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What else is left to say? I might log on again someday, but you won't get another dime from me.


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I'm not saying I'm uninstalling, but I'm so unhappy with this game, I just don't want to play it any longer. I've been a supporting customer who focuses on PvP (and when not in PvP, WvW) since the game launched. I've spent thousands of dollars, and while I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of the game, I've continuously for years been disappointed in it.

I'm confident I'm not alone. I talk to high-level players who are uninstalling frequently, and just look at the game mode. There are fewer and fewer actual players. Want to keep or regenerate your player base? Some tips:

  • Don't take several years to launch new minor (it doesn't matter how much coding it takes -- if it doesn't revolutionize the game mode, it's minor) features.
  • Don't ignore balance for months at a time.
  • Don't avoid engaging with your players, especially the good ones, when they want to talk about ways the game could improve.
  • Don't make fun of players in your competitive modes (Has happened multiple times, not just in the stream today)
  • Devote the time of more than one dev to the game mode.
  • Promote competitive game modes on Twitch, or use some marketing dollars on them.
  • DO introduce pilot game modes.
  • DO introduce new maps with new leaderboards and new ways to play.
  • DO switch things up after more than a dozen boring seasons.
  • DO communicate with your community about how you (possibly?) are working to improve the game mode.
  • DO ban bots and griefers.
  • DO care about us.

Until I see any of this, I pledge to not spend another dollar on an Anet product.

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Once I stopped giving a damn about being "competitive" (like there's really a scene any more), I enjoyed playing pvp again. I play it for the gameplay (core mes 4 life) and forget about trivial things like balance/winning/new content. I guess I'm Anets idea of an ideal pvper? In the end, we will all fall to the casuals or simply ragequit the game (R.I.P. Bik ?)

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@Mbelch.9028 said:I'm not saying I'm uninstalling, but I'm so unhappy with this game, I just don't want to play it any longer. I've been a supporting customer who focuses on PvP (and when not in PvP, WvW) since the game launched. I've spent thousands of dollars, and while I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of the game, I've continuously for years been disappointed in it.

I'm confident I'm not alone. I talk to high-level players who are uninstalling frequently, and just look at the game mode. There are fewer and fewer actual players. Want to keep or regenerate your player base? Some tips:

  • Don't take several years to launch new minor (it doesn't matter how much coding it takes -- if it doesn't revolutionize the game mode, it's minor) features.
  • Don't ignore balance for months at a time.
  • Don't avoid engaging with your players, especially the good ones, when they want to talk about ways the game could improve.
  • Don't make fun of players in your competitive modes (Has happened multiple times, not just in the stream today)
  • Devote the time of more than one dev to the game mode.
  • Promote competitive game modes on Twitch, or use some marketing dollars on them.
  • DO introduce pilot game modes.
  • DO introduce new maps with new leaderboards and new ways to play.
  • DO switch things up after more than a dozen boring seasons.
  • DO communicate with your community about how you (possibly?) are working to improve the game mode.
  • DO ban bots and griefers.
  • DO care about us.

Until I see any of this, I pledge to not spend another dollar on an Anet product.


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I am in the same boat. However, that was my position since PoF release. In my opinion, the PoF cycle had major issues. Class balance was a major disaster for months. And once things started to look up, middle of last year, Anet started gutting diversity in PvP. Then Anet decided to take it sloooooooow afterwards. And if today’s announcement is an indication of the game’s future, it surely is less and less content. Do they really expect us to keep playing the same builds in sPvP for the next 18-21 month?

So...Why the fuck would I pay them money?!

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@Mbelch.9028 said:I'm not saying I'm uninstalling, but I'm so unhappy with this game, I just don't want to play it any longer. I've been a supporting customer who focuses on PvP (and when not in PvP, WvW) since the game launched. I've spent thousands of dollars, and while I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of the game, I've continuously for years been disappointed in it.

I'm confident I'm not alone. I talk to high-level players who are uninstalling frequently, and just look at the game mode. There are fewer and fewer actual players. Want to keep or regenerate your player base? Some tips:

  • Don't take several years to launch new minor (it doesn't matter how much coding it takes -- if it doesn't revolutionize the game mode, it's minor) features.
  • Don't ignore balance for months at a time.
  • Don't avoid engaging with your players, especially the good ones, when they want to talk about ways the game could improve.
  • Don't make fun of players in your competitive modes (Has happened multiple times, not just in the stream today)
  • Devote the time of more than one dev to the game mode.
  • Promote competitive game modes on Twitch, or use some marketing dollars on them.
  • DO introduce pilot game modes.
  • DO introduce new maps with new leaderboards and new ways to play.
  • DO switch things up after more than a dozen boring seasons.
  • DO communicate with your community about how you (possibly?) are working to improve the game mode.
  • DO ban bots and griefers.
  • DO care about us.

Until I see any of this, I pledge to not spend another dollar on an Anet product.

I'll join you in this pledge.

Even in the PvE side of things, they're concentrating on the wrong things. Why are they catering to new players? Most people that wanted to try GW2 already did. Give us sustainable content that keeps the veteran players engaged and interested. PvP is a part of that as well.Their announcement failed to adress the most pressing question that was on people's minds, what happens after S5? Naming it a saga doesn't make it better btw.

I can sense overwhelming disappointment from all over the community, and I feel it too.

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@Yannir.4132 said:Even in the PvE side of things, they're concentrating on the wrong things. Why are they catering to new players? Most people that wanted to try GW2 already did. Give us sustainable content that keeps the veteran players engaged and interested. PvP is a part of that as well.Their announcement failed to adress the most pressing question that was on people's minds, what happens after S5? Naming it a saga doesn't make it better btw.

I can sense overwhelming disappointment from all over the community, and I feel it too.

They're catering to new players because new players haven't touched the content that is already out. It saves them from having to make actual content to appease the playerbase that's already here. They're cutting their nose off to spite their face.

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@Rukario.1695 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:That moment when you realize that EA looks after its games and customers better than Anet...
  • Sparkles and Rainbows.

Whereas Anet's lack of communication and feedback are bad,
they are no where near as horrible as EA.

I see EA try a lot harder than Anet and I also see EA listen to feedback and work with the feedback given. They also provide support and monitoring of older games and ban hacks and like with Anthem or the new Battlefield V, they strive to deliver what the community asks for.I dont think Ive ever seen EA people mock thier playerbase either or make jokes out of them.

I could go on but I don't want EA to sound like an uber company when they're terrible.

  • Sparkles and Rainbows.
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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:That moment when you realize that EA looks after its games and customers better than Anet...
  • Sparkles and Rainbows.

Whereas Anet's lack of communication and feedback are bad,
they are no where near as horrible as EA.

I see EA try a lot harder than Anet and I also see EA listen to feedback and work with the feedback given. They also provide support and monitoring of older games and ban hacks and like with Anthem or the new Battlefield V, they strive to deliver what the community asks for.I dont think Ive ever seen EA people mock thier playerbase either or make jokes out of them.

I could go on but I don't want EA to sound like an uber company when they're terrible.
  • Sparkles and Rainbows.

yep, its just their LoOtBoXeS that suck

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@Xar.6279 said:It may sound funny, but actually RP is most hardcore game mode in this game atm :D Because its fully made by people. We've got our own systems, rules, etc etc. So Arena Net can't destroy it.

That's just funny, sad and awesome at the same time.Maybe RP is the game mode I try next. My character/role will be of anti-consurism btw.

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@"Engal.6359" said:Once I stopped giving a kitten about being "competitive" (like there's really a scene any more), I enjoyed playing pvp again. I play it for the gameplay (core mes 4 life) and forget about trivial things like balance/winning/new content. I guess I'm Anets idea of an ideal pvper? In the end, we will all fall to the casuals or simply ragequit the game (R.I.P. Bik ?)

I felt the same way. Once I gave up being upset over certain things, my time in GW2 became much much more enjoyable as my standards bar was set to "low". I dont spend as much and love this game. Some people just need a break sometimes and by looking at the vocal people of the forums, this may be that time.

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I appreciate all the various responses. Too bad Anet has yet to comment on any PvP posts expressing disappointment. They lose casters all the time, top-tier players all the time, and yet we see nothing from them? Confirmation on my end that this is the right move

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