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Gameplay tips against holosmith?


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@Razor.6392 said:

@"toxic.3648" said:but are still quite squishy once u lock us down.

...just like every single other class in the game.

this comes from mobas, but when the only 'counter' is "just cc lmao" then it probably means its broken.

If it was that simple then you probably must be outright disgusted at scourges.

My class and build deals with scourges easily. Also, their counter isn't "just cc", you can kite them, condi clear, outrange them, or just simply burst them because they have no blocks, no invuln and no damage mitigation outside 1 stack of stab and autoprot.

Inb4 "lol i was talking about fb + scourg combo"

And there's more to it against Holosmith as well even if it's largely more unfair. Infact, I'm surprised that you had to mention mobas of all things because single counters tend to be an accepted thing with counterpicking, team comps, large pools of characters and them having primary roles and so on.

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@MrForz.1953 said:

@"toxic.3648" said:but are still quite squishy once u lock us down.

...just like every single other class in the game.

this comes from mobas, but when the only 'counter' is "just cc lmao" then it probably means its broken.

If it was that simple then you probably must be outright disgusted at scourges.

My class and build deals with scourges easily. Also, their counter isn't "just cc", you can kite them, condi clear, outrange them, or just simply burst them because they have no blocks, no invuln and no damage mitigation outside 1 stack of stab and autoprot.

Inb4 "lol i was talking about fb + scourg combo"

And there's more to it against Holosmith as well even if it's largely more unfair. Infact, I'm surprised that you had to mention mobas of all things because single counters tend to be an accepted thing with counterpicking, team comps, large pools of characters and them having primary roles and so on.

Is there really more to holosmith? They cannot be kited or outranged and swim in boons. Maybe a condi corrupt? A scourge gets mauled 1v1 though. Their sustain is also ridiculous, you CANNOT stealth vs them and you certainly cannot run away unless you're a thief.

Holo, kinda like Rev but not as much, has way too many skills that MUST BE DODGED because they do too much damage / cc or give boons. What's the counterplay? Roll a spellbreaker? Try to massively outplay them as thief? Try to outheal them as sw/d weaver?

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