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Fractal daily level reward limit

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Could you be a bit more precise please? What is it that you want? To put a limit on daily fractal relics earnable per account in order to time-gate relic aquisition?

What exactly is the problem? You are using some title bought with fractal relics (?) to gate access to your fractal party that way?

Did I understand that correctly?

If I did, then it sounds a bit like the old dungeon lfgs where people asked arbitrary numbers of achievement points as requirement to join their party that really have nothing to do with a player's ability to know and play said dungeons. What exactly are you trying to achieve that requires time-gating others from gaining relics?

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@Hans Yulian.6510 said:i mean grinding the relic to get fractal title, so can use the fractal title to be a more appropriate measurement because it's easy to link fake kill progress (ESS) for CM

Just so I do not missunderstand here, you are complaining about players being able to:

  • farm fractal level 42 for 13+N*15 fractal relics (N rank of fractal god) (thus resulting in reward of 13 to 58 fractal relics, not counting N = 4 since people are then fractal god)
  • a farm which takes between 2.5 and 5 minutes for groups of players who specialize in farming this content (and vastly longer for non organized groups)
  • does not provide pristine fractal relics, which are required in substantial number (and are most often the main lockout for upgrading fractal rank)
  • would take 948 completions to get from fractal rank 3 to 4, which is equivalent to close to 40 hours of non-stop 2.5 minute clears

Given Fractal God takes 3,200 pristine fractal relics minimum and at best 19 can be gained daily (not counting the 672 Fractal Research Pages required for the 24 Fractal Journals, which take 224 days minimum). This puts fractal god at minimum 169 days to be completed (224 days when starting from 0 research pages), assuming enough gold and enough fractal relics are farmed. If someone isn't able to perform after 169 - 224 days playing fractals, they won't be able to do so after any amount of days (while still being amazing at clearing fractal rank 42).

I think you might have had 1 bad experience with someone on a new build (who probably had some rank of fractal god), and you decided to vent on the forums. How close am I?

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we talk about Mist Attunement? So it was time gated always. You can be happy. For FG you nee also 3200 Pristine Fractal Relic.You can get then only from fractal dayli chest and one per day few Pristine from cms. You can spent Pristine for simple relics, but can't change back.

But be ready that it not will protect you from kick if dps is slack, or boons not present.

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I reread that all, and sure that topic creator have slack-slow understating how and then ..1)from 42 fractal you have zero (0) what you have link.2)you can easy fake progress without any grind.3)If we talk about cms+ so the main idea - the any fake on not fake link will not help you from kick/block and future ignore if you fail once.Welcome in cms parties world where at least 3/5 nicknames you remember.

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@"Safandula.8723" said:There are fractal gods that have no idea what they are doing as well, as ppl that gained 1k essences, by running with healer. If ur bad player than ur bad player, no artificial restrictions are gonna help here

I do understand that your comment is coming from a perspective of a speed-run / min-maxed hardcore FOTM player who are a still a tiny percentage of GW2 players who do FOTM. However, your derogatory tone towards healers is completely unnecessary, and more over, it is insulting to the healers who "carry" the groups that you look down at. Period.

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:

@"Safandula.8723" said:There are fractal gods that have no idea what they are doing as well, as ppl that gained 1k essences, by running with healer. If ur bad player than ur bad player, no artificial restrictions are gonna help here

I do understand that your comment is coming from a perspective of a speed-run / min-maxed hardcore FOTM player who are a still a tiny percentage of GW2 players who do FOTM. However, your derogatory tone towards healers is completely unnecessary, and more over, it is insulting to the healers who "carry" the groups that you look down at. Period.

I'm talking about ppl with high amount of kp. There should be no carrying, but Iv already met things like this.

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:

@"Safandula.8723" said:There are fractal gods that have no idea what they are doing as well, as ppl that gained 1k essences, by running with healer. If ur bad player than ur bad player, no artificial restrictions are gonna help here

I do understand that your comment is coming from a perspective of a speed-run / min-maxed hardcore FOTM player who are a still a tiny percentage of GW2 players who do FOTM. However, your derogatory tone towards healers is completely unnecessary, and more over, it is insulting to the healers who "carry" the groups that you look down at. Period.

It seems that you might have misunderstood. As I read it, @"Safandula.8723" was referring to a subset of people carried by healers, not to healers. In particular, they were pointing out that bad players exist who have the Fractal God title and/or 1000 essences.

I am not a speed clearer nor hardcore and I agree: The OP is going to be disappointed if they are looking for a simple test to determine whether a PUG is going contribute their share.

In fact, there's some likelihood that people who farm relics are more skilled than those who don't, because it's incredibly inefficient unless your team knows what it's doing. (Of course, "likely to be better" isn't the same as "good," so I wouldn't use that as a criterion either.)

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Is this realy about relics ? Isnt it more about the boxes ?With fractal god, people can earn 50-60g+/h by spaming short fractals. Main Trin and AetherBlade fractal, lvl 42 and 96.There should just be a limit, that you can loot every chest every 10min or something. Bam. Done.

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so only I see simple envy and slow understanding how it looks in real? only theory?? ))Also you was farm more that 2h fractal each day ? no ?So this is hard real work, and I, whit fractal god title and 800+ kp don't find any fun to do this.I pref slack area skill spam on farm locations, during that I can eat pica, chat whit friends, sometimes atl-tab for forum, and don't feel tied after 6-8 h farm. After 1h in fractal farm I feel tied ..So only what we can is do is generate big respect to fractal elite players who do fractal more that once in fast way and ask some Gift to them.

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@GWMO.4785 said:

@"Glider.5792" said:There should just be a limit, that you can loot every chest every 10min or something. Bam. Done.Yes, lets nerf the farms that encourage people to play /repeat the "endgame". Very logical....

No, but balance it out so that one thing doesnt outshine everything else by miles. Make it so instead of spaming the 2min fractal, you have to do different ones, thats it.Edit: Tbh, these 2 fractals just need to be extended in length. They are too short.

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@Glider.5792 said:No, but balance it out so that one thing doesnt outshine everything else by miles. Make it so instead of spaming the 2min fractal, you have to do different ones, thats it.Edit: Tbh, these 2 fractals just need to be extended in length. They are too short.That's not going to solve anything as people will always choose the shortest/fastest one. Nerfing or changing specific fractals will cause people to play the other fractal that is the shortest or fastest one. Put a limit on the chest. And people will yet take the shortest fractal and wait for the timer. Or not do it at all. The only way to solve this is to literately remove every fractal type but one in there. But then you remove the variety in general. So in both cases its not good. Besides i do not see why it should get nerfed or changed in the first place. It encourages people to play / repeat the endgame. They enjoy it. You do it if you like it. And if not.. then you dont.

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so now we find a helpful points and great ideas:1)don't want - don't do 2)don't disturb others.

Also still not have idea - how we should reward the people who have time and skill to farm fotm ?Have idea - each day per reset give 100g(or 100 gems) for player who earn more fractal relic in past day. If players have same relic count - divide that sum between them.

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@Glider.5792 said:

@Glider.5792 said:There should just be a limit, that you can loot every chest every 10min or something. Bam. Done.Yes, lets nerf the farms that encourage people to play /repeat the "endgame". Very logical....

No, but balance it out so that one thing doesnt outshine everything else by miles. Make it so instead of spaming the 2min fractal, you have to do different ones, thats it.Edit: Tbh, these 2 fractals just need to be extended in length. They are too short.I'd say that extending fractals because they were "too short" and/or making them more challenging because they were "too easy" is one of the reasons why the fractal population keeps falling.
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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Glider.5792 said:There should just be a limit, that you can loot every chest every 10min or something. Bam. Done.Yes, lets nerf the farms that encourage people to play /repeat the "endgame". Very logical....

No, but balance it out so that one thing doesnt outshine everything else by miles. Make it so instead of spaming the 2min fractal, you have to do different ones, thats it.Edit: Tbh, these 2 fractals just need to be extended in length. They are too short.I'd say that extending fractals because they were "too short" and/or making them more challenging because they were "too easy" is one of the reasons why the fractal population keeps falling.

True, im still annoyed with the aquatic changes.

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