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Update/Add New dungeons

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I would like to see an update on the old dungeons maybe harder difficulty with a new 4 branch path and with new dungeon themed ascendant gear and weapons. Also it would be cool to see dungeons added into the old expansions Hot/PoF and living world maps. I was told to play Fractal dungeons but it doesn't have that dialogue and cut scenes that I enjoy from the dungeons.

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Correction: fractals are dungeons. The technical difference is that the original dungeons were built with the game's original authoring tools. As a result, it takes roughly six times the effort to do anything with the original dungeons, compared to the new dungeons (aka fractals).

So "dungeons" aren't dead; the devs just stopped working on the originals because they can get more done doing something else.

It's clear that the OP has a strong preference for the old dungeons nonetheless, so I'm hoping they can clear up what exactly is so different that fractals aren't giving them the endorphin fix they got from the originals.

@ixora.3569 said:I would like to see an update on the old dungeons maybe harder difficulty with a new 4 branch path and with new dungeon themed ascendant gear and weapons.

Also it would be cool to see dungeons added into the old expansions Hot/PoF and living world maps.Why would it be cool to attach them to the maps? Doesn't that just make them harder to start? That's one of the issues with the original dungeons?

I was told to play Fractal dungeons but it doesn't have that dialogue and cut scenes that I enjoy from the dungeons.Fractals have cutscenes and dialogue, just more like current living world and less like the personal story. More significantly for those of us who repeat dungeons enough to get new skins and other rewards: the dialogue ends up getting ignore (except for memes) and cutscenes just slow down completion. In other words, dialogue and cutscenes only matters early on.

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@sarkysek.1085 said:

@DeanBB.4268 said:Dungeons are dead/abandoned content. Fractals are the dungeons now.


Then move the skins from dungeons and make them available through fracts! Its impossible to get the dungeon sets now.

Can get them pretty easy via PvP/WvW reward tracks.

Well yeah if i want to slog through stuff im not really interested in..not to mention zerg is the only way to get any decent reward track time ,and its pretty dead for my time zone.

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@Tiviana.2650 said:

@"DeanBB.4268" said:Dungeons are dead/abandoned content. Fractals are the dungeons now.


Then move the skins from dungeons and make them available through fracts! Its impossible to get the dungeon sets now.

Why on earth would you claim that? Dungeons are easier now than they were at launch because of power creep and because better gear is more affordable. Plus you get more tokens on average per run (if you run 8 unique paths before the 9th). It's also not that difficult to get groups together, except for perhaps Arah (and even then it's not "impossible;" it just takes longer).

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@Tiviana.2650 said:

@DeanBB.4268 said:Dungeons are dead/abandoned content. Fractals are the dungeons now.


Then move the skins from dungeons and make them available through fracts! Its impossible to get the dungeon sets now.

Can get them pretty easy via PvP/WvW reward tracks.

Well yeah if i want to slog through stuff im not really interested in..not to mention zerg is the only way to get any decent reward track time ,and its pretty dead for my time zone.

Then stop complaining if you're not willing to put any effort into it.

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@sarkysek.1085 said:

@DeanBB.4268 said:Dungeons are dead/abandoned content. Fractals are the dungeons now.


Then move the skins from dungeons and make them available through fracts! Its impossible to get the dungeon sets now.

Can get them pretty easy via PvP/WvW reward tracks.

Well yeah if i want to slog through stuff im not really interested in..not to mention zerg is the only way to get any decent reward track time ,and its pretty dead for my time zone.

Then stop complaining if you're not willing to put any effort into it.

Not everyone wants to play PvP and it's pretty backwards that the most reliable way to get PvE dungeon currency is through PvP modes. Js.

But I'd love to see the old dungeons have some life breathed into them. Would be neat if they could somehow be reworked into fractals. Not sure how that would pan out with the 4+ paths in each dungeon being converted to fractals, but it could probably be done by like...using the story mode version as the main version, then utilize some of the varying elements from the other paths to make different routes, i.e how aquatic ruins has the dolphin path vs the dark cave path.Really anything other than them basically being abandoned would be nice.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Correction: fractals are dungeons. The technical difference is that the original dungeons were built with the game's original authoring tools. As a result, it takes roughly six times the effort to do anything with the original dungeons, compared to the new dungeons (aka fractals).

So "dungeons" aren't dead; the devs just stopped working on the originals because they can get more done doing something else.

It's clear that the OP has a strong preference for the old dungeons nonetheless, so I'm hoping they can clear up what exactly is so different that fractals aren't giving them the endorphin fix they got from the originals.

@"ixora.3569" said:I would like to see an update on the old dungeons maybe harder difficulty with a new 4 branch path and with new dungeon themed ascendant gear and weapons.

Also it would be cool to see dungeons added into the old expansions Hot/PoF and living world maps.Why would it be cool to attach them to the maps? Doesn't that just make them harder to start? That's one of the issues with the original dungeons?

I was told to play Fractal dungeons but it doesn't have that dialogue and cut scenes that I enjoy from the dungeons.Fractals have cutscenes and dialogue, just more like current living world and less like the personal story. More significantly for those of us who repeat dungeons enough to get new skins and other rewards: the dialogue ends up getting ignore (except for memes) and cutscenes just slow down completion. In other words, dialogue and cutscenes only matters early on.

The original dungeons were more akin to story instances than they are to fractals, and I think acting like FotM totally replaces the need for story-based dungeons has done a lot of harm to the game for years now and is something that needs to be corrected.

I think "classic" dungeons should be brought back as updates to the Living World. In other words, some new story instances would be non-fotm dungeons.

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I don't deny fewer people are doing dungeons now than they used to, but I'm not convinced they're dead. I've done two this evening with groups I found in LFG and I've seen numerous other adverts for groups, but not all at the same time of course.

Admittedly I don't do dungeons often but I doubt there's something special about tonight that made lots of people decide to do them when they wouldn't normally. In my case it was actually a combination of topics like this one and getting the feeling I'd seen more people asking about dungeons in general which got me thinking about them.

Edit: 3 dungeons in one evening. Last one took longer because we had 2 lower level people, no one remembered the path and we weren't skipping, but I found it more fun than the fast runs.

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