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How many Instant Level 80 boosts have you bought?


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Not including the ones that come with HoT and PoF.

I'm asking purely because I'm curious. I remember this item having a mixed reaction when it was released, some people had been asking for this for a while, others thought anyone who had been playing for a while would have more than enough Tomes of Knowledge and birthday scrolls to instantly level a character whenever they wanted and it would be pointless to pay for it. I'm just wondering how it worked out in practice.

And yes I'm aware the forums are not an accurate sample of the whole playerbase, but it's the only option I have, and like I said it's purely out of curiosity so it doesn't matter if it's not perfectly accurate.

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I haven't bought any and I'm not planning to buy any. In theory I like the idea of having them available just in case I do ever want one, but I suspect the price would put me off and I'd just use another method.

In practice it's highly unlikely to come up. I currently have enough tomes/scrolls to level 3 characters to 80, plus 1 to level 68 and I'd still have birthday scrolls left. I always aim to keep 80 Tomes as a minimum (or a mix of tomes and scrolls) but I've never come close to having only 80 left. Maybe more importantly there's only been once when I 'needed' a new level 80 at short notice (when the NPE was introduced and broke the story - I wanted to document all the issues and that meant playing through it, but I wasn't willing to use any of my existing characters).

I have instantly levelled some characters, using either the boosts from the expansions or scrolls/tomes, but I didn't really need to do that. (Except maybe my warrior, I don't enjoy playing warrior so I doubt I'd ever get to 80 levelling him naturally.)

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It seems to be generally new players who buy them, when they probably shouldn't, where as veterans don't have a need to....it's also rediculously over priced.

Edit: If you had a choice of stats for exotic armor, they might be a lil more useful. But who wants Soldiers armor?

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I could level and fully gear in ascended 15+ characters instantly with stuff just lying around in my bank collecting dust.Even the ones from the expansions I just used to free up the shared slot they came with.

It's a neat feature in theory, but I feel like either you shouldn't use it when you could make use of it to level a first or second character and should rather get to know the game and gameplay first by leveling naturally, or you don't need to use it anymore because of how much tools to skip the leveling process GW2 throws at you already once you are established as player.The price is quite hefty as well.

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Until/unless I run out of birthday scrolls/tomes of knowledge, they are currently surplus to my requirements.

For those who did buy any: what were your thoughts before this item became available? Were you against it (but: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em)? Did you always want one? Did it never occur to you that this would be a gemshop item?

@NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 said:I haven't even used the free ones I got. I should probably do that some day and free up that shared slot...I recommend it.That was 100% the reason I used mine. The first jump-started my revenant. The second, I just popped on an existing L80, because I couldn't be bothered to set up gear for another toon while I had immediate use for the shared inventory.

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I used the 2 I had back when I was in an RP guild and hated a low level trying to keep up in the jungle, but then wound up deleting one of the characters. lol Leveling is so easy, seems no point to boosting to me. Plus, if I REALLY want to jump a few levels, I have more Tomes of Knowledge in the bank than I know what to do with.

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By endgame, you end up having more tomes than you know what to do with, so getting a level 80 booster is a waste of gems. The only time I've ever even used a booster was after I got HoT and wasted it on a ranger before promptly deleting him afterwards. I still have my PoF booster gathering dust in my shared inventory.

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Even the free ones I used on existing 80s just to free up the shared slot. Leveling is fun and I don't like the idea of skipping over that part of the game. There are a lot of 'convenience' items or techniques that to me just seem like paying to have the game played for me. Just don't see the point personally but I guess it's nice that they are available to ppl who have dif perspectives . . .

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