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Snowcrows Power Holo Benchmark (31k DPS)


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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:The ironic implication of all this is that Anet intends for Necro to always be bottom tier when it comes to benchmarks. "Oh, this class is doing less damage than necro? Better buff it up so it does more!" This means we could use necromancer as a unit of measurement if they're meant to be the baseline. Like, the current Deadeye benchmarks at 1.24 Necromancers.

That, and power rev for some reason...

To be fair, necro is one of the easiest classes to play, and engineer one of the hardest.

I mean, that depends on the build, remember how pre-PoF Power Engi was played?

Sit Bomb Kit, 111111-2-11111 and use your toolbelts on cd, the build was noob proof, Engi by its design can be a hard class, but at the end, it all depends on the build.

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@Ivantreil.3092 said:

@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:The ironic implication of all this is that Anet intends for Necro to always be bottom tier when it comes to benchmarks. "Oh, this class is doing less damage than necro? Better buff it up so it does more!" This means we could use necromancer as a unit of measurement if they're meant to be the baseline. Like, the current Deadeye benchmarks at 1.24 Necromancers.

That, and power rev for some reason...

To be fair, necro is one of the easiest classes to play, and engineer one of the hardest.

I mean, that depends on the build, remember how pre-PoF Power Engi was played?

Sit Bomb Kit, 111111-2-11111 and use your toolbelts on cd, the build was noob proof, Engi by its design can be a hard class, but at the end, it all depends on the build.

True, but on the whole, engineer is harder than necro.

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@"Vagrant.7206" said:

Looks like ECSU is the new meta for holo.

However, the ranking shows it really low on the totem pole. Condi engi doesn't even show until about halfway down the list. Power holo shows about 3/4 of the way down. Ranger and Necro also seem to be in the pit with us.

But booooiiiii look at elementalist numbers.


Necro will be there forever.And if you see it above, you can be 99% sure, that's due to some unintended interaction or a bug.

I really feel with you engi mains. At least Condi eng doesn't seem that bad.

Let's just hope for another balance patch that's not addressing any problems and power creeps another class even more. Maybe it's our main class then

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:The ironic implication of all this is that Anet intends for Necro to always be bottom tier when it comes to benchmarks. "Oh, this class is doing less damage than necro? Better buff it up so it does more!" This means we could use necromancer as a unit of measurement if they're meant to be the baseline. Like, the current Deadeye benchmarks at 1.24 Necromancers.

That, and power rev for some reason...

To be fair, necro is one of the easiest classes to play, and engineer one of the hardest.

Are you referring to both necro builds? I don't think that power eng Rotation was pretty hard to do pre patch. Didn't look into it post patch.

If you wanna get anywhere close on power NEC bench, you need to know which skills are cancelable, and which skill cancels, and when to cancel. Cause I know some people, that were waiting for animations to end, then they pressed their next button.Does engi have that?

And if you refer to Condi Nec: how comes, that some people don't even reach anywhere near the DPS of other necros?I rarely see other necros doing more dmg than me. Some of them suck super hard, and only get like 50% of my DPS. And I'm not perfectly playing necro.Yes, I do think the rotation is easier as others.But Condi Nec sits at 27k DPS...

Yes it does some support, but most of those support skills, you use in your dmg rotation, so you cannot rely on them.And if you keep them, till you need them, you loose DPS.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want scourge to do more dmg. It's meant to be support, and I think that's how it should be played, take away some dmg there, give it the ability to apply protection from time to time or give it fury uptime, I would be ok with that.

But not like last patches, where literally every selfsustain was taken away from necro.

Bloodmagic isnt good self sustain.Deathmagic (that focusses around defense) is the worst traitline in the whole game, and only used by minion master soloplayers.

Shroud cd- trait removed.Passive protection proc was taken awayShroud degenerates for reaper even fasterHealing from soul eater (reaper trait) was trashed

Did necro get huge dmg compensation?Compared to how it was before - yes (24k was really low)Compared to other classes - no - cause there's still 7-8k DPS difference and those classes didn't get their sustain nerfed. Some even got theirs buffed.

Oh god. I really did digress from the topic xD

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@Nimon.7840 said:Are you referring to both necro builds? I don't think that power eng Rotation was pretty hard to do pre patch. Didn't look into it post patch.

If you wanna get anywhere close on power NEC bench, you need to know which skills are cancelable, and which skill cancels, and when to cancel. Cause I know some people, that were waiting for animations to end, then they pressed their next button.Does engi have that?

And if you refer to Condi Nec: how comes, that some people don't even reach anywhere near the DPS of other necros?I rarely see other necros doing more dmg than me. Some of them suck super hard, and only get like 50% of my DPS. And I'm not perfectly playing necro.Yes, I do think the rotation is easier as others.But Condi Nec sits at 27k DPS...

Yes it does some support, but most of those support skills, you use in your dmg rotation, so you cannot rely on them.And if you keep them, till you need them, you loose DPS.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want scourge to do more dmg. It's meant to be support, and I think that's how it should be played, take away some dmg there, give it the ability to apply protection from time to time or give it fury uptime, I would be ok with that.

But not like last patches, where literally every selfsustain was taken away from necro.

Bloodmagic isnt good self sustain.Deathmagic (that focusses around defense) is the worst traitline in the whole game, and only used by minion master soloplayers.

Shroud cd- trait removed.Passive protection proc was taken awayShroud degenerates for reaper even fasterHealing from soul eater (reaper trait) was trashed

Did necro get huge dmg compensation?Compared to how it was before - yes (24k was really low)Compared to other classes - no - cause there's still 7-8k DPS difference and those classes didn't get their sustain nerfed. Some even got theirs buffed.

Oh god. I really did digress from the topic xD

Why do you even bother?Necromancers being easier to play is just an anchored prejudice that make other professions feel good about how much harder they are to play.Even if the reality is that holosmith is played just like any core/reaper build, just let them confort their pride.

Ultimately, it's a hard feat to have every profession dish out the same amount of dps or even being close to do it. Especially when all professions have very different mechanisms and gameplay philosophies.

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@stone cold.8609 said:Benchmark for power holo has been updated to reflect the most recent updates. Now at 34K and essentially even with the condi holo. Squarely in the middle of the list for small hitboxes.

Yeah, the ECSU build. Not an easy to play build against a golem, but in actual fights? Meh. I see no reason to pick it over the DH build.

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:The ironic implication of all this is that Anet intends for Necro to always be bottom tier when it comes to benchmarks. "Oh, this class is doing less damage than necro? Better buff it up so it does more!" This means we could use necromancer as a unit of measurement if they're meant to be the baseline. Like, the current Deadeye benchmarks at 1.24 Necromancers.

That, and power rev for some reason...

To be fair, necro is one of the easiest classes to play, and engineer one of the hardest.

Easiest, hardest ... isn't that completely subjective? I might be a piano player and might find "difficult" (Weaver, Engi, etc.) but static rotations really easy to follow, compared to fighting against far more dynamic mechanics like not being able to be healed in Shroud but still always trying to get into it with 90%+ HP in order to get your Scholar bonus, where not getting it while doing your Shroud rotation is a REALLY big hit in the PReapers already low (lowest) DPS check. So you always have to know what alternative/delaying/cancelling rotations you have (DON'T stay in Axe :) ), in order to still get the most out of your DPS check.But again, subjective ... YOU might actually find that really easy.

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