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Not a Real Game

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Ototo.3214" said:I still don't even understand why an expansion is necessary for anything.

Simply because that’s what other games do to be honest. There’s really not much of a difference between an expansion and a living story season. Any “traditional expansion” features could easily be incorporated into LS releases and Anet has indicated
of doing such.

Exactly. There is really no difference between and expansion and a LW season except that LW is split up over time.We still got new maps, we still got new mounts, new collections, new legendaries, and finally a new raid. There won't be as many new maps in LW5 but I'm excited to see what they edit on older maps.The only "expansion content" they haven't implemented in LW that I can think of is what? Especs? Which...I really don't want to see people complaining that their class didn't get a new espec yet and they have to wait til the next episode to get theirs. On top of the fact that the entire concept of especs seems to fall short without build templates which they're still working on. Who knows, maybe we'll get build templates this season then they drop new especs with it

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Ototo.3214 said:Wanting =/= necessity

To me, expansions
a necessity, because they are better than LW content on many levels. Again, see my sig.

How do you find a LW season to be different than an expansion other than an expansion having all of the content available immediately rather than released in segments?

If PoF were split up into five episodes with a map per episode, would you still feel that it was better than a LW season?

What about if the same were done with HoT?

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@"Mortifera.6138" said:The rifle skins, for example, make your toon look like a character in a shooter — it’s like a preview of a shooter game — but you can’t play like it.
- Action Camera Mode is a separate camera mode introduced in Heart of Thorns which adds a first/third person shooter-like element to the default camera view.

Just sayin.

It's also good for doing jumping puzzles. In fact that's the only time I use it. I turn it
for combat, but I use it when I'm doing a lot of jumping because it saves having to hold the right mouse button down and therefore stops my hand hurting.

@Chichimec.9364 said:Thanks everyone. Just reading through your responses had me smiling, chuckling, and even laughing out loud. I'm still chuckling. ty! =)

@"VDAC.2137" - yours might have been the best. I feel that way about life all the time. "Real?" This is "real"? Yikes!

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

Caught in a landslide. No escape from reality

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Chichimec.9364 said:Thanks everyone. Just reading through your responses had me smiling, chuckling, and even laughing out loud. I'm still chuckling. ty! =)

@"VDAC.2137" - yours might have been the best. I feel that way about life all the time. "Real?" This is "real"? Yikes!

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

You made me chuckle again. That song is actually in my battle playlist. =)

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I play several different MMO's

Gw2 isn't just my main MMO it's my favourite for many reasons.The fact it's not a mindless grindfest like most MMO's is one of the reasons I prefer it.Likewise the fact that Anet don't cripple my account or slow down my progress because I refuse to pay a sub fee is another.

Gw2 is very different from other MMO's.Sure it's lacking in some areas, no game is perfect.. but its also better than most MMO's in other areas too.

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For me a game is supposed to be fun yet challenging. Guild Wars 2 is more chore based than anything I have personally played.Why it's called an MMORPG is beyond me. Let's take the MMO part Yes theres a mass of multiplayers., but there is no real need to join others.RPG there's absolutely no Roll playing to really be had, most of this game is based around chore like mechanics. Dailies, collections, all of wich are not achievements to me.Picking up and taking out 20 different trash bags a day is not fun, and i never feel like I achieved anything.Most fights that need multiple people are just one huge regurgitation of particle effects, most times ya really cant tell where your toon is or whats going on unless you are reading the logs.The ONLY time i get the sense of fun is during a LS update or an expansion. Most LS updates you wait 3+ months for and you play through it in 30 minutes. To keep you around longer they give you chore based game play, that requires little to no skill.Im a huge GW1 fan, therefor I am still around do to nostalgia.I recently decided i was going to finally craft my legendary, as I feel even the nostalgia is wearing thin. I can play single player RPG's with great story and have the same affect.So i started out on my "Legendary Journey" to craft Dusk. I got to Dusk tier 3 and stopped because i despise Jumping Puzzles. So I started fresh to craft it the old fashion way. I Bought Dusk and crafted my Twilight, I now feel theres nothing left for me in this "GAME".It's a bit much to have to wait 3+ months for new content, at this rate i'll be 50 before it's all said and done.Anet refuses to address us as to what plans there are for this "GAME" in the future, and it appears no Xpac is insight. So what now???

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@lokh.2695 said:

@NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 said:Does the first paragraph of OP's post not make any sense to anybody else, or is it just me?

Nevermind, it's just Mort's weekly doom and gloom thread fishing for attention.

Oh sure, but at least they could have the courtesy to make a lick of sense while wailing about gloom and doom. Nonsensical gloom and doom is no fun at all. You get people thinking you're looking for an FPS game about pizza. Which, now that I think about it, probably exists out there somewhere...

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@NYG.2568 are there any MMORPG’s that are really RPG’s? To my knowledge, SWTOR is the only one where you can choose how you react and make choices that influence your own story and NPC’s. I looked for a while and came to GW2 in part because I thought it would have some element of that, disappointed it doesn’t, but the game has met or exceeded my expectations in other ways. Still, if I could add just one thing to GW2, that would be it.

@NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 but their first paragraph was amusing at least, no? Confusing, but gave me amusing ideas about a game where once you realize it’s a game, you are promoted to the next level of the game... or something, Idk :lol:

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Read this, rarely comment on posts, but I just wanted to say that the actual game play in this game has always floored me. It's amazing, its different, I love the events that pop up that you don't have to beg people to help with - you can literally just walk in and help out as much or as little as you want. The weapon swapping! Just so much makes this game real for me and other people - that coming here to complain floors me! You aren't happy that a rifle skin doesnt transport you into a shooter MMO? You arent happy about the lack of expansions? The game has been out many years and they released more content with Living Story and all the zones and so much MORE than other MMOs that this entire thread is hilarious to me. Chill out. Have fun. Play something else if a rifle skin makes you wish you were in a shooter. Play something else if you cant find anything to do.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Ototo.3214" said:I still don't even understand why an expansion is necessary for anything. And yes, I do play one of the other games that recently got a new one, FFXIV. But honestly it's just a thing with more story all at once where they add some new superficial kitten like playable races which many people dont care about and won't play, throw in new classes that people will complain about, and change old classes...That people will complain about. I finished the Shadowbringers story then sat there wondering kitten to do cause after that, all that's left is the same sort of stuff GW2 has. Except GW2 open world actually exists and there is more to do imo.I see people shouting we need more especs while others claim we don't cause they can't balance the ones we have. We've gotten expansion-like content in LS, such as mounts. They still implement new QoL updates and regularly add things to the gems store. You don't
an expansion.

don't need expansions. Don't speak for everyone else. What
don't "need" others yearn for for a reason. Look at my signature...

They are correct. No one needs an expansion.

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Every time I go play another game, it reminds me why I love GW2 and sends me rushing back. The only grind in this game is for items we WANT, not NEED. There isn't a constant grind for end game gear, then oops, levels raised, go grind again. It has a really good story for an MMO. The world is beautiful (I rarely pass up vistas). And the ability to jump into events with others as you like is great. The ability to choose how any class plays based on your build and weapons is wonderful too. Nice clean attack bar, instead of 20 rows of skills kitten knows where what is and which does what.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:Anyone get the feeling they’re not playing a “real” game? Look at the gem store. The rifle skins, for example, make your toon look like a character in a shooter — it’s like a preview of a shooter game — but you can’t play like it. It feels like this is not a real game but a preview of real games. It’s like ordering a picture of a pizza. You get to look at the pizza, but you can’t eat it.

It feels like a free alternative to real MMOs. This feeling is stronger now that a Living World season is going to compensate for the lack of content usually delivered by an expansion. “Real” MMOs are getting expansion. We are getting silence.

The real game is called life...anything else is a diversion that you apparently haven't learned to accept yet.

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@"Mortifera.6138" said:Anyone get the feeling they’re not playing a “real” game? Look at the gem store. The rifle skins, for example, make your toon look like a character in a shooter — it’s like a preview of a shooter game — but you can’t play like it. It feels like this is not a real game but a preview of real games. It’s like ordering a picture of a pizza. You get to look at the pizza, but you can’t eat it.

It feels like a free alternative to real MMOs. This feeling is stronger now that a Living World season is going to compensate for the lack of content usually delivered by an expansion. “Real” MMOs are getting expansion. We are getting silence.

You are acting like this is some sort of "free" bait and switch?

Nothing is hidden. there is no scam. you can find countless hours of footage and opinion about this game online. no one is giving you a "paper pizza" here. you are knowingly coming into this knowing what this game is or you are willfully remaining ignorant. Again nothing is hidden. It is an MMO in its own style that sometimes resembles something else...

The problem is what makes you think that you can get the full game for FREE :)

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:Anyone get the feeling they’re not playing a “real” game? Look at the gem store. The rifle skins, for example, make your toon look like a character in a shooter — it’s like a preview of a shooter game — but you can’t play like it. It feels like this is not a real game but a preview of real games. It’s like ordering a picture of a pizza. You get to look at the pizza, but you can’t eat it.

It feels like a free alternative to real MMOs. This feeling is stronger now that a Living World season is going to compensate for the lack of content usually delivered by an expansion. “Real” MMOs are getting expansion. We are getting silence.

The real game is called life...anything else is a diversion that you apparently haven't learned to accept yet.

In that case, I’d like to send a message to that developer, as the “real game” is totally unbalanced, too much grind and feels like an ultimately lose scenario. Please fix — perhaps with an expansion? K, thx


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@"NYG.2568" said:For me a game is supposed to be fun yet challenging. Guild Wars 2 is more chore based than anything I have personally played.

Are you comparing GW2 to single-player fully story-driven games, or to other MMOs? If the former, I think it's an invalid comparison. They are two entirely separate beasts.

If the latter what MMOs have you personally played that aren't functionally chore based? And chore based is a euphemism for grindy, I suppose? I'm interested to know what MMO out there has shucked the so-called grind-fest for something more, I dunno, deep? Also, since GW2 doesn't force a subscription cost, comparing it to one that does is hardly valid in terms of expectation. Granted, a fully funded, ongoing "pay me" MMO that because of it has lots of development money to throw around SHOULD have more substantive content, but so far I haven't really seen any that despite that aren't still 90% grind-based (usually gear treadmill style) beyond a bit of the same stuff we ultimately get for free with LW content.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@"Mortifera.6138" said:Anyone get the feeling they’re not playing a “real” game? Look at the gem store. The rifle skins, for example, make your toon look like a character in a shooter — it’s like a preview of a shooter game — but you can’t play like it. It feels like this is not a real game but a preview of real games. It’s like ordering a picture of a pizza. You get to look at the pizza, but you can’t eat it.

It feels like a free alternative to real MMOs. This feeling is stronger now that a Living World season is going to compensate for the lack of content usually delivered by an expansion. “Real” MMOs are getting expansion. We are getting silence.

The real game is called life...anything else is a diversion that you apparently haven't learned to accept yet.

Yeah lets go all "The Holy Mountain" on this thing!

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has always been that anet utilize content from other games or popcorn cinema to make money with it themselfes.

GoT Season 8 comes out and suddenly we get a skyscale dragon and all dragon stuff in the game store which makes one able to play the dragon mother.

get it? no? - all the different named "Daeneryys Targaryaaann" players getting cashed of while the GoT hype is running again ;D

only way to change this business behaviour is community stop to buy such.

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@"SlateSloan.3654" said:has always been that anet utilize content from other games or popcorn cinema to make money with it themselfes.

GoT Season 8 comes out and suddenly we get a skyscale dragon and all dragon stuff in the game store which makes one able to play the dragon mother.

get it? no? - all the different named "Daeneryys Targaryaaann" players getting cashed of while the GoT hype is running again ;D

only way to change this business behaviour is community stop to buy such.

I'm sure far more people just think dragons are cool as opposed to it being them cashing in on GoT. If a dragon mount is cashing in on anything it's people wanting Aurene as a mount.

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