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Who to focus fire...


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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:

@XECOR.2814 said:It has been necro since 6yrs. Why are people writing essays on such a no brainer.

Back in my Crystal Desert days (pre HoT) necro wasn't usually the first target to focus. Once reaper hit (in a group) tables turned and scourge added ranged pressure.

Hello fellow countryman!I was born in CD too =)

I saw your twitch and you're now on SF/DH?I'm on Mag/AR which is up against your side this week!Think I've seen your toon on the battlefield recently =)

Look forward to facing you guys in a fight!Always good to play against skilled groups <3

Born on CD, moved around and settles in SF (funny that were hosting for DH which is the last server I was in before SF lol)

I love roaming on Mag...I tend to find a good amount of fights (whether outnumbered or not...darn magcloud lol). Ive had good fights vs you guys and went up against some OP/meme guilds and fights vs some really good players/builds. Mag is like a box of chocolates like that lol. Thanks for checking out my Twitch :)

Ill try to remember to look you up next time I am on. Always looking for good fights vs decent players (no discrimination...unless you are a condi mirage lol...jk)

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@XECOR.2814 said:It has been necro since 6yrs. Why are people writing essays on such a no brainer.

Back in my Crystal Desert days (pre HoT) necro wasn't usually the first target to focus. Once reaper hit (in a group) tables turned and scourge added ranged pressure.

Hello fellow countryman!I was born in CD too =)

I saw your twitch and you're now on SF/DH?I'm on Mag/AR which is up against your side this week!Think I've seen your toon on the battlefield recently =)

Look forward to facing you guys in a fight!Always good to play against skilled groups <3

Born on CD, moved around and settles in SF (funny that were hosting for DH which is the last server I was in before SF lol)

I love roaming on Mag...I tend to find a good amount of fights (whether outnumbered or not...darn magcloud lol). Ive had good fights vs you guys and went up against some OP/meme guilds and fights vs some really good players/builds. Mag is like a box of chocolates like that lol. Thanks for checking out my Twitch :)

Ill try to remember to look you up next time I am on. Always looking for good fights vs decent players (no discrimination...unless you are a condi mirage lol...jk)

I just moved to JQ...they got some of the nicest players there. So I guess our meeting got to wait till after the relinks next week XD

Anyway, on the topic, personally I think that the focus should generally go like this for the comp you are running:

  1. Necro
  2. DPS
  3. Healer
  4. Bruiser

Necro should always go first because they bring many boon corrupts. Most players are reliant on boons and when allowing a necro to freely corrupt your stabs, protection, might etc, it can really weaken your team very quickly. Necros are also generally weaker against focus fire so they should drop fast especially when your comp is full DPS.

DPS foes like Deadeyes and Soulbeasts should be next because they are the next biggest threat and allowing them to free cast on your glassy group is a no no. They are also more susceptible to CC and should be easier to lock down with your comp who also happen to be as mobile and as Long range as them. Pressuring them would also result in less pressure on your team.

Healer and bruiser like firebrand, Holosmith and Spellbreaker should be last for your group because they would take too Long to go down without a necro in your team to mess up their boons. Your team should also be able to kite them while you chase down their glassy DPS first.

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:When running as a group, its typically a DPS GS/Axe + torch Mirage, symbol guardian OR cele weaver, symbol DH, pewpew soulbeast. Cele weaver (if thats whats they run) is the support/healer, otherwise were all damage dealers

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Since I usually roam with a friend and barely every alone my decision making might be slightly different from what a solo roamer would do but I thought I'd share it anyway, maybe it helps someone out there. Especially since I use roughly the same decision making when I'm running in larger groups / zergs (Obviously not exactly the same but it makes for a good baseline from my experience).

1) Who deals the most damage?2) Who will (likely) be the easiest to kill?3) Who will cause the most problems when trying to kill #1 and/or #2?4) Who can be ignored until all other targets are taken care of?

Once you've gotten used to intuitively walk yourself through those questions when you see enemies it's quite easy to work out an ordered list of targets. Staff Eles and Rangers are most likely to be all the way at the top followed by Scources. After Scourges the list gets too dizzy to be generalized since the rest mostly depends on what you're running and what your weaknesses are, my friend and I usually target reapers next since they are quite easy to kite but can be quite bothersome if not dealt with. The bottom of the list is most likely a Scapper/Firebrand/Ventary rev, sometimes you can even leave spellbreakers for last depending on your playstyle, class and build.

"Weird" targets are: Rev/Herald & Power Guard/DH since you'll have to put them pretty far up if they're good, otherwise they can often be ignored for a while. Unfortunatly it's not always clear weather they're good or not.

And the oddity in my decision making is Mesmer, if the enemy has a good Mesmer then he should be a pretty high priority but since Mesmers are rarely easy to focus it is probably better to avoid him for a while which will cause problems as well. So against mesmers, try to look for an opportunity to coordinate a burst against them, otherwise try to avoid them until other high priorities are taken care of.

Note that my decision making results in a very loose and flexible list that can and should(!) be adapted to how the situation develops. I don't think you will find great success by just strictly targeting class x/y first. Rangers may be on top of the list most of the time but sometimes it is more efficient to target someone else first.

I hope this helps someone!

PS: This is not guaranteed to work nor is it the definite "best" way to approach a fight, it's just my personally preferred way to go about a fight.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:Some rev's however started wrecking us so I may have shifted my own focus to them, however overall you peeps were helpful. Thanks.Problem with revs is that basicly all run herald, which means the heal on hit. Focusing a rev first in a group is a waste of time unless you can steam through whats effectivly 2 full hitbars. Imo going after them with precision is better, so for example in a 5v5, you'll have 4 hitting the necro (because of course) and 1 hitting the rev - that 1 can keep him occupied and way easier stop attacking when he pops heal, then after that the group can shift focus. If you can pull out the rev first for that "distraction" while your group pummels the enemy group thats a good way to split them.

its just 2 s though. unless its ventari rev x glint, its easy picking

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