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WP has some words

Shadow Dragon.1469

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basically some being saying this.yet people in this forum will still say how soloq is giving better win chance then duoq and duoq is not advantageous, because (insert reasons)

currently all mid/low players/soloqers are just sacrifices for duoqers to gain more ratings and having way too big rating gaps between top and mid tier.and i dont think it is healthy nor fun nor fair.

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Ranked PvP is the competitive way to play sPvP. It should be about the competition, and not some weird metagame that revolves between finding the optimal queue partner to stomp uncoordinated SoloQers with, whilst avoiding other competition at every chance possible.

Split the queues, and split the Leaderboards already. Give an option to play as a team against other teams, and the separate option to queue Solo purely against other SoloQ players when people might not have a team available.

Ranked's rewards should be exclusive to winning and effort too. The people coming over from PvE just to farm the competitive mode for pips and chests shouldn't be able to do so without a care in the world and at the expense of people who do dedicate time and effort into PvP. It's kind of insulting that pips aren't given exclusively for winning.

This is helpful though. WP nails it while maintaining a pretty neutral stance. Hopefully people start to see reason when a very respected top player is here explaining it to them, because Ranked has been whittled down to a noncompetitive joke of a gamemode that rewards cheating the matchmaker more than it does actually playing the game.

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yes, while we are on the topic i think there should be a limit of how many points you gain and lose,for example you can gain a max of 15 points and a minmum of 5 points same for losing so you don't end up losing 30 point per lose and gaining 3 points per win, so it can be less frustrating.also separate duoq and soloq

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yeah, rather ridiculous of how much points you can lose

came out from a match where we just lose by a tiny margin, one of the guy must have been very low ranked, and the weaver on their team must be very high ranked, managed to take on 3 bruts on my team... overall the teams' avg skill level is pretty even out, but because of that low ranked player i lost 34 points, and i'm just a gold ranked, so the low ranked guy is probably a bronze

the rating system is weird also... i only managed to get 2 wins in prelim (thank you rng), but put me in gold =.=;;

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