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@Holgarf.6581 said:

@"Cyninja.2954" said:Google Guild Wars 2 and how to use the LFG (Looking for Group) system.

Next google Guild Wars 2 and Meta Events or Meta Event Timers.

Dear buddyboy,you did not red what i wrote.Read again,then please reply.

People get really touchy at the mention that certain maps are dead so they'll ignore what you type or say "there's loads of people" (when there isn't) or use LFG. Of course, during peak time this is not really an issue but not everyone has the luxury of being able to play at certain times. Lots of people are in PoF meta events... meta event copy & paste formulas that give mass rewards of minimal value. Unfortunately with so many meta events, the hardest or most annoying ones tend to be ignored when peak time passes.

I need 150 crystalline ore, but sadly, after spending 15 minutes desparately trying to get into the only Dragon's Stand meta event, I was left wondering why ArenaNet made Dragon Stand 100% group only with no solo events. I can't actually get the Wanderer's recipes I need because of this design. Sadly because of the one-currency-per-map approach, this sort of thing happens. It causes a situation where people are locked out of map completion, achievements, certain event rewards, etc. If you can get on at peak time that is fine but there have been countless instances whereby, due to map capacity, I cannot join populated maps doing an event because I didn't get there first. In the end, it just creates a big waiting game (if you're unlucky like me).

Really, I think that GW2 needed some AI groups, like GW1.

Play at 'X' time for game to function at all, kinda sucks tbh. It's an issue that is engrained into GW2 HoT maps, less so with PoF.

You can buy machetes and theres 3 in ea lane on empty maps and a ton at every checkpoint if you join a map thats active to get crystaline ore and they drop much easier now then when it first came out as you only had the 3 in the lane and only after completed meta could you rush to those unexplorable ares to get more. So even if legit noone is playing you can open 9 every 2 hours.

Which equates to maybe 9 per day for me, assuming I miss filled maps. It's okay, I'm just going to change my armour stats to Soldier's instead. Anyway, it isn't about me, this is OPs thread, not mine. I was just sharing my common experience regarding off-peak dead events that are severely crippled by iffy map design.

No this is a good example.

You did not "share" your experience. You "shared" your experience while giving judgment about other people's more exprienced comments while exposing that you were lacking solutions to your personal off hour issues.

Yes, VB is less popular than other metas due to its long duration (45 minutes). Yes, this translates into people only doing 1 or 2 bosses (which spawn half way into the night cycle) for maximum reward (1 chest).

Yes, to not get on the active Dragonstand map sucks. It has always sucked. It sucks a bit less now since the chests are tied to events and not completing the meta. At 7-9 chests and 5 characters, you have access to over half the amount of chests in a way shorter time than doing the entire meta (which yields access to around 50-54 chests). It is also in direct contrast to this threads original theme: no active players in GW2 (before topic creator changed title and his openikg thread mind you).

Oh and yes, Soldiers is a terrible stat combination and pretty much useless in any game mode without exception.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@"Ghetx.1752" said:
We can argue all we want,and you can defend it all you want,but reality is this

Mid day

Other maps and lfg's have 20 people combined doing events.

Again for those who don'g get it,i play and love GW since first release ever,and i will continue to play it,but something has to be done clearly.

Either nerf content to be soloable (those events that require grouping up) or do something.I can't tell you what to do,because you made game this big,which means you have brains for it.

I rarely see Parties in LFG for Central Tyria. Try Squads, or if you are looking for HoT, try, um..., HoT maps?

I've never looked in LFG for "Parties". Not once in 18 months. I've looked in the Squad section, mainly if I wanted to run RIBA farm in Silverwastes, but that's it.Currently for the boss event, I look under World Bosses.

The OP's screenshot shows he is looking in Central Tyria 'Parties' for HoT events. Seems a bit odd; no wonder he can't find what he is looking for.

Actually i have shown maps that had any people at all.

Rest of the lfg panel was empty.

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@Ghetx.1752 said:Again,lfg is empty almost 24/7

It’s not empty when the metas are up or if someone is doing a bounty train (PoF maps). Same for HP trains. You’re more than welcome to create your own group.

Some events here and there,with 26 people combined on all PoF maps.

I didn’t realize there was a way to count the exact number of players on the map...

HoT maps.2 groups with 4 people

Central Tyria 4 groups '3 lfg home + 1 selling sw showels'

You can create your own group if you’re looking for something specific rather than wait for someone to create one for you.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ghetx.1752 said:Again,lfg is empty almost 24/7

It’s not empty when the metas are up or if someone is doing a bounty train (PoF maps). Same for HP trains. You’re more than welcome to create your own group.

Some events here and there,with 26 people combined on all PoF maps.

I didn’t realize there was a way to count the exact number of players on the map...

HoT maps.2 groups with 4 people

Central Tyria 4 groups '3 lfg home + 1 selling sw showels'

You can create your own group if you’re looking for something specific rather than wait for someone to create one for you.

You did not red what i wrote.Try again,thank you.Reading only what suites your argument doesn't work when there's written proof.

GW2 is MMORPG,not single player game,and not being able to find group even tho you spam lfm on your map and open taxi on lfg pannel clearly states there's something wrong going on at the moment.

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@"Ghetx.1752" said:Again,lfg is empty almost 24/7

Doesn't look so empty to me:https://i.imgur.com/uBWqdAi.jpg

Chak Gerent is on:https://i.imgur.com/uw979Y2.jpg

It's a bit early to check for Raids and Fractals.

Edit: also what you need is this http://gw2timer.com/ it will show you which events are about to begin or are in progress. Players don't usually create squads for random maps that have no meta going on because there is little need to do so.

As a matter of fact, Tangled Depths has nobody there now because Chak Gerent is finished. But Auric Basin now has people and it's not even the event yet (challenges):https://i.imgur.com/Pf1Nm2L.jpg

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Not gonna post any more images because anyone can open the LFG.Squads forming in Desolation at the moment as Maws of Torment is about to start.5 Squads on LFG for Octovine now that it is active.Since you were talking about an empty VB, I will check VB LFG in 45 minutes when the VB meta is active and post the results.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:Not gonna post any more images because anyone can open the LFG.Squads forming in Desolation at the moment as Maws of Torment is about to start.5 Squads on LFG for Octovine now that it is active.Since you were talking about an empty VB, I will check VB LFG in 45 minutes when the VB meta is active and post the results.

We can do this back and forth,until they lock topic down

Only difference is that you will spend hours waiting for lfg panel to get some people on it,in order to be able to say 'see lots of people play' Its not that hard if you play 20 hours a day,you will eventually stumble upon group or two for part of the game you actually need.

Excluding in game timer,really says literally nothing except you took screens in span of couple hours.Probably whole day.

Again,this is online game,and massive multiplayer gameplay is least thing you do

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@Ghetx.1752 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:Not gonna post any more images because anyone can open the LFG.Squads forming in Desolation at the moment as Maws of Torment is about to start.5 Squads on LFG for Octovine now that it is active.Since you were talking about an empty VB, I will check VB LFG in 45 minutes when the VB meta is active and post the results.

We can do this back and forth,until they lock topic down

Only difference is that you will spend hours waiting for lfg panel to get some people on it,in order to be able to say 'see lots of people play' Its not that hard if you play 20 hours a day,you will eventually stumble upon group or two for part of the game you actually need.

Excluding in game timer,really says literally nothing except you took screens in span of couple hours.Probably whole day.

Again,this is online game,and massive multiplayer gameplay is least thing you do

My pictures are from when the events were active. Any time they were active there were players doing them. I don't play for a whole day, I merely play an hour or maybe two if I'm lucky.

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We obviously play at different times then.

I play in the morning 6:00 - 10:00 that's 4 hours.I get it,its early in the morning,but its not possible im the only one who's wake.I do make my parties,and try to taxi people in,but nothing happens.Spamming chats in PoF zones 'lfm bounty runs or events' literally not a single respond and maybe 3 people join my map via taxi just so they can use 'teleport to friend'

When i play at the night,there are some groups,but they are doing meta runs.Maps are mostly filled and there are lots of people doing meta,and only meta.

When i said people don't do stuff,i didn't mean meta events,because everyone does those.What i meant by that is people ignore fun and progress at the same time.

Me -- Lets do sw events,everyone ignores, they proceed to run around on mounts and literally do nothing.

Me -- Lets so bounties

Random person -- fcuk bounties they do not give nothing worth killing.

Me -- Lets do PoF exploration,

Random person -- fcuk exploration,it gives u nothing worth farming for,because by the time u fully complete PoF and get rewarded with literally nothing,you could get 2000 sw bags and 1000 rare items...

Those answers im getting every time i try to organize something.

Meta events are not something you MUST do.(some you have to do for mastery) but when every player online is interested in AB meta and moment chest run is over,they spread all over the world again and lfg panel becomes a graveyard once again.There's so many non meta things that require grouping up.PoF bounties for an example.Im sure ther are many events more in other maps,which i didn't reach,but i hope its gonna be better in endgame maps.

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