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Please shake up the BLC drops

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I haven't used keys for months due to the shocking drops, and tonight i figured hey why not that new skin isn't bad looking,

Yea 75 keys later, and i got 4 items that where not common, every other drop was common out of 50 chests, thats beyond a joke at this point, how long do you have to not buy gems and keys for, 6 months, a year, 2 years before the drops get decent again???? Im not asking for super rare, but you could rotate that uncommon into the chance of drops a little more anet, or else just make everything gem store available so we can buy pass the RNG.

At this rate you are slowly introducing $100-$200 skins into the game without admitting it.

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i'll be honest about this... i'm ALSO disappointed with BLC exclusive skins... i don't mind the skins being available exclusively for a limited time... but after the next BLC guaranteed item changes, the exclusive skin should become available directly by another method, such as direct sale in the Gem Store, or tradeable on the TP, or by trading statuettes, or some other guaranteed way to obtain them.

i REALLY want the Starborn skin, but i'm NOT going to play RNG lotto for it.

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@Forgotten Legend.9281 said:i'll be honest about this... i'm ALSO disappointed with BLC exclusive skins... i don't mind the skins being available exclusively for a limited time... but after the next BLC guaranteed item changes, the exclusive skin should become available directly by another method, such as direct sale in the Gem Store, or tradeable on the TP, or by trading statuettes, or some other guaranteed way to obtain them.

i REALLY want the Starborn skin, but i'm NOT going to play RNG lotto for it.

Yea thats my point, its a decent looking skin and Anet knew it would be popular but reality of it is, its a $100+ skin unless RNG falls massively in your favor, this is almost predatory sales tactics Anet are using now. Ive rolled 75 keys tonight and got 4 drops outside common, everything else is common, i know Anet reads this, but its amazing they ignore it, and these topics come up several times a month.

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No kidding. I bought gems with real money to get 50 keys. I was hoping for the new Starborn Outfit but didn't get it.

Out of 50 chests I got: the Dragon Fireworks glider/backpack combo, 3 soaring weapon skins, and a black lion claim ticket. Not a single rare item. But to be honest, I'm surprised I even got that many uncommons out of 50 chests. I'm usually lucky to get 1 uncommon or better out of 50 chests. Hell, I didn't even want the Dragon Fireworks backpack/glider. All I wanted was the outfit.

This is pretty ridiculous though. If the Starborn outfit was sold directly in the gem shop, it would have cost around 700 gems. But here I spent 4,200 gems I payed real money for (over $50.00) and didn't get it.

If the outfit could be traded I could understand it being RNG only. What they could do with cosmetic items that can't be traded is also make them available for black lion statuettes at the same time they are random drops from the chests. I'm sure the outfit will eventually be available for black lion statuettes, but that usually takes several months to happen.

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@Charrbeque.8729 said:No kidding. I bought gems with real money to get 50 keys. I was hoping for the new Starborn Outfit but didn't get it.

Out of 50 chests I got: the Dragon Fireworks glider/backpack combo, 3 soaring weapon skins, and a black lion claim ticket. Not a single rare item. But to be honest, I'm surprised I even got that many uncommons out of 50 chests. I'm usually lucky to get 1 uncommon or better out of 50 chests. Hell, I didn't even want the Dragon Fireworks backpack/glider. All I wanted was the outfit.

This is pretty ridiculous though. If the Starborn outfit was sold directly in the gem shop, it would have cost around 700 gems. But here I spent 4,200 gems I payed real money for (over $50.00) and didn't get it.

If the outfit could be traded I could understand it being RNG only. What they could do with cosmetic items that can't be traded is also make them available for black lion statuettes at the same time they are random drops from the chests. I'm sure the outfit will eventually be available for black lion statuettes, but that usually takes several months to happen.

I feel you frustration.. Its All just stupid

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The odds for the BL chests are consistent: you should not count on getting the account bound unlocks. There's a 10% chance that you'll get an uncommon or better, and the Mountfit, Outfit, and so on are just one of many uncommon drops.

Use the keys because they are fun; not because you have any expectations of loot.

For guaranteed loot, wait. Every thing that has dropped as an exclusive has become available in some other method, usually withing 5-12 months.

  • Statuettes are common.
  • The Black Lion Exclusives Chest is a tradeable item that sometimes drops from the chest. When it does, it has the unlocks from start until about 3-6 months earlier (so just misses the most recent ones). It starts off with a high market value, eventually dropping down to 400 g and then to 300g.
  • Infrequent would be some things showing up in the BL store, perhaps in a bundle.

It's a lottery, not a loot source. Think of it as a single-use toy: just for fun, not for stuff.

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@"Ok I Did It.2854" said:I haven't used keys for months due to the shocking drops, and tonight i figured hey why not that new skin isn't bad looking,The drop rates haven't changed.

Yea 75 keys later, and i got 4 items that where not common, every other drop was common out of 50 chests, thats beyond a joke at this point,No, that's typical, on the unlucky side. (Specifically: about 12% chance of that happening.)

how long do you have to not buy gems and keys for, 6 months, a year, 2 years before the drops get decent again????Not buying, buying... doesn't matter. The odds are the same.

just make everything gem store available so we can buy pass the RNG.As I noted above, everything will become available through a guaranteed source. Just not right away.

At this rate you are slowly introducing $100-$200 skins into the game without admitting it.Only if you insist on thinking of bl chests as a loot source; they aren't.

You now have at least 75 statuettes: save them until the things you want are available without RNG. Buy more keys for a laugh, not with any expectations.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Ok I Did It.2854" said:I haven't used keys for months due to the shocking drops, and tonight i figured hey why not that new skin isn't bad looking,The drop rates haven't changed.

Yea 75 keys later, and i got 4 items that where not common, every other drop was common out of 50 chests, thats beyond a joke at this point,No, that's typical, on the unlucky side. (Specifically: about

how long do you have to not buy gems and keys for, 6 months, a year, 2 years before the drops get decent again????Not buying, buying... doesn't matter. The odds are the same.

just make everything gem store available so we can buy pass the RNG.As I noted above,
will become available through a guaranteed source. Just not right away.

At this rate you are slowly introducing $100-$200 skins into the game without admitting it.Only if you insist on thinking of bl chests as a loot source; they aren't.

You now have at least 75 statuettes: save them until the things you want are available without RNG. Buy more keys for a laugh, not with any expectations.

The chests are designed to entice players into buying them for the loot. They are designed to play off of human psychology as it relates to gambling. I am OK with a company choosing to gate their merchandise this way because I can choose to not partake...But that doesnt change the design intent.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:wot? this again? why people come onto the forum to complain about rng when they arent so lucky...

went through 23 keys i farmed, the best i got was just wardrobe unlockers

i remember i burnt through 129 keys to get the Shrine Guardian, while one of my guildie got it on his 5th key

I needed 165 for the Dreadnought raptor. Fun times.

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I've been opening 50-75 keys every month for around a year now, but ill think ill stop with them after i finish the ones i have left. They just aint worth it anymore.

  • At the start of the game, they were realy trashy, and stayed trash for realy long
  • When statuetes came, and alot of trash got removed, they became realy good
  • Adding Wardrobe unlocks made them even better, idk if that was before statuetes or not
  • After some time, wardrobe unlocks got nerfed, and their droprate was nerfed to around 10%, possibly even less, making them quite less appealing
  • One of recent patches added exotic skins skins to unlocks, probably one of worst choices imo

My main reason for starting with big chest openings was unlocks. I wanted the black lion ticket skins, to get the collections done. However shortly after (if not before i started already) their droprate got heavily nerfed, and now hundreds bad exotic skins were added.Luckily i only need 6 more collections (52 skins) to be done with em, will most likely just buy them once they go cheap.Also, over thousand of keys later (possibly 2k), still no super rare drop. Very motivating.

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@Glider.5792 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:wot? this again? why people come onto the forum to complain about rng when they arent so lucky...

went through 23 keys i farmed, the best i got was just wardrobe unlockers

i remember i burnt through 129 keys to get the Shrine Guardian, while one of my guildie got it on his 5th key

I needed 165 for the Dreadnought raptor. Fun times.

i think i went through close to 90 keys and gave up...

but there were good times also, like the time i got hydra staff skin with my 2nd key, and another time where i got all 3 unique skins (non themed weapon set skins) with around 20ish keys, i believe was the humming bird one, so not too long ago (?)

and the time of extreme disappointment, only got a single chaos skin (staff) with 150+ keys :lol:

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:If it were up to me, the gem shop would look a lot different. The odds on BL chests would be explicit.

And that would change nothing for the poster you quoted, as they would still come here, copy/paste the listed odds, and proclaim that ANET is lying about them.

You can't reason with people who choose to dictate their own reality.

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You always need keys, when something is interesting within chests (outfits, gliders, bagpacks, skins...) and don't have keys, you can't wait and simply have them. You need STATUETTES, which have as sole source Black lion chest that requires KEY. In any case you should have keys, plus how many do you need? Mostly 1-3 statuettes per chest apart rare 5-10. So for a 30 statuettes item it's let's say 20 chests so 20*125=2500 gems . 100 gems=~32 gold so 800 gold or 35€. (Case of outfit, 2x more for glider, see wiki, 60 statuettes)

RNG is agressive and that fee to "avoid" it even if you still need key so same for me, is abusive. The outfit worth three times its original value, shameful. And about the exclusive items, peeps will not have it apart touching wallet or have stored some gems. Can't be defended, it push players to have keys to have them whereas they would have cost less to buy if in gemstore.

I say that whereas I got the etherbound package as first key so not a bias.I have 0 statuettes. Why?~No other sources than the bl chest.~No keys, 100% map completion, no more slot, can't keyfarm toon, love my toons.~Keyfarm each week for what, 1~3 keys? Pff~0.000000000000001 surely is the chance of dropping in PvE.~Eventually if slots: Have to create 10-15 toons so have to wait 10-15 weeks to have the statuettes. Again, abused.

Nothing is made to earn statuettes. If they were rare drop of events would have been another story. Could even be a login reward as a choice instead of luck essences. (Can be cool for mf 300+ too)

To sum up, for ITEM you need STATUETTES which need KEYS which need TOON WITHOUT WORLD COMPLETION OR <LVL 10.

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They should just sell special Item gold key something to get exactly that one special item they add in the new chests for lets say 800, 1000, 12000 gems. But then again will they make that much money from people buying directly the item they want instead of the smaller number of people that buy 100 keys to get it.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:The drop rates haven't changed.

How do you know this?

for this month's chest? I don't.For other month's, I collect data from people posting results about their drops and collate and compare. The chance of uncommon or better at 10% hasn't changed, near as I can tell, since ANet swapped to the current "seasonal chest" format.

It's not 100% conclusive because reliable sources that publish all the drops accurately are rare, so the counts aren't as high as I'd like. There's not enough data, for example, to decide if the drop rates for each item within a rarity level are comparable or not. But it's enough to compare common vs uncommon vs rare.

More importantly, though: any claim that the rates have changed has never been backed up by any evidence, only by anecdotes.

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@"Vancho.8750" said:They should just sell special Item gold key something to get exactly that one special itemThat's almost exactly what the Black Lion Exclusives Chest is.

Initially, it's an RNG drop from the chests. Unlike other items, it's tradeable. The owner has a choice of which account bound unlock they want, from a selection of previously-only-from-BL-chest unlocks. It's way too expensive right now, so I don't recommend purchasing it. Historically, the price drops to something less unreasonable (and sometimes even reasonable). Specifically, I think anyone reading this thread can wait for it to drop below 500 gold instabuy, which would convert to a bit over 1400 gems. More patient players can probably pick them up for under 350 gold, ~1000 gems.


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