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Do you think it will be a good idea to have raid finder matchmaker?

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So as we know there is some drop in raid population and might be a good idea to have something to easy in people into raiding.Something along the lines of hope in get slapped with all the training golem buffs + some stat buffs ( when the build templates come out suggested builds feature) , and get reduced number of rewards for it compared to the real deal. The other option is to be 25 man with the same scaling of the bosses in the instance.Also this could work for first tier fractals.Also to point out having more casual people raiding , would mean more need for new raids, since it will be a more prominent feature for the game.

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Oh another training raid thread, well as all others if it give loot like world bosses, 1 100% rare a week 2 blues and a green with chance of rare or exotic fine.No special raid drop currency or ascended skins, new achievements.I dont see how tier 1 fractals need this when anyone can join those and even if only 1 is experienced you will complete them.About the last sentence have you seen that work on the fractal releases yet?I know I havent we still get 1 to 1½ new a year.

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@Krzysztof.5973 said:

@lightinthedark.2596 said:How do we know this?

SC is moving to FF14, other guilds are dying, skill cap in pugs is falling, last 2 wings were to easy and people are leaving, tpot quitting along with other streamers? Do I need to name more? It's not hard to notice if you are actually raiding.

Ok, so you have zero proof then. You need actual data..you know, hard evidence? This is just what you think and anecdotal experience lol. Tpot quitting? Wow, how will we EVER cope???

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@"Vancho.8750" said:. The other option is to be 25 man with the same scaling of the bosses in the instance.Also this could work for first tier fractals.

25 man first tier Fractals.Sure.I can just see the hype piece on it now:"Hey kids, you know how much fun it is trying to get a hit in on Metrica Event Completer night? Now you can have that same fun once a week with your 25 closest pals"

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@lightinthedark.2596 said:

@lightinthedark.2596 said:How do we know this?

SC is moving to FF14, other guilds are dying, skill cap in pugs is falling, last 2 wings were to easy and people are leaving, tpot quitting along with other streamers? Do I need to name more? It's not hard to notice if you are actually raiding.

Ok, so you have zero proof then. You need actual data..you know, hard evidence? This is just what you think and anecdotal experience lol. Tpot quitting? Wow, how will we EVER cope???

Ok. We dont know how the numbers will change. What wedo know is that the hardcore top is leaving after ERP. When hardcore players leave there will be no benchmarks from them so it will be harder for new raiders to start. Many static parties will lose few members and some of those players will quittoo because they will not find goid enough replecements.Without metabuilds overall skill will drop down and so raids will be harder. Many newcomers will leave because increse in dificulty. Some of the top players will also leave because they are used to certain standards.

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@"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

Ok. We dont know how the numbers will change. What wedo know is that the hardcore top is leaving after ERP. When hardcore players leave there will be no benchmarks from them so it will be harder for new raiders to start. Many static parties will lose few members and some of those players will quittoo because they will not find goid enough replecements.Without metabuilds overall skill will drop down and so raids will be harder. Many newcomers will leave because increse in dificulty. Some of the top players will also leave because they are used to certain standards.

I'm not denying that Snowcrows have been very useful for the game and especially the raiding community, but I think you're overstating the impact of them moving on. People said exactly the same thing when QT was THE guild that did all the benchmarks and nothing happened. The game is bigger than one or two "top" guilds. Someone else will no doubt take their place and if not, we and the game will survive.

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An issue with a raid finder-esque system is that unlike games such as FFXIV and WoW, classes in GW2 aren’t locked into roles. Sure, you can play classes as tanks, healers, or dps, but there’s no system that locks you into a roll like FFXIX class roles or WoW specializations. Yes you can queue as a healer, but there’s no way for the game to force you to actually gear as a healer. If you try to create a group using an automated raid finder, more than likely you will end up with groups lacking critical roles.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@ButcherofMalakir.4067 said:Without metabuilds overall skill will drop down and so raids will be harder. Many newcomers will leave because increse in dificulty. Some of the top players will also leave because they are used to certain standards.Build/=SkillUntil you understand this, your thoughts on the topic have zero value.

That's a very short sigthed statement. Yes, build and skill are different, but when a large part of the player base relies on others to tell them what to play, then it makes a difference when they leave.

If a majority of the players who raid actually made their own builds and maximized them, then it would not make a big difference. Reality though is: most do not, but simply copy other people's work. As such the skill level of regular players might not drop (it remains the same) but their output will since they can not simply look up the latest meta builds. The net result remains the same: higher barrier of entry and higher difficulty for raids.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@ButcherofMalakir.4067 said:Without metabuilds overall skill will drop down and so raids will be harder. Many newcomers will leave because increse in dificulty. Some of the top players will also leave because they are used to certain standards.Build/=SkillUntil you understand this, your thoughts on the topic have zero value.

That's a very short sigthed statement. Yes, build and skill are different, but when a large part of the player base relies on others to tell them what to play, then it makes a difference when they leave.

If a majority of the players who raid actually made their own builds and maximized them, then it would not make a big difference. Reality though is: most do not, but simply copy other people's work. As such the skill level of regular players might not drop (it remains the same) but their output will since they can not simply look up the latest meta builds. The net result remains the same: higher barrier of entry and higher difficulty for raids.

Reality though is: A meta build is not needed to be effective in GW2 raid content.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@ButcherofMalakir.4067 said:Without metabuilds overall skill will drop down and so raids will be harder. Many newcomers will leave because increse in dificulty. Some of the top players will also leave because they are used to certain standards.Build/=SkillUntil you understand this, your thoughts on the topic have zero value.

That's a very short sigthed statement. Yes, build and skill are different, but when a large part of the player base relies on others to tell them what to play, then it makes a difference when they leave.

If a majority of the players who raid actually made their own builds and maximized them, then it would not make a big difference. Reality though is: most do not, but simply copy other people's work. As such the skill level of regular players might not drop (it remains the same) but their output will since they can not simply look up the latest meta builds. The net result remains the same: higher barrier of entry and higher difficulty for raids.

Reality though is: A meta build is not needed to be effective in GW2 raid content.

No it is not, but again, you are ignoring the actual issue: players not being able or willing to make builds which are efficient for content themselves.

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Hardcore players are quitting or moving on. Nothing new. Additional easy versions of the already limited competitive content in this game wouldn't have made them stay. This change in direction would make even more of them quit.Neither is the overall raid population going to magically increase if we receive a LFR system. Anyone who has any interest in actual raiding is already busy raiding or has at least tried the raids at some point. Anyone who is reluctant due to reasons true or imagined will continue to stay away from raids. There will be far higher chances of failure without any limitations in place and failure gives rise to toxicity. Making people stay away even more.

The only way such a system would cause a big impact is if we lock the best rewards behind raids and then turn them into a handout through easy modes. But then if we do this, there is no need for a LFR system in the first place. People manage to form squads for the newest, most profitable farm just fine without an auto-system...

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Unfortunately, i don't see LFR system working in the first place. Easy mode? Sure, good idea (even though it's probably way too late for that). Duty finder? Nope, won't work, considering that the party composition is a result of community agreement, not ingame requirements. LFR can be a thing in a game with hardcoded roles and stable party setup. Not in a game where not only classes do not have set roles, but also encounters do not have set role requirements.And as for 25-man instances... considering that one of the main bariers of entry is the increased group size in Raids, i don't think increasing those even more would bring in people that didn;t raid before.

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@lightinthedark.2596 said:

@"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

Ok. We dont know how the numbers will change. What wedo know is that the hardcore top is leaving after ERP. When hardcore players leave there will be no benchmarks from them so it will be harder for new raiders to start. Many static parties will lose few members and some of those players will quittoo because they will not find goid enough replecements.Without metabuilds overall skill will drop down and so raids will be harder. Many newcomers will leave because increse in dificulty. Some of the top players will also leave because they are used to certain standards.

I'm not denying that Snowcrows have been very useful for the game and especially the raiding community, but I think you're overstating the impact of them moving on. People said exactly the same thing when QT was THE guild that did all the benchmarks and nothing happened. The game is bigger than one or two "top" guilds. Someone else will no doubt take their place and if not, we and the game will survive.

yes and what guild is gonna replace SC? when qT quit we had roughly 7-10 HC guilds left, when SC left we have 1 HC guild left but as it is rn they'll most likely quit tho. And a good portion of the good raid sell guilds got/had members of the HC raiding guilds so even sell guilds will slowly die. If you refuse to accept that raids in gw2 are as good as done I feel bad for you.

Also qT basically quit a short while after dhuum got released and main reason was burned out with the game, HC and better raiding guilds are leaving rn because anet is failing to provide raids that are worthy of being called raids on top of a just sad and horrible release schedule for a gaming company which is a giant difference.

But yes it's anet their decision and right to not cater raids for raiders but people who don't and won't raid, but it's plain wrong to defend and/or accept that decision as a raider and gamer when a gamemode for the 1-5% of a game's population, which had a great welcome with the people it was released for, is just made for people who aren't even interested in end game content after the original release of w1-3 (w4 was a clear sign they didn't want difficult raids because they didn't care for gameplay or challenging content, but instead only for good reviews and easy money).

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@Lorfi.7562 said:

yes and what guild is gonna replace SC? when qT quit we had roughly 7-10 HC guilds left, when SC left we have 1 HC guild left but as it is rn they'll most likely quit tho. And a good portion of the good raid sell guilds got/had members of the HC raiding guilds so even sell guilds will slowly die. If you refuse to accept that raids in gw2 are as good as done I feel bad for you.

Don't feel bad for me. Feel bad for yourself that something so utterly trivial is keeping you awake at night. Tragic.

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The whole point of this post is to make raids larger part of the game if large portion of the people play them gets to make more of them. As it is now the cost of development might not be worth the effort. Larger participation even in the lowest difficulty could be used infront NCSOFT as excuse for continued development.

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while I agree, I don't know it's possible to make LFR tho, there's no role in this game.If I were anet I would make all bosses to be cm repeatable with better reward for hardcore.

For casual it's literally impossible for them to raid. First they have random gear, and don't want to wipe to the boss for learning. If it's not auto attack and probably use random skill the boss to death, they wouldn't do it. I still remember the hate to raids long ago when they decided to add raid to this game.

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@lightinthedark.2596 said:

@lightinthedark.2596 said:How do we know this?

SC is moving to FF14, other guilds are dying, skill cap in pugs is falling, last 2 wings were to easy and people are leaving, tpot quitting along with other streamers? Do I need to name more? It's not hard to notice if you are actually raiding.

Ok, so you have zero proof then. You need actual data..you know, hard evidence? This is just what you think and anecdotal experience lol. Tpot quitting? Wow, how will we EVER cope???

Communities have been a big part of the game since beta and Tpot has probably the biggest community in the game.You know, organizing stuff in open world, raids, wvw, pvp etc. And guess what, as soon as teapot moves a big part of that community is gonna go as well. You can keep on being sarcastic but it doesnt change the fact that this game is slowly falling apart. At least the MMO part of it. As for proof you dont need any. As long as you keep up with stuff, community discords, reddit etc etc you know all you need to know. We usually have 1-2 SC people raiding with us cause simply everyone else left for other better prospects. The part about the pug skill cap is also true. Doing an FC with pugs atm is a pure nightmare unless you join on a monday morning those groups that require 100 + dhumm kp .

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