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What Is The Main Reason You Block People?

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The block function is a great way to tailor your gaming experience when the going gets rough, and I'm glad it has a place here in Guild Wars 2, but I'm curious to know the main reason(s) why people make use of ye olde ban hammer.

So tell me:What's usually the last straw for you?How many chances do you give people?Do you block more, report more, or some combination of the two?Have you ever unblocked someone?

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@IndigoSundown.5419 said:I haven't blocked anyone in years. When I did in the past, the primary reason was that they were illicit gold sellers whom I would report, then block. I haven't seen one in a long time, though.

pretty much this.

Now i just block people who want to troll my group when we are RPing, but i did it for the first time a week ago. Before that....been a long time.

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I've only had to block one person in the year and a half I've been playing this game, and that was for some rather...inappropriate...whispers.

Weirdly, I was playing a male character. A male asura character in very drab, nondescript clothes, without anything that was attention-getting or eye-catching in any way.

Not sure why that other guy singled me out...or if I want to know what they were thinking. :joy:

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Horribly rude folks get a block. As in repeatedly, won't knock it off, zero redeeming humor. That said, my block list is only about 5, so it does take a lot. A couple I don't remember, two were notably in wvw, one was abusing a reputable scout for accurate scouting, over the course of about 30 minutes(probably longer but by then he was blocked) despite others telling him, and the scout, that the scout's calls were correct. Maybe someone from another server on an alt? Don't know, just thought the behavior was wretched. Second one was abusing whichever person tagged up, didn't matter who. Commanding is rough enough without added abuse. Oh, I remember the others now, well, 2 more--both were advertising guilds but instead of just one or maybe two times it was every 2-3 minutes, completely reworded. Enough already. I think the last one was repeated sexual comments about kids and chickens during a Tequatl. Not my thing.

If they are in a map I can leave, I usually just do that.

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I mostly block (and report) bigots and people who think it's edgy and cool to be offensive nowadays (haven't been spammed by gold sellers in a long while, but they to get blocked). I don't want to see that or interact with people who think that stuff is fine, so they get blocked and I get to enjoy my game.

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Just spam. Usually gold sellers, rarely people like skill point train commanders who don't use squad chat and don't realise that the rest of the map doesn't need to read their spam on how to complete the most basic content in the game for the 20th time.

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I rarely block anyone, but if I do it's because they're being really, over the top abusive. If they're just venting after an event fails I'll ignore it, or report them if I think it's excessive even in that situation or if they're targeting specific people. But if they just keep on and on and on like they're trying to get banned or start whispering me (usually because I disagreed with them) then I'll block.

@"Batel.9206" said:I've only had to block one person in the year and a half I've been playing this game, and that was for some rather...inappropriate...whispers.

Weirdly, I was playing a male character. A male asura character in very drab, nondescript clothes, without anything that was attention-getting or eye-catching in any way.

Not sure why that other guy singled me out...or if I want to know what they were thinking. :joy:

I've had similar in other games. The one time someone tried to chat me up in Elder Scrolls Online and went beyond following me around or the odd short whisper it was when I was playing this guy:qf9xeNOh.jpg

Technically had I been role-playing at the time I should have gone for it (that character is an ex-soldier and his standards are...not that specific) but I don't do ERP and was in the middle of gathering crafting materials so I rapidly decided I wasn't role-playing that day but she (I assume) wouldn't take no for an answer.

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I didn't used to block people at all or at least only in extremely rare instances, but that changed a good year or so back after getting into playing PvP more when I decided I don't have time for extremely toxic or harassing people anymore (which are mostly just kids compensating for their own issues and shortcomings anyway), nor do I want to spare the effort of actively ignoring them.

Now if someone is extremely toxic, harassing me or others or overtly offensive (racist, ableist etc.) I just instantly block them and move on.

I do have to say, with 1/3 of the PvP leaderboard being blocked at this point, PvP is a lot more quiet and fun too.

For PvE (Raids and Fractals), I barely ever encountered anyone warranting a block. In addition you have the option to just kick and not play with such people anymore, so it's just not really an issue there.

Before I pretty much just blocked and reported gold sellers, but I haven't encountered one of those in years now.One second chance for those who I blocked due to just being extremely rude and/or going repeatedly on extended afk without warning, justification or apology in group content, with an unblock if they contribute or cease being as rude and offensive (with the block more being used to give them a nickname to make note of being a problematic player I might not want to have in my group another time).

Reports (although I'm not sure they do anything) are for serious extended harassment or before mentioned offensiveness and come together with blocks, or for idling in PvP, but much more rarely than just a block.

Overall I feel like you either don't use such tools at all and just look past those experiences, or actively use them a lot to over time tailor who can interact with you in a community for a better and healthier environment, otherwise there isn't really a point.

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I spend my time in WvW and only had to block two players in several years of playing GW2, unless I'm forgetting something. But the list is definitely countable on one (5-fingered human) hand.

The reason I blocked them was because of endless "copy-paste", obnoxious or, in a certain way, toxic (team) chat spam.I usually report rather than block (though I heard that they put more weight on reports when you also block the person?), since I'm sure I won't see the person around again most of the time anyway. Rarely you get these people who just come around again and again. Really wish you would get feedback on reports...just to see that it is making a difference.

I only know of one person, a certain ranger, who probably blocked me. Makes me wonder who else got me blocked ...

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