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What do you want for GW2?


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The real choice isn't between those two options, the choice is between each of the options. Even so, the poll clearly shows that actually many people want to focus into living world and they probably are a majority judging by Anet's decisions. They clearly know what they are doing.

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@"Trise.2865" said:What a completely fair and unbiased poll. "Living Story" or "Literally Anything Else".

Funny, because that’s exactly what Arenanet is doing; they give us living world, and nothing else. So looking at it from that perspective, the poll is totally fair and I see where OP is coming from.

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@Aenesthesia.1697 said:ah, but you don't know if the saga will be consistent in terms of quality and coherence or not, same as, even with a single team handling the expansion doesn't guarantee it will be workth playing.

As stated before, I would prefer an expansion, I hate being spoon-fed content and have differences in quality etc. Still, we know now that there is no expansion in the works at the moment, so discussing this is pointless at this point. Which is why I keep repeating to wait and see how TIBS fares and what news we will have by then.

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Didn't vote because most of the things listed in the upper selection are problem areas for which players have become disgruntled and have been bleeding. So, if Anet gives those areas their usual consideration nobody will have to worry about them because people who would have chosen that option in the poll will have probably left. Then that magical one third who love the living world so much will just have to tighten their belts at home, eat a meal or two less a day, and buckle down toward spending more on the gem store in order to keep their favourite, minimally-viable product afloat. Have fun!

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@michelada.2947 said:The problem with gw2 is that 99% of the effort ANET put into the game is invested into the gamemode with less longevity, PVE...

I think Arenanet puts the effort where the people are. GW2 is a cooperative PvE game. That is where most people are, so that is where the dev time goes. I think the best thing for PvP would be a PvP-centric game. And to say PvE has less longevity is ridiculous... WoW and Everquest have been around how long? Hell, even Ultima Online is still hanging on. Most of the '(name your game) killers' are gone. The classic PvM games are still running. That is what most MMO players seem to want.

PvM and PvP are both popular, but generally with different people. Most games seem to focus one or the other. GW2 has a good mix.

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@Iozeph.5617 said:Didn't vote because most of the things listed in the upper selection are problem areas for which players have become disgruntled and have been bleeding. So, if Anet gives those areas their usual consideration nobody will have to worry about them because people who would have chosen that option in the poll will have probably left. Then that magical one third who love the living world so much will just have to tighten their belts at home, eat a meal or two less a day, and buckle down toward spending more on the gem store in order to keep their favourite, minimally-viable product afloat. Have fun!

Pretty much this.

Every single ls map ends up getting farm nerfed and when it does it's dead.

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@Tukaram.8256 said:

@michelada.2947 said:The problem with gw2 is that 99% of the effort ANET put into the game is invested into the gamemode with less longevity, PVE...

I think Arenanet puts the effort where the people are. GW2 is a cooperative PvE game. That is where most people are, so that is where the dev time goes. I think the best thing for PvP would be a PvP-centric game. And to say PvE has less longevity is ridiculous... WoW and Everquest have been around how long? Hell, even Ultima Online is still hanging on. Most of the '(name your game) killers' are gone. The classic PvM games are still running. That is what most MMO players seem to want.

PvM and PvP are both popular, but generally with different people. Most games seem to focus one or the other. GW2 has a good mix

Seems that i'm just done with the game, been waiting the WvW rework for like... year and a half maybe?, dragon fall was fun for 2 weeks, the prologue was fun for a day... i'm just saying that the pve GW2 delivers expires too fast and it updates so slow.

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@Dante.1508 said:I want bosses in story missions to be toned down.. After playing living story 2 and half way through 3 i've given up, everything is so hard solo and my hands have been starting to hurt..

Please tone done the CC and red circles for story mission bosses, its just too much.

This is the first Season I was even interested in trying. So far, so good, but it is just the opening. I have never been able to finish the personal story, or expansion story, on any character. This is not a very solo-friendly game. But I still have fun playing all the time :)

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@Shortage.5427 said:

@Shortage.5427 said:Honestly reading through those who voted for "Living Story" either play Guild Wars 2 2-3 hours per 2 months or don't play the game at all whats so ever.

You sure about that?

I am pretty sure that if you think that an MMORPG's healthy progression is the "Living Story" you are far from being right. Those who log in daily in GW2 are those who do Fractals, PvP, WvW and Raids. Occasionally do Meta-Events but only if they are too tired to flip prices in the Trading Post. Living Story is something we'd do for 2 hours max, explore the new region, realize it is another copy-paste currency farming map, try to find an exploit and if all else fails it's abandoned. That's just about it.

I log in daily and focus on none of the things you mentioned and wouldn't log in less if they weren't in the game. I'd say you have quite a selective view of what healthy progression is. I think you would be surprised at how many people log in every day and just do stuff in the open world. I guarantee you it's a higher number than you think. In fact, I'd go out on a limb and say that if you added up all the raiders and PvPers and Fractal runners together (maybe not including WvW), there would still be more regular players logging in just to do the open world.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@Shortage.5427 said:Honestly reading through those who voted for "Living Story" either play Guild Wars 2 2-3 hours per 2 months or don't play the game at all whats so ever.

You sure about that?

I am pretty sure that if you think that an MMORPG's healthy progression is the "Living Story" you are far from being right. Those who log in daily in GW2 are those who do Fractals, PvP, WvW and Raids. Occasionally do Meta-Events but only if they are too tired to flip prices in the Trading Post. Living Story is something we'd do for 2 hours max, explore the new region, realize it is another copy-paste currency farming map, try to find an exploit and if all else fails it's abandoned. That's just about it.

I log in daily and focus on none of the things you mentioned and wouldn't log in less if they weren't in the game. I'd say you have quite a selective view of what healthy progression is. I think you would be surprised at how many people log in every day and just do stuff in the open world. I guarantee you it's a higher number than you think. In fact, I'd go out on a limb and say that if you added up all the raiders and PvPers and Fractal runners together (maybe not including WvW), there would still be more regular players logging in just to do the open world.

Considering 24+ guilds of wvw players have quit gw2 for other games since may due to years of lack of content or updates, at this point I'd say your correct.

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@c space cowboy.2764 said:

@Shortage.5427 said:Honestly reading through those who voted for "Living Story" either play Guild Wars 2 2-3 hours per 2 months or don't play the game at all whats so ever.

You sure about that?

I am pretty sure that if you think that an MMORPG's healthy progression is the "Living Story" you are far from being right. Those who log in daily in GW2 are those who do Fractals, PvP, WvW and Raids. Occasionally do Meta-Events but only if they are too tired to flip prices in the Trading Post. Living Story is something we'd do for 2 hours max, explore the new region, realize it is another copy-paste currency farming map, try to find an exploit and if all else fails it's abandoned. That's just about it.

I log in daily and focus on none of the things you mentioned and wouldn't log in less if they weren't in the game. I'd say you have quite a selective view of what healthy progression is. I think you would be surprised at how many people log in every day and just do stuff in the open world. I guarantee you it's a higher number than you think. In fact, I'd go out on a limb and say that if you added up all the raiders and PvPers and Fractal runners together (maybe not including WvW), there would still be more regular players logging in just to do the open world.

Considering 24+ guilds of wvw players have quit gw2 for other games since may due to years of lack of content or updates, at this point I'd say your correct.

If you think that general casual PvE players haven't always outnumbered WvW players, I don't know what to tell you. It's really hard to tell, of course, because PvE has always had overflow servers. Those queues early on would have existed in any PvE server, but there were tons of overflows. My guess is that even though WvW was more populated than than it is today by a long long way, that doesn't change the fact that we don't know the percentage of WvW players to PvE players at any point in the early game. For all you know we always had 60% of the game as casual PvE, whether or not what you're saying it true. It's a bit of a red herring.

That it to say if WvW was always the most popular content, it would have been supported more because that's more or less what businesses do.

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This is a bad poll. You can't say "Living Story" with no description in one option, and then give a looooong list of many many detailed choices in the other option. OF COURSE the poll shows 60% of people choosing your first option. It's like asking would you rather have $100 and "stuff", or would you rather have $100, a gourmet meal, a nice vacation, and a new car?Arenanet has always worked on game updates and improvements ALONG WITH the Living Story. Often, these improvements come as part of, in between, or adjacent to--the Living Story releases. It is false to portray things like "You either get -Insert All Things Players Want Besides Living Story- OOOOOOR You get Living Story and NOTHING ELSE."

A proper poll would go more like this:What would you like Arenanet to focus on the most?A. Living Story releasesB. WvW and/or PvP ImprovementsC. New Features (ex: Polymock, new Super Adventure Box levels)D. Endgame PvE (Raids and Fractals)

THAT kind of poll would be more accurate, and frankly, would go against what you WANT to see. After all, even in this poll, 39% of people voted "Living Story". Divide up your "60% majority" across all the options you've shoved into one, and suddenly the Living Story rules the roost.

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@"Weindrasi.3805" said:This is a bad poll. You can't say "Living Story" with no description in one option, and then give a looooong list of many many detailed choices in the other option. OF COURSE the poll shows 60% of people choosing your first option. It's like asking would you rather have $100 and "stuff", or would you rather have $100, a gourmet meal, a nice vacation, and a new car?Arenanet has always worked on game updates and improvements ALONG WITH the Living Story. Often, these improvements come as part of, in between, or adjacent to--the Living Story releases. It is false to portray things like "You either get -Insert All Things Players Want Besides Living Story- OOOOOOR You get Living Story and NOTHING ELSE."

A proper poll would go more like this:What would you like Arenanet to focus on the most?A. Living Story releasesB. WvW and/or PvP ImprovementsC. New Features (ex: Polymock, new Super Adventure Box levels)D. Endgame PvE (Raids and Fractals)

THAT kind of poll would be more accurate, and frankly, would go against what you WANT to see. After all, even in this poll, 39% of people voted "Living Story". Divide up your "60% majority" across all the options you've shoved into one, and suddenly the Living Story rules the roost.

I think the point is, though, that living story updates isn't going to cut it for 'most' 61%

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@Acheron.4731 said:

@"Weindrasi.3805" said:This is a bad poll. You can't say "Living Story" with no description in one option, and then give a looooong list of many many detailed choices in the other option. OF COURSE the poll shows 60% of people choosing your first option. It's like asking would you rather have $100 and "stuff", or would you rather have $100, a gourmet meal, a nice vacation, and a new car?Arenanet has always worked on game updates and improvements ALONG WITH the Living Story. Often, these improvements come as part of, in between, or adjacent to--the Living Story releases. It is false to portray things like "You either get
-Insert All Things Players Want Besides Living Story-
OOOOOOR You get Living Story and NOTHING ELSE."

A proper poll would go more like this:What would you like Arenanet to focus on the most?A. Living Story releasesB. WvW and/or PvP ImprovementsC. New Features (ex: Polymock, new Super Adventure Box levels)D. Endgame PvE (Raids and Fractals)

THAT kind of poll would be more accurate, and frankly, would go against what you WANT to see. After all, even in this poll, 39% of people voted "Living Story". Divide up your "60% majority" across all the options you've shoved into one, and suddenly the Living Story rules the roost.

I think the point is, though, that living story updates isn't going to cut it for 'most' 61%

Living Story updates ALONE aren't going to cut it for many. But a large part of my point is that we aren't being forced to choose. It is not "You get Living Story and nothing else; or you don't get Living Story but get everything else"

We're going to get both. We HAVE BEEN getting both. It's just that every player wants something specific, and since Arenanet is focusing on a bunch of different things at once, every person's "something specific" seems slow in coming. And Living Story gets the brunt of the player frustration because it's the one thing we KNOW will eventually come. (This is also partly a communication issue on Arenanet's part)

But then, even in this bad poll, 39% of voters chose the Living Story over everything else. Clearly, even with its communication problems, Arenanet is doing a fair job of catering to the majority of fans. If they dropped Living Story updates in favor of one of those other options (which I'd guess a 5-15% vote each), then from a business perspective, it'd be a big mistake.

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@Weindrasi.3805 said:

@Weindrasi.3805 said:This is a bad poll. You can't say "Living Story" with no description in one option, and then give a looooong list of many many detailed choices in the other option. OF COURSE the poll shows 60% of people choosing your first option. It's like asking would you rather have $100 and "stuff", or would you rather have $100, a gourmet meal, a nice vacation, and a new car?Arenanet has always worked on game updates and improvements ALONG WITH the Living Story. Often, these improvements come as part of, in between, or adjacent to--the Living Story releases. It is false to portray things like "You either get
-Insert All Things Players Want Besides Living Story-
OOOOOOR You get Living Story and NOTHING ELSE."

A proper poll would go more like this:What would you like Arenanet to focus on the most?A. Living Story releasesB. WvW and/or PvP ImprovementsC. New Features (ex: Polymock, new Super Adventure Box levels)D. Endgame PvE (Raids and Fractals)

THAT kind of poll would be more accurate, and frankly, would go against what you WANT to see. After all, even in this poll, 39% of people voted "Living Story". Divide up your "60% majority" across all the options you've shoved into one, and suddenly the Living Story rules the roost.

I think the point is, though, that living story updates isn't going to cut it for 'most' 61%

Living Story updates ALONE aren't going to cut it for many. But a large part of my point is that we aren't being forced to choose. It is not "You get Living Story and nothing else; or you
get Living Story but get

We're going to get both. We HAVE BEEN getting both. It's just that every player wants something specific, and since Arenanet is focusing on a bunch of different things at once, every person's "something specific" seems slow in coming. And Living Story gets the brunt of the player frustration because it's the one thing we KNOW will eventually come. (This is also partly a communication issue on Arenanet's part)

But then, even in this bad poll, 39% of voters chose the Living Story over
everything else.
even with its communication problems
, Arenanet is doing a fair job of catering to the majority of fans. If they dropped Living Story updates in favor of one of those other options (which I'd guess a 5-15% vote each), then from a business perspective, it'd be a big mistake.

I totally get what you are saying and largely agree the poll is bias.I also think, though, that a lot of that 39% was sympathy votes for the route ANET took to unveil the continuation of living story in the absence of any 'expansion-like content' which ofc did not end well.I imagine you are looking forward to content other than living story as well. It is not enough to keep players satiated. I think people are just saying that they are not satisfied with living story alone without major updates to the other modes and elite specs (being the most important to most).

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@Acheron.4731 said:

@Weindrasi.3805 said:This is a bad poll. You can't say "Living Story" with no description in one option, and then give a looooong list of many many detailed choices in the other option. OF COURSE the poll shows 60% of people choosing your first option. It's like asking would you rather have $100 and "stuff", or would you rather have $100, a gourmet meal, a nice vacation, and a new car?Arenanet has always worked on game updates and improvements ALONG WITH the Living Story. Often, these improvements come as part of, in between, or adjacent to--the Living Story releases. It is false to portray things like "You either get
-Insert All Things Players Want Besides Living Story-
OOOOOOR You get Living Story and NOTHING ELSE."

A proper poll would go more like this:What would you like Arenanet to focus on the most?A. Living Story releasesB. WvW and/or PvP ImprovementsC. New Features (ex: Polymock, new Super Adventure Box levels)D. Endgame PvE (Raids and Fractals)

THAT kind of poll would be more accurate, and frankly, would go against what you WANT to see. After all, even in this poll, 39% of people voted "Living Story". Divide up your "60% majority" across all the options you've shoved into one, and suddenly the Living Story rules the roost.

I think the point is, though, that living story updates isn't going to cut it for 'most' 61%

Living Story updates ALONE aren't going to cut it for many. But a large part of my point is that we aren't being forced to choose. It is not "You get Living Story and nothing else; or you
get Living Story but get

We're going to get both. We HAVE BEEN getting both. It's just that every player wants something specific, and since Arenanet is focusing on a bunch of different things at once, every person's "something specific" seems slow in coming. And Living Story gets the brunt of the player frustration because it's the one thing we KNOW will eventually come. (This is also partly a communication issue on Arenanet's part)

But then, even in this bad poll, 39% of voters chose the Living Story over
everything else.
even with its communication problems
, Arenanet is doing a fair job of catering to the majority of fans. If they dropped Living Story updates in favor of one of those other options (which I'd guess a 5-15% vote each), then from a business perspective, it'd be a big mistake.

I totally get what you are saying and largely agree the poll is bias.I also think, though, that a lot of that 39% was sympathy votes for the route ANET took to unveil the continuation of living story in the absence of any 'expansion-like content' which ofc did not end well.I imagine you are looking forward to content other than living story as well. It is not enough to keep players satiated. I think people are just saying that they are not satisfied with living story alone without major updates to the other modes and elite specs (being the most important to most).

I think the biggest cause of player dissatisfaction is that, we don't know when or if other major updates will happen. Pessimists translate that into "Anet only cares about Living Story, they'll never update anything else". I'm more of an optimist in this circumstance, and feel the other content I'm looking forward to will come in time (it has in the past). Arenanet could create a schedule of updates for other content, which they will announce months in advance the way they do for Living Story episodes. They could even create their own poll, asking "What additional thing do you want us to focus on?" and then release its updates at midpoints between Living Story releases.

As to the bad poll... meh. It's a pet peeve of mine when posters complain and try to incite more complaining.... without seeking any solution.As to the OP's bias: Word of advise, people. Don't do this. We can all sniff your bias a mile away. It pretty much invalidates the point you want to make.

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@Tukaram.8256 said:

@Dante.1508 said:I want bosses in story missions to be toned down.. After playing living story 2 and half way through 3 i've given up, everything is so hard solo and my hands have been starting to hurt..

Please tone done the CC and red circles for story mission bosses, its just too much.

This is the first Season I was even interested in trying. So far, so good, but it is just the opening. I have never been able to finish the personal story, or expansion story, on any character. This is not a very solo-friendly game. But I still have fun playing all the time :)

It was at release but over time it just went fully stupid.. team content sure but no one wants to follow your story so everyone does it solo, but now the bar is so high its gotten ridiculous..And i'm not kidding about my hands hurting either.. They really do after a few hours dodging red circles.. Man that balthazar fight was horrendous.

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