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Skill Lag makes game unplayable


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@SkyShroud.2865 said:I have a number of asia players complaining about lag spike on NA server, basically stop playing wvw due to this.There is also some asia players who play on EU server and claim there is no lag spike and find it puzzling why NA has lag spike despite slightly lower ping.

Wow and I thought it was just me. I started having very frequent lag spikes on NA since I moved from the US to Asia a year ago. It was this March when it has become unplayable for me because no skills will respond so I moved to EU and surprisingly I don't experience lag half as much as I did on NA server. Transferred back to NA because all my friends are on NA but unfortunately the problem persists. Don't know exactly why that is but I can no longer play on NA due to high ping (400-600 avg, 1k-3k spikes) anymore. I also don't expect Anet to care about their SEA/OCX players so it's whatever. If EU ping becomes unstable then that'll be it for me.

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I was used to skill lag when there'd be a three way map blob battle going on, but this reset day it was already unplayable when a single blob started bombing in a two way fight with about 60 against 50 people and the third blob not in sight. It felt much worse than previously, to the point where, when the enemy started their bomb, the other side usually couldn't do anything to defend themselves due to horrendous lag delaying even auto firing for seconds. By the time the first skill would fire, half the people would already be on the ground, dead.

The lag was so bad this last time, for the first time I even experienced players jumping around. Usually it was just skills not firing.

WvW is already suffering, but this is seriously reducing the fun this game mode has to offer.

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@Syrus.2174 said:I was used to skill lag when there'd be a three way map blob battle going on, but this reset day it was already unplayable when a single blob started bombing in a two way fight with about 60 against 50 people and the third blob not in sight. It felt much worse than previously, to the point where, when the enemy started their bomb, the other side usually couldn't do anything to defend themselves due to horrendous lag delaying even auto firing for seconds. By the time the first skill would fire, half the people would already be on the ground, dead.

The lag was so bad this last time, for the first time I even experienced players jumping around. Usually it was just skills not firing.

WvW is already suffering, but this is seriously reducing the fun this game mode has to offer.

Third group was there..

It just couldn’t render.....

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If people are experiencing skill lag, I suggest that take a look at their system and network first and then ping the servers.

I only say this because I never experience skill lag on my newer PC which is directly connected to my modem/router but I do occasionally get skill lag on my older PC over WiFi.

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Everyone got skill lag on my server. I guess if you arent in any big fights you don't get skill lag. Suggesting that people look at their own systems for having skill lag shows how ignorant you are. It's not a low FPS issue. The skill doesn't work because the server doesn't respond. Same that the buffs on NPC champion overlasting the 5 min immunity timer buff, cause their server overwork itself in hectic times.

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@Timelord.8190 said:Everyone got skill lag on my server. I guess if you arent in any big fights you don't get skill lag. Suggesting that people look at their own systems for having skill lag shows how ignorant you are. It's not a low FPS issue. The skill doesn't work because the server doesn't respond. Same that the buffs on NPC champion overlasting the 5 min immunity timer buff, cause their server overwork itself in hectic times.

Well what do you call it when I hit a skill and it takes 2-3 times as much time to activate as usual? And why does it only affect one PC over another on the same network?

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@Timelord.8190 said:Lag affects everyone, even the ones with high-end desktop PC's . Maybe your ping is high and that's the problem.

On one PC, but not both, while on the same network?

EDIT 1: Testing both at the same time at a WB. So far while waiting for it to spawn, the older PC on WiFi is about 5 ping higher on average (120s). The older PC with all settings low is getting 50 FPS and the higher end PC directly connected to the network is get 70+ with most settings maxed.

EDIT 2: Did the WB. Ping on each rose by about 10-15 from what they were before. FPS dropped by 20 for each. The older PC on WiFi was experiencing skill lag while the other PC wasn't. For example, I timed Symbol of Wrath and it was taking 3 seconds to go off. Binding Blade, Sword of Justice, and Hallowed Ground all took longer to use although I didn't specifically time them with a stopwatch like I did Symbol of Wrath.

Based on this, I don't see skill lag being entirely due to Anet servers.

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Lag was always a problem. But since last week the lag is just insane. Making the gamemode almost unplayable, i can deal with lil lag, but at the moment the lag is just destroying all fights. Instead of new skins and things like that, anet should put more effort into servers that dont lag to the point where ppl losing all the fun and just getting frustrated. Maybe its just me, but it is kinda frustrating. But i think its just like the airport in Berlin. It will never be done and never be fixed.

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Complaining here likely isn't going to get the issue fixed. Only thing worth trying (which won't yield results) is to open a support ticket. You'll be asked for machine specifications, trace routes (which is a horrid way to measure latency), and ultimately get no where because it is an underlying server-side engine issue.

Had this email chain with an ANet engineer directly. It ended in a 'sorry, looks like an engine problem'. And it wasn't a response of they couldn't/wouldn't do anything, but the resources weren't there to focus on this particular issue.

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