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Fire/anything but water/Weaver is itself very weak against any other condibuild.Water/arcane/Weaver has good sustain but near 0 killing power.Water/anything but Arcane/Weaver will be very weak against any power spike.FA Weaver has good burst but near 0 sustain.People dying to Weaver often underestimate them due to ele being trash tier generaly and dont get that it's their own mistakes that killed them.Any Weaver build has clear weak points.

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@kittyfur.6459 said:Ridic. I see them constantly heal from 20% to 100 in literally no time. 2 toons wailing on it and CANNOT kill. I thought scrapper was bad..this is ABSURD. fix this bs.

sure, this is what we expect of a build running a +1050 healing power amulet and a full trait line dedicated to healing.

If weaver was able to do that in marauder or demolisher I'd agree with you, Weaver would be OP

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"sephiroth.4217" said:If only there was some sort of viable CC build to lock them down..


Are you "lololo" because of their stability uptime being longer than you can fight them or there is any other reason?:>

Holo builds can lock down eles. Prot holo in particular is a hard counter to condi ele. Since ele has only a few CC's, they're easy pickins when their dodges run out.

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"sephiroth.4217" said:If only there was some sort of viable CC build to lock them down..


Are you "lololo" because of their stability uptime being longer than you can fight them or there is any other reason?:>

Laughing because the only viable CC build to do it just got removed from the game.

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@"sephiroth.4217" said:If only there was some sort of viable CC build to lock them down..


Are you "lololo" because of their stability uptime being longer than you can fight them or there is any other reason?:>

Holo builds can lock down eles. Prot holo in particular is a hard counter to condi ele. Since ele has only a few CC's, they're easy pickins when their dodges run out.Havent seen even one in a loooooooooooong time, I bet the are get cock'd by spellbreakers
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I see this kind of reaction a lot from inexperienced PvP players. I make a point to meme these interactions as much as possible in my videos because it's too funny.

let me just say it very clearly


LITERALLY ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BAIT MY COOLDOWNS. AVOID STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO ME LIKE A LOST CHILD WHILE I STACK BURNS. Fire Weaver is very squishy-- it just has a good sustain combo which makes people think it's '''''''tanky'''''' despite being quite vulnerable to experienced players

Ele gets buffed to be on-par with the other cheese builds in this game and suddenly it's an issue that I can do what your class/build has been able to do for years.

Stay classy - directed at nobody in particular, just those who insist --- after knowing all this ---- that it is somehow unacceptable.

edit: changed a little grammar to reflect a softer, less edgy tone than originally - my bad - I forget to be courteous sometimes and will work on it.

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