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MH Dagger MUST have an evade.


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Every profession has different ways of mitigating damage. For ranger, it is mostly centered around evades, especially on weapon sets. The problem with dagger and PvP is that this melee weapon offers no evades.

For comparison, we have sword hornets sting and serpents strike are both evades.

And greatswords power stab (auto) and swoop which are both evades.

What should happen is to keep with consistency dagger 2 and 3 should be evades... that being said, perhaps just dagger 3 can be an evade due to its charge system, you can use it twice.

As it stands now, dagger has low mobility AND no defense making it unusable in PvP. How this was released as still not been updated is just another drop in the ocean of design frustrations.

It's pretty simple, ranged weapons don't really need evades. Melee weapons for MUST.

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Dagger (and SB really) was just meant as a PvE damage boost to base ranger

Auto is slow as fuck with much of the damage loaded onto the painfully slow fourth hit2 is just a stronger auto hit3 is just a temp dps boost skill

It has no snare or defense and even the leap is so short and slow that it barely works in pvp combat

Nothing about it makes me think Anet intended this to ever be a pvp weapon hence the total lack of touch ups

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Speaking as someone who don't touch PvP, i always found it weird that dagger 3 has no evade. It's slow and annoying to use, and I really never touch it (except for by accident) even in open world. I wouldn't complain if it had an evade for sure- i dont fully understand the use of that in pvp, but it would give me a reason to press it again.

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@Lexi.1398 said:Speaking as someone who don't touch PvP, i always found it weird that dagger 3 has no evade. It's slow and annoying to use, and I really never touch it (except for by accident) even in open world. I wouldn't complain if it had an evade for sure- i dont fully understand the use of that in pvp, but it would give me a reason to press it again.

If I need to get close to someone, run away from someone, or need to dodge a skill, or all or all of the above. An evade on 3 would allow this.


Balance is a thing that has always been wonky in GW2. I abhore having to grind for gear to play PvP (not too bad for WvW in this game) and I hate waiting around for fights that are too easy. So PvP is where I ended up, instant level 80, equal gearights, and constant fights. My philosophy for GW2 balance was always, balance around sPvP as this is where it should matter most.

Balance PvE through balancing the environment you fight (this has kind of been done with fractal jnstavikitirs, kinda and the defiance bar, kinda). This could happen by doing things like having mobs in a map have some that have super high toughness so it's faster to kill with condis to push away from the zerker meta, or Split skills if need be.

Then let WvW sort itself out and considering skill splitting/stat shaving here but not much balancing as WvW isn't really meant to be balanced. But instead by providing actual class diversity that this game boasted about so things have options/maybe counters that can evolve over time... something that would have been nice in sPvP too but kind of died out with specializations.

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@Kovu.7560 said:

@Wondrouswall.7169 said:... Create and balance towards competitive modes first ...

be nice, but as I understand it the majority of the playerbase is primarily pve focused. Moreover, the needs in wvw are different than structured pvp. Heck, I don't even use sword and I'd equip that before ever considering mh dagger.

~ Kovu

The mechanics should be focussed competitively. The dmg can be split between game modes. It's the only factor that needs to be addressed for PvE.

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@Aaron Forestman.4758 said:Not every weapon has to be viable in PvP. PvE is a wide world of tons of situations where you can use just about every weapon (except maybe offhand dagger), but PvP has specific needs.

We have split balance to adjust damage values and break bars mean CC is usefull in pve

The idea that there's any kind of dichotomy is silly. GS and LB are some of our best pvp weapons and both are pretty much BiS for basic pve meta zerg play as well

Hell, axe hits like a truck in pvp and was our meta condi weapon till dagger showed up.

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@Wondrouswall.7169 said:

@Aaron Forestman.4758 said:Not every weapon has to be viable in PvP.

Create and balance towards competitive modes first, then tweak for PVE afterwards. Each mode has specific needs, but there should be no reason why a weapon that is viable against a boss with 1 million HP should be less viable against a player with 15k HP.

Scissors beats Paper, but Scissors also beats Rock. Until Rock hits level 60, at which point it becomes an unstoppable killing machine that also beats paper. Rock would also beat Scissors. But it can't find Scissors, cuz Scissors be invisible. And thats called Balance.

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@Kovu.7560 said:

@Wondrouswall.7169 said:... Create and balance towards competitive modes first ...

be nice, but as I understand it the majority of the playerbase is primarily pve focused. Moreover, the needs in wvw are different than structured pvp. Heck, I don't even use sword and I'd equip that before ever considering mh dagger.

~ Kovu

Except that doesn't have to be a problem, if PvE (more specifically Raids) wasn't so insanely divergent from PvP damage scales. Another massively missed opportunity was to tune AOE skills to have crossover balance between PvE and WvW, where its mechanically useful in both. Meteor shower is a prime example of that thought process failure, as several changes kept swinging back and forth as it broke Raids, then WvW, then Raids again, then WvW again, until it was just nerfed down and got replaced in many comps.

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