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Knife Tail Gang Hunting Bond

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@Blanche Neige.7241 said:Gamble maybe, but at least, unlike the BL chests, you have a guaranteed unlock.

Many of which are just awful value on the tp and with the current gem price to gold ratio it is a big gamble, just another loot box disguised as something else, yeah there is no duplicates but even then it is still a gamble to get something you like.

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@DarkNighT.7319 said:

@Blanche Neige.7241 said:Gamble maybe, but at least, unlike the BL chests, you have a guaranteed unlock.

Many of which are just awful value on the tp and with the current gem price to gold ratio it is a big gamble, just another loot box disguised as something else, yeah there is no duplicates but even then it is still a gamble to get something you like.

You'll have to make a list of the awful drops and compare to the high value ones. So far, the ones I've checked cost 400 gems or more on the TP.This is equivalent to a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock, only much cheaper: 200 gems, versus 15 statuettes (~2700 gems) or ~1000 gems if you roll for them using BL Keys.

The loot might be randomized; that doesn't mean it's anything close to the same sort of value proposition we see from BL keys.

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@"Blanche Neige.7241" said:Before opening those, make sure you have unlocked all the cheap items (like dyes) you can buy on the TP.

You can use this site : http://immortius.net.au/wardrobe-unlock-analyser/

That tool allows you to filter to show just the items that cost less than a few gold.(Warning: it turns out, there are 1000s of such unlocks, so it can cost serious coin to ensure that the Wardrobe Unlocks only drop high-coin-value items.)

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Make sure you take a good look at the item you drop... I got a lovely Dynamics Glider.. only unlocked it once before so, I guess I cant be picky. Same thigs have happened with the wardrobe unlock from the BLC's.. at least you get the chance of a refund from support when it happens with BLC like I did.. will wait to hear from support on this though.

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@"Bloodstealer.5978" said:Make sure you take a good look at the item you drop... I got a lovely Dynamics Glider.. only unlocked it once before so, I guess I cant be picky. Same thigs have happened with the wardrobe unlock from the BLC's.. at least you get the chance of a refund from support when it happens with BLC like I did.. will wait to hear from support on this though.

It is supposed to be a guaranteed unlock according to the item, so hopefully they'll be helpful.

"Contains loot stolen from the Black Lion Trading Company by the Knife Tail Gang.Use the box to randomly unlock a Black Lion wardrobe item you don't already have. Some items—in particular mounts and some weapon sets—are less common than others. Preview to see everything available. "


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@Game of Bones.8975 said:Do these scale depending on location?Should I go a Lvl 70+ area vs Lvl 1-15?

The skritt might scale to the level of the area, but they're just regular enemies (not veterans or champions) so there's unlikely to be any issues with being unable to kill them, I don't think they drop anything except the hunting bond reward and that's not level scaled. (It's almost certainly not affected by Magic Find either, but I've not actually tested that.)

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Game of Bones.8975 said:Do these scale depending on location?Should I go a Lvl 70+ area vs Lvl 1-15?

The skritt might scale to the level of the area, but they're just regular enemies (not veterans or champions) so there's unlikely to be any issues with being unable to kill them, I don't think they drop anything except the hunting bond reward and that's not level scaled. (It's almost certainly not affected by Magic Find either, but I've not actually tested that.)They actually do have a chance to scale if there are a lot of players around. I saw an elite knife tail gang skritt in one of the larger events in Cursed Shore yesterday.

It does however not matter if you can kill it or not. The buff that holds the chance to spawn a skritt isn't affected by the spawning itself, but only reduces whenever you loot a package.

From what I've seen happen yesterday the technical side of things is that you loot a(n auto-open) package from every skritt you kill, regardless of who spawned it. The buff doesn't care how many skritt you spawn but will tick down every time such an auto-opened package detects a buff on you and gives you the appropriate loot box. If you don't have any buff when after looting a skritt, the package will just drop a trash item (fur) in your inventory instead.

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