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@bravan.3876 said:

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Nerf elites, not core! Oh wait it's mirage, nerf core, nerf core, nerf core!

When the problems are lying in core traitlines you have to nerf core. Like CI.On a propaganda lvl i even would say delete chaos and inspiration traitline completely and 99% of all mesmer player wouldn't have enough skill for mesmer anymore (end of propaganda).

On a more serious node: Chaos and Inspiration are the most problematic traitlines on mesmer, they ever were. The traitlines which lower the skill ceiling and floor for the class remarkable. Every problematic mesmer build since game release always included one of these 2 traitlines or even both. No matter of elite specs we never had a problematic mesmer build without at least one of these 2 traitlines. The only exception is the duelling illusion condi mirage and that is mostly because of the general op design of condis and the problem that condi clones (staff, scepter, axe) have way to strong autoattacks and ambush attacks (high condistacks from npcs) compared to power weapons.

On a non-propaganda lvl i would ask to rework all defensive traitlines on all classes (like warrior defense traitline) into something more active and with higher opportunity costs in dmg. Passive facetank sustain should be reduced to a minimum and active sutain shouldn't be nearly perma spammable. And most important: Builds with high sustain and/ or resustain (like Holo has high of both) should not do high dmg (Holo is also a hard cc machine in add like kitten).

Saying never nerf core stuff is wrong, just as wrong as saying a build is not op or easy because it is "only" core. There are enough classes (and Mesmer is one of them) can make insanely braindead and strong core builds and only because of less mobility or utlity they are maybe less useful in conquest but that is a different story. You have to nerf the roots of the problems and when the problems are in core traitlines you have to nerf core.

I agree that chaos and inspi are, let's say easy picks for starting players. Same with other professions traitlines, alchemy for holos, defense for war like you said, for example.I don't think CI needs a nerf, the trait is there for ages, it is easy counterable with stab.This trait become a problem now that it is meta, same with all the other mesmer traits that got nerfed, make no mistake these guys don't want balance, these guys are trying to delete mesmer from game, and they're doing a nice job at it, dueling has now one good trait, mirage 1 good trait, illusion 1 or 2 good traits in the entire traitline.As for the strong core mesmer I disagree, core mesmer is one of the worst if not the worst core profession and that is linked to what I said above mesmer traitlines have been gutted since pof.

As for the nerf elite not core has been the forum statement for all professions except mesmer, hence the joke.

Ci always was a problem just no one noticed because it never got used. Just as no one will now complain about Lost Time anymore because Powerchrono will not be played, hence it is still an unbalanced trait. CI is op together with Mantra because it becomes an instant lock down. But Mantra needs to be just as it is now because otherwise it would be an useless interrupt tool, means all interrupt traits needs to be balanced around the interrupt tools. An instant range lock down should not exist. It will always be unbalanced. When interrupt rewards gets so strong that random spamming an instant range skill and hope for a lucky autoattack interrupt is enough it will never be balanced either.

But that is a base mechanic problem. Like I said in some other thread, when you remove one form of management you can't expect a skillfull gameplay, this game is all about spam without consequences. So even if you can't accurately interrupt you're always rewarded for it.ANerf thought they were more clever than every other mmo developer, they shot themselves on the foot.

But you can't justify some broken stuff with arguing that there is other broken stuff.

Sure, but you won't fix a mechanically broken game by removing one broken thing either.

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@"Sigmoid.7082" said:Its good people can recognise problems but their solutions often completely miss the mark.

People are great at recognizing problems, but not so great at solving them. That doesn't reduce the importance of the problem. It is on those that do have good problem-solving skills as well as creativity and analyzing skills to offer and implement the solution.

I can see a certain skill/trait is the problem, but I maybe do not know a lot about that profession - so there are two paths, one is that it is "get gud" situation and I am just wrong, and another one is that I am not wrong but I do not know how my proposed changes can influence whole class because of lack of my knowledge of all the existing traits/skills and how they synergy with another.

There is also a personal bias where you would overnerf or overpower a skill/profession because of your stance about it - for example, I never liked the gameplay of a Mesmer, Scourge, and Firebrand, and if you ask me I would just delete them from the game because I think they are unhealthy and broken professions and the game would be far better without them ever existing in the first place. See? My personal feelings influence my logic and they cloud my reasoning and at the end my solutions. That is how it is with people.

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@ParadoX.3124 said:Thanks ANet, I'm glad about this decision. Hope my post helped it.

They didn't touch Mantra at all and i hope they know why it was correct to not touch it and don't do it in the future, it needs to stay ranged and instant. You can argue about why it needs to have 1,5 secs daze instead 1 secs but Powermes had a trait before put it on the same duration, means on Powermes the daze always was 1,5 secs. Still i think reduce it to 1 secs daze to mark it clearly as interrupt tool would be accurate. It doesn't rly need higher cd.

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Nerf elites, not core! Oh wait it's mirage, nerf core, nerf core, nerf core!

When the problems are lying in core traitlines you have to nerf core. Like CI.On a propaganda lvl i even would say delete chaos and inspiration traitline completely and 99% of all mesmer player wouldn't have enough skill for mesmer anymore (end of propaganda).

On a more serious node: Chaos and Inspiration are the most problematic traitlines on mesmer, they ever were. The traitlines which lower the skill ceiling and floor for the class remarkable. Every problematic mesmer build since game release always included one of these 2 traitlines or even both. No matter of elite specs we never had a problematic mesmer build without at least one of these 2 traitlines. The only exception is the duelling illusion condi mirage and that is mostly because of the general op design of condis and the problem that condi clones (staff, scepter, axe) have way to strong autoattacks and ambush attacks (high condistacks from npcs) compared to power weapons.

On a non-propaganda lvl i would ask to rework all defensive traitlines on all classes (like warrior defense traitline) into something more active and with higher opportunity costs in dmg. Passive facetank sustain should be reduced to a minimum and active sutain shouldn't be nearly perma spammable. And most important: Builds with high sustain and/ or resustain (like Holo has high of both) should not do high dmg (Holo is also a hard cc machine in add like kitten).

Saying never nerf core stuff is wrong, just as wrong as saying a build is not op or easy because it is "only" core. There are enough classes (and Mesmer is one of them) can make insanely braindead and strong core builds and only because of less mobility or utlity they are maybe less useful in conquest but that is a different story. You have to nerf the roots of the problems and when the problems are in core traitlines you have to nerf core.

I agree that chaos and inspi are, let's say easy picks for starting players. Same with other professions traitlines, alchemy for holos, defense for war like you said, for example.I don't think CI needs a nerf, the trait is there for ages, it is easy counterable with stab.This trait become a problem now that it is meta, same with all the other mesmer traits that got nerfed, make no mistake these guys don't want balance, these guys are trying to delete mesmer from game, and they're doing a nice job at it, dueling has now one good trait, mirage 1 good trait, illusion 1 or 2 good traits in the entire traitline.As for the strong core mesmer I disagree, core mesmer is one of the worst if not the worst core profession and that is linked to what I said above mesmer traitlines have been gutted since pof.

As for the nerf elite not core has been the forum statement for all professions except mesmer, hence the joke.

Ci always was a problem just no one noticed because it never got used. Just as no one will now complain about Lost Time anymore because Powerchrono will not be played, hence it is still an unbalanced trait. CI is op together with Mantra because it becomes an instant lock down. But Mantra needs to be just as it is now because otherwise it would be an useless interrupt tool, means all interrupt traits needs to be balanced around the interrupt tools. An instant range lock down should not exist. It will always be unbalanced. When interrupt rewards gets so strong that random spamming an instant range skill and hope for a lucky autoattack interrupt is enough it will never be balanced either.

But that is a base mechanic problem. Like I said in some other thread, when you remove one form of management you can't expect a skillfull gameplay, this game is all about spam without consequences. So even if you can't accurately interrupt you're always rewarded for it.ANerf thought they were more clever than every other mmo developer, they shot themselves on the foot.

But you can't justify some broken stuff with arguing that there is other broken stuff.

Sure, but you won't fix a mechanically broken game by removing one broken thing either.

True but you have to start somewhere and i mentioned enough stuff on other classes need to be addressed too. Condimesmer is not the only and not even the biggest problem atm but forum prefer to complain about Mesmers in 30 different threads instead about all the other just as broken classes.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@ParadoX.3124 said:Thanks ANet, I'm glad about this decision. Hope my post helped it.

They didn't touch Mantra at all and i hope they know why it was correct to not touch it and don't do it in the future, it needs to stay ranged and instant. You can argue about why it needs to have 1,5 secs daze instead 1 secs but Powermes had a trait before put it on the same duration, means on Powermes the daze always was 1,5 secs. Still i think reduce it to 1 secs daze to mark it clearly as interrupt tool would be accurate. It doesn't rly need higher cd.

Disable CI was enough to start with, now we don't have to use a clean AND a break stun each time we'll get spike after mantra use.CI was a great part of why Mantra of Distraction was OP.

I don't know what they will do next but I'm glad they listening and communicate about this for once.

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@ParadoX.3124 said:

@ParadoX.3124 said:Thanks ANet, I'm glad about this decision. Hope my post helped it.

They didn't touch Mantra at all and i hope they know why it was correct to not touch it and don't do it in the future, it needs to stay ranged and instant. You can argue about why it needs to have 1,5 secs daze instead 1 secs but Powermes had a trait before put it on the same duration, means on Powermes the daze always was 1,5 secs. Still i think reduce it to 1 secs daze to mark it clearly as interrupt tool would be accurate. It doesn't rly need higher cd.

Disable CI was enough to start with, now we don't have to use a clean AND a break stun each time we'll get spike after mantra use.CI was a great part of why Mantra of Distraction was OP.

I don't know what they will do next but I'm glad they listening and communicate about this for once.

No! That is exactly the point: You complained about the wrong thing could also have lead into the wrong nerfs, you ask for Mantra nerf during Ci was the problem. It is important that we name the right things to nerf and know what we are actually talking about because Anet obviously doesn't know anything and like to listen to bronze propaganda which is the loudest.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@ParadoX.3124 said:Thanks ANet, I'm glad about this decision. Hope my post helped it.

They didn't touch Mantra at all and i hope they know why it was correct to not touch it and don't do it in the future, it needs to stay ranged and instant. You can argue about why it needs to have 1,5 secs daze instead 1 secs but Powermes had a trait before put it on the same duration, means on Powermes the daze always was 1,5 secs. Still i think reduce it to 1 secs daze to mark it clearly as interrupt tool would be accurate. It doesn't rly need higher cd.

Disable CI was enough to start with, now we don't have to use a clean AND a break stun each time we'll get spike after mantra use.CI was a great part of why Mantra of Distraction was OP.

I don't know what they will do next but I'm glad they listening and communicate about this for once.

No! That is exactly the point: You complained about the wrong thing could also have lead into the wrong nerfs, you ask for Mantra nerf during Ci was the problem. It is important that we name the right things to nerf and know what we are actually talking about because Anet obviously doesn't know anything and like to listen to bronze propaganda which is the loudest.

Yeah, interrupt traits are the problem....not the CC spam.This is how we got here and you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@ParadoX.3124 said:Thanks ANet, I'm glad about this decision. Hope my post helped it.

They didn't touch Mantra at all and i hope they know why it was correct to not touch it and don't do it in the future, it needs to stay ranged and instant. You can argue about why it needs to have 1,5 secs daze instead 1 secs but Powermes had a trait before put it on the same duration, means on Powermes the daze always was 1,5 secs. Still i think reduce it to 1 secs daze to mark it clearly as interrupt tool would be accurate. It doesn't rly need higher cd.

Disable CI was enough to start with, now we don't have to use a clean AND a break stun each time we'll get spike after mantra use.CI was a great part of why Mantra of Distraction was OP.

I don't know what they will do next but I'm glad they listening and communicate about this for once.

No! That is exactly the point: You complained about the wrong thing could also have lead into the wrong nerfs, you ask for Mantra nerf during Ci was the problem. It is important that we name the right things to nerf and know what we are actually talking about because Anet obviously doesn't know anything and like to listen to bronze propaganda which is the loudest.

Yeah, interrupt traits are the problem....not the CC spam.This is how we got here and you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing.

You rly wanna argue that CI giving an instant lock down is not a problem? That Lost Time turning Mantra of Distraction into a second Mantra of Pain, a braindead spammable instant dmg skill with no counterplay and doesn't even need an interrupt is not the problem? Both is so obviously op and bad/ unbalanced design, that it doesn't even worth arguing. I think i explained and argued very detailed over several threads based on gameknowedge and simple logic. A Powermesmer with Mantra of Distraction and only Powerblock never was a problem. So yes Condimirage itself and Ci are the problems, not the Mantra. The only thing you can argue about is to give a shorter daze duration from 1 sec instead 1,5, maybe make the cds from 4 to 5 secs inbetwen uses and from 12 to 15 inbetween charges but that is the maximum of nerfs it would need and you rly should nerf all other classes before even thinking of that.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@ParadoX.3124 said:Thanks ANet, I'm glad about this decision. Hope my post helped it.

They didn't touch Mantra at all and i hope they know why it was correct to not touch it and don't do it in the future, it needs to stay ranged and instant. You can argue about why it needs to have 1,5 secs daze instead 1 secs but Powermes had a trait before put it on the same duration, means on Powermes the daze always was 1,5 secs. Still i think reduce it to 1 secs daze to mark it clearly as interrupt tool would be accurate. It doesn't rly need higher cd.

Disable CI was enough to start with, now we don't have to use a clean AND a break stun each time we'll get spike after mantra use.CI was a great part of why Mantra of Distraction was OP.

I don't know what they will do next but I'm glad they listening and communicate about this for once.

No! That is exactly the point: You complained about the wrong thing could also have lead into the wrong nerfs, you ask for Mantra nerf during Ci was the problem. It is important that we name the right things to nerf and know what we are actually talking about because Anet obviously doesn't know anything and like to listen to bronze propaganda which is the loudest.

Yeah, interrupt traits are the problem....not the CC spam.This is how we got here and you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing.

You rly wanna argue that CI giving an instant lock down is not a problem? That Lost Time turning Mantra of Distraction into a second Mantra of Pain, a braindead spammable instant dmg skill with no counterplay and doesn't even need an interrupt is not the problem? Both is so obviously op and bad/ unbalanced design, that it doesn't even worth arguing. I think i explained and argued very detailed over several threads based on gameknowedge and simple logic. A Powermesmer with Mantra of Distraction and only Powerblock never was a problem. So yes Condimirage itself and Ci are the problems, not the Mantra. The only thing you can argue about is to give a shorter daze duration from 1 sec instead 1,5, maybe make the cds from 4 to 5 secs inbetwen uses and from 12 to 15 inbetween charges but that is the maximum of nerfs it would need and you rly should nerf all other classes before even thinking of that.

Firstly lost time isn't an interrupt trait and I never brought it up, you just did for no reason when it's not related to the argument.Secondly I complained about lost time being instant easy damage when it was changed to be damage on CC. Ironically it only strengthens the CC spam argument.Thirdly I also said mantra of pain was dumb, afaik I'm the only person who's even bothered to raise the point on the mesmer forum for a long time.

I wrote 2 lines and somehow you've managed to completely misinterpret what I put while making up entirely different scenarios.

CC spam is one of the problems. The repeated lowering on MoD cool down and then finally adding diversion recharge to it has added far more CC to mesmer than it's ever had for it's trade off. Mantra of Distraction is a major offender and very few people enjoy playing against it.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@ParadoX.3124 said:Thanks ANet, I'm glad about this decision. Hope my post helped it.

They didn't touch Mantra at all and i hope they know why it was correct to not touch it and don't do it in the future, it needs to stay ranged and instant. You can argue about why it needs to have 1,5 secs daze instead 1 secs but Powermes had a trait before put it on the same duration, means on Powermes the daze always was 1,5 secs. Still i think reduce it to 1 secs daze to mark it clearly as interrupt tool would be accurate. It doesn't rly need higher cd.

Disable CI was enough to start with, now we don't have to use a clean AND a break stun each time we'll get spike after mantra use.CI was a great part of why Mantra of Distraction was OP.

I don't know what they will do next but I'm glad they listening and communicate about this for once.

No! That is exactly the point: You complained about the wrong thing could also have lead into the wrong nerfs, you ask for Mantra nerf during Ci was the problem. It is important that we name the right things to nerf and know what we are actually talking about because Anet obviously doesn't know anything and like to listen to bronze propaganda which is the loudest.

Yeah, interrupt traits are the problem....not the CC spam.This is how we got here and you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing.

You rly wanna argue that CI giving an instant lock down is not a problem? That Lost Time turning Mantra of Distraction into a second Mantra of Pain, a braindead spammable instant dmg skill with no counterplay and doesn't even need an interrupt is not the problem? Both is so obviously op and bad/ unbalanced design, that it doesn't even worth arguing. I think i explained and argued very detailed over several threads based on gameknowedge and simple logic. A Powermesmer with Mantra of Distraction and only Powerblock never was a problem. So yes Condimirage itself and Ci are the problems, not the Mantra. The only thing you can argue about is to give a shorter daze duration from 1 sec instead 1,5, maybe make the cds from 4 to 5 secs inbetwen uses and from 12 to 15 inbetween charges but that is the maximum of nerfs it would need and you rly should nerf all other classes before even thinking of that.

Firstly lost time isn't an interrupt trait and I never brought it up, you just did for no reason when it's not related to the argument.Secondly I complained about lost time being instant easy damage when it was changed to be damage on CC. Ironically it only strengthens the CC spam argument.Thirdly I also said mantra of pain was dumb, afaik I'm the only person who's even bothered to raise the point on the mesmer forum for a long time.

I wrote 2 lines and somehow you've managed to completely misinterpret what I put while making up entirely different scenarios.

CC spam is one of the problems. The repeated lowering on MoD cool down and then finally adding diversion recharge to it has added far more CC to mesmer than it's ever had for it's trade off. Mantra of Distraction is a major offender and very few people enjoy playing against it.

Lost Time not being an interrupt trait is exactly the problem. It should be an interrupt trait and in addition it should be balanced like Powerblock and Headshot, or better Pulm Impact, means no crit dmg.

I still don't know how to understand your first post tbh, the way you wrote it seems you deny that interrupt traits are a problem. Maybe you just weren't clear enough in the way you wrote? I try to re-read it again and have problems to understand it different from the way i did understand it in the first place.

Anyway that ppl don't enjoy playing vs Mantra is not a relevant factor for balance, ppl also don't enjoy playing vs Mesmers in general and want it to lose all clones and phantasms. Mostly the unfun comes from not knowing how the class works and not knowing how to counter.

In fact Mantra is one of the most skillbased, reactive utilities with tons of counterplay i mentioned several times already. I also explained why it needs to be instant and ranged to be a useful interrupt tool. You can lower the daze duration to 1 secs without destroying it and you can higher the cd a very little bit but thats it.Yes i also agreed to make the recharge effect from Mantra on f3 lower, no one not even Mesmer mains ever asked for that buff. But even with all this Powermes is not unbalanced compared to all other classes, it is not even viable. But CI was a big problem.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@ParadoX.3124 said:Thanks ANet, I'm glad about this decision. Hope my post helped it.

They didn't touch Mantra at all and i hope they know why it was correct to not touch it and don't do it in the future, it needs to stay ranged and instant. You can argue about why it needs to have 1,5 secs daze instead 1 secs but Powermes had a trait before put it on the same duration, means on Powermes the daze always was 1,5 secs. Still i think reduce it to 1 secs daze to mark it clearly as interrupt tool would be accurate. It doesn't rly need higher cd.

Disable CI was enough to start with, now we don't have to use a clean AND a break stun each time we'll get spike after mantra use.CI was a great part of why Mantra of Distraction was OP.

I don't know what they will do next but I'm glad they listening and communicate about this for once.

No! That is exactly the point: You complained about the wrong thing could also have lead into the wrong nerfs, you ask for Mantra nerf during Ci was the problem. It is important that we name the right things to nerf and know what we are actually talking about because Anet obviously doesn't know anything and like to listen to bronze propaganda which is the loudest.

Yeah, interrupt traits are the problem....not the CC spam.This is how we got here and you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing.

You rly wanna argue that CI giving an instant lock down is not a problem? That Lost Time turning Mantra of Distraction into a second Mantra of Pain, a braindead spammable instant dmg skill with no counterplay and doesn't even need an interrupt is not the problem? Both is so obviously op and bad/ unbalanced design, that it doesn't even worth arguing. I think i explained and argued very detailed over several threads based on gameknowedge and simple logic. A Powermesmer with Mantra of Distraction and only Powerblock never was a problem. So yes Condimirage itself and Ci are the problems, not the Mantra. The only thing you can argue about is to give a shorter daze duration from 1 sec instead 1,5, maybe make the cds from 4 to 5 secs inbetwen uses and from 12 to 15 inbetween charges but that is the maximum of nerfs it would need and you rly should nerf all other classes before even thinking of that.

Firstly lost time isn't an interrupt trait and I never brought it up, you just did for no reason when it's not related to the argument.Secondly I complained about lost time being instant easy damage when it was changed to be damage on CC. Ironically it only strengthens the CC spam argument.Thirdly I also said mantra of pain was dumb, afaik I'm the only person who's even bothered to raise the point on the mesmer forum for a long time.

I wrote 2 lines and somehow you've managed to completely misinterpret what I put while making up entirely different scenarios.

CC spam is one of the problems. The repeated lowering on MoD cool down and then finally adding diversion recharge to it has added far more CC to mesmer than it's ever had for it's trade off. Mantra of Distraction is a major offender and very few people enjoy playing against it.

Lost Time not being an interrupt trait is exactly the problem. It should be an interrupt trait and in addition it should be balanced like Powerblock and Headshot, means no crit dmg.

I still don't know how to understand your first post tbh, the way you wrote it seems you deny that interrupt traits are a problem. Maybe you just wasn't clear enough in the way you wrote? I try to re-read it again and have problems to understand it different from the way i did understand it in the first place.

Anyway that ppl don't enjoy playing vs Mantra is not a relevant factor for balance, ppl also don't enjoy playing vs Mesmers in general and want it to lose all clones and phantasms. Mostly the unfun comes from not knowing how the class works and not knowing how to counter.

In fact Mantra is one of the most skillbased, reactive utilities with tons of counterplay i mentioned several times already. I also explained why it needs to be instant and ranged to be a useful interrupt tool. You can lower the daze duration to 1 secs without destroying it and you can higher the cd a very little bit but thats it.Yes i also agreed to make the recharge effect from Mantra on f3 lower, no one not even Mesmer mains ever asked for that buff. But even with all this Powermes is not unbalanced compared to all other classes, it is not even viable. But CI was a big problem.

Lost time is too weird to be an interrupt trait, it encroaches upon too many other traits.If you want MoD to be for interrupts you should be asking for 1/4s daze, you don't need long CC if you want it to be for interrupting.Mantra being instant cast, 1200 range 1.5s daze is not skilful, you can fire it off immediately while using any other ability. Mirage cloak also nullifies the only drawback of mantras.

People not enjoying fighting something has a lot to do with the enjoyment of a game, some of it is unfounded but some of it is worth listening to like condition and CC spam meaning you can't actually play half the time as you're either loaded up with torment, dazed, stunned or have confusion on you sometimes a mix of all of it. Thing is this is why the devs are paid, to be able to discern between a glue sniffer unable to see past their nose complaining and someone actually making reasoned arguments.

Power mesmer isn't unbalanced for different reasons. The burst is predictable and old, the damage isn't anything special, the sustained damage is kinda poor and more importantly you can't just spam till something sticks. Remember when mesmer did have a spammable power build? Yeah that was complained at and much like you're saying don't touch the CC spam now others were saying don't touch the damage spam and look where we are, mesmer has poor sustained damage in power builds and instead relies on spikes.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:Nerf elites, not core! Oh wait it's mirage, nerf core, nerf core, nerf core!

When the problems are lying in core traitlines you have to nerf core. Like CI.On a propaganda lvl i even would say delete chaos and inspiration traitline completely and 99% of all mesmer player wouldn't have enough skill for mesmer anymore (end of propaganda).

On a more serious node: Chaos and Inspiration are the most problematic traitlines on mesmer, they ever were. The traitlines which lower the skill ceiling and floor for the class remarkable. Every problematic mesmer build since game release always included one of these 2 traitlines or even both. No matter of elite specs we never had a problematic mesmer build without at least one of these 2 traitlines. The only exception is the duelling illusion condi mirage and that is mostly because of the general op design of condis and the problem that condi clones (staff, scepter, axe) have way to strong autoattacks and ambush attacks (high condistacks from npcs) compared to power weapons.

On a non-propaganda lvl i would ask to rework all defensive traitlines on all classes (like warrior defense traitline) into something more active and with higher opportunity costs in dmg. Passive facetank sustain should be reduced to a minimum and active sutain shouldn't be nearly perma spammable. And most important: Builds with high sustain and/ or resustain (like Holo has high of both) should not do high dmg (Holo is also a hard cc machine in add like kitten).

Saying never nerf core stuff is wrong, just as wrong as saying a build is not op or easy because it is "only" core. There are enough classes (and Mesmer is one of them) can make insanely braindead and strong core builds and only because of less mobility or utlity they are maybe less useful in conquest but that is a different story. You have to nerf the roots of the problems and when the problems are in core traitlines you have to nerf core.

It is an almost game-wide problem i.e. that you can run defensive lines and still do enough damage (largely a fault of elite specs for example photon forge gives more than enough damage baseline so you can afford to run alchemy etc). Before 2015 this was mitigated by the fact that traitlines gave stats i.e. if you wanted power and ferocity you had to run domination, not just get it from an amulet.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@ParadoX.3124 said:Thanks ANet, I'm glad about this decision. Hope my post helped it.

They didn't touch Mantra at all and i hope they know why it was correct to not touch it and don't do it in the future, it needs to stay ranged and instant. You can argue about why it needs to have 1,5 secs daze instead 1 secs but Powermes had a trait before put it on the same duration, means on Powermes the daze always was 1,5 secs. Still i think reduce it to 1 secs daze to mark it clearly as interrupt tool would be accurate. It doesn't rly need higher cd.

Disable CI was enough to start with, now we don't have to use a clean AND a break stun each time we'll get spike after mantra use.CI was a great part of why Mantra of Distraction was OP.

I don't know what they will do next but I'm glad they listening and communicate about this for once.

No! That is exactly the point: You complained about the wrong thing could also have lead into the wrong nerfs, you ask for Mantra nerf during Ci was the problem. It is important that we name the right things to nerf and know what we are actually talking about because Anet obviously doesn't know anything and like to listen to bronze propaganda which is the loudest.

Yeah, interrupt traits are the problem....not the CC spam.This is how we got here and you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing.

You rly wanna argue that CI giving an instant lock down is not a problem? That Lost Time turning Mantra of Distraction into a second Mantra of Pain, a braindead spammable instant dmg skill with no counterplay and doesn't even need an interrupt is not the problem? Both is so obviously op and bad/ unbalanced design, that it doesn't even worth arguing. I think i explained and argued very detailed over several threads based on gameknowedge and simple logic. A Powermesmer with Mantra of Distraction and only Powerblock never was a problem. So yes Condimirage itself and Ci are the problems, not the Mantra. The only thing you can argue about is to give a shorter daze duration from 1 sec instead 1,5, maybe make the cds from 4 to 5 secs inbetwen uses and from 12 to 15 inbetween charges but that is the maximum of nerfs it would need and you rly should nerf all other classes before even thinking of that.

Firstly lost time isn't an interrupt trait and I never brought it up, you just did for no reason when it's not related to the argument.Secondly I complained about lost time being instant easy damage when it was changed to be damage on CC. Ironically it only strengthens the CC spam argument.Thirdly I also said mantra of pain was dumb, afaik I'm the only person who's even bothered to raise the point on the mesmer forum for a long time.

I wrote 2 lines and somehow you've managed to completely misinterpret what I put while making up entirely different scenarios.

CC spam is one of the problems. The repeated lowering on MoD cool down and then finally adding diversion recharge to it has added far more CC to mesmer than it's ever had for it's trade off. Mantra of Distraction is a major offender and very few people enjoy playing against it.

Lost Time not being an interrupt trait is exactly the problem. It should be an interrupt trait and in addition it should be balanced like Powerblock and Headshot, means no crit dmg.

I still don't know how to understand your first post tbh, the way you wrote it seems you deny that interrupt traits are a problem. Maybe you just wasn't clear enough in the way you wrote? I try to re-read it again and have problems to understand it different from the way i did understand it in the first place.

Anyway that ppl don't enjoy playing vs Mantra is not a relevant factor for balance, ppl also don't enjoy playing vs Mesmers in general and want it to lose all clones and phantasms. Mostly the unfun comes from not knowing how the class works and not knowing how to counter.

In fact Mantra is one of the most skillbased, reactive utilities with tons of counterplay i mentioned several times already. I also explained why it needs to be instant and ranged to be a useful interrupt tool. You can lower the daze duration to 1 secs without destroying it and you can higher the cd a very little bit but thats it.Yes i also agreed to make the recharge effect from Mantra on f3 lower, no one not even Mesmer mains ever asked for that buff. But even with all this Powermes is not unbalanced compared to all other classes, it is not even viable. But CI was a big problem.

Lost time is too weird to be an interrupt trait, it encroaches upon too many other traits.If you want MoD to be for interrupts you should be asking for 1/4s daze, you don't need long CC if you want it to be for interrupting.Mantra being instant cast, 1200 range 1.5s daze is not skilful, you can fire it off immediately while using any other ability. Mirage cloak also nullifies the only drawback of mantras.

People not enjoying fighting something has a lot to do with the enjoyment of a game, some of it is unfounded but some of it is worth listening to like condition and CC spam meaning you can't actually play half the time as you're either loaded up with torment, dazed, stunned or have confusion on you sometimes a mix of all of it. Thing is this is why the devs are paid, to be able to discern between a glue sniffer unable to see past their nose complaining and someone actually making reasoned arguments.

Power mesmer isn't unbalanced for different reasons. The burst is predictable and old, the damage isn't anything special, the sustained damage is kinda poor and more importantly you can't just spam till something sticks. Remember when mesmer did have a spammable power build? Yeah that was complained at and much like you're saying don't touch the CC spam now others were saying don't touch the damage spam and look where we are, mesmer has poor sustained damage in power builds and instead relies on spikes.

No clue what you mean with Lost Time is too weird to be an interrupt trait. It is from its nature clearly the direction but procs on simple disable spam, for that the trait has way to high reward. Can you explain in more detail what you mean?1 sec is not a long cc and never was an issue, on power not even 1,5 secs daze was an issue (thats the duration a Powermes always had with the old CS trait). All other problems you mentioned are based on Condimirage and that has nothing to do with Mantra in general. And i am saying that as not main Mesmer player. I have no problem to fight Mesmers using Mantra of Distaction no matter on what class, as long as they don't use CI or Lost Time. That is because i know how to play against it. It has tons of counterplay, i don't quote myself again, but you can find the list in some thread in case you want to know them. A good Powerblock Mirage is annoying to fight but only when it is played very well and i barely met any Mesmer playing it well. It also needs skill to play against because you need to know how it works and how to counter. That is exactly how it should be, effective when played well but useles when played bad and you need skill to beat it when played well. Why it needs to be ranged and instant i already explained several times too, i won't do it again. Yes we can lower the daze duration to 1 secs i find that accurate as well but 1/4 daze would be underperforming. We also can lower the recharge from Mantra on f3. But tbh before that i would look on other classes for big nerfs before that becomes high on my priority list.

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:Nerf elites, not core! Oh wait it's mirage, nerf core, nerf core, nerf core!

When the problems are lying in core traitlines you have to nerf core. Like CI.On a propaganda lvl i even would say delete chaos and inspiration traitline completely and 99% of all mesmer player wouldn't have enough skill for mesmer anymore (end of propaganda).

On a more serious node: Chaos and Inspiration are the most problematic traitlines on mesmer, they ever were. The traitlines which lower the skill ceiling and floor for the class remarkable. Every problematic mesmer build since game release always included one of these 2 traitlines or even both. No matter of elite specs we never had a problematic mesmer build without at least one of these 2 traitlines. The only exception is the duelling illusion condi mirage and that is mostly because of the general op design of condis and the problem that condi clones (staff, scepter, axe) have way to strong autoattacks and ambush attacks (high condistacks from npcs) compared to power weapons.

On a non-propaganda lvl i would ask to rework all defensive traitlines on all classes (like warrior defense traitline) into something more active and with higher opportunity costs in dmg. Passive facetank sustain should be reduced to a minimum and active sutain shouldn't be nearly perma spammable. And most important: Builds with high sustain and/ or resustain (like Holo has high of both) should not do high dmg (Holo is also a hard cc machine in add like kitten).

Saying never nerf core stuff is wrong, just as wrong as saying a build is not op or easy because it is "only" core. There are enough classes (and Mesmer is one of them) can make insanely braindead and strong core builds and only because of less mobility or utlity they are maybe less useful in conquest but that is a different story. You have to nerf the roots of the problems and when the problems are in core traitlines you have to nerf core.

It is an almost game-wide problem i.e. that you can run defensive lines and still do enough damage (largely a fault of elite specs for example photon forge gives more than enough damage baseline so you can afford to run alchemy etc). Before 2015 this was mitigated by the fact that traitlines gave stats i.e. if you wanted power and ferocity you had to run domination, not just get it from an amulet.

Yes exactly and tbh i prefered it this way. I would take away some stats from amulets and give it to traitlines for more opportunity costs.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@ParadoX.3124 said:Thanks ANet, I'm glad about this decision. Hope my post helped it.

They didn't touch Mantra at all and i hope they know why it was correct to not touch it and don't do it in the future, it needs to stay ranged and instant. You can argue about why it needs to have 1,5 secs daze instead 1 secs but Powermes had a trait before put it on the same duration, means on Powermes the daze always was 1,5 secs. Still i think reduce it to 1 secs daze to mark it clearly as interrupt tool would be accurate. It doesn't rly need higher cd.

Disable CI was enough to start with, now we don't have to use a clean AND a break stun each time we'll get spike after mantra use.CI was a great part of why Mantra of Distraction was OP.

I don't know what they will do next but I'm glad they listening and communicate about this for once.

No! That is exactly the point: You complained about the wrong thing could also have lead into the wrong nerfs, you ask for Mantra nerf during Ci was the problem. It is important that we name the right things to nerf and know what we are actually talking about because Anet obviously doesn't know anything and like to listen to bronze propaganda which is the loudest.

Yeah, interrupt traits are the problem....not the CC spam.This is how we got here and you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing.

You rly wanna argue that CI giving an instant lock down is not a problem? That Lost Time turning Mantra of Distraction into a second Mantra of Pain, a braindead spammable instant dmg skill with no counterplay and doesn't even need an interrupt is not the problem? Both is so obviously op and bad/ unbalanced design, that it doesn't even worth arguing. I think i explained and argued very detailed over several threads based on gameknowedge and simple logic. A Powermesmer with Mantra of Distraction and only Powerblock never was a problem. So yes Condimirage itself and Ci are the problems, not the Mantra. The only thing you can argue about is to give a shorter daze duration from 1 sec instead 1,5, maybe make the cds from 4 to 5 secs inbetwen uses and from 12 to 15 inbetween charges but that is the maximum of nerfs it would need and you rly should nerf all other classes before even thinking of that.

Firstly lost time isn't an interrupt trait and I never brought it up, you just did for no reason when it's not related to the argument.Secondly I complained about lost time being instant easy damage when it was changed to be damage on CC. Ironically it only strengthens the CC spam argument.Thirdly I also said mantra of pain was dumb, afaik I'm the only person who's even bothered to raise the point on the mesmer forum for a long time.

I wrote 2 lines and somehow you've managed to completely misinterpret what I put while making up entirely different scenarios.

CC spam is one of the problems. The repeated lowering on MoD cool down and then finally adding diversion recharge to it has added far more CC to mesmer than it's ever had for it's trade off. Mantra of Distraction is a major offender and very few people enjoy playing against it.

Lost Time not being an interrupt trait is exactly the problem. It should be an interrupt trait and in addition it should be balanced like Powerblock and Headshot, means no crit dmg.

I still don't know how to understand your first post tbh, the way you wrote it seems you deny that interrupt traits are a problem. Maybe you just wasn't clear enough in the way you wrote? I try to re-read it again and have problems to understand it different from the way i did understand it in the first place.

Anyway that ppl don't enjoy playing vs Mantra is not a relevant factor for balance, ppl also don't enjoy playing vs Mesmers in general and want it to lose all clones and phantasms. Mostly the unfun comes from not knowing how the class works and not knowing how to counter.

In fact Mantra is one of the most skillbased, reactive utilities with tons of counterplay i mentioned several times already. I also explained why it needs to be instant and ranged to be a useful interrupt tool. You can lower the daze duration to 1 secs without destroying it and you can higher the cd a very little bit but thats it.Yes i also agreed to make the recharge effect from Mantra on f3 lower, no one not even Mesmer mains ever asked for that buff. But even with all this Powermes is not unbalanced compared to all other classes, it is not even viable. But CI was a big problem.

Lost time is too weird to be an interrupt trait, it encroaches upon too many other traits.If you want MoD to be for interrupts you should be asking for 1/4s daze, you don't need long CC if you want it to be for interrupting.Mantra being instant cast, 1200 range 1.5s daze is not skilful, you can fire it off immediately while using any other ability. Mirage cloak also nullifies the only drawback of mantras.

People not enjoying fighting something has a lot to do with the enjoyment of a game, some of it is unfounded but some of it is worth listening to like condition and CC spam meaning you can't actually play half the time as you're either loaded up with torment, dazed, stunned or have confusion on you sometimes a mix of all of it. Thing is this is why the devs are paid, to be able to discern between a glue sniffer unable to see past their nose complaining and someone actually making reasoned arguments.

Power mesmer isn't unbalanced for different reasons. The burst is predictable and old, the damage isn't anything special, the sustained damage is kinda poor and more importantly you can't just spam till something sticks. Remember when mesmer did have a spammable power build? Yeah that was complained at and much like you're saying don't touch the CC spam now others were saying don't touch the damage spam and look where we are, mesmer has poor sustained damage in power builds and instead relies on spikes.

No clue what you mean with Lost Time is too weird to be an interrupt trait. It is from its nature clearly the direction but procs on simple disable spam, for that the trait has way to high reward. Can you explain in more detail what you mean?1 sec is not a long cc and never was an issue, on power not even 1,5 secs daze was an issue (thats the duration a Powermes always had with the old CS trait). All other problems you mentioned are based on Condimirage and that has nothing to do with Mantra in general. And i am saying that as not main Mesmer player. I have no problem to fight Mesmers using Mantra of Distaction no matter on what class, as long as they don't use CI or Lost Time. That is because i know how to play against it. It has tons of counterplay, i don't quote myself again, but you can find the list in some thread in case you want to know them. A good Powerblock Mirage is annoying to fight but only when it is played very well and i barely met any Mesmer playing it well. It also needs skill to play against because you need to know how it works and how to counter. That is exactly how it should be, effective when played well but useles when played bad and you need skill to beat it when played well. Why it needs to be ranged and instant i already explained several times too, i won't do it again. Yes we can lower the daze duration to 1 secs i find that accurate as well but 1/4 daze would be underperforming. We also can lower the recharge from Mantra on f3. But tbh before that i would look on other classes for big nerfs before that becomes high on my priority list.

OK Lost time.

You make it an interrupt trait and it suddenly becomes: On interrupt deal damage and slow enemies.That puts it extremely close to:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Delayed_Reactionshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_Block

Which we already have in traits. In fact you can combine the 2 traits linked and you get the same trait + extras or at least you did till they gutted power block's damage.Lost time is in a weird half and half place between these two traits but lesser to them combined if on interrupt and has nothing to really make it stand out, especially given it's a "build defining" GM trait. On CC it's at least a little more different even if it's boring, dumbed down, feels too similar and I don't like it.

As for CI. Run CI on ANY OTHER BUILD that doesn't have mantra and it's not a problem. Run CI on any power build and it's not a problem.MoD was complained about at length when CS was around, people didn't like it was instant cast, AoE and insanely low cool down, they were especially annoyed at the stun.

What's the commonality between complaints of CS, Lost time, Powerblock (the brief time it was complained about) and CI? Oh yeah the mantra.

The mantra is completely skill-less in it's current state with mirage.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@ParadoX.3124 said:Thanks ANet, I'm glad about this decision. Hope my post helped it.

They didn't touch Mantra at all and i hope they know why it was correct to not touch it and don't do it in the future, it needs to stay ranged and instant. You can argue about why it needs to have 1,5 secs daze instead 1 secs but Powermes had a trait before put it on the same duration, means on Powermes the daze always was 1,5 secs. Still i think reduce it to 1 secs daze to mark it clearly as interrupt tool would be accurate. It doesn't rly need higher cd.

Disable CI was enough to start with, now we don't have to use a clean AND a break stun each time we'll get spike after mantra use.CI was a great part of why Mantra of Distraction was OP.

I don't know what they will do next but I'm glad they listening and communicate about this for once.

No! That is exactly the point: You complained about the wrong thing could also have lead into the wrong nerfs, you ask for Mantra nerf during Ci was the problem. It is important that we name the right things to nerf and know what we are actually talking about because Anet obviously doesn't know anything and like to listen to bronze propaganda which is the loudest.

Yeah, interrupt traits are the problem....not the CC spam.This is how we got here and you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing.

You rly wanna argue that CI giving an instant lock down is not a problem? That Lost Time turning Mantra of Distraction into a second Mantra of Pain, a braindead spammable instant dmg skill with no counterplay and doesn't even need an interrupt is not the problem? Both is so obviously op and bad/ unbalanced design, that it doesn't even worth arguing. I think i explained and argued very detailed over several threads based on gameknowedge and simple logic. A Powermesmer with Mantra of Distraction and only Powerblock never was a problem. So yes Condimirage itself and Ci are the problems, not the Mantra. The only thing you can argue about is to give a shorter daze duration from 1 sec instead 1,5, maybe make the cds from 4 to 5 secs inbetwen uses and from 12 to 15 inbetween charges but that is the maximum of nerfs it would need and you rly should nerf all other classes before even thinking of that.

Firstly lost time isn't an interrupt trait and I never brought it up, you just did for no reason when it's not related to the argument.Secondly I complained about lost time being instant easy damage when it was changed to be damage on CC. Ironically it only strengthens the CC spam argument.Thirdly I also said mantra of pain was dumb, afaik I'm the only person who's even bothered to raise the point on the mesmer forum for a long time.

I wrote 2 lines and somehow you've managed to completely misinterpret what I put while making up entirely different scenarios.

CC spam is one of the problems. The repeated lowering on MoD cool down and then finally adding diversion recharge to it has added far more CC to mesmer than it's ever had for it's trade off. Mantra of Distraction is a major offender and very few people enjoy playing against it.

Lost Time not being an interrupt trait is exactly the problem. It should be an interrupt trait and in addition it should be balanced like Powerblock and Headshot, means no crit dmg.

I still don't know how to understand your first post tbh, the way you wrote it seems you deny that interrupt traits are a problem. Maybe you just wasn't clear enough in the way you wrote? I try to re-read it again and have problems to understand it different from the way i did understand it in the first place.

Anyway that ppl don't enjoy playing vs Mantra is not a relevant factor for balance, ppl also don't enjoy playing vs Mesmers in general and want it to lose all clones and phantasms. Mostly the unfun comes from not knowing how the class works and not knowing how to counter.

In fact Mantra is one of the most skillbased, reactive utilities with tons of counterplay i mentioned several times already. I also explained why it needs to be instant and ranged to be a useful interrupt tool. You can lower the daze duration to 1 secs without destroying it and you can higher the cd a very little bit but thats it.Yes i also agreed to make the recharge effect from Mantra on f3 lower, no one not even Mesmer mains ever asked for that buff. But even with all this Powermes is not unbalanced compared to all other classes, it is not even viable. But CI was a big problem.

Lost time is too weird to be an interrupt trait, it encroaches upon too many other traits.If you want MoD to be for interrupts you should be asking for 1/4s daze, you don't need long CC if you want it to be for interrupting.Mantra being instant cast, 1200 range 1.5s daze is not skilful, you can fire it off immediately while using any other ability. Mirage cloak also nullifies the only drawback of mantras.

People not enjoying fighting something has a lot to do with the enjoyment of a game, some of it is unfounded but some of it is worth listening to like condition and CC spam meaning you can't actually play half the time as you're either loaded up with torment, dazed, stunned or have confusion on you sometimes a mix of all of it. Thing is this is why the devs are paid, to be able to discern between a glue sniffer unable to see past their nose complaining and someone actually making reasoned arguments.

Power mesmer isn't unbalanced for different reasons. The burst is predictable and old, the damage isn't anything special, the sustained damage is kinda poor and more importantly you can't just spam till something sticks. Remember when mesmer did have a spammable power build? Yeah that was complained at and much like you're saying don't touch the CC spam now others were saying don't touch the damage spam and look where we are, mesmer has poor sustained damage in power builds and instead relies on spikes.

No clue what you mean with Lost Time is too weird to be an interrupt trait. It is from its nature clearly the direction but procs on simple disable spam, for that the trait has way to high reward. Can you explain in more detail what you mean?1 sec is not a long cc and never was an issue, on power not even 1,5 secs daze was an issue (thats the duration a Powermes always had with the old CS trait). All other problems you mentioned are based on Condimirage and that has nothing to do with Mantra in general. And i am saying that as not main Mesmer player. I have no problem to fight Mesmers using Mantra of Distaction no matter on what class, as long as they don't use CI or Lost Time. That is because i know how to play against it. It has tons of counterplay, i don't quote myself again, but you can find the list in some thread in case you want to know them. A good Powerblock Mirage is annoying to fight but only when it is played very well and i barely met any Mesmer playing it well. It also needs skill to play against because you need to know how it works and how to counter. That is exactly how it should be, effective when played well but useles when played bad and you need skill to beat it when played well. Why it needs to be ranged and instant i already explained several times too, i won't do it again. Yes we can lower the daze duration to 1 secs i find that accurate as well but 1/4 daze would be underperforming. We also can lower the recharge from Mantra on f3. But tbh before that i would look on other classes for big nerfs before that becomes high on my priority list.

OK Lost time.

You make it an interrupt trait and it suddenly becomes: On interrupt deal damage and slow enemies.That puts it extremely close to:

Which we already have in traits. In fact you can combine the 2 traits linked and you get the same trait + extras or at least you did till they gutted power block's damage.Lost time is in a weird half and half place between these two traits but lesser to them combined if on interrupt and has nothing to really make it stand out, especially given it's a "build defining" GM trait. On CC it's at least a little more different even if it's boring, dumbed down, feels too similar and I don't like it.

As for CI. Run CI on ANY OTHER BUILD that doesn't have mantra and it's not a problem. Run CI on any power build and it's not a problem.MoD was complained about at length when CS was around, people didn't like it was instant cast, AoE and insanely low cool down, they were especially annoyed at the stun.

What's the commonality between complaints of CS, Lost time, Powerblock (the brief time it was complained about) and CI? Oh yeah the mantra.

The mantra is completely skill-less in it's current state with mirage.

Ok you think it would be too many too similar interrupt traits when we change Lost Time my way. I can see what you mean. If Chrono wouldn't be killed anyway i would suggest a total rework into a completely different trait. Or the reward needs to be lower than for Powerblock or Pulm Impact because it is easier to get the reward. Atm it doesn't make any sense that a trait that doesn't even require an interrupt has a bigger reward (way higher dmg that can even crit) than an interrupt trait. Effects based on only disableing shouldn't be that strong.

Mantra was complained about before because it had a stun included what turned it into an instant lock down just like CI did. Both now got nerfed for good reasons. Simple as it is, if you don't want to kill interrupt playstyle completely you need an instant interrupt tool what means all interrupt traits have to be balanced around that. Any traits on Mesmer giving Mantra an instant lock down are not allowed and also not needed. All traits giving Mantra enough reward when it is only braindead random spammed (Lost Time) are not allowed and not needed either.

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