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Potential Future Balance Update and Future Plans for Competitive

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You would think they would post that here too, maybe?

Last time we had a discussion of that in here it was no longer there, so no, not really. I can't even say specifics, cause you get dinged for everything....

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Hello Arena Net Devs,Thank you for taking the time to gather community feedback and taking it into consideration before implementing changes - this seems like a great start and I hope to see it continue.

Would your gameplay change as a result? How? Honestly, at glance my response is no. The reason WvW has become very stale is because damage dealing classes, most specifically scourge, are simply too over tuned. These changes won't make any difference to the squad compositions that organised guilds/servers run. WvW is in dire need of a meta shake up - HoT offered many different meta changes whereas PoF has been almost the exact same since release, just with the addition of scrapper after the changes. The problem is that fights end far to quickly, where as in previous versions of the game they lasted much longer and were more intense - it came down to who could counter play and play the most pristine where as now it is all based off of one shot out of stealth gimmicks. Nerfing scourge (harder than you've proposed) will change this immensely. Don't nerf support classes too hard or we will be in the exact same spot. Tuning down scourge will open opportunities for other classes to come (back) in to play again. The only support nerf I would deem necessary is the scrapper condition cleanse nerf (in addition to the rune nerf) as conditions are almost non existent anymore and have too little impact with resistance + scrapper cleanse. Long story short - push a new balance patch which benefits longer sustained, more skill based combat.

Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game? As mentioned above, it is a good start - but I really don't think it will change much.

Are you looking forward to these potential changes? Why? I am looking forward to less barrier, but as previously mentioned - we really need a meta shakeup and this won't be enough.

What are your concerns and the consequences you expect with this set of changes? That it won't be enough to bring back all the players who have become bored of the same playstyle since PoF launch. Nerf scourge, try to avoid nerfing support and push the game mode in a direction that caters to skill rather than one shots out of stealth. Not only will the veterans of WvW love this, but any new players won't be discouraged from being instantly downed as a fight starts - it is more forgiving direction yet in my opinion it also takes a lot more skill.


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@"Noodica.5428" said:Hello Arena Net Devs,Thank you for taking the time to gather community feedback and taking it into consideration before implementing changes - this seems like a great start and I hope to see it continue.

Would your gameplay change as a result? How? Honestly, at glance my response is no. The reason WvW has become very stale is because damage dealing classes, most specifically scourge, are simply too over tuned. These changes won't make any difference to the squad compositions that organised guilds/servers run. WvW is in dire need of a meta shake up - HoT offered many different meta changes whereas PoF has been almost the exact same since release, just with the addition of scrapper after the changes. The problem is that fights end far to quickly, where as in previous versions of the game they lasted much longer and were more intense - it came down to who could counter play and play the most pristine where as now it is all based off of one shot out of stealth gimmicks. Nerfing scourge (harder than you've proposed) will change this immensely. Don't nerf support classes too hard or we will be in the exact same spot. Tuning down scourge will open opportunities for other classes to come (back) in to play again. The only support nerf I would deem necessary is the scrapper condition cleanse nerf (in addition to the rune nerf) as conditions are almost non existent anymore and have too little impact with resistance + scrapper cleanse. Long story short - push a new balance patch which benefits longer sustained, more skill based combat.

Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game? As mentioned above, it is a good start - but I really don't think it will change much.

Are you looking forward to these potential changes? Why? I am looking forward to less barrier, but as previously mentioned - we really need a meta shakeup and this won't be enough.

What are your concerns and the consequences you expect with this set of changes? That it won't be enough to bring back all the players who have become bored of the same playstyle since PoF launch. Nerf scourge, try to avoid nerfing support and push the game mode in a direction that caters to skill rather than one shots out of stealth. Not only will the veterans of WvW love this, but any new players won't be discouraged from being instantly downed as a fight starts - it is more forgiving direction yet in my opinion it also takes a lot more skill.


"buff support, nerf scourge"The huuuuge buff in support classes (mainly fb) is WHY the meta is how it is. And you want support to be... More buffed? More boons and healing? With a harder nerfed scourge?

I have 15 stacks of confusion on me right now

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We’re aiming to bring into line some of the more dominant builds and compositions of the current WvW meta so that new options can be brought to the table
So slight nerfs to mesmer, nerfs to engineer abilities unrelated to what makes them too potent in wvw group play and weird nonsensical changes to guardian that don't touch their actual potency constitute encouraging build diversity these days? Good job with the necro nerfs, too, now they're even less of a support spec and any corruption nerfs indirectly buff the engineer' ability to basically make conditions inconsequential in group play.

How about you touch on the things that would actually shake up diversity? Nerf Scourge offensive while buffing their support, buff Reaper group play potential by helping them out defensively, drop guardian off a fucking cliff and #MakeDruidGreatAgain

~ Kovu

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@Acheron.4731 said:

@Acheron.4731 said:Make every class equally viable in wvw....that should be enough

And will never be possible to make them ‘equally viable’ in WvW if your definition is any class can do any job....

a guy can dream can't he :)I would rather see each class do one thing well then 2 classes do everything better.

WE can dream..

And yes, I wish they would tweak things to pull more into the Meta. I feel like the listed changes might narrow it down some more.

That being said... it’s has been necro guard for MOST of the time in different iterations.

I run more small group so for me it’s only annoying when a scourge has a pocket FB and I am alone lol..

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Long range shot has never been a problem until Path of Fire .And its not the Soul Beast .It's the brain dead boon spam/boon strip in the current Fire Brand/ Scourge Meta.This has been the problem for nearly 8 months .The damage of Long Bow or even Soul beast is only a problem to people running celestial and berzerker builds. which are predominant armour stats in the current Meta.They get caught out in the open, away from the main group, and they get killed real quick.Then complain soul beast is over powered?Glass on glass ;the first strike will probably win the battle. The current Meta is a ZERG Meta not a roamer meta .The Aegis changes are fine but just shifting retaliation from one skill to the next ? Theirs far far to much retaliation on a single class.Change the balance so people have to protect themselves more than running and hiding under the skirts of Fire Brands. Make it so having armour means something and the damage that LB won't be an issue. Let the other classes help protect the group .Balance the Professions so all 9 Professions can have a roll to fill in the group .NOT just 2Kill the current Meta!!!!!

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@Mokk.2397 said:Long range shot has never been a problem until Path of Fire .And its not the Soul Beast .It's the brain dead boon spam/boon strip in the current Fire Brand/ Scourge Meta.This has been the problem for nearly 8 months .The damage of Long Bow or even Soul beast is only a problem to people running celestial and berzerker builds. which are predominant armour stats in the current Meta.They get caught out in the open, away from the main group, and they get killed real quick.Then complain soul beast is over powered?Glass on glass ;the first strike will probably win the battle. The current Meta is a ZERG Meta not a roamer meta .The Aegis changes are fine but just shifting retaliation from one skill to the next ? Theirs far far to much retaliation on a single class.Change the balance so people have to protect themselves more than running and hiding under the skirts of Fire Brands. Make it so having armour means something and the damage that LB won't be an issue. Let the other classes help protect the group .Balance the Professions so all 9 Professions can have a roll to fill in the group .NOT just 2Kill the current Meta!!!!!

I couldn't agree more .

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imagine not giving info because the problem you (anet) think is the reward system in wvw. thanks for bringing in all them pve players to show that the game mode isn;t dead and that care about rewards cause now all you are doing is holding off on updates because you can't figure out how to reward the players.. reward us by fixing the game mode. most wvw'ers used to not care about rewards but wanted fun fights. that is long gone. too soon to talk about anything. reason why these posts are in other forums is because yet again you give no info or time frames..

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