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Lightbinder Blade appears ripped from Rift Concept Art


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It looks like the Lightbinder Blade model is based upon concept art for the MMORPG Rift.

Side by side: https://imgur.com/a/DNViRF0#sr5dVx4Concept art from game's site: http://community.riftgame.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Guardian_warrior_wep.jpg

I don't know if the same artist is responsible, or if this is alright, but I am concerned about copyright infringement here. The designs are too similar for this to be a coincidence.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@"Dante.1763" said:I wish i could view the links! every freaking time theres a link that leads to an exteranal website i get the "Page not found" T.T

Copy-paste it directly to the searching tab. ^^

I did earlier, the imgur page wasnt loading at all regardless, anywho browser restart fixed it.

Those are idiotically similiar.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Dante.1763 said:I wish i could view the links! every freaking time theres a link that leads to an exteranal website i get the "Page not found" T.T

Copy-paste it directly to the searching tab. ^^

I did earlier, the imgur page wasnt loading at all regardless, anywho browser restart fixed it.

Those are idiotically similiar.

Right? I really don't like where this is going. Drawing inspiration from other games seems fine but this is just identical.

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Even if it would be the same artist (which it almost certainly isn't) it would not be okay, unless they bought the rights from whoever is running Rifts these days, or both are based on some earlier (and non-copyrighted) work. More likely, though, someone at Anet used a shortcut without telling anyone - because, even with my opinion about GW2 being really low now, i simply don't believe that would have been allowed if someone besides artist knew of it.

I hope Anet'll address this fast, before it blows up into something major.

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I was willing to be sceptical then I took a closer look and saw the figure holding up the blade.I'm not wholly against it, but it just continues to show Anet have no wish to create an identity of their own with skins and instead cast their net wide for inspiration and basically grab everything whether it fits or not (more often than not we get things unsuited to the GW World. And they wonder why players accuse them of not caring about their own game)

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