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Q&A with the Narrative Team

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What makes the narrative team wanna backtrack on all the popular places of GW1 instead of exploring completely new lore, races and things like that? Is there something that makes you re tell stories in the same places ? Also not sure if it was answered but ever considered telling the story from the perspective of the heroes in stead of the player character ?

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Zafirah's introduction was the best character's intro ever in my humble opinion.

I wrote about how I feel about Zafirah many times, and I felt her so deeply! I couldn't bear the pain she's suffered not only when she was shooting the bullets at us, but her whole life's story was just so full of pain, searching for something, anything to live for. Really true character as well, I noticed in my life such people like Zafirah. And I tried to be like Aurene, even before I knew our new Hope Dragon in my life.

You can really fail sometimes, fall into the darkest pit, like Zafirah just waiting for someone to end it all for her, like she begged the Commander to kill her, but no... Aurene saw that Zafirah has so much potential in her, and also showed her Champion that sometimes you need to trust someone you think is untrustworthy.

I have a tendency to connect with the characters from movies, games, books. And I build a deep connection with every character of GW2.

Caithe - because sometimes I hide behind a mask. Because she fears to speak up, and when she does it can be so... deep.Taimi - because of her openness. She was expected to react weirdly at Blish being a golem, but no... She saw him as something new, something strange - interesting to discover. She feels for everyone, but she doesn't like when someone pities her - as I sometimes do.Rytlock - whatever he wants for good, it sometimes has bad consequences. He is still searching for something, and doesn't know exactly what it is. I value his instinct, though - that's what I love about him is he... feels.

I'd write more, but it'd be too much. :)

Also a side note: War Eternal trailer was the story itself. It was me that noticed that you wanted to show different stages of grief (as you mentioned even months before on Guild Chats and talking about Braham), but with War Eternal you really showed those kinds of grief so... perfectly. I wrote.

Caithe is in dispair, Zafirah feels anger, Rytlock's heart beats faster, like me when I am sad, I can recognize it everywhere, because thats how I take grief, Logan talks nonsenses, which ease Rytlock's mind, but also annoys him. Gorrik tries to focus on his work, but its just doing it for nothing, knowing the end is near, Braham takes care of others, because he understood he can't be angry, he will try to ease minds by caring about physical health, Taimi is paralyzed by grief, she has never experienced such pain, the Commander watching on Aurene is ready for whatever fate brings, basically giving room for us all.

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@Julia Nardin.9824 said:

@WolfsFang.2301 said:I have only played charr in my 2.5k+ hours I have put into the game so I am not sure if this question applies to other races. I really liked my warband and would like to see more of them. However after the personal story it feels like everything attached to it was just forgotten and thrown away. Is the story so far ahead and/or are these early personal story elements not relatable in the current GW2 story? Could we see our personal story decisions somehow playout into the current story, may it be even in a small way?

I guess my real question is, will we ever see something related to OUR personal story? I love the current lore but playing hero all the time is starting to get drawn out when almost every game is doing this.

I play a charr, too! Hi!

The challenge you're highlighting comes back to the choices we give players during character creation. That is to say, we've got five unique player races with countless combinations of Personal Story options. We also have a ceiling on the number of lines we can fit into our episodes, both voiced and not, so it's very difficult to service all those branching threads. The goods news is that we're taking a closer look at this as we move forward, and are working with designers to find unique opportunities to tailor the experience in manageable ways where possible. You'll see more of this approach in future Living World content, too, although not as much as we wish we could do.

It's a charr party! Glad to see this question came up already, because I would probably have asked the same thing.

One of the things that I enjoyed most about Divinity: Original Sin 2 was the way that your race actually made a huge difference to the way other characters behaved towards you, to the point it could even change the direction of how encounters went, or open up alternative options. I've noticed that it's exceedingly rare for MMOs to achieve this, and that's by no means limited to GW2. Some of this is for gameplay reasons, but most of it seems to be the result of the tight schedules that come with an episodic format.

However, you've shown us that yes, it is possible to have beast races that aren't just reskinned humans with funny heads and a tail in a MMO. Supposing there was a goal to show that MMOs can have races that feel different to play, how would you tackle that without completely blowing out the development schedule?

(Wild speculation territory there; I apologise if that's outside the scope of this thread.)

[Edit]: Let's add a second question for fun. Of all the branches of science to have a good understanding of, what's the most important one for a game writer?

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Few questions, specially about past history:

  • Where was Port Stalwart located? I think the inaccessible coastline between Kessex Hills and Lion's Arch is the best candidate, but a confirmation would still be nice.
  • How did the Kingdom of Kryta react to the foundation of the Dominion of Winds? Should have been a pretty good deal back in the day, but it's not mentioned anywhere.
  • What's the story behind the Handmaidens of Kormir? They look like such cool characters, but we barely know anything about them.
  • What's the political status of Lion's Arch as a nation/faction/organization (city + towns + havens)? Is it correct to call it "Free City of Lion's Arch", like some old sources did? And Ebonhawke, is it correct to call it "Duchy of Ebonhawke"? What about Rata Sum, or The Grove, what's the name of those nations/factions/organizations?
  • How are the followers of each religion called? As for humans, is it "Church of Dwayna", "Priesthood of Dwayna", or something else? Which one is correct? What about norn shamans, are they "Followers of Wolf", "Cult of Wolf", or any other?
  • Are Gorilla, Mink, and Otter real Spirits of the Wild, or just ingame jokes? What's the deal with the Spirit of Dragon? Some say it represents Jormag, while others say it is the embodiment of all dragons.
  • What's the deal with Primeval ghosts, is there anything special to them, like Ascalonian ghosts (cursed by the Foefire) or Bloodstone ghosts (sacrificed at bloodstones)? They're the only ghosts in the whole game who seem to have "free will", and they also respawn once destroyed, something other ghosts don't do.
  • The volcano named Hrangmer, where the Flame Legion found the titans, is the same volcano we see at the Citadel of Flame? The wiki says yes, but lacks a proper source.
  • How are the ghostly creatures found in Melandru's Lost Domain called? I'm talking about the Spectral Bears and Spectral Stalkers. Are they connected to the spectral creatures summoned by the Bloomhunger boss? Are they some sort of druidic animal ghosts, like the ranger spirits?
  • There's a few rare human NPCs with hispanic names ingame. Where do they come from? Doern Velazquez in particular sounds pretty suspicious about his origins. Is there another human nation out there, one we don't know about? Maybe a remnant from GW1's Utopia project?

Some questions which might or might not be part of the future storylines, so tread carefully:

  • Have we met Mr. E yet? Will he be revealed any soon, this time for good?
  • What happened with the Krytan Royal Locket? This artifact was mentioned during LW2, and was told to reveal the face of the heir to the throne of Kryta.
  • Where was Livia during all these years? And the Scepter of Orr?
  • What happened to the Golem's Eye? What happened to the Catacombs below Divinity's Reach?
  • What's the deal with the Order of Shadows? What happened to the original Order of Whispers after they split, did they fight each other, and one was destroyed?
  • What's the connection between Isgarren, the mage from Wizard's Tower, and Grand Wizard Garren? Are they family? Could they be members of the Krytan royalty, like cousins to Queen Jennah or something like that?
  • What happened with the many once-Sunspear high ranking members of the Mordant Crescent? I'm thinking about High Priestess Amala and Warden Jabari in particular, both powerful servants of good in life, which haven't appeared since Joko's downfall.
  • Where's the real world location of the Twilight Oasis Fractal? Are we ever gonna visit?
  • What's the name of Dessa's Krewe? "Dessa's Krewe", "Mistlock Krewe", or any other? Where was their original lab before they got trapped in the Mists? Will we ever visit it?
  • Will we ever meet the demonic servants who survived the events of Nightfall? Are they still around, or were they finished for good?
  • What's the deal with the Shadowstone? Is it connected to the Bloodstones?
  • Where are Marjory and Kasmeer? Are they still helping refugees in western Elona? Are they safe?
  • What happened with the Forged? Did they go back to the Fissure of Woe? Did they take shelter in Kesho? Do they still roam the desert?
  • What's the deal with the Consortium? Who's their leader, what's their true goal? What's up with the House of Daoud and the Cowrie League?

Thanks for reading!

@"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

  • In Romke's Final Voyage, the group is momentarily visited by a "Bear Spirit", "Wolf Spirit", "Snow Leopard Spirit", and a "Vision of Raven"; are the former three the actual Spirits of the Wild, or mere messengers akin to Veteran Bear Spirit? Is there any relation to them and the same named NPCs that show up during Means to an End (where 3 Bear Spirits, Raven Spirits, Wolf Spirits, or Snow Leopard Spirits show up - seemingly summoned by Romke's Horn - based on the PC's biography choice)?

I don't think they are, and I'll explain why. Let's start with the correct terminology for each spirit: The "Animal Spirit" model is barely present in game text and dialogue, if at all. In the other hand, the alternative "Spirit of Animal" model is consistently presented across multiple sources.

Here's a list of related wiki articles:

Compiled evidence as for why the "Spirit of Animal" model is the right term for the deities:

Compiled evidence as for why the "Animal Spirit" model is the wrong term for the deities:

  • "Animal Spirit" is never used outside the NPC names or direct references to said NPCs.
  • There are multiple NPCs with the Owl Spirit name, all of them close to each other across Owl's Abattoir.
  • Multiple instances of the same NPCs with the Bear Spirit, Raven Spirit, Snow Leopard Spirit, and Wolf Spirit names spawn during Means to an End. The same NPCs appear once again during Romke's Final Voyage.
  • There are two separate NPCs representing Bear: Bear Spirit and Veteran Bear Spirit.
  • NPCs by the name of Dolyak Spirit exist, but they don't seem to be connected to the deity in any way whatsoever.

So yeah, this means those NPCs are not direct manifestations of the Spirits of the Wild, but some sort of avatars or representations, and thus they should be treated as individual entities different from the deities. It's the same thing with the Pale Tree and the Avatar of the Tree, Glint and Vision of Glint, or Balthazar and Avatar of Balthazar.

Conclusion: Only one Spirit of the Wild appears directly ingame: The Spirit of Wolf. The rest never do, only their avatars/servants.

Hoping we get to meet them for real soon!

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:

  1. will we get more about asgeir, and potentially the fate of jora at some point?

I hope Asgeir Dragonrender is the next legendary stance for revenants. He could wield a greatsword and summon fallen Spirits of the Wild, he's just perfect for the job!

Alternatively, getting Bonfaaz Burnfur instead would be pretty awesome too. Who doesn't want to summon some Searing fire magic and burn your enemies alive?

@Tom Abernathy.5893 said:

@"zealex.9410" said:A couple of questions:

1.What was the thought process behind having a "meaningful character deaths" panel after ep5 regarding the death aurene only to have her back in action in the first 5 minutes of ep6? Doesnt that kinda devalue the whole "meaningful" part? (not trying to be a kitten, just curious on the thought process)

2.Looking back at it would you have done smth regarding her death and revival differently?

And finally, the concept of her resurection for many ppl ended up not being quite the surprise some (maybe you guys and gals too) whould've hoped for. Alot of us found the implications of her eating Joko so clear that were expecting her to die past that point.

3.Do you believe it was the right call to make her imminent revival thanks to eating joko so clear for tho who paid attention to the story? Do you think that could've been handled differently? Maybe in a less apparent way?

Legitimate questions. I recommend you watch the Guild Chat Julia and I did in May after “War Eternal” was released. I addressed a lot of that in our discussion.

Too late I guess, but I think having some "mourning" Side Stories would have helped built tension between episodes 5 and 6.

Or maybe it would have been to cruel, I don't know =).

@Julia Nardin.9824 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:Has there been any seeds towards the new content in either the open world, cities or festivals (incl the current one)? I'm not asking for what they are, but seeding clues used to be a fun thing players used to look for before an episode, but that seems to have dried up. Is there anything added that we can go and hunt for that might give us some early in game clues? Ambient dialogue, map changes and so forth

We plan pretty far out and, because we can only fit so much into any given release, we have to make very deliberate choices about what we include. In an earlier GuildChat I think we said something to the effect of: "Everything is intentional." That still holds true. We don't want to send anybody spinning down a rabbit hole, but...

cough — Icebrood valkyries — cough

@Tom Abernathy.5893 said:

@Incognito.3529 said:Do you guys ever think about returning Scarlet in any form (spirit, clone etc)? I kinda miss this character (mostly thanks to Tara Strong VA performance).

Speaking only for myself, I’ve thought about it. Haven’t come up with anything I really like yet, and, anyway, that whole area isn’t where we’re focused at the moment. But never say never.

Don't revive her, please. She had a good death. However, I'm 100% up for a Living World Season 1 revival / remake, that's the right way to do her justice.

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This one's for any/all of the narrative team members who wish to answer.

Which #GW2 character...(a) are you most like?(b) do you find most intriguing?© is your favorite to write, and why?(d) is most difficult to write, and why?(e) would you would most enjoy getting a beer with?(f) are you most excited for everyone to see going forward? (Not sure if you're allowed to answer that one.)

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Why did Eir and Braham never shapeshift so far? For a race of shapeshifters the norn ingame spent a suprisingly small amount of time in their animal form. From time to time we see a soldier shapeshifting and fighting as a beast, but even that is rare. Jora lost her ability to shapeshift through Jormags Magic, did something similar happen to large parts of the Norn race, so individual who can still shapeshift are rare? Do most of them just prefer to stay in a humanoid form? I would have loved to see a giant bear braham smashing every awakened he sees on his way to save Taimi.

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As far as storytelling goes, I think Season 4 is the best so far, it had many memorable moments! Also, the addition of new characters, like Gorik, Zafirah and of course Aurene ,as a full character by the end, made this season beautiful.

Now on to my questions:After Ascalonian Catacombs Eir gave Magdaer to a Norn blacksmith for repairs. Are we gonna ever find out who that blacksmith is or if they reforged the blade?Rytlock has been back from the Mists for some time, is there a reason why we haven't performed the cleansing ritual again? Now that Sohothin is all powered up by Balthazar it should be more effective

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Crystal Black.8190 said:Why did Eir and Braham never shapeshift so far? For a race of shapeshifters the norn ingame spent a suprisingly small amount of time in their animal form. From time to time we see a soldier shapeshifting and fighting as a beast, but even that is rare. Jora lost her ability to shapeshift through Jormags Magic, did something similar happen to large parts of the Norn race, so individual who can still shapeshift are rare? Do most of them just prefer to stay in a humanoid form? I would have loved to see a giant bear braham smashing every awakened he sees on his way to save Taimi.

We've been discussing this a lot in the writers' room (among other things). You guys definitely aren't alone; the shapeshifting is on our list of things we'd like to be able to explore. When Alex said we're taking a more nuanced look at races, this is the sort of thing he's referring to: core pillars that merit more time and attention, even if it's a bit of a balancing act sometimes. We hear you!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@"Crystal Black.8190" said:Did you originally plan something for Almorra in the final instance of war eternal? While she is on the map, it seemed odd for her to be missing after Kralks death. She dedicated her whole life to kill Kralkatorik, I somehow expected some kind of dialogue from her how she is feeling now.

This was a tough call. We had only so many characters we could include in the epilogue--you might notice Gorrik is missing, too. Almorra lost her warband and made it her life's mission to take out the Elder Dragons by forming the Vigil and brokering the Ebonhawke Treaty. But she wasn't our only ally who had lost someone close to her because of Kralkatorrik. Rytlock and Logan confronted their past in "War Eternal" as well, helping to finally avenge Snaff and Glint. Having conversations with Rytlock, Logan, and Almorra felt like a bit of a double beat, so we opted to save Almorra's perspective for another time when we could give it slightly more room to breathe. You'll hear from her again.

A general's work is never really done...

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I like how you also develope the festivals further, like with the inclusion of the Olmakhan in the current festival. Can we expect something similar for other festivals, like Halloween? Now Joko is in the Mist together with King Thorn, they are arch enemies and I would expect Joko trying to take over Thorns festival. Or Marcello during the festival of the four winds and wintersday. Maybe Marcello is somewhere at the moment I didn't explore the festival much so far.

Do you internally know what is down below in the catacombs and sewers of divinities reach? I am waiting for a long time what is the cause for the missing persons down there. This is also the place where the golems eye is and probably the scepter of Orr. This gate in Divinities reach that leads in the Catacombs is there since release and I would really like to be able to use it.

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Gosh I love this Q&A!

But I'm going to ask about Rox - is she really gonna leave Dragon's Watch? Or she will still be in our team? Or she will just want to live a peaceful life on the nature (maybe learning to become a Druid?)

Rox's arc was so well developed this season, too.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Batel.9206 said:Yay; personal story development questions! [ahem] I was reading Edge of Destiny, and I realized something: Trahearne's never mentioned, even when it would have been logical to introduce him or just hint at his character. So now I'm quite curious: at what point in the game's development did you come up with Trahearne's character and his role in the story?

This is ancient history in dev terms (dating back a decade or more from concept to completion) but I’ll do my best to dust off the cobwebs! The novel was written by a freelancer, Rob King, and released in 2010—almost two years before Guild Wars 2. A lot of the story beats and characters from the Personal Story didn’t make it in to the novel probably because they were still being developed. It’s very possible Trahearne hadn’t been conceived or fleshed out enough in the game by the time of the novel’s writing. Or perhaps a conscious decision was made not to cross that character over for another reason. I don’t really know as I was only tangentially involved in both the tie-in novel projects and the Personal Story back in those days.

I do remember a lot of discussion happening around Trahearne’s character during the last year of GW2 development (2011 – 2012), so I’m guessing that since he appears to non-sylvari players starting in Chapter 6 of the Personal Story a lot of changes happened in that final year. In short, I assume that Trahearne hadn’t been fully defined in the game when the book was being written, so it was probably a conscious decision to just leave him out of the book. Hope this answers your question!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Incognito.3529 said:Do you guys ever think about returning Scarlet in any form (spirit, clone etc)? I kinda miss this character (mostly thanks to Tara Strong VA performance).

Disclaimer: we have no current plans to revisit Scarlet’s character. That stated, I think if we ever had the opportunity to rebuild portions of Season 1 we’d take a look at Scarlet’s characterization and try to find ways to align her more with her posthumous portrayal in Season 2 (while also using a similar approach to what we did with Trahearne with the Personal Story Restoration). We’d consider rewriting some of her dialogue and perhaps make some adjustments to how and when she appeared in content, and try to do a better job with her introduction, showing her downfall, etc. Tara was great to work with and I think, if given the opportunity, she could help us realize that character’s full potential.

So, yeah. We’ve learned a lot since Season 1. ?

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@Bobby Stein.3612 said:

@Incognito.3529 said:Do you guys ever think about returning Scarlet in any form (spirit, clone etc)? I kinda miss this character (mostly thanks to Tara Strong VA performance).

Disclaimer: we have no current plans to revisit Scarlet’s character. That stated, I think if we ever had the opportunity to rebuild portions of Season 1 we’d take a look at Scarlet’s characterization and try to find ways to align her more with her posthumous portrayal in Season 2 (while also using a similar approach to what we did with Trahearne with the Personal Story Restoration). We’d consider rewriting some of her dialogue and perhaps make some adjustments to how and when she appeared in content, and try to do a better job with her introduction, showing her downfall, etc. Tara was great to work with and I think, if given the opportunity, she could help us realize that character’s full potential.

So, yeah. We’ve learned a lot since Season 1. ?

Mr. Stein, sir, please allow me to say this.


As someone who got tired and frustrated playing through the slow bits at the time LS1 was live, the whole story itself was good and would benefit the whole game if it's back in a more distilled form. I'm trying to rope in some new players and, if they are the story type, getting them over the hurdle that is the LS1 gap is difficult. At least it'd be nice if the in-game cinematic recap tells us more about how the DW met the Commander!

(The bits introducing the characters in the LS itself were fine! I'd love to see them again if it's on any table in any timeline!)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Arden.7480 said:Gosh I love this Q&A!

But I'm going to ask about Rox - is she really gonna leave Dragon's Watch? Or she will still be in our team? Or she will just want to live a peaceful life on the nature (maybe learning to become a Druid?)

Rox's arc was so well developed this season, too.

Thanks, Arden! Rox has indeed joined up with the Olmakhan by Episode 6 (which you can hear in her dialogues with Boticca in throughout War Eternal). For the moment anyway, she isn't going to be actively adventuring with Dragon's Watch. That said, it's entirely possible she may cross paths with the Commander and DW sometime again in the future.

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@Bobby Stein.3612 said:

@Batel.9206 said:Yay; personal story development questions! [ahem] I was reading Edge of Destiny, and I realized something: Trahearne's never mentioned, even when it would have been logical to introduce him or just hint at his character. So now I'm quite curious: at what point in the game's development did you come up with Trahearne's character and his role in the story?

This is ancient history in dev terms (dating back a decade or more from concept to completion) but I’ll do my best to dust off the cobwebs! The novel was written by a freelancer, Rob King, and released in 2010—almost two years
Guild Wars 2. A lot of the story beats and characters from the Personal Story didn’t make it in to the novel probably because they were still being developed. It’s very possible Trahearne hadn’t been conceived or fleshed out enough in the game by the time of the novel’s writing. Or perhaps a conscious decision was made not to cross that character over for another reason. I don’t really know as I was only tangentially involved in both the tie-in novel projects and the Personal Story back in those days.

I do remember a lot of discussion happening around Trahearne’s character during the last year of GW2 development (2011 – 2012), so I’m guessing that since he appears to non-sylvari players starting in Chapter 6 of the Personal Story a lot of changes happened in that final year. In short, I assume that Trahearne hadn’t been fully defined in the game when the book was being written, so it was
a conscious decision to just leave him out of the book. Hope this answers your question!

Yes, this answers a lot, actually! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer. :D

I kind of thought that, because the novel was released so far before GW2 actually came out, Trahearne's character just hadn't been fully fleshed out yet (or even thought of). But I was also curious because...well...there are a lot of things in that novel which actively contradict or just ignore previous lore (how asura gates work, for one thing). So I wasn't sure if Trahearne's omission from the novel was simply because Trahearne didn't exist yet, or because the author dropped the ball a bit. This clarifies a lot about the novel as a whole, truth be told - it's likely that a lot of the lore errors/contradictions/random weirdness simply weren't fully fleshed out at that point in the game's development.

...also, I asked because Trahearne's my favorite character, and any tidbits of information about him are great. :innocent: (And one of the reasons I'm still dragging my heels on finishing Heart of Thorns. I know what happens, and I don't want it to! Darn you all for making me feel this much about a video game character! [shakes fist] :tongue: )

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A question concerning more nuanced races. Are there general lenses you use to analyze the races, such as economic, religious, or magical affinity/disposition? Personally I would love to see more attention paid to Tyrian economics. I think it would be fun to write and play and build confidence in the player economy.

Does the writing staff have any input into rewards or reward metas based on the narrative?

When you write about people using magic, do you have an image of what that person experiences? What does their body experience, what is their inner dialog?

Would you still be willing to give the PC narrator control over an NPC? Or has the response to Caithe made it inappropriate?

The Requiems were a great idea. I don't think the three we had so far were used correctly. That being said they did a lot of work. They added dimension to characters, kept attention focused on Tyria during content droughts, and gave writers a new way to project themselves. Are you considering something similar for the future? You could safely release narrative about unimportant characters.

Your word count budget was just increased by 15%. What would each of you send those words on?

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Something that has bugged me since playing sylvari is Malyck. Who is he? what is he? they say he is the harbinger , of what? Where is he and why havent we seen him again. He went to get his people and tell them about the pale tree. But that was the last i heard of him. Who are these other sylvari? I thought only the pale tree sylvari were the ones that ronan planted. This is very curious to me and will we see Malyck and his people again? Inquiring minds have to know!

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@Zuldari.3940 said:Something that has bugged me since playing sylvari is Malyck. Who is he? what is he? they say he is the harbinger , of what? Where is he and why havent we seen him again. He went to get his people and tell them about the pale tree. But that was the last i heard of him. Who are these other sylvari? I thought only the pale tree sylvari were the ones that ronan planted. This is very curious to me and will we see Malyck and his people again? Inquiring minds have to know!

They sort of answered that earlier in the thread with this quote. We also know one of the former writers was also toying with something around Malyck after he was cut from the HoT story, but all we know for now is as below

@Julia Nardin.9824 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Fans keep bringing up so-called loose ends and plotholes... what's your (collective) perspective on that? Specifically:
  • If you had an extra episode to resolve issues, what plotholes would you prioritize?
  • Are there any complications that you've put in the story deliberately, with the intention of leaving any resolution up to our imagination?
  • Can you talk about one/more gap(s) for which you had a great plan... then ran out of time/resources to implement properly?

Thank you for bringing this up! My answer to this one is going to be pretty broad, but I'm hoping it cuts to the heart of what you're asking. There are a lot of questions in this thread about the future of specific threads like Malyck, Zojja, Rytlock's past, Spirits of the Wild, Wizard's Tower, etc. that would require specific answers we aren't in a position to give at the moment. However!

Lately, the team has spent a lot of time discussing the game’s foundation and all the stories that different configurations of designers and writers have told since Guild Wars 2 launched. We’re very aware there are certain plots, characters, and lore that our players are curious about and want to see explored or resolved, so we made plans for future content with many (but not all) of those things in mind. The team is actively looking for opportunities to shine the spotlight on areas of the world that haven’t gotten as much attention as others while balancing the need to drive the narrative forward.

It's impossible for us to address everything without things getting muddy or feeling randomized, so we have to prioritize by picking and choosing what works best for the direction we're going. One of the reasons we wanted to do this Q&A was to let you guys know that we
listening because what you have to say is important to us. We're looking forward to sharing what we've been working on at the August 30 event, when we can be more specific in regards to what we say about what's coming.

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@Julia Nardin.9824 said:

@"WolfsFang.2301" said:Of all the branches of science to have a good understanding of, what's the most important one for a game writer?

Can't speak for everybody, but for me it's psychology. Also: sociology.

Wow, after reading this, I just can't resist asking.

Is there really no cure for the Nightmare Courtiers? I just can't get over this, especially when some of them (ok, just Gavin probably) show at least as much honor as many of the Dreamers. And after they spent years of "getting rid of the shackles of Ventari's tablet and be free" only to find out about daddy Mordy, one would expect at least some of them to use their brains and see the whole thing from a new point of view. Or is it something about the sylvari being what they are, that prevents them from really having a choice? Considering there are quite many sylvari pirates, which is not exactly a honorable and moral occupation, I don't really understand some Courtiers haven't had doubts far sooner. And after reading the Requiems, I just can't shake off a thought that at the very beginning, Faolain just took the whole Nightmare Court and wiped her behind with it and instead of being twisted by it, she twisted the Court.

The Soundless. What do they actually try to do? Weaken the link to the Dream? Keep others' feelings out? Keep their own feelings just for themselves? If a Courtier did it, could they just go live somewhere away and ignore the whole Nightmare basket of kittens?

And now for something completly different:Will Laranthir find love? (Well, I admit this is more of a plea than a question, so... please, pretty please. A simple mention in a dialog would be enough, just let him be happy, ok? :) )

I really like the dredge sage Ninukab in Thunderhead Peaks and his differentiated dialog (as well as other such dialogs, but this one is especially good). Could we please get more of these candies? There simply can't be too much.

Thanks for all the fi... this thread.

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There is a big GW1 mystery about Rata Sum being an anagram for Mursaat. Why was this mystery never answered? Why was is not answered during LW season 3 when the last of the mursaat died :(?

Why did the writersteam deside that Lazarus should be killed of? Looking back at the mursaat plot do you think it would have been more interesting to keep Lazarus alive?

What is the history between livia and lazarus?

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