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Server/region transfer questions

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So some friends of mine and I decided that we wanted to start a guild together (we know each other from outside the game). Problem is we are from all over the place (most in EU some in NA and SA). I've been playing the game for a few months while most of them just started this week. I already started a different guild on my home server in the American region.I'm just wondering what's the best way to play with them. Should I have everyone (myself included) transfer onto the same server in the EU (my american one is full)? If I do that what happens to my guild on the server I'm on now?Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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For PvP & PvE, only the region matters (EU or NA). Any world within the region is fine.

For WvW, the world matters and there are two ways to play together:

  • Join the same world
  • Join any of the worlds linked to the primary world. (Although this changes every two months.)

Guilds are agnostic to region: all the benefits are shared; you just won't see your guildies in the GH if you're in different regions.

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Guilds are mostly global. The only times things matter is when the server in the region where the guild was originally created goes down that might disable some guild functions for the duration. In my own experience this has only been a problem for the EU servers since those seems less reliable despite both NA and EU servers using AWS servers.

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@Ellegon Mcleod.5931 said:Don't think there is any easy transfer option between regions just between worlds in the same region.

There is no difference in transferring between regions or Worlds in the same region. Except for time; it can take a bit more time between regions. You can delete all characters and transfer between regions at no cost, or pay to transfer; it's the same for any World, no matter which region.

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