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What's your favourite villain in gw2?


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Many here would say that Scarlet was tops. In many ways she was. Killing so many across Tyria in order to awaken an elder dragon. Everywhere you looked there were Mordrem. Obviously, she's the easiest choice. But then again it's debatable. Rytlocke could also be up there. If only for setting Balthazar free from his prison. Everything would have been lost had Balthazar succeeded in defeating Kralkatorik. Nevertheless, there are others just as worthy of mention. Leaving them out, I would be remiss.

Others such as Caudecus or Phlunt come to mind. Relatively minor in the overall scheme of things as they were, the consequences of their actions could have been far reaching. Destroying the peace process between the Charr and Humans would have been disastrous. Or sabotaging Taimi's ley line research due to professional jealousy. Faolain is another, though at least she met a fitting end. Drunk as she was on the wish for true freedom, however laudable that might have been, I still find it hard to have any sympathy for her. Even as far back as Twilight Arbour story mode I knew she'd be trouble. Canach also had the makings of a good villain, but eventually found redemption. Everyone has that potential if the circumstances are right for it, I guess.

Perhaps it could also be argued that Logan might have become a villain if given half a chance. Taking off on the eve of Destiny's Edge's fight with Kralkatorik to go to Jenna's aid was a low point. In later chapters it stretches credulity that she ever needed him there, given her performance during the battle in the garden. One character I seldom hear mention of as a villain -or potential villain- given how many npcs and other creatures they've slaughtered over time, and one's point of view depending on which side of those battles they were on- is the Commander. Never say never, though, I suppose.

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Palawa Joko by far.

The elder dragons are lame villains in comparison (and in general), they are just badly written. Their motivation to destroy the whole world as we know it remains a mystery to date, it's not even a typical lust for power or riches. Nothing they do makes much sense, because they are presented as shallow characters who's only purpose in the game seems to be to corrupt everything so that the Commander has a reason to fight them. They lack any depth.

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All these people saying Scarlet, I have to wonder if they played during Season 1 or, if they did, if they're not mistaking nostalgia for a good writing.

I honestly cannot say there is a single well written villain of GW2. But the best were probably Gaheron and Kudu; but they were killed off before they could be ruined by the writing just as Joko, Dhuum, Lazarus, and Caudecus were ruined.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:I feel like we haven't had a proper villain in a while.Scarlet was a lot more interesting when she was still behind the scenes. Her chaotic evil was more.. chaotic.. than enticing.I also had much higher hopes for Joko, what with all the build up throughout gw1 and gw2. He even had the plague at some point, and we only barely get to see it in the same episode he dies.And then there's balthazar. I mean, I get he was weakened, no longer a real god. But come on.. he was the god of WAR! and you can beat him armour-less with auto-attack.At least caudecaus had some air of dignity until the last chapter he appeared in.

The inquest seem like the only proper course left, and thats only if the staff will ever write them a serious role. So far they've had the tools to become the big bad evil but have only acted out of comedic selfishness

We destroy the plague in the meta event of that zone. Seems people forget open world stuff is also part of the story.

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I like different villains for different reasons.

  • Scarlet: she was fun. She shows up everywhere. And is a wild & crazy sylvari (which is a bit easier to understand after learning Caithe's secrets).
  • Joko: also fun. Takes a licking and keeps on ticking. And the only one to tell the Commander that they just might not be the hero Tyria needs after all.
  • Canach: people who weren't around in 2012-3 might not realize he started off as a villain (claimed he was coerced and duped). He's still got that touch of the bad boy thing going for him.
  • Mad King Thorn: even discounting his jokes, he's also a lot of fun (even if only one month per year).
  • Evon Gnashblade: he's been involved with a lot of icky things done to Tyria that weren't Elder Dragons and we haven't heard the half of it.
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I think Zhaitan. Personal story further chapters building up to taking him down really felt like an epic campaign requiring enormous resources and the pact to weaken his influences in Orr and take him down eventually. Latest main story villains felt more like "I'll evade you and/or mess with stuff and then commander will take me on 1v1 in some bossfight in season finale".

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@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:All these people saying Scarlet, I have to wonder if they played during Season 1 or, if they did, if they're not mistaking nostalgia for a good writing.

I honestly cannot say there is a single well written villain of GW2. But the best were probably Gaheron and Kudu; but they were killed off before they could be ruined by the writing just as Joko, Dhuum, Lazarus, and Caudecus were ruined.

Dang, how can i forgot Kudu with his charming voice and cold personality? I wish he has more role because if some player doesn't pick Asura with specific personal story, they will just see him as that dungeon boss, even then most people would just skip cutscene when running group. Gaheron though? Beside his intention of becoming a god, he just yell really loud and doesn't appear anywhere else beside dungeon.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:I feel like we haven't had a proper villain in a while.Scarlet was a lot more interesting when she was still behind the scenes. Her chaotic evil was more.. chaotic.. than enticing.I also had much higher hopes for Joko, what with all the build up throughout gw1 and gw2. He even had the plague at some point, and we only barely get to see it in the same episode he dies.And then there's balthazar. I mean, I get he was weakened, no longer a real god. But come on.. he was the god of WAR! and you can beat him armour-less with auto-attack.At least caudecaus had some air of dignity until the last chapter he appeared in.

The inquest seem like the only proper course left, and thats only if the staff will ever write them a serious role. So far they've had the tools to become the big bad evil but have only acted out of comedic selfishness

We destroy the plague in the meta event of that zone. Seems people forget open world stuff is also part of the story.

Yea, but that happens afterwards. Palawa dies without proficiently utilizing the plague. And with him out of the way we can clear it the gandaran fortress and destroy all plague vessels

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:I feel like we haven't had a proper villain in a while.Scarlet was a lot more interesting when she was still behind the scenes. Her chaotic evil was more.. chaotic.. than enticing.I also had much higher hopes for Joko, what with all the build up throughout gw1 and gw2. He even had the plague at some point, and we only barely get to see it in the same episode he dies.And then there's balthazar. I mean, I get he was weakened, no longer a real god. But come on.. he was the god of WAR! and you can beat him armour-less with auto-attack.At least caudecaus had some air of dignity until the last chapter he appeared in.

The inquest seem like the only proper course left, and thats only if the staff will ever write them a serious role. So far they've had the tools to become the big bad evil but have only acted out of comedic selfishness

We destroy the plague in the meta event of that zone. Seems people forget open world stuff is also part of the story.

Yea, but that happens afterwards. Palawa dies without proficiently utilizing the plague. And with him out of the way we can clear it the gandaran fortress and destroy all plague vessels

Well they weren't going to release the plague on the world. Could you imagine the way that would have affected the entire world. It would be a world altering event, and a whole lot of people would have hated it. And if the plague can't get out, the next best thing is to show plague victims, let them get trapped, show the ghosts charging in because they can get through the barrier even if the plague victims can't...I mean that was a really good scene. And Palawa's death scene was a really good scene too, probably my favorite in the entire game.

So yeah, it's not like they forgot about the plague. Considering it wasn't going to be released, I don't see how that's an actual complaint. He should have done more with the plague? He was preparing to and we stopped him.

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Teyo - I love that character and story, would have been awesome to have her join our side as an Inquest insider or something...

Instead we got Taimi, Gorrik and Blish... :/

Don't get me wrong I love Taimi - but Teyo was far cooler and would have vastly preferred her to not... spoiler ... so we could have recruited her into Dragon's Watch.

I can just imagine the dialogue between Teyo and Canach. My god that would have been amazing.

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Many said Kudu, indeed I think he could have been better than what he is. If the correct story path is chosen, you meet him during several steps before crucible of eternity even in sorrow embrace. The end in the crucible of eternity is kinda abrupt just like Teyo. Sure now we have Overseer Kuda which is wrapped in mystery, only seen as a hologram in specimen chamber. Furtive apparitions may better fit her story, having learned from her father mistakes, moving around without being caught.

Joko had great potential but the momentum was ruined with imho a bad ending with aurene coming from nowhere, I can't get that Joko haven't planned an illusion or a trap just for her.

Finally about kralk, I think he got a half~season for no reason, joko would have been better with the plague, or an iron arm between inquest/awakened. (Because unhappy of seeing half of the complex destroyed and to retrieve the plague) both parties could have been way far more menacing with the plague.

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