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People manage to join closed squad without invite


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It’s always been this way if you use ‘joinsquad (commander name) thingy. Not saying it’s not an issue, but it’s not new,We have certain players on enemy servers who do it to disrupt certain commanders, the best current containment is to lock subgroupsso they are stuck in the ‘lobby’ subgroup 1. Then assign a really tenacious kicker......A fix would be great but don’t hold your breath.

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@"steki.1478" said:

  • enable invite only
  • enable confirmation to join squad

I did some testing using these options and couldn't replicate the issue. The options as written the party menu are

  • Private Squad
  • Allow uninvited players to join? No.

I tried using /join and /sqjoin, using the leader's character name and display ID. Also tried right clicking.I couldn't think of any other way to get the UI to allow the option.

There's an option for "Allow Members to Send Invites." @"SkyShroud.2865": is there any chance that one of your squad members is inviting this player? (Hopefully not, since that's a much more annoying sort of "bug" than a problem with the game's code.) You could try checking it to see if the issue goes away and proceed as needed from there.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Dante.1763" said:I can confirm. We had players joining a squad that i created that was both invite only, and a private squad.

And what about "allow members to send invites"?

and were these randoms following you guys around the map? or other guildies or...?

(I"m getting really curious about how this was done.)

Was turned off. I had complete control of the squad, and two randoms on the map kept getting in, never bothered asking how, we ended up dissolving the squad and starting over. Neither where guildies, and from what i could see they werent following. One was at the starting WP and the other near a camp. It stopped after i left the squad, creating a leaderless squad, and came back, taking the squad over once more.

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@Dante.1763 said:Was turned off. I had complete control of the squad, and two randoms on the map kept getting in, never bothered asking how, we ended up dissolving the squad and starting over. Neither where guildies, and from what i could see they werent following. One was at the starting WP and the other near a camp. It stopped after i left the squad, creating a leaderless squad, and came back, taking the squad over once more.

Thanks for the details.

In the first case, does that mean that Dorito might have been visible briefly? Maybe there's some unexpected mechanical difference or having been able to invite themselves once, they remained eligible despite changing the toggles. In my testing, the bubble of invisibility went up before the attempted joiners entered the map, so I'll try changing the order up; maybe it's reproducible.

Hopefully your work-around is 100% reliable, since it would be easy for people to manage. (Especially since many private tags have been using that trick for a while.)

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