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Make A No Mount Week Event

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:While we are at it, during that same no mounts weekend, since you seem to be convinced that the only people that want it are gankers, we’ll also add damage penalties to any player within 2000 units of another friendly player. Because I’d hate to see the Zergs be able to run over solo’s either.

I like that one. It will also help against ganking teams. The duelists might not like this change as much, as typically there is an audience around the typical duel spots.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:There is always EoTM where there are no mounts and no gliding.

I love how the PvEers told us dedicated WvW players to GET OUT OF EoTM so they could enjoy their ktrain, and that EoTM was NOT just for rewards....then the rewards got nerfed and all the PvEers left, like they always do. Now they have come to WvW with mounts, and are now telling us to leave and go to EoTM where we were not welcome to in the first place. Gotta love it.

@Strider Pj.2193 said:While we are at it, during that same no mounts weekend, since you seem to be convinced that the only people that want it are gankers, we’ll also add damage penalties to any player within 2000 units of another friendly player. Because I’d hate to see the Zergs be able to run over solo’s either.

Not sure that would work, because at that point the people complaining about gank squads might start to realize that they are probably part of the gank squads.

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@TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:There is always EoTM where there are no mounts and no gliding.

I love how the PvEers told us dedicated WvW players to
so they could enjoy their ktrain, and that EoTM was NOT just for rewards....then the rewards got nerfed and all the PvEers left, like they always do. Now they have come to WvW with mounts, and are now telling us to leave and go to EoTM where we were not welcome to in the first place. Gotta love it.

@Strider Pj.2193 said:While we are at it, during that same no mounts weekend, since you seem to be convinced that the only people that want it are gankers, we’ll also add damage penalties to any player within 2000 units of another friendly player. Because I’d hate to see the Zergs be able to run over solo’s either.

Not sure that would work, because at that point the people complaining about gank squads might start to realize that they are probably part of the gank squads.

Both good points.

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It's pretty simple.Pve players love war kitty cuz it turns wvw into less of a open world pvp mode with objectives and more of a friendly and less threatning mode where u don't have to fight unless U want to. Where u can join large groups to spam ur skills in a blob and feel like ur doing something. Where as before they would fear being engaged by players that have actually learned to fight beyond the capability of defeating potatoes pve npc enemies and instead of learning or getting better at actual fighting they just didn't play wvw or understand that maybe a zerg class/build is strong at doing somethings like zerging but weak in 1v1's and accept that fact.Than there's wvw players that may have even played wvw for yrs that have always hated the fact that thier preferred playstyle of booking it to the zerg blobs to spam their skills put them in danger of being engaged in players that are running more small scale engagements builds that have an advantage over zerg builds in THAT area. Instead of realizing that there's more to wvw than zerging which is for the best they have the mind set that only zerging should be the viable playstyle that everyone should adopt and anything else is not a good or fair playstyle and is unhealthy for the game mode. Cuz turning a dynamic pvp mode into a singular playstyle mode is so much better lol I have never advocated that zerging is less or more important than roaming or vice versa, I'm saying that the more playstyles and options in wvw being an open pvp mode is for the better. Also increases the chances that all classes regardless of their strengths have something in the mode that plays to them instead of having a mode centered around three whole classes ex fb,scourge and rev.War claw improved the zerger gameplay but stepped on all others so the people who played low mobility classes cuz they liked the other strengths of the classes have little downsides but people who chose to use classes based on mobility or the playstyle and strengths that they played to got hit considerably by having a mount introduced into the mode.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:It's pretty simple.Pve players love war kitty cuz it turns wvw into less of a open world pvp mode with objectives and more of a friendly and less threatning mode where u don't have to fight unless U want to. Where u can join large groups to spam ur skills in a blob and feel like ur doing something. Where as before they would fear being engaged by players that have actually learned to fight beyond the capability of defeating potatoes pve npc enemies and instead of learning or getting better at actual fighting they just didn't play wvw or understand that maybe a zerg class/build is strong at doing somethings like zerging but weak in 1v1's and accept that fact.Than there's wvw players that may have even played wvw for yrs that have always hated the fact that thier preferred playstyle of booking it to the zerg blobs to spam their skills put them in danger of being engaged in players that are running more small scale engagements builds that have an advantage over zerg builds in THAT area. Instead of realizing that there's more to wvw than zerging which is for the best they have the mind set that only zerging should be the viable playstyle that everyone should adopt and anything else is not a good or fair playstyle and is unhealthy for the game mode. Cuz turning a dynamic pvp mode into a singular playstyle mode is so much better lol I have never advocated that zerging is less or more important than roaming or vice versa, I'm saying that the more playstyles and options in wvw being an open pvp mode is for the better. Also increases the chances that all classes regardless of their strengths have something in the mode that plays to them instead of having a mode centered around three whole classes ex fb,scourge and rev.War claw improved the zerger gameplay but stepped on all others so the people who played low mobility classes cuz they liked the other strengths of the classes have little downsides but people who chose to use classes based on mobility or the playstyle and strengths that they played to got hit considerably by having a mount introduced into the mode.

Have you been involved in a world boss event or a map Meta event?

Because that appears to be the direction we are headed.

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@Excursion.9752 said:They can have this event if they want. But I would sure miss the sound of all the cries of all the roamers/havoc groups/gank squads that I zoom by.

Avoiding or even having the option to avoid all engagements until one chooses to always makes for a great open world pvp environment smh. It a wonder the games own players question the population decline lmao.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:but people who chose to use classes based on mobility or the playstyle and strengths that they played to got hit considerably by having a mount introduced into the mode.

And why did you chose the class with mobility? Oh so you could engage and win but oh noes if you were losing you would run or reset try again. Of course that was just a strategic retreat and I had to be winning and watch you mobile classes run off and you were fine with that. Engage win or run all day never die. Now every single person can run /avoid and of course that's a problem. Roaming is not gone and WVW has always been more zerg then roam pre mounts. The aspect that is gone and which leads you anput seph and strider now is taking your pvp specced class and picking off players otw to zerg or camping in between smc and their keep or their keep and thier spawn picking off players all day and mobility off when losing. awww. so sad.

Again so closed minded. Those non mobile classes that can now run away have strengths in other areas the mobile classes don't as they are balanced with less mobility to a reason. Those high mobility players are playing and engaging opponents that lend to their strengths and playstyles and because it clashes with urs ur all oh awww poor things which is a really ignorant way to be but no surprise. All playstyles are viable and important and it's important that some suffer in some situations and thrive in others or diversity suffers hard. The players are helping devs ruin their own game through their own ignorance and bias to thier own playstyle.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:but people who chose to use classes based on mobility or the playstyle and strengths that they played to got hit considerably by having a mount introduced into the mode.

And why did you chose the class with mobility? Oh so you could engage and win but oh noes if you were losing you would run or reset try again. Of course that was just a strategic retreat and I had to be winning and watch you mobile classes run off and you were fine with that. Engage win or run all day never die. Now every single person can run /avoid and of course that's a problem. Roaming is not gone and WVW has always been more zerg then roam pre mounts. The aspect that is gone and which leads you anput seph and strider now is taking your pvp specced class and picking off players otw to zerg or camping in between smc and their keep or their keep and thier spawn picking off players all day and mobility off when losing. awww. so sad.

Again so closed minded. Those non mobile classes that can now run away have strengths in other areas the mobile classes don't as they are balanced with less mobility to a reason. Those high mobility players are playing and engaging opponents that lend to their strengths and playstyles and because it clashes with urs ur all oh awww poor things which is a really ignorant way to be but no surprise.

And mounts clash with your preferred play style awww poor thing.

Actually reaper and weaver are my jam so.. I'm just not a cry baby that gets hurt in the feels if I let someone gank me. It's called looking at the game mode as a whole even if it helps my reaper get around faster.

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I brought the classes up because u implied I disliked the addition of a mount to wvw because it impedes on my ganking playstyle which I personally do not use. I justified my personal dislike for mounts in wvw for its negative effect on others playstyles not my own and how its unhealthy for a mode like wvw. People choose to use zerg classes/builds and should except their shortcomings that accompany them not rally for something to be added to bridge the shortcomings as that devalues classes that don't share those shortcomings but have weaknesses in other areas that some other classes don't. That's what gives a mode diversity and class identity. The difference is roamers or gankers as u call them at least could accept their class/builds sucks in zergs and dont cry it's unfair if one rolls over them lol no point in arguing about a game mode that's in a unsalvageable steady decline which isn't surprising in the least. Lmao people gladly hop off their mount to fight is something rarely said or experienced unless its outnumbered

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:but people who chose to use classes based on mobility or the playstyle and strengths that they played to got hit considerably by having a mount introduced into the mode.

And why did you chose the class with mobility? Oh so you could engage and win but oh noes if you were losing you would run or reset try again. Of course that was just a strategic retreat and I had to be winning and watch you mobile classes run off and you were fine with that. Engage win or run all day never die. Now every single person can run /avoid and of course that's a problem. Roaming is not gone and WVW has always been more zerg then roam pre mounts. The aspect that is gone and which leads you anput seph and strider now is taking your pvp specced class and picking off players otw to zerg or camping in between smc and their keep or their keep and thier spawn picking off players all day and mobility off when losing. awww. so sad.

Again so closed minded. Those non mobile classes that can now run away have strengths in other areas the mobile classes don't as they are balanced with less mobility to a reason. Those high mobility players are playing and engaging opponents that lend to their strengths and playstyles and because it clashes with urs ur all oh awww poor things which is a really ignorant way to be but no surprise.

And mounts clash with your preferred play style awww poor thing.

They are not the same thing, or even close.

Speccing in mobility to a class to better fill a role while giving up other utility is a trade off. Also, my self, I almost never run unless it's a 5vs1 and even then, sometimes I stick it out, however many people I do fight will, so I need to be able to keep up as well. While the mount has no down sides, it's pure gain in avoiding any fights you don't want to have. It makes ganking easier and those that chase now are even greater in numbers, as one or two will tag me to get me in combat, while another 5-10 will stay on mounts to keep in range and dismount as needed to keep me in combat until I am out of everything and they can 15vs1 me. Being killed by a roamer is not being ganked, being killed by a much larger group who depends on numbers to win the fight is ganking. Ganking defines greater numbers of lower skilled players, not roamers.

The mounts do not save a person from a gank squad, as a gank squad that has ANY skill at all, will be able to dismount one player, what mounts do is allow someone to avoid 1vs1 or roaming combat as it's easy to avoid the burst of a single player on a mount, 5+ players (gank squads) however, not so much unless they are totally face roll. So they do not help people avoid gank squads, but rather gives an advantage to gank squads in that it allows them to chase down even mobility specced roamers.

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I just feel like in the long term the loss of the feeling of fear,excitement or the annoyance felt once a player steps outa home camp of being engaged in a situation not favored by their class being replaced by a feeling of safety that the warclaw gives to players although feels great to them now will eventually harm a open world pvp mode in the long run. Maybe I'm crazy though,been called worse.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Excursion.9752 said:They can have this event if they want. But I would sure miss the sound of all the cries of all the roamers/havoc groups/gank squads that I zoom by.

Avoiding or even having the option to avoid all engagements until one chooses to always makes for a great open world pvp environment smh. It a wonder the games own players question the population decline lmao.Its funny how no one wants to pay respect to the other side of a coin. Just as some would like to fight 1v1 others would not. By anet adding the Warclaw to the game mode it is clear that they wanted players to be able to pick and choose their fights I believe. I see nothing wrong with that. Having a choice is a good thing it helps the right people find each other. If you're having trouble finding the fights you want maybe you're in the minority? Just as it is no fun for you to watch people on Warclaws escape its also about the same amount of fun when a character built for a zerg encounters a roamer.

All that aside it would be fun to have an event like this because then I think more people would then realize how much they really miss and enjoy it.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:but people who chose to use classes based on mobility or the playstyle and strengths that they played to got hit considerably by having a mount introduced into the mode.

And why did you chose the class with mobility? Oh so you could engage and win but oh noes if you were losing you would run or reset try again. Of course that was just a strategic retreat and I had to be winning and watch you mobile classes run off and you were fine with that. Engage win or run all day never die. Now every single person can run /avoid and of course that's a problem. Roaming is not gone and WVW has always been more zerg then roam pre mounts. The aspect that is gone and which leads you anput seph and strider now is taking your pvp specced class and picking off players otw to zerg or camping in between smc and their keep or their keep and thier spawn picking off players all day and mobility off when losing. awww. so sad.

Again so closed minded. Those non mobile classes that can now run away have strengths in other areas the mobile classes don't as they are balanced with less mobility to a reason. Those high mobility players are playing and engaging opponents that lend to their strengths and playstyles and because it clashes with urs ur all oh awww poor things which is a really ignorant way to be but no surprise.

And mounts clash with your preferred play style awww poor thing.

They are not the same thing, or even close.

Speccing in mobility to a class to better fill a role while giving up other utility is a trade off. Also, my self, I almost never run unless it's a 5vs1 and even then, sometimes I stick it out, however many people I do fight will, so I need to be able to keep up as well. While the mount has no down sides, it's pure gain in avoiding any fights you don't want to have. It makes ganking easier and those that chase now are even greater in numbers, as one or two will tag me to get me in combat, while another 5-10 will stay on mounts to keep in range and dismount as needed to keep me in combat until I am out of everything and they can 15vs1 me. Being killed by a roamer is not being ganked, being killed by a much larger group who depends on numbers to win the fight is ganking. Ganking defines greater numbers of lower skilled players, not roamers.

The mounts do not save a person from a gank squad, as a gank squad that has ANY skill at all, will be able to dismount one player, what mounts do is allow someone to avoid 1vs1 or roaming combat as it's easy to avoid the burst of a single player on a mount, 5+ players (gank squads) however, not so much unless they are totally face roll. So they do not help people avoid gank squads, but rather gives an advantage to gank squads in that it allows them to chase down even mobility specced roamers.

It does not make ganking easier. If it did there would be zero threads crying about mounts. Now if you are saying the 5 man guild havok squad chases you down otw to zerg sure you got ganked. Before mounts that was 10 times easier tho. But if you are trailing the zerg group taking objectives trying to pick someone off and they turn and kill you then you weren't ganked. Or if the zerg rolls over you that's typically wrong place wrong time. Zergs aren't looking for singles but yeah if they otw to the next objective of course 10 will squirrel off and chase you. Like almost all ganking prior to mounts was ranger mez teef camping a spot and picking off people. That's gone which is good. You define ganking as outnumbered and killed. I define it more as jumping someone who is going from spawn to keep or otw to zerg like was very often prior to mounts. So many times keep would be contested and a de or sb or mez would be trying to gank players from spawn and you never see that now.

So someone skilled at 1vs1, killing you in your mind is ganking. This shows the disconnect people have with the term, as it's a defined gaming term that involves greater numbers often of lower skill that require outnumbering the ganked player to kill them or depending on the game, taking a highlevel max geared toon to a starting zone to kill weaker players. Ganking can also mean just being killed, however being that this is a PvP mode and the point of the mode, ganking is referring to a action that is deemed to be using an advantage, such as pure numbers and why people refer to them as a "gank squad". Being killed by someone on a thief on your way back to your zerg is NOT BEING GANKED, you got killed in a 1vs1 in a PvP game mode. It also explains why you think threads that have an issue with the mount as being made by "gankers", the reason you see threads still is that they are NOT being posted by gankers, but small scale fighters and roamers who are posting about it.

I also love how when your zerg chases one person to kill them however, thats just "wrong place wrong time", and not ganking at all. Even though that is what defines ganking, 10+ people pulling off a tag to chase one person, roamers are ganked more often than zerglings, as we are often solo and get chased ALL the time by greater numbers.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Of course 1 vs 1 isn't ganking but if you spec single target pvp build de and camp between my keep and spawn and kill mostly zerg spec classes yeah that's ganking, If you catch me at a camp or sentry and we fight over an objective that's roaming. I roam if you pay attention on effing reaper so yeah im not in that zerg killing you. You roll spvp every single person is in PVP spec so yeah go there and you will find out if your skilled or not. But to try and say WvW is the same when not everyone is PVP spec some are spec to be in a group so yeah of course we have an advantage catching that dude otw back to zerg so idk what to tell you. This is objective based more then 1 vs 1 mode. Of course these threads are made by gankers cause they mad mounts took away from that. Again you think being killed by multiple players is ganking I don't. 90 percent of the time one side outnumbers the other very rarely you get that uninterrupted 1v1.

If you don't roll a PvP spec in WvW, that is your choice, WvW is not a anything mode, it is open world PvP where you can do what you want, if you want to 1vs1 that is your choice, if you want to ktrain, that is also your choice. However, those who ktrain should not be given a blanket that protects them from any combat they don't want to be involved in. Running solo means we don't have the protection of a whole zerg, which is a trade off. If you don't want to run a 1vs1 or small scale build, that is also your choice and should face the negatives of that build. People like yourself also act as if a zerg build is just helpless on it's way back to a zerg, however I do just fine on my zerg builds running back to a tag and if there were more than I could take on going back, I would take a less direct route and be just fine. All you want is easy mode that allows you to ktrain when and where you want, and avoid all 1vs1 fights you don't want to take.

More or less what you are saying is anything that kills you is ganking, but anything you chase down is just part of the game. That is a non sequitur if I have ever seen one.

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@Counter Terrorist.7421 said:Anet please consider removing mount from one of the 3 maps and rotate wish map is mount free each day or week. That will satisfy more of you're average zerglings as well as your long term loyal WvW players.

So you make whole maps to protect a single play style. It will result in the ktrain staying on the other maps, meaning one map type will have an advantage, this would be horrible for balance. One of the issues with mounts being response time, capping something without a zerg means defenders can often run back to contest more than once even after a wall is down, which is another problem with mounts, however doing this to one map totally changes balance vs the other maps, it's bad enough that we have DBL and ABL mixed in a single matchup, the only way you could have one map with no mounts and still have some sort of balance would be if that map was EBG where all 3 servers have an equal stake in the map.

As much as I want mounts removed, only removing them from one map is not the way to do it.

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@TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

@Counter Terrorist.7421 said:Anet please consider removing mount from one of the 3 maps and rotate wish map is mount free each day or week. That will satisfy more of you're average zerglings as well as your long term loyal WvW players.

So you make whole maps to protect a single play style. It will result in the ktrain staying on the other maps, meaning one map type will have an advantage, this would be horrible for balance. One of the issues with mounts being response time, capping something without a zerg means defenders can often run back to contest more than once even after a wall is down, which is another problem with mounts, however doing this to one map totally changes balance vs the other maps, it's bad enough that we have DBL and ABL mixed in a single matchup, the only way you could have one map with no mounts and still have some sort of balance would be if that map was EBG where all 3 servers have an equal stake in the map.

As much as I want mounts removed, only removing them from one map is not the way to do it.

Hey it's 100% balanced none has mounts on that particular map. We had years without mounts and hopefully people have not forgotten how to play without em besides that it's all good because it gives us more diverse play styles again as well as more diverse combat. If your server cares about winning the match up if your commander wants to play PPT he better adapt and play that map as well as the others. There is nothing to be concerned about especially if it rotates each day.

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@nthmetal.9652 said:Wow, so much BS in such a little post. Wooow.

What the Warclaw adds in terms of comfort has little to do with things you can compensate for in skills. Either your profession has movement related options available at a spammable rate, or you will be considerably slower without one. Either your build provides a meaningful defense against gankers, or it doesn't. And on top of that: Yes, you can defend against somewhat okay gankers, if you're a good player, even on a non-anti-ganking build, but defending alone against a group of gankers calls for the right build AND really good play, and even then you're probably out of luck if your opponents know what they are doing.

No, what happens is, that you promote elitism and drive away people, who are not willing to conform to those ideals. One week would probably not make much of a difference, but as a general design guideline it only means you'll lose players fast. And then you'll be left with a truly dead game mode. Not a dead game mode, where 50-man-zergs can roll over you on several maps.

As a general; design guideline you create a trash PvP mode, look any other PvP game with an open map.

@nthmetal.9652 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:[...] it's not just the devs that are killing thos type of game mode but the players as well with their my chosen gameplay is the only legit one etc.

Indeed. You were talking about yourself, right?

I have seen ganking squads pull me off my mount (and subsequently kill me); of course they need some organization. Chances are I can actually escape them, if they are all on one spot. But I've witnessed them be more intelligent than that.Of course, there are some players apparently unwilling to adapt ...

Or wait, are you telling me: If I am without mount I need to team up with other players to be safe? Why is that somehow more acceptable, than gankers and roamers teaming up in a party of 3 or 4 to stop that person on their mount?

No, sorry, I don't see why your point should be more valid than mine.

Because requiring more players to beat 1 player isn't fine, that is just broken and negates solo play, what if you just want to kill some poeple? Whats fun about oneshotting someone with your friends? Teaming up to not die to someone because of lack of skill/too lazy to swap builds around while traveling is different than teaming up to be able to even touch someone, it makes no sense and in any other PvP game this would be unacceptable.

NO PvP game should put in mechanics that allow for infinite stalemates, it just makes no sense at all.

I don't understand your entitlement towards free safe passagen in a open map PvP mode, world PvP MMO's don't have this, battle royales don't have this, survival games don't have this, why should this game when literally everything else simillar doesn't? So you can carebear walk to the group to hit a door and play silverwastes in WvW?

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Or just reduce Mount HP to 1000 or something so that you can actually realisticly knock people off their mounts if they get too bold.The only thing I dislike about the Mounts is the fact that you can essentially just run around with no worries.Or make it so that every CC knocks you off. That might be even better than just reducing the HP since reducing HP would make you dismount from every bit of fall damage.

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