong. But like what? Anything can have bugs, raids can have bugs, that dont stop them from being added to the game. Bugs can be fixed. We talking about design of gameplay here. What can go wrong in that aspect?

Better AI NPCs can play better defense of structures adding another level of gameplay to the game. Few people stick around for defense now days. Having NPC allies that can use sieges to attack enemies make them anothet threat that enemy factions have to deal with.

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@Justine.6351 said:They function fine as a hazard to players.Anet could give them a damage buff to siege though.

They DONT function fine as a hazard to players. I can solo most of them with Healing power gear on my Revenant. Thats not fine. A buff to damage to siege wont do anything since they already easily fall and wont even make it to the siege to attack it. They need better AI.

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@"Knighthonor.4061" said:

People keep saying a lot can go wrong. But like what? Anything can have bugs, raids can have bugs, that dont stop them from being added to the game. Bugs can be fixed. We talking about design of gameplay here. What can go wrong in that aspect?

Better AI NPCs can play better defense of structures adding another level of gameplay to the game. Few people stick around for defense now days. Having NPC allies that can use sieges to attack enemies make them anothet threat that enemy factions have to deal with.

This is the problem, already. Since denfending structures isn't encouraged 'cos Anet doesn't reward/punish the lack of defense most of times, doesn't mean NPCs must take this role. No. Anet needs to address this point and make valuable to defend and keep a structure, same than certain "defensive tools" should be checked seriously (some buffs are just stupid, upgrading structures shouldn't be so easy, etc).

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@Cambeleg.7632 said:

@"Knighthonor.4061" said:

People keep saying a lot can go wrong. But like what? Anything can have bugs, raids can have bugs, that dont stop them from being added to the game. Bugs can be fixed. We talking about design of gameplay here. What can go wrong in that aspect?

Better AI NPCs can play better defense of structures adding another level of gameplay to the game. Few people stick around for defense now days. Having NPC allies that can use sieges to attack enemies make them anothet threat that enemy factions have to deal with.

This is the problem, already. Since denfending structures isn't encouraged 'cos Anet doesn't reward/punish the lack of defense most of times, doesn't mean NPCs must take this role. No. Anet needs to address this point and make valuable to defend and keep a st


Well i once talked about ways to getting more people on defense as well.

But then i read the reaponces and went back into WvW accordingly. Realized you cant solo defense most of the time regardless if you do what was mentioned in that thread. Then i saw the NPC there and realized the potential there. I never really noticed these NPCs because of what little impact they have on defense. But with an AI improvement they now can join the defense and become useful. they can man the cannons and arrow carts. Holding off zergs until your zerg get there.

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@"Knighthonor.4061" said:


Well i once talked about ways to getting more people on defense as well.

But then i read the reaponces and went back into WvW accordingly. Realized you cant solo defense most of the time regardless if you do what was mentioned in that thread. Then i saw the NPC there and realized the potential there. I never really noticed these NPCs because of what little impact they have on defense. But with an AI improvement they now can join the defense and become useful. they can man the cannons and arrow carts. Holding off zergs until your zerg get there.

Again, the wrong way to fix what is broken.

What you (Anet) need to do is encouraging to defend structures making their value enough impacting in the scoring, without making it too valuable for encouraging people to stay into the walls, just hanging there and waiting for the enemy. Sieging and fighting must score in a balanced way, also be rewarded in similar way, so players will finish accepting that WvW isn't only about "big fights", and either "siege, siege, siege and run from the enemy".

You don't need any NPC with improved AI for this. I refuse this idea since this is players' "job".

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npc's blow up like its nothing, i hate npc's they are just useless addons delaying u or annoying you.and if ur in a blob i dont even know why npc's are there cus they stand no chance.

better if u really want npc's to do something (not me but w/e) u would spawn more npc's like lords scale based on amount of players and let npc's scale also like a lord so they wont fall over. <-- i would never want this but still.

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