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The fix to the terrible upcoming Chrono Changes.


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On 7/16/2019 at 1:51 PM, Vague Memory.2817 said:

Prediction: after 2 years of people complaining about the changes they'll release a patch reverting the shatters back to thte original citing we believe that the changes we made were a little harsher than intended. Classic brainless ANet. They do this all the time.

2 years have elapsed and you're wrong.

I found this thread after returning to chrono to try to help a friend with an achivement and finding that my disto shatter was gone.

And now I remember why I stopped playing mesmer entirely.

Edited by Kasima.8143
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On 8/29/2021 at 9:08 AM, Zenith.7301 said:

Distortion needs to be given back to chrono, plain and simple.

I don't think chrono needs to get distortion, it would remove any form of counterplay to continuum split (which right now can be stopped with a well-timed CC, and for such a strong skill I think it's a fair tradeoff).
I think wells need some kind of different effects. EG: well of action and well of recall have no reason to be separated, they should be merged to make room for another well (a condi well, if you ask me). Well of calamity provides low damage, 0 utility and very high cast time. Well of precognition is cleaved at the speed of light; would be fine in 1v1 if it didn't have a 45s for such a lackluster effect.

And those traits need to be reworked from scratch. The spec has no direction.
Time catches up: what's the point of zooming clones if your F1 is still delayed anyway? The point of such a trait is "people won't walk out of your shatters anymore"... except they still do. Maybe turn shatters into movement skills, whenever I shatter I get some superspeed IDK, because ticking f1 is healthier than instant f1 for chronomancer.
All's well that ends well: people don't stick in the same spot for 3 seconds, if they do they die (and many times people don't even notice the well at all). Should grant barrier on well cast, not healing on well end.
Illusionary reversion: is useless because you never get value out of it, people just cleave your clones before you do anything with them. A better trait (with the same theme) would be "for every clone you shatter you get a stack of  'something'; once you have 3 stacks of 'something' a clone is summoned"; this way shattering 2 clones isn't a waste anymore.
Seize the moment: woah you get quickness... but mesmer as a whole doesn't really have much use for quickness. Many skills are instacast and your damage comes from outside you anyway; phantasms won't hit faster with your quickness, wells won't tick faster with quickness, shatters won't change with quickness. What's the point then? Ending faster the cast of sword 2 so I can get hit more?

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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Except for All's well that ends well you named all the traits I actually like and find useful. Time catches up should just be a built in mechanic for Mesmer in general. Illusionary revision can help create a nice flow of three to four 3-clone-shatters and I personally prefer it over the +15% crit chance for 2 seconds once every 30 seconds. And quickness is just great in general. Being able to fit more casts into CS is great. Shorter interrupt window, more GS 1 laser pew pew.


If something needs change it would be merging Delayed Reaction and Danger Time into a single trait, so we can actually get some significant slow application without being forced into turtle speed clones.

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Changes I’d rather see for Chrono is some traits evolved into more support/boon like. The “Shatters” can be more so like: F1-F3, you’re clones are destroyed, empowering yourself and releasing an aoe attack or supportive skill at your location. 

  • So basically when I use F1, my clones are destroyed and then an attack around me goes off, dealing damage but also granting offensive boons like might, fury and then if trained, alacrity as well to nearby allies.
  • F2 could convert X conditions into boons for nearby allies or send all conditions on you and allies to random nearby foes.
  • Then F3 can be a knockdown plus chill and slow to nearby foes.


Essentially the goal is to make it so clones are fuel for supportive/boon like attacks that trigger at your location and affect you and your allies.


Wells radius can be increased, as well as amount of players affected and can trigger at the Mesmers location so it eliminates having to predict where people will stand since a lot of people tend to move out of them and barely benefit from the full effect. Except for Gravity Well as that can remain targeted. 

Then lastly, I would love to see the “Time Catches Up” trait just made baseline for clones since shattering them in either Core or Mirage, they’re still slow to reach their targets, die before reaching them, or your target dies before your clones get there which then equals no shatters going off which is then wasted.

Edited by Tseison.4659
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3 hours ago, Yoci.2481 said:

Except for All's well that ends well you named all the traits I actually like and find useful. Time catches up should just be a built in mechanic for Mesmer in general. Illusionary revision can help create a nice flow of three to four 3-clone-shatters and I personally prefer it over the +15% crit chance for 2 seconds once every 30 seconds. And quickness is just great in general. Being able to fit more casts into CS is great. Shorter interrupt window, more GS 1 laser pew pew.


If something needs change it would be merging Delayed Reaction and Danger Time into a single trait, so we can actually get some significant slow application without being forced into turtle speed clones.

I think shattered clones should gain movespeed as they travel, the longer the distance the faster then zoom, untill superspeed, give people time to react at medium range, but be actually able to hit someone that is at 1k range instead of walking around like a zombie and then suicide timeout

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13 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

I don't think chrono needs to get distortion, it would remove any form of counterplay to continuum split (which right now can be stopped with a well-timed CC, and for such a strong skill I think it's a fair tradeoff).
I think wells need some kind of different effects. EG: well of action and well of recall have no reason to be separated, they should be merged to make room for another well (a condi well, if you ask me). Well of calamity provides low damage, 0 utility and very high cast time. Well of precognition is cleaved at the speed of light; would be fine in 1v1 if it didn't have a 45s for such a lackluster effect.

And those traits need to be reworked from scratch. The spec has no direction.
Time catches up: what's the point of zooming clones if your F1 is still delayed anyway? The point of such a trait is "people won't walk out of your shatters anymore"... except they still do. Maybe turn shatters into movement skills, whenever I shatter I get some superspeed IDK, because ticking f1 is healthier than instant f1 for chronomancer.
All's well that ends well: people don't stick in the same spot for 3 seconds, if they do they die (and many times people don't even notice the well at all). Should grant barrier on well cast, not healing on well end.
Illusionary reversion: is useless because you never get value out of it, people just cleave your clones before you do anything with them. A better trait (with the same theme) would be "for every clone you shatter you get a stack of  'something'; once you have 3 stacks of 'something' a clone is summoned"; this way shattering 2 clones isn't a waste anymore.
Seize the moment: woah you get quickness... but mesmer as a whole doesn't really have much use for quickness. Many skills are instacast and your damage comes from outside you anyway; phantasms won't hit faster with your quickness, wells won't tick faster with quickness, shatters won't change with quickness. What's the point then? Ending faster the cast of sword 2 so I can get hit more?


In PvE continuum split is absolutely worthless as a defensive cooldown and more prone to get you killed than anything else.


If you're going to introduce counterplay, simply make it a skill pvp split where continuum split and distortion cannot be used concurrently in PvP settings.

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32 minutes ago, Zenith.7301 said:


In PvE continuum split is absolutely worthless as a defensive cooldown and more prone to get you killed than anything else.


If you're going to introduce counterplay, simply make it a skill pvp split where continuum split and distortion cannot be used concurrently in PvP settings.

Who gives a kitten about pve lmao chrono there is plenty strong as it is

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4 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Who gives a kitten about pve lmao chrono there is plenty strong as it is

Except it isn't, but that should be obvious coming from a person who tries to downplay the importance of the most played game format in favor of a moribund simulacrum of competitive play, as if anyone actually followed GW2 pvp or any MMO's pvp for that matter.

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10 minutes ago, Zenith.7301 said:

Except it isn't, but that should be obvious coming from a person who tries to downplay the importance of the most played game format in favor of a moribund simulacrum of competitive play, as if anyone actually followed GW2 pvp or any MMO's pvp for that matter.

1) You're mistaking cause for effect. PvP is dead because ANet neglected it, not the other way around
2) I main chrono and I stay my case about chrono being god tier in PvE

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5 hours ago, Zenith.7301 said:

Except it isn't, but that should be obvious coming from a person who tries to downplay the importance of the most played game format in favor of a moribund simulacrum of competitive play, as if anyone actually followed GW2 pvp or any MMO's pvp for that matter.

But you also have to understand that GW2 as a whole was based upon competitive play. In fact at the start of the game PvE was non-existent. This combat isn't made for traditional PvE like WoW or FFXIV it is made for PvP. 

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15 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

1) You're mistaking cause for effect. PvP is dead because ANet neglected it, not the other way around
2) I main chrono and I stay my case about chrono being god tier in PvE

Pve is more than just raid, chrono and mesmer in general just sucks in fractals, you offer almost nothing to the group except maybe portal for certain places but people have white mantel portal anyway that they don't even need to take up and utility skill for. you are just a power dps that is bad at doing dps in fractal

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23 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

But you also have to understand that GW2 as a whole was based upon competitive play. In fact at the start of the game PvE was non-existent. This combat isn't made for traditional PvE like WoW or FFXIV it is made for PvP. 



Not really, vanilla GW2 had way more PvE content than there has ever been PvP content. sPvP in GW2 is a pale shadow of GW1 anyways, just look at how it stagnated into a conquest format while GW1 had an immense amount of variety of formats.

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1 hour ago, Zenith.7301 said:



Not really, vanilla GW2 had way more PvE content than there has ever been PvP content. sPvP in GW2 is a pale shadow of GW1 anyways, just look at how it stagnated into a conquest format while GW1 had an immense amount of variety of formats.

Then we must be thinking the game very differently because back then players had complained how weak PvE was and it truly was, in terms of sPvP it was never that great either yet most people forget WvW is there, which the game sold it's game as a massive player vs player style. Games like New World and Ashes of Creation are also games that are selling their games like that, but it doesn't mean they can't have PvE content. 

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