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Help with Bond of Faith

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Hello, I am having issue with the mount skill Bond of Faith. Basically it does not work at all. It does share the utility skill key with my character's skill key (both use the C key) but BoF does not activate when pressing C. It will activate if I mouse over C and click on it.

I do not use the default key bind set up but rather came up with my own and have been using it since launch. All was well until unlocking BoF.

I have contacted support but after much back and forth we decided to pick the brains of the masses for similar issues/answers. Currently, I use a right handed mouse with 12 side buttons and utilize the left side of my keyboard (q,w,e,r,t,a,s,d,f,g,z,x,c,v,b) with z,x and c also used while mounted. I don't use the right side keys on the keyboard because it's tricky for me to use those and the mouse together. although I hope to retain my current up I am of course open to minor tweaks - provided they work with my keyboard/multi-key'd mouse.

I appreciate any and all help!



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Ok quickly checked something,Bound my Utility Skill 2 (standard key 8) to C. Worked without problem.Mounted used Bond of Faith didn't work.So far so good ( or bad).Mounts have a few own keybinds and as standard C is used for an action called Mount Ability 2. (which e.g. in case of the Griffon is used to ascend/pull up while in air if you are fast enough or in case of the Skyscale to descent).For most mounts this Mount Abilty 2 doesn't have a function and it seems that just nothing is happening.So I tested it with the skyscale and while both Utility Skill 2 (while mounted BoF) and Mount Ability 2 Bound to C, the result was that I would still descend using C.It seems Mount Ability 2 takes priority over Utility Skill 2 while mounted.After unbinding Mount Ability 2 I was able to trigger Bond of Faith with C.

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@Ronan.9518 said:Ok quickly checked something,Bound my Utility Skill 2 (standard key 8) to C. Worked without problem.Mounted used Bond of Faith didn't work.So far so good ( or bad).Mounts have a few own keybinds and as standard C is used for an action called Mount Ability 2. (which e.g. in case of the Griffon is used to ascend/pull up while in air if you are fast enough or in case of the Skyscale to descent).For most mounts this Mount Abilty 2 doesn't have a function and it seems that just nothing is happening.So I tested it with the skyscale and while both Utility Skill 2 (while mounted BoF) and Mount Ability 2 Bound to C, the result was that I would still descend using C.It seems Mount Ability 2 takes priority over Utility Skill 2 while mounted.After unbinding Mount Ability 2 I was able to trigger Bond of Faith with C.

I followed what you did and rebound mount ability 2 to a number key on my mouse and it seems fine. Now I just need to remember to use the 1 key when ascending with the griffon, lol. But it's definitely a minor tweak!!

If I understand you correctly, the issue tied in with the griffon ability to ascend?

Thanks by the way!! :D

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@"SummerRaine.2975" said:

I followed what you did and rebound mount ability 2 to a number key on my mouse and it seems fine. Now I just need to remember to use the 1 key when ascending with the griffon, lol. But it's definitely a minor tweak!!

If I understand you correctly, the issue tied in with the griffon ability to ascend?

Thanks by the way!! :D

Hmm how should i explain this.Well lets try...

The problem was rather that Mount Ability 2 and Utility Skill 2 were bind to the same key.

There seem to be several "layers" of key-binds.One layer that is used all the time, lets call this one general-layer.Other layers that are only used in certain situation e.g. one for spectating a PvP map, one for the time we are using the Map, one while we are mounte, lets call this layers situational-layers.

The game doesn't allow us to bind the same key to two different action of the "general-layer" or rather to two different actions within the same layer at the same time,but is allows us to bind same key to a "general-layer"- action and (several) "situtational-layer"- actions at the same time.

Lets take the Space-Key as example. As standard this is used in the general-layer as "Jump" in the" situational-layer Map" as "Recenter".While we are using the World Map we are still able to move using our W A S D Keys, but we are not able to Jump using the Space Key.

The situational-layer "Map" kinda... overwrites the "general key bind Jump" in this situation if the key is used in both layers. If we un/rebind the "Recenter" action to another key, we are able to jump while we have the map open. (Even though you don't see it on screen (because there is the map) its easily proofable by standing in front of a obstacle you can jump but not walk above).

While most actions listed in the Mount-key-bind-section belong to the "general-layer" e.g. "Mount/Dismount", "Raptor Mount/Dismount", "Springer Mount-Dismount". etc...the "Mount Ability 1" and "Mount Ability 2" seem to be in the "situational-layer Mount" (and are only useable while we actually are mounted).This is the only possibility that we are able to bind the same key to Utility Skill 2 ("general-layer") and Mount Ability 2 (situational-layer Mount) at the same time.

Like stated the "situational layer key-binds" seem to overwrite the "general layer key-binds" that are used in both layers if the situation is given.

That's why, while not mounted C would use Utility Skill 2 , but while mounted would use Mount Ability 2 instead. (and since Mount Abilty 2 has only actually bound an action to it with the griffon and skyscale it seems that it just wasn't working.)

.... Hope i could somewhat express what I wanted to say... that english isn't my first language didn't make it easier in a case like this.

Edit:Did some more stupid testing it seems "situational-layer Mount" > "situational-layer Map" > "general-layer".

When i bind C to Utility Skill 2, Mount Ability 2 and Recenter, I...... use Utility Skill 2 while not mounted without map open... recenter the map to my position while not mounted with map open... descend on my skyscale when mounted with map open (without recentering the map to my position)

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Wow! That's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes! And you explained it beautifully! You write so well that I never would have guessed English is not your first language. Thank you for taking the time to not only answer but to explain why it works as it does. It really helps me to understand the "whys and hows" of things.

Sounds like you are having some fun playing with the layers via testing... which was a very good thing for me because you were able to answer my question so thoroughly!

Thank you again, you've literally saved my sanity!

Summer Raine

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@"Ronan.9518" said:Hmm how should i explain this.Well lets try...[snip]

Wow! That was an excellent explanation! I think I had kind of intuited the basic shape of the "conflicts" but this made the system so much clearer!


Lets take the Space-Key as example. As standard this is used in the general-layer as "Jump" in the" situational-layer Map" as "Recenter"....I've been playing for nearly four years and hadn't noticed that function.Mind=Blown

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