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I'm assuming you were around for Scarlet destroying Lions Arch and it's rebuilding by Sea World.

Skill Points became Hero Points, see herehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skill_pointYou will have all the core skills/specializations when you hit 80.

New contentLiving World 2 dlcHeart of Thorns expansionLiving World 3 dlcPath of Fire expansionLiving World 4 dlcLiving World 5 coming soon

Both HoT and PoF are sold separately and its absolutely, 100%, worth it to get both. Although if you can only afford one, get PoF because it gives you both elite specs and the new class

Elite specs, every class has 2. These are more powerful than your regular core specs.

Mounts from PoF and LW4! Raptors, skimmers, Sand jackal, Springer, and Griffon from PoF. Roller Beetle and Skyscale from LW4. And an Armored Dolyack mount for WvW.

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@Dirrtty.2374 said:Hey thanks for the quick rundown! Question on the living world stuff - is that like a quest line that can be completed still or was it like a live even that passed. If its completable is it worth doing or just for fun?

Starting with Season 2, Living World became repeatable. You can buy the whole season, or just any episodes you may be missing. Once you have the expansions, any NEW Living World episodes will be free, as long as you log in during the time period before the next episode releases.

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@Dirrtty.2374 said:Hey thanks for the quick rundown! Question on the living world stuff - is that like a quest line that can be completed still or was it like a live even that passed. If its completable is it worth doing or just for fun?

Past seasons except s1 are paid dlc. S3 and S4 are each 6 episodes and 6 maps

They are necessary for the story and if you want certain mounts and other items

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@Dirrtty.2374 said:Are they completable as a duo or do they have a lot of group content?

From the top, what you missed got spelled out by EmmetOtter.8542 nicely.

Living World Seasons are inbetween expansion story content which is released episodically (similar to Season 4 which ended a bit over 2 motnhs ago, and Season 5 which will be starting likely early September). They bridge the story arcs of the main game and expansions and help the general understanding. The episodes are unlocked for free if an account logs in while they are new (aka before the next episode releases), after that they are priced at 200 gems per episode (though most are available as bundles with 20-40% off).

All story content is designed to be played solo (No matter if Living World or Expansion story). All story content can be played with up to 5 players and will NOT scale to players (thus making it easier to complete with more people). Some missions can be a tad challenging for unexperienced players, especially the ones with bosses which have specific mechanics.

The general gist is: expansions are worth it, Living World Content is subjective to how much you enjoy the story. Personally I would recommend playing through the entire story in order so it makes the msot sense. That alone will take a while by now since we are talking a LOT of story content. Definately something which would be enjoyable as a party.

The 25th of August is the 7 year anniversary of GW2 and on the 30th of August there is a special event which will introduce the playerbase to the future plans for the game as well as introduce Living World Season 5. Chances are high that expansions and Living World Content will go on sale during this period of time. So if money is an issue, keep eyes open for sales.

To enjoy the full story with all Living World Content, you are looking at:

  • price of Heart of Thorns (includes the base game for free)
  • price of Path of Fire (similar to HoT, this provides the base game for free)
  • Living World Season 2, 8 Episodes (1,600 gems, on sale regularly for 20% off)
  • Living World Season 3, 6 Episodes (1,200 gems, has been on sale for 20% off too)
  • Living World Season 4, 6 Episodes (1,000 gems, Episode 6 is still current so it would unlock for free at the moment and be discounted from any future bundle)

That comes down to a maximum total current cost of 3,800 gems undiscounted, which amounts to 47,50 $/Euro per account on top of the expansion price. More realistic would be to assume around 30-35,- $/Euro given discounts, on top of the expansions (which have been on sale multiple times by now too).

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