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Please shake up the BLC drops

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I quit buying chests a long time ago when they introduced the avian mini's that couldnt be sold or forged and once you unlocked them just took up space. I was a loyal key buyer up to that point but couldn't see myself buying keys for chests when one slot was almost always useless. I actually even sent in a ticket that they couldn't be forged and the response I got was...'well, at least you can put them in the forge for a possibility of a new mini"...I was like ermmmm....did you read the ticket? lol

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:The drop rates haven't changed.

How do you know this?

for this month's chest? I don't.For other month's, I collect data from people posting results about their drops and collate and compare. The chance of uncommon or better at 10% hasn't changed, near as I can tell, since ANet swapped to the current "seasonal chest" format.

It's not 100% conclusive because reliable sources that publish all the drops accurately are rare, so the counts aren't as high as I'd like. There's not enough data, for example, to decide if the drop rates for each item within a rarity level are comparable or not. But it's enough to compare common vs uncommon vs rare.

More importantly, though: any claim that the rates have changed has never been backed up by any evidence, only by anecdotes.

Sounds good. I was just wondering if you had inside information.

I recommend using a disclaimer in your first post in a thread about data. You have one later on, but I replied before I saw that one.

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