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So what is even the future of this game?

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@Aaralyna.3104 said:Dulfy and Streamers.... Keep in mind people also have real lifes. You cannot expect them to create content 24/7 all the time or set aside real life things that are more important. I read that Dulfy did not abandonned but that she simply was too busy in real life atm. Besides there are plenty of guides around (reddit, wiki,...). As for streamers, people never stick at just 1 game (especially gw2 is good to combine with other games). Why is a streamer not allowed to check out some hype game when all other players can? Most even said they will still play gw2 and make content regarding but not as frequent as before (or not as partner).

Your argument would stand if only there was content to be created 24/7. But with Gw2, that's just not the case is it now... Your lucky to get anything to steam about or wright about every 3 to 4 months. If your lucky.. I get it that Dulfy has Real life things going on, but i seriously doubt that 's what keeping her from updating Gw2. Especially since she has updated ESO last Jan 16. As for Gw2 she has not updated since April 30. To me, that just looks like Dulfy abandoned Gw2 all together & is playing & updating ESO instead. Just another clear statistic Among other content creators.

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@Vieux P.1238 said:

@Aaralyna.3104 said:Dulfy and Streamers.... Keep in mind people also have real lifes. You cannot expect them to create content 24/7 all the time or set aside real life things that are more important. I read that Dulfy did not abandonned but that she simply was too busy in real life atm. Besides there are plenty of guides around (reddit, wiki,...). As for streamers, people never stick at just 1 game (especially gw2 is good to combine with other games). Why is a streamer not allowed to check out some hype game when all other players can? Most even said they will still play gw2 and make content regarding but not as frequent as before (or not as partner).

Your argument would stand if only there was content to be created 24/7. But with Gw2, that's just not the case is it now... Your lucky to get anything to steam about or wright about every 3 to 4 months. If your lucky.. I get it that Dulfy has Real life things going on, but i seriously doubt that 's what keeping her from updating Gw2. Especially since she has updated ESO last Jan 16. As for Gw2 she has not updated since April 30. To me, that just looks like Dulfy abandoned Gw2 all together & is playing & updating ESO instead. Just another clear statistic Among other content creators.

How is something updated 3½ months before somehow the game they are playing and updating?You do know that january is at the start of the year and april is 1 third into said year right?

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Aaralyna.3104 said:Dulfy and Streamers.... Keep in mind people also have real lifes. You cannot expect them to create content 24/7 all the time or set aside real life things that are more important. I read that Dulfy did not abandonned but that she simply was too busy in real life atm. Besides there are plenty of guides around (reddit, wiki,...). As for streamers, people never stick at just 1 game (especially gw2 is good to combine with other games). Why is a streamer not allowed to check out some hype game when all other players can? Most even said they will still play gw2 and make content regarding but not as frequent as before (or not as partner).

Your argument would stand if only there was content to be created 24/7. But with Gw2, that's just not the case is it now... Your lucky to get anything to steam about or wright about every 3 to 4 months. If your lucky.. I get it that Dulfy has Real life things going on, but i seriously doubt that 's what keeping her from updating Gw2. Especially since she has updated ESO last Jan 16. As for Gw2 she has not updated since April 30. To me, that just looks like Dulfy abandoned Gw2 all together & is playing & updating ESO instead. Just another clear statistic Among other content creators.

How is something updated 3½ months before somehow the game they are playing and updating?You do know that january is at the start of the year and april is 1 third into said year right?

Your actually right.. So i guess that point is out the window.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Origin of the game's name:

The Guild Wars were a series of military conflicts between the human kingdoms of the northern continent that finally ended in 1070 AE. When considered separately, they are known as the First, Second, and Third Guild Wars.The Third Guild War came to an abrupt and brutal end by the emergence of an even greater threat. The Charr invaded the human kingdoms, ...

That is not the origin of the name.

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@"JTGuevara.9018" said:I can't say that I'm surprised by some of the responses here.

When I emphasize group content, I mean content that actually requires people to group up to complete; content that motivates people to cooperate. I thought that's what MMOs were about, cooperation. If there's no cooperation, then what's the point of an MMO? Just play a single-player games. Yes, there are open world meta events, but they require little cooperation except for something along the lines of 2 or more players on the same map agreeing to keep pressing 1 on a boss because you can't obviously do it by yourself due to the high HP pools. Only the HoT metas require cooperation... but people tend not to like those.... Still, that's hardly enough to sustain people playing over the long-term, metas get stale after a while. People really just play them for the loot, not because the meta has unique mechanics! If you don't believe me, the upcoming boss rush confirms this notion. Fractals and raids are group content, but they are locked for new or beginner players. Also, where is the guild content? You would think for a game called Guild Wars, there would be more stuff for guilds. Apparently not. Where are the guild missions? Where are the guild functions?

spvp has been decimated with the focus on the single-player as well as almost completely neglected. spvp removed the team queues, the ability to play as a GROUP, making conquest spvp completely pointless as a game mode. Why even bother playing when you or a friend can just troll the matches for the rest of your allies? Why even try? And people have the nerve to protect this? So-called "competitive" pvp is nothing but a cash grab farm for gold and gear. Tournaments are just a consolation prize being that they're every two hours, it's not enough.

wvw has been completely silent on alliances for over a year and a half.

You know, when I see that gw2 has laid off about 1/3 of its workforce, releases content and updates at a snail's pace, gw2 not communicating its direction.... maybe...just MAYBE there's room for questions about the state of the game....but no.... "Don't worry about it! Enjoy the gemstore!" "gw2 is steady chugging along as usual!!"….But no....I'm just a veteran, what do I know? Players just come and go right? Yeah...until they don't....

This is poorly stated, particular the noise about pressing one. Its not your style of mmo is all, how many years does it take to figure that out?

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@Hashberry.4510 said:

@"JTGuevara.9018" said:I can't say that I'm surprised by some of the responses here.

When I emphasize group content, I mean content that actually
people to group up to complete; content that motivates people to cooperate. I thought that's what MMOs were about, cooperation. If there's no cooperation, then what's the point of an MMO? Just play a single-player games. Yes, there are open world meta events, but they require little cooperation except for something along the lines of 2 or more players on the same map agreeing to
keep pressing 1
on a boss because you can't obviously do it by yourself due to the high HP pools. Only the HoT metas require cooperation... but people tend not to like those.... Still, that's hardly enough to sustain people playing over the long-term, metas get stale after a while. People really just play them for the loot, not because the meta has unique mechanics! If you don't believe me, the upcoming boss rush confirms this notion. Fractals and raids are group content, but they are locked for new or beginner players. Also, where is the guild content? You would think for a game called Guild Wars, there would be more stuff for guilds. Apparently not. Where are the guild missions? Where are the guild functions?

spvp has been decimated with the focus on the single-player as well as almost completely neglected. spvp removed the team queues, the ability to play as a
, making conquest spvp completely pointless as a game mode. Why even bother playing when you or a friend can just troll the matches for the rest of your allies? Why even try? And people have the
to protect this? So-called "competitive" pvp is nothing but a cash grab farm for gold and gear. Tournaments are just a consolation prize being that they're every two hours, it's not enough.

wvw has been completely silent on alliances for over a year and a half.

You know, when I see that gw2 has laid off about 1/3 of its workforce, releases content and updates at a snail's pace, gw2 not communicating its direction.... maybe...just MAYBE there's room for questions about the state of the game....but no.... "Don't worry about it! Enjoy the gemstore!" "gw2 is steady chugging along as usual!!"….But no....I'm just a veteran, what do I know? Players just come and go right? Yeah...until they don't....

This is poorly stated, particular the noise about pressing one. Its not your style of mmo is all, how many years does it take to figure that out?

It's not poorly stated, you just don't like it. I challenge you or any opposing opinion to find any falsehood in what I've said. As I said about metas, they require little cooperation besides people being in the same place and pressing 1 and coordinating lanes. Not much more than that. People are self-sufficient in combat and boss encounters and mechanics revolve mainly around dodging AoE attacks.

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@"JTGuevara.9018" said:I can't say that I'm surprised by some of the responses here.

When I emphasize group content, I mean content that actually requires people to group up to complete; content that motivates people to cooperate. I thought that's what MMOs were about, cooperation. If there's no cooperation, then what's the point of an MMO? Just play a single-player games. Yes, there are open world meta events, but they require little cooperation except for something along the lines of 2 or more players on the same map agreeing to keep pressing 1 on a boss because you can't obviously do it by yourself due to the high HP pools. Only the HoT metas require cooperation... but people tend not to like those.... Still, that's hardly enough to sustain people playing over the long-term, metas get stale after a while. People really just play them for the loot, not because the meta has unique mechanics! If you don't believe me, the upcoming boss rush confirms this notion. Fractals and raids are group content, but they are locked for new or beginner players. Also, where is the guild content? You would think for a game called Guild Wars, there would be more stuff for guilds. Apparently not. Where are the guild missions? Where are the guild functions?

spvp has been decimated with the focus on the single-player as well as almost completely neglected. spvp removed the team queues, the ability to play as a GROUP, making conquest spvp completely pointless as a game mode. Why even bother playing when you or a friend can just troll the matches for the rest of your allies? Why even try? And people have the nerve to protect this? So-called "competitive" pvp is nothing but a cash grab farm for gold and gear. Tournaments are just a consolation prize being that they're every two hours, it's not enough.

wvw has been completely silent on alliances for over a year and a half.

You know, when I see that gw2 has laid off about 1/3 of its workforce, releases content and updates at a snail's pace, gw2 not communicating its direction.... maybe...just MAYBE there's room for questions about the state of the game....but no.... "Don't worry about it! Enjoy the gemstore!" "gw2 is steady chugging along as usual!!"….But no....I'm just a veteran, what do I know? Players just come and go right? Yeah...until they don't....

You may have missed a memo. People who are into challenging group content that you're forced to group for haven't been a majority in MMOs for a long long time. That's why so much solo content gets added. That's why so many MMOs have been dumbed down over the years. Want some evidence?

Scott Hartsman, the lead dev of Rift said in an interview early on in the games life that MMO developers ignore casual players at their own peril. A dev from lotro left lotro and later said only 10% of the population of lotro in the history of the game ever raided or PvPed even though they account for 50% of forum posts. Wildstar tried to sell a game on difficult raids and focused on raids, and later came out with a statement apologizing to more casual players and saying, esssentiallly, they didn't realize people wanted more solo content and they were going to be adding that.

What you want from an MMO hasn't been the fact of MMOs for a long long time. Even this game, before launch in the fact, had a question about being able to solo the game. It's endemic.

Trying to say that people should play single player games isn't true. There are plenty of people who play games like this for social reasons, not challenge or grouping reasons. I like to group too. I don't like to be forced to group.

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Perhaps it's an unpopular opinion, but touching on the topic of the Living Story, I, for one, would rather enjoy a full season available to me from the get-go rather than having to wait X-amount of months for a 1-2 hour episode to launch. At least then I have control over how I want to spend my time going through the content. I can choose to rush through it in a week or I can spread it out. At least by having it all in one, it feels more like an expansion without it being one. Plus, I forget too much of the story waiting between episodes that I never really get engaged in it.

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The future is more of the same, Cute and shiny things. Content with no lasting impact and a community that hates itself and is at active war with one another; I've officially lost hope because if you voice your concerns? They get removed. You can't have an opinion you are not allowed to offer criticism because either A-net themselves will remove it or the community will backlash against it.

The game is stale, it won't change because the vocal majority who support the game don't want it too. It's dev's see no issue with how the game functions now which means as it stands without and expansion there will be little to draw new and veteran players back. ( We tried living world being the way, It didn't work and like then it will not work now in the long run.)

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Death. /sarcasm

Seriously, this is actually discouraging. I shouldn't be affected by this, but, it's like, I have spent money on this game, to hear that it's "stale" and "not doing well" makes me feel beyond depressed. Add to that I truly love this game and wouldn't be spending my money on it if I didn't like it. Yeah, I know, being depressed over this is stupid, but...Maybe a break from the forum is required.

(feeds everyone yummy food)

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Hopefully this conference at the end of this month gives us a few things to look forward to and a better insight to the 'future' content or something even better.

I also agree that there is not much end game content which are challenging and rewarding at the same time but that is my opinion. People will come and go all the time on this game as do I.But I always find my self coming back to this game

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My personal opinion: GW2 will continue, just like GW1 is doing, unless the business cases are no more valuable to Anet and they stop them. For GW2 - like for GW1 that is a living concrete example - players who get bored will go to other games while players who are happy as is will keep playing.

I believe it's the same for all games: The life curve over time is more or less the same for all. The games just keep going as long as the owner makes profit out of them, in one way or another. Once they have a more recent product, they slow down on supporting the old ones, focus on the "hot" one, however keeping the old ones alive if it makes sense (can be for different reasons, not only financial). The longevity of GW1 is a living proof of that. :)

All in all, I would say to just enjoy as long as we like it, change game once you don't get enough of it anymore, and time will tell.

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@"JTGuevara.9018" said:I ask this question because although obviously gw2 is not dead, it is in trouble. The more I play this game, the more it becomes a single-player, cash grab, WoW "killer", like every other typical MMO. Where's the plan concerning gw2 as it stands? Sure there is living world- s5, but....then what? How long can this game survive with just living world and gem store? I actually don't even CARE about expansions or gw3. Honestly, those will solve nothing, not the core issues regarding this series. If the expansions or gw3 are merely single-player, gem store oriented, cash grabs then what is even the point of playing them?

What I notice about gw2 is the disturbing lack of group content. I'm not even talking about hard content like fractals or raids, just general group content: something that is so basic regarding MMOs. Where are the guild functions? Why have dungeons, spvp & wvw been abandoned? Why is there no group content that people can get into to encourage socialization--example: player housing, bounty systems, job systems, etc? I notice that gw2, like other MMOs, generally caters to the single-player, instant loot gratification crowd.

Honestly, I'd rather scrap the expansions or gw3, and fix the game at this point...

GW2 has tons of things to do for a new player and tons of group content. If you have been playing the game for years.. well, you will run out of stuff.

I do think PoF and LWS4 was definitely a down cycle, and content as of late has been lower in quality and quantity. I personally have taken a semi break (still play like 1-2 hours per week and check the forums) and waiting to see what is coming with LWS5.

sPvP and WvW abandoned? Do not get me wrong, I think Anet performance when it comes to class balance has been very poor for like a year now. But most of the class balance changes are directed towards PvP. And there have been multiple changes to sPvP and WvW with the last few month alone. If you are expecting changes every 3-4 weeks, no game devs can do that.

Also, catering for single players, that is what the majority of players do.. So it makes sense to cater to them, among other things.

@LucianDK.8615 said:I sincerely doubt ls5 will follow the past living story model. Wait with crying that the sky is falling down before seeing their announcement on aug 30. Until then we just have to wait.People are hungry for more than just a single map, now that a whole living story season is over.

I do think LWS5 will bring in a big new feature. There are signs we might get cross class skills (similar to GW1). Though this is a hypothesis and even if it becomes reality, we do not know how extensive will it be. Is it just some utilities, trait lines, weapons, open world PvE, all PvP or all the game (sPvP will be impossible to balance).

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The game’s target audience are casual players with attention/time constraints and non-gamers. This is one of the defining features that sets the game apart from the others to attract those who may not necessarily enjoy the typical MMO. Group content is typically one aspect you’d find in the typical MMO but a percentage of the GW2 player-base not wanting based on the threads that occasionally pop up.

The game should still continue to have a future so long as Anet continues to provide newer content at a reasonable pace and adds new in the gemstore to appeal to players so that the game remains funded.

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You mentioned yourself, that GW2, like other MMOs, generally caters to solo content. Did you ever stop to think why is that? Did all the mmo devs go crazy and decided to add so much soloable content in their games?

Obviously, since they have all the numbers, their focus on solo content is not an accident. That crowd you don't like is the majority. And they would be crazy to not cater to the majority.

To go back to your title, a discussion about the future of the game is not easy to have. Especially since everyone uses it as an excuse to attack specific game elements they don't like.

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@otto.5684 said:

GW2 has tons of things to do for a new player and tons of group content. If you have been playing the game for years.. well, you will run out of stuff.

I do think PoF and LWS4 was definitely a down cycle, and content as of late has been lower in quality and quantity. I personally have taken a semi break (still play like 1-2 hours per week and check the forums) and waiting to see what is coming with LWS5.

sPvP and WvW abandoned? Do not get me wrong, I think Anet performance when it comes to class balance has been very poor for like a year now. But most of the class balance changes are directed towards PvP. And there have been multiple changes to sPvP and WvW with the last few month alone. If you are expecting changes every 3-4 weeks, no game devs can do that.

Also, catering for single players, that is what the majority of players do.. So it makes sense to cater to them, among other things.

Um...I think we can do better than balance updates every 3-4 MONTHS. I'm sorry if I may seem that I'm asking for the moon and stars here, but that's just unacceptable! Might as well kill off spvp/wvw then. THAT is gross negligence. I don't consider that multiple changes at all. I don't consider a couple of pvp maps, the removal of team queue and the warclaw sufficient support. The warclaw wasn't even fully accepted by the wvw community!

And yeah, it makes sense to cater to single-players, at least financially, but...at what cost? Is it worth it? Look at all the group content in this game.

  1. Dungeons? Dead.
  2. spvp/wvw? Life support.
  3. Fractals/Raids? Occasional support.
  4. Guild content? NOTHING after guild halls.
  5. Open world? Mostly dumbed-down for single players(farms)

THIS. This is the stuff that's just...there. It's just...made to languish. There's just a lack of engaging content for the community in this game. The only aspects of this game that are consistently supported are the living world & gem store, which are made for the individual.

Honestly, the way I see things is...gw2 becoming maintenance mode at this rate like gw1. Eventually, so much stuff will be released and in need of fixes that it won't even be worth it to fix...because it will cost too much...so it will just be ABANDONED. That is what I fear most.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:I sincerely doubt ls5 will follow the past living story model. Wait with crying that the sky is falling down before seeing their announcement on aug 30. Until then we just have to wait.People are hungry for more than just a single map, now that a whole living story season is over.

The wait is so brutal tho...! This summer has had next to ZERO content, which makes it hard to stay motivated with gw2--especially when other games have been dropping great updates.

Wing 7 came out in June and most people crushed the CM's that first week... And then we had Dragon Bash, which was fun but simple and fast... And then we had/have Festival of the Four Winds--if you can even call this new content, since there's literally NOTHING new to it over last year except some additional really unfinished looking weapon skins. And that's it, that's all the playable content gw2 rolled out in an entire Quarter.

I could just be a little extra salty though because I 100% hate Festival of the Four Winds, and how certain dailies are both required and can't be done on your own time schedule, but even then, it's just a sad amount of new stuff.

But yeah, I feel like a good chunk of the community is just hanging on to hope for this 8/30 announcement, and then when it comes out and is ultimately super underwhelming, will be done with GW2 for good. Personally, I find it hard to motivate myself to even get on for my weekly raid clear, but my group is a bunch of fun maniacs, so it keeps me going. And even then, I'd probably not even be that into it if condiweaver wasn't so hilariously fun to play and meme different weapons with right now.

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@JTGuevara.9018 said:Look at all the group content in this game.

  1. Dungeons? Dead.

    Funny, just this weekend I did 18 dungeon paths. Didn't seem dead to me. We got everything from lfg, from the level 78 on his first trip into CoF p1 to the player with 1.5k ap and a handfull of mastery points that went through CoE like a pro, but what we didn't get was dead dungeons. Even the more obscure paths filled reasonably fast. I also did make good gold, actually more than I usually make when playing open world maps (not farms though, I don't enjoy farming at all).

  2. spvp/wvw? Life support.Same as above, doesn't seem dead to me (at least wvw, haven't set foot into pvp since I think season 3, it's just not my cup of tea). No matter if I go in with a friend or two or by myself, there's always people around and familiar names in team chat.

Honestly, the way I see things is...gw2 becoming maintenance mode at this rate like gw1. Eventually, so much stuff will be released and in need of fixes that it won't even be worth it to fix...because it will cost too much...so it will just be ABANDONED. That is what I fear most.Maybe stop trying to convince yourself and everybody else that the game is failing, and try to just have fun for a change? There's such a thing as confirmation bias, if you go out looking for signs of failure you're sure to find plenty of it. But if you go into game looking for fun, there's just as much of that to be had, too. There is plenty of enjoyable group content in this game, you just have to make use of it.

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