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Does playing unranked queue you with advanced players?


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Hello there,

I finally decided to play Conquest and I find it pretty fun. However, I'm not really sure if the people I'm playing with or against are of the same skill level. Sometimes the match is even and sometimes we just get rekt. When playing unranked, is there a chance I get matched with players with higher skill level? Thanks! (sorry for the noob question).

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It does match you by rank but not by skill. You'd be better off jumping straight into ranked. Unranked is full of total noobs, people trying out weird builds, playing in 5 man premade teams and just messing about ganking. Head over to metabattle and read the guides there and jump straight into ranked where you will be put with people of the "same" skill level.

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Unranked basically uses the same matchmaker and rating system like ranked. There are a couple of variables changed allowing quicker matches - so, yes, the chance of weird matches is higher. TeamQ an, also, many experienced players test builds and memes in unranked, dropping their rating. When they play a better build, they often get teamed with less experienced players.

Ranked might be a little more homhoeneous once you reached your average rating where you belong, because people don't experiment as much. Give it a try and see how it works.

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