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Need your mighty guidance! Poor performing game play with Revenant, what I do wrong?


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I recently return to the game after 4 years. Playing Revenant now and really want to main the class. Sadly, while I really enjoy the complexity of the class skill mechanics, I think Revenant is so under-performing in so many area. It is quite stressful.

The class has minimal aoe (anything, dmg or cc), bad/situational sustain ... i keep dieing from group of mobs unless I play Revenant like a ridiculously low dmg thief with hit and run (which is a horrible way and time consuming to take down mobs + dieing). The irony is, i do have 2900-3000 toughness most of the time. Yet, after multiple builds, nothing will allow me to somewhat sustain the long fights with multiple targets. While I already do notice the burst dmg the class can have, that can be good playing nuke dmg in Spvp but Spvp is not the only thing in Gw2 nor small fight roaming WvW.

I have been using demon just to deal with condition dmg. I really want to keep Herald to maintain the fun burst dmg with sword. I know i don't want to play hammer backline and I do not want to use staff (bad dmg). I am using Sword/Sword and Sword/Shield atm.

Do you have any advice? or build that I can try before I retire this Revenant since honestly he's definitely not on par Warrior/Guardian.

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Well hi,

for open world use this -> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmABw6xzlpQHMLyhdRNMM6hJSfsCKgJ/lezH-zRIYR0zXC2OA-e swap for shiro if you like. For PvP it is same build but without shield.Well rev is more like thief. Scaling outside of healingpower is laughable. Sword 4 casttime is same as gravedigger on necro. but gravedigger can hit 30k in PvE and 12 in PvP.lookReaper-Gravedigger is 1,210x 3.0powerdmg 9sec CD if not traited 5 targetsWarrior-Hundred Blades is (8x): 1,864x 4.6power dmg 8sec CD if not traited 3 targetsNerfenant-Shackling Wave power scale is 367x 1.0powerdmg 15sec CD 3targets maxAdditional Strikes (5x): 640 x1.75powerdmg (this scales pretty shitty because its low base dmg)

thats why we only can play pve builds in PvP :)

only advantage we have is we have little bit longer aoe( but gravedigger is 360)the whole thing is Rev is totaly toned down because there are just insanely good players that will still kill ppl even we have this cripple on our back.

Well our Sw4 just tingles. In good hands Rev is monster but as avarage player its shitclass. Warrior and guard both have better power/condi scaling on skills and I dare to say, better traits.But we are kinda good as supporters. until FB log in to the game :D

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Since you are playing sw/sw sw/sh I am guessing you are running power and Mallyx/Glint? A link to your build would be helpful. Here are some personal recommendations:

-Drop Mallyx for Shiro. In theory Mallyx will help you manage conditions well, but IMO the mobility from Shiro helps you kite much better, allowing you to avoid them in the first place. I don't really think Mallyx is very good at managing conditions unless you take Corruption for Pulsating Pestilence.-Drop an offhand for staff. I know the damage doesn't feel as good, but staff is a godsend for sustain. Having a mobile block allows you to kite defensively and gap close aggressively, staff 4 will help you manage condis, and staff 5 is good for not just CC, but also evading and kiting. The damage on staff 2 is actually quite good too. The weapon helps quite significantly with sustain. It is an incredible utility weapon.-If you decide to keep shield, trait it if you haven't. It is a very good trait and will help you handle condis much better.-Drop some toughness for more offense. I know this seems counterintuitive if you are having trouble surviving, but you need to have some good kill pressure.-Master your Glint heal. In WvW the upkeep cost is so low and you can basically have it on permanently, which will allow you to more reliably eat your enemies' burst since Infuse Light is instant cast. This is a huge key to sustain.-Learn to abuse distance and LoS. Sword skills have a range to them and it is good to develop an instinct for where that max range is so you can abuse and kite. Understand how no-port spots work and how Phase Traversal functions (what causes it to fail). Shiro helps so much with this because you can port and evade around, and it has a natural synergy with Glint because it will allow you to kite better while your heal is down.

This is from a PvP/WvW perspective, but you can apply some of it to PvE as well. In PvE and WvW you can get busted damage with permanent 25 might, and can often just mow shit down. If you don't like the feel of power Herald in PvE you can play condi and use Tormenting Runes, one of the most sleeper busted runes in the game, and watch your sustain go through the roof. It has awesome AoE damage too, my personal favorite open world build.

I'd write more but I'm just on a lunch break. Again, a link to your build would be helpful.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Since you are playing sw/sw sw/sh I am guessing you are running power and Mallyx/Glint? A link to your build would be helpful. Here are some personal recommendations:

-Drop Mallyx for Shiro. In theory Mallyx will help you manage conditions well, but IMO the mobility from Shiro helps you kite much better, allowing you to avoid them in the first place. I don't really think Mallyx is very good at managing conditions unless you take Corruption for Pulsating Pestilence.-Drop an offhand for staff. I know the damage doesn't feel as good, but staff is a godsend for sustain. Having a mobile block allows you to kite defensively and gap close aggressively, staff 4 will help you manage condis, and staff 5 is good for not just CC, but also evading and kiting. The damage on staff 2 is actually quite good too. The weapon helps quite significantly with sustain. It is an incredible utility weapon.-If you decide to keep shield, trait it if you haven't. It is a very good trait and will help you handle condis much better.-Drop some toughness for more offense. I know this seems counterintuitive if you are having trouble surviving, but you need to have some good kill pressure.-Master your Glint heal. In WvW the upkeep cost is so low and you can basically have it on permanently, which will allow you to more reliably eat your enemies' burst since Infuse Light is instant cast. This is a huge key to sustain.-Learn to abuse distance and LoS. Sword skills have a range to them and it is good to develop an instinct for where that max range is so you can abuse and kite. Understand how no-port spots work and how Phase Traversal functions (what causes it to fail). Shiro helps so much with this because you can port and evade around, and it has a natural synergy with Glint because it will allow you to kite better while your heal is down.

This is from a PvP/WvW perspective, but you can apply some of it to PvE as well. In PvE and WvW you can get busted damage with permanent 25 might, and can often just mow kitten down. If you don't like the feel of power Herald in PvE you can play condi and use Tormenting Runes, one of the most sleeper busted runes in the game, and watch your sustain go through the roof. It has awesome AoE damage too, my personal favorite open world build.

I'd write more but I'm just on a lunch break. Again, a link to your build would be helpful.

Not a revenant player here but I've taken an interest in it lately. This is a really nice write up, thanks for it.

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I mostly play T4 fractal and open world PvE on my Power Renegade, and i feel more confident when tanking with it than my Reaper (both full Berserker). The tankiness mostly come from Jalis Hammers combine with Focus Siphon from Devastation, and when a bit low on hp i use Sword #3 to get a bit more iframe to the lifeleech to kick in.

For a large group of tough mobs like the pack 5 destroyers in Crown Pavilion i usually use this combo: Raptor #1 to gather -> Jade Wind -> switch to Jalis -> use Jalis Hammers -> use Citadel Bombardment (or the skill that cause weakness to reduce mob damage by 25%) -> auto attack. For most other group of mobs, just use Raptor #1, Jalis Hammers and auto attack is enough for me

Also beside sword/sword, i use Power shortbow, it's pretty good, really. Shortbow #4 -> Shortbow #5 (and maybe Shortbow #3 too) -> switch to swords can do alot of aoe damage.

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Really nice topic. OP you are not alone, I cannot work the bloody profession too if I dont play paper dps. Tried some stat combinations but it is so underperforming compared to other professions. I used to play rev before PoF release but now I can only burst down some professions and cannot even finish a group fight.

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I suggest you use sword/sword and staff. I have seen two revs do really well with a shield 1v1ing but using shield 5 to block is really hard to do perfectly without putting yourself in a compromising position once you leave the block. Also you are losing out on all the fancy things staff has to offer. The utility staff is almost a must for any type of PvP or WvW situation. Staff 2 can do massive damage that people do not expect. I've hit over 8k with this skill alone, staff 3 has an amazing block that allows you to move while being on a fair CD, staff 4 is one of your only cleansing but I do suggest running sigil of cleansing on your staff, and staff 5 is an evade while also knocking back your foes. Once you finish staff 5 then you can easily land staff 2 for a nice chain of damage. Most people will not expect you to do massive damage like that while you are in staff so they will usually waste at least one of their dodges before you go back into sword/sword.

It's best to know all classes so you know when to dodge or play defensively. Pterikdactyl.7630 summed a lot of this up for you and anyone else trying to play rev. I personally always maintain my glint heal so in case I get stunned I can instantly consume it and let the enemy heal me up. I always maintain heal, swiftness, and fury leaving me with 1 pip of energy regen but I also run Dragonic Echo in hearld so I can consume my heal and it will still pulse regen for me 3 times. But not everyone runs this trait and it's up to you. I personally love it.

Shiro is the secret of dodging/evading. I feel like a lot of revs don't know this but Riposting Shadows gives you half of a dodge back, just a tip. Rev can still do a lot of damage if no one stops them. They can completely eat FBs. Power rev really only has the glint heal if you are glint/shrio so you need to know how to manipulate that. If you have sigil of cleansing on your staff then it's almost like you are using mallyx to remove the condis on you so you shouldn't have any condi problems. Without this sigil condis can be a real pain sometimes. You might want to duel other classes and get some practice in that way. Sorry for this unorganized post. Just typing some stuff off the top of my head.

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@"Rodrick.1942" said:Another suggestion for everyone : no matter what build you're using for what mode. Think about to use Song of the Mist trait.


It'll make you bring more damage or other utility stuff when switch legend.

SoM on a swap from herald to vebtari is a 10 targets 5.5k heals on a decent area.

Ventari has poor heals.. cof cof.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@"Rodrick.1942" said:Another suggestion for everyone : no matter what build you're using for what mode. Think about to use Song of the Mist trait.

It'll make you bring more damage or other utility stuff when switch legend.

SoM on a swap from herald to vebtari is a 10 targets 5.5k heals on a decent area.

Ventari has poor heals.. cof cof.

@"Rodrick.1942" said:Another suggestion for everyone : no matter what build you're using for what mode. Think about to use Song of the Mist trait.

It'll make you bring more damage or other utility stuff when switch legend.

SoM on a swap from herald to vebtari is a 10 targets 5.5k heals on a decent area.

Ventari has poor heals.. cof cof.

Wait SotM is 10 targets?

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@"Rodrick.1942" said:Another suggestion for everyone : no matter what build you're using for what mode. Think about to use Song of the Mist trait.

It'll make you bring more damage or other utility stuff when switch legend.

SoM on a swap from herald to vebtari is a 10 targets 5.5k heals on a decent area.

Ventari has poor heals.. cof cof.

@"Rodrick.1942" said:Another suggestion for everyone : no matter what build you're using for what mode. Think about to use Song of the Mist trait.

It'll make you bring more damage or other utility stuff when switch legend.

SoM on a swap from herald to vebtari is a 10 targets 5.5k heals on a decent area.

Ventari has poor heals.. cof cof.

Wait SotM is 10 targets?

Nope, just 5, only your ventari F1 as herald can heal 10 targets passively

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@"Rodrick.1942" said:Another suggestion for everyone : no matter what build you're using for what mode. Think about to use Song of the Mist trait.

It'll make you bring more damage or other utility stuff when switch legend.

SoM on a swap from herald to vebtari is a 10 targets 5.5k heals on a decent area.

Ventari has poor heals.. cof cof.

@"Rodrick.1942" said:Another suggestion for everyone : no matter what build you're using for what mode. Think about to use Song of the Mist trait.

It'll make you bring more damage or other utility stuff when switch legend.

SoM on a swap from herald to vebtari is a 10 targets 5.5k heals on a decent area.

Ventari has poor heals.. cof cof.

Wait SotM is 10 targets?

No, it was my mistake actually.

It’s a trait so it will only affect 5 targets, the f2 effect can affect 10 players, that’s the correct event.

But herald heal facet will give infinite time regen for 1k per sec or very close to 1k to 10 players.

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