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Is Deadeye viable?


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I'm mostly playing as Deadeye (marauder) and it seems to me that if I don't dodge and anticipate absolutely everything I just die immediately.Power Mirages literally kill me in a one shot if they hit me, can't seem to beat any Power Ranger/Soulbeast, and condi's are a huge pain.I usually do ok in matches but it feels like I'm a mortal trying to fight gods. I have to play perfect or I'm dead in a second.Am I just bad or can I blame the spec?

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It's probably one of the best carries in ranked if you know how to play it.

A good DE can snowball a map extremely quickly. You have a lot of mobility, very high damage, high cc, stunbreaks, stealth, and decent condi clear. It's not very tanky (stat-wise), but you shouldn't really be taking 1v1s as a thief anyways.

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@DanSH.6143 said:I'm mostly playing as Deadeye (marauder) and it seems to me that if I don't dodge and anticipate absolutely everything I just die immediately.Power Mirages literally kill me in a one shot if they hit me, can't seem to beat any Power Ranger/Soulbeast, and condi's are a huge pain.I usually do ok in matches but it feels like I'm a mortal trying to fight gods. I have to play perfect or I'm dead in a second.Am I just bad or can I blame the spec?

what is your kit?

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Highly dependent on opposing team comp. If an opposing team is a bunch of scourges, wars, eles, and holos, you are going to have a good time. But a single good firebrand is going to shut you down so hard that you will probably be a detriment to your team. As a fb main, i just bring shield spirit weapon in place of stand you ground and DEs are useless around me. Quick cast weakness+ projectile destruction shield with 3 charges, plus shield 5 and F3 3 .

You aren't great in 1v1s and a lot of classes can solo you. Your time to shine comes in 2v2, 3v3 or any time you can overload points. Definitely not teir 1, as a lot of teir 1 comps are going to include firebrands. However, you can definitely swing games harder than any other class when you face the right comp.

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Rifle Deadeye? Not really, no. You cant kill people before they can kill you, both with mesmers and non-deadeye thieves bursting you down from up close, or Rangers just pressing 2 and killing you. You also lack the mobility and utility of base thief. The fact that your highest damage skill is Three Round Burst, a skill that barely outdamages your autoattacks, and actually gets outdamaged by Rangers autoattacks, just means that your entire damage has to come from Deaths Judgment. A skill you wont ever hit because its so telegraphed.

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If you play a very slippery DE (stealthing all the time, relocating to pop a burst every few seconds). It's good, and annoying to play against. If not your a sitting duck and will die alot in the upper ranks.

Boon to the team if your good. Detriment if your not.

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@"Burnfall.9573" said:-Take a look at Thief Rifle Benchmark-build included'Lucky Noobs [LN] - Power Rifle Deadeye Benchmark - 41.452 (LN Settings)' by Alcatraz

Its fine to look at the build from this if you need assistance but take this post with a grain of salt. It's stacked with food/buffs you wouldn't get in pvp conquest.

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@DanSH.6143 said:I'm mostly playing as Deadeye (marauder) and it seems to me that if I don't dodge and anticipate absolutely everything I just die immediately.Power Mirages literally kill me in a one shot if they hit me, can't seem to beat any Power Ranger/Soulbeast, and condi's are a huge pain.I usually do ok in matches but it feels like I'm a mortal trying to fight gods. I have to play perfect or I'm dead in a second.Am I just bad or can I blame the spec?

I am not sure how you specced but you should be able to deal with most condition builds via the use of stealth and your ports if in Rifle and s/x. TR line for trickster also useful as I found I tended o like withdraw and RFI in the build which both double up as evades to use in conjunction with your rifle port. The added cleanses are very useful. At the end of the day it really about moving as another pointed out. You have to continously relocate while stealthed attacking from different locations. Do not forget that smokescreen can be very useful.

I am not speaking to PvP specifically as I do not play that mode but the same lessons fromm WvW should apply. Oh and as to three round burst I would not rely on that a lot. You are better off using the INI for skirmishers.

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@Zephoid.4263 said:Highly dependent on opposing team comp. If an opposing team is a bunch of scourges, wars, eles, and holos, you are going to have a good time. But a single good firebrand is going to shut you down so hard that you will probably be a detriment to your team. As a fb main, i just bring shield spirit weapon in place of stand you ground and DEs are useless around me. Quick cast weakness+ projectile destruction shield with 3 charges, plus shield 5 and F3 3 .

You aren't great in 1v1s and a lot of classes can solo you. Your time to shine comes in 2v2, 3v3 or any time you can overload points. Definitely not teir 1, as a lot of teir 1 comps are going to include firebrands. However, you can definitely swing games harder than any other class when you face the right comp.

This. If there's a a FB or weaver with reflects, you'll be shut down so hard. A good revenant will also be a nightmare to deal with.

Deadeye can be decent at 1v1's, but it's mostly vs light armor caster classes due to mark and quickness reset with Mercy. And, obviously, stomping newbies regardless of their class.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@"Burnfall.9573" said:-Take a look at Thief Rifle Benchmark-build included'Lucky Noobs [LN] - Power Rifle Deadeye Benchmark - 41.452 (LN Settings)' by Alcatraz

Its fine to look at the build from this if you need assistance but take this post with a grain of salt. It's stacked with food/buffs you wouldn't get in pvp conquest.

And the damage on Deaths Judgment and Three Round Burst are way higher in PvE, initiative cost on Three Round Burst is much lower, the enemy is stacked full of condis and you are stacked full of boons, etc. etc.. Its just this guys weird obsession with hating thief that lead him to use a completely irrelevant video.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Burnfall.9573" said:-Take a look at Thief Rifle Benchmark-build included'Lucky Noobs [LN] - Power Rifle Deadeye Benchmark - 41.452 (LN Settings)' by Alcatraz

Its fine to look at the build from this if you need assistance but take this post with a grain of salt. It's stacked with food/buffs you wouldn't get in pvp conquest.

And the damage on Deaths Judgment and Three Round Burst are
higher in PvE, initiative cost on Three Round Burst is much lower, the enemy is stacked full of condis and you are stacked full of boons, etc. etc.. Its just this guys weird obsession with hating thief that lead him to use a completely irrelevant video.

Dont take it Serious, "Burnfail 9573" is THE known teefhater in the forum...

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