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Issue: Mount keyboard movement randomly goes awry

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I mostly move using keyboard, using the arrow keys. This works really well most of the time.

However, maybe 1 to 3 times a day (I play probably a couple of hours on the days I play), after I mount up, the mounts don't respond properly to my keyboard moves. I see it mostly on the raptor (probably because I use it most), but also on other mounts. I will mount up and try to turn in the direction I want to move, but the mount will stagger like a drunk and refuse to turn.Once I either a) turn the right direction using the mouse or b) dismount and mount up again, it works correctly.My keyboard setup is Turn Left = Left Arrow, Turn Right = Right Arrow, Move Forward = W, Up Arrow, Move Backward = Down Arrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:I see the same thing all the time. (Or the mount turns in some completely random direction/amount.) The mounts won't let you steer to the sides until you move forward. As annoying as it is, you can avoid it by just moving forward a little bit before you turn.This tip has been a lifesaver! Thanks a lot!

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