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how to make money in gw2 now?

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obviously pvp is out because of the shear amount of hackers that plague that game mode. wvw is out because no one really does that during the week. all that's left is pve which has been nerfed into oblivion, so unless i'm missing something then anet doesn't want its player base to earn any gold because they can turn said gold into gems and then use said gems to buy stuff off of the gem store which make anet lose money. there is an easy fix to that just remove the gold to gems option in currency exchage. but seriously is there a good way of making money now that the boss tp item has been nerfed? the domain of istan used to be best way of making money but nobody does that any more, so i assume it has been nerfed to oblivion as well. as far as pvp goes, anet doesn't seem to do anything about the hackers... obviously banning them doesn't work because gw2 core is f2p so couldn't they make up some kind of algorithm to detect them and only let them play with other hackers? or maybe they could use easy anti-cheat or some other program to help, yes we would lose reshade and what not but getting rid of the hackers one way or another would be worth the loss of the 3rd party extensions imo. it just seems like every time i find a new fun way to make money in the game, anet nerfs it into oblivion. is it really due to exchanging gold into gems? if so then just remove that option, then they don't have to nerf events and other ways of making lots of gold in the game.the only downside to posting this is that if someone does know of a good way of making money now and they post it, anet will nerf it into oblivion [most likely].

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"pve nerfed into oblivion" what

Go and farm. It's the same it's always been. Dragonfall, RIBA, Leather and even Auric Basin during Bauble week are all very popular and good farms. You could also upgrade materials and sell those for a lot of profit. Stop making up some silly narrative about them not wanting people to farm.

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If you're looking for a map meta to farm I believe Dragonfall is currently the most popular but Silverwastes, Auric Basin, Dragonstand and Istan are still done on a regular basis (and others, but I'm not sure what else is considered profitable).

Istan was changed so you can only loot 30 chests per day, per account, so people can't farm it 24/7 like they used to, but people still do the meta on a regular basis. Or at least whenever I've wanted to do it (on EU servers) I've been able to find a map where it's being done and if anything there's too many people there for me, it's the one place in the game my FPS drops to unplayable levels unless I turn all the graphics down.

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Dragonfall, for sure is a major contender for money making. I fully expect ANet to nerf it into oblivion eventually.

9 chests after destroying the wounds plus another 27 chests for completing the boss rush that follows. Plus three chests after securing a camp as well as killing a mender siphoning Ley-Energy. That's a ton of unidentified gear bags to open and salvage from just one cycle (about an hour and a half of time investment). And you can do as many cycles as you want, from what I can tell. I've opened nearly or over 100 chests in a day, some days. Then there's the Trophy Cases you can purchase from the Mistwarden vendor for 250 VM and 1G. Those give a ton of mats and you'll double or triple your money on those. I bought 130 of them today (130G investment) dropping me to 4G ended with over 300G from selling the mats.

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Guild wars 2 is an amazing game. ENJOY IT. there are SOOOO many ways to make gold.... but gold isn't required to enjoy the game and love the creation of guild wars 2. Learn not to buy useless items and save cause when you look at guild wars 2 design its only a skin replacing the look of an item, armor or weapon lol......

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Also bear in mind that you may well already have lots of stuff which can be easily converted into gold. Gold farming in this game is rarely about getting gold directly, or getting a specific item to sell for lots of gold, rather it's about selling lots of little things which add up and many of those will come from playing normally and will build up without you even needing to be aware of it.

For example when bank tabs went on sale recently I needed about 150 gold to buy one. I had 20g and something like 3 hours before the sale ran out (I was away for most of the sale). SOL right? Nope, and I didn't do any farming. I sold all my excess cooking materials (keeping a reserve of 50 of each, just in case) and used laurels to buy some material bags then sold those as well. I listed it at just below the current lowest sell price, rather than using sell instantly which was potentially a bit of a gamble since I needed the gold quickly, but it's all stuff which sells quickly and I didn't need all of it to sell to get enough gold (I used very rough calculations - rounding up or down for speed - and may have got a bit carried away so in total I made about 200g).

Of course I can't do that all the time because it will take a while for me to build up a supply of cooking materials and excess laurels again. But there's other stuff I could sell, including other crafting materials and currencies which can be converted into gold). I hate farming and rarely do it and I'm no where close to being one of the richest players in the game (to be precise I'm rank 71,485 according to GW2 Efficiency) but when I need to I can generally get a few hundred gold together.

Long-term planning can also help, once you get to know the game and your routine. For example I always start saving up in August because I know at the end of October I'm going to need hundreds of gold to buy literally thousands of candy corn for this year's crazy-expensive Halloween mini pet (although last year's wasn't too bad). But I also know I'll make a lot of gold during Wintersday because even though I'm away for a large chunk of the festival there's several things I enjoy doing which get me far more gifts than I want or need so I can sell them (or their contents) for gold. So if possible I delay non-urgent big purchases from August onwards until January. I realise that seems like a long time, but I don't mind waiting (I'm a taurean, I can wait forever if I have to). Either I'll get it eventually or I'll have stopped playing and then won't care about whatever it is I didn't get.

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@Darknessz.9650 said:FOLLOW THIS:

Guild wars 2 is an amazing game. ENJOY IT. there are SOOOO many ways to make gold.... but gold isn't required to enjoy the game and love the creation of guild wars 2. Learn not to buy useless items and save cause when you look at guild wars 2 design its only a skin replacing the look of an item, armor or weapon lol......

I agree, the best way to make gold is to avoid wasting it :)Example: buy a precursor, make a legendary out of it. Now you can choose: Make a profit of 500g by selling it, or a loss of 1500g by using it ;)That of course doesn't mean you should never spend gold, but if you choose wisely, you will have much less demand.

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I have only about 750 gold now. Played from release til end of 2013 where it was harder to make money. I had only about 50 gold or so where back then already hardcore farmers managed to get their thousands of gold somehow to buy precursors and legendaries.

When I came back in 2019 - a few weeks ago - I had left a lot of recipes of something that got sold for 80 or 90 gold and got up to 600-700 gold by just selling them. (I guess getting rare stuff from events and betting on stuff not coming back and keeping it until price rises might a nice long term goal - especially if it stacks and you need only 1 recipe since it now is account wide with recipes and learning.)

All the dailies (have non expansions but "paid" account from back then when you had to buy main game) give 2 gold - which is nice. And some mid level crafting mats (especially the leather) sell nicely. I still do salvage - for achievement and the better stuff for ectoplasm - a lot of stuff which gives me leather. (Also some generic "bags" loot. you can farm while doing event or other stuff nearby which I do "autmatically" with no dedicated farming.)

Not making much money this way. But I also don't use a lot (2g from daily is more than enough to even port around regularly to different WPs and armor repair cost got removed). So I'm gathering money slowly ... and if I really should need a lot (I plan to solo upgrade my guild in the future and getting a guild hall and stuff) I could sell a few of my 500+ golden coins or so. (Might try to keep them though - once I go for legendary in the future ... to save transaction costs.)

For your everyday needs and most content (where exotic gear is fine) not many gold is required. Especially now that mid range crafting mats are more expensive I guess your exotic armor set is gained very cheap.

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@JonONeill.3910 said:Dragonfall, for sure is a major contender for money making. I fully expect ANet to nerf it into oblivion eventually.

I think they're happier with Dragon Fall than the other metas because actually getting the dragon fall rewards from the chests requires you to do events on the map for keys. I'd say it's less likely to be severely nerfed because of that.

I mean, compare that with Auric Basin or Istan where you drop onto the map 5 minutes before the meta, blast through it getting quick loot then jump onto the next meta without needing to invest any time on the map.

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Buy it with gems...seriously. This game has the worst grinding for gold ever. I realized that I would need to focus on grinding each and every day for months, even a year, but why? Gem buy is too overpowered shortcut. It is about the time saved, I would rather mess in GW2 or use that time to do something productive in my life than to no-life grind for a joke of the income. Grinding gold is not worth it. You can gain 1000s of gold just by working 1-3 days.

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For me the "grind" is just fine. (With the style I explained above: I'm not really grindng but also not using a lot of money.) I have more problems with other MMORPG like WoW where you actually need to grind (but some people think it is fun to to raids n stuff repeatedly) to get better gear to to better dungeon. Endlessly doing raids repeatedly. I think the english word is "gear treadmill".

For gems vs. ingame gold: This is obviously intended and not a disadvantage (not "pay to win") - since you can play most of the stuff without using a lot of gems/gold. (Ascended/Legendary statswise not that much more than exotic stuff. Cosmetic stuff from gem store not needed.)

People with lots of free time tend to have less real money (unless they are reach or earn a lot per hour and can decide to work less) - so they can farm more ingame. People with less free time (working more) might have at least a little bit more money. (Even with low wages job you'd probably not have too many other hobbies when needing to rest after work ... and at lest a bit money to pay for a game you like.)

Personally I try do avoid currency exchange ingame. Meaning: Saving gold for stuff I'd need from trading post by myself. Buying gems I need for char slots, bank expansions - with real money. (And a few from achievement chests at the multiples of 5k which give gems I think.)

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@Dayra.7405 said:

@Mikali.9651 said:... It is about the time saved, ...I always wonder about that :) I mean, the sense of playing games is to waste time, now you want to save wasted time? ;)

More serious: Earning something makes you happy not buying something.

well, I would rather play for fun and things that make sense to me. Example, farming currencies for armor and trinket sets for multiple characters makes sense, farming masteries or even achievements. Grinding fractals to gain agony and weapon skins and to get to higher levels. Here and there playing meta events for fun, doing dailies or gathering materials. You can still do that all, even if you buy gold for a shortcut. That is how I went about legendaries. I didn't bother in trying to get precursor drops or farming gold just for it, but I did all other things and I wanted to farm most of the materials cuz cutting down trees or mining ores is a very chill experience.

But yeah, I want to save 6+ months of time doing mindless grinding, you got that right.

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don't see any hacker on pvp, may be better don't try find hacker in spvp, but try get fun.wvw gold? never hear that someone try to earn gold on wvw. Also I think it was never gold source ... this is source of fun. Don't get it ? - don't do.

I can give to you very rare and very powerful source to earn gold - relax and play.Want something asap and don't want wait so buy gems and relax.

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@JonONeill.3910 said:Dragonfall, for sure is a major contender for money making. I fully expect ANet to nerf it into oblivion eventually.

I think they're happier with Dragon Fall than the other metas because actually getting the dragon fall rewards from the chests requires you to do events on the map for keys. I'd say it's less likely to be severely nerfed because of that.

I mean, compare that with Auric Basin or Istan where you drop onto the map 5 minutes before the meta, blast through it getting quick loot then jump onto the next meta without needing to invest any time on the map.

I hope so. I actually enjoy the time spent in Dragonfall and the profit from it is really icing on the cake. There are some cycles where I only gather keys (sitting on about 80 right now) and do it to just help other people get their stuff.

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@TheMaverick.6104 said:A good tip: Dont stand there and try to farm a ton of gold when you need it. Do a HOT meta, gather the nodes when there. Gather difluorite nodes in Sandswept fot magic, gather nodes while there. One gold here, 50 silver there adds up in the end.

Yes, my biggest bang for the buck is to farm home nodes (yours or someone else's). Yes, you do not get a lot per day but for a couple of minutes it is more than worth it. Then when something comes up that, oh, wants a stack of each S4 currency you already have it.

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@Hylox.9746 said:so unless i'm missing something then anet doesn't want its player base to earn any gold because they can turn said gold into gems and then use said gems to buy stuff off of the gem store which make anet lose money.

Anet don't care if you buy gems directly of use gold to buy them.

Each and every gem that you can buy with gold was first bought with real money and then converted to gold by someone. So they don't lose any money.

There is not an infinite amount of gems available to buy. They don't come out of thin air.

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