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[POLL] How satisfied are you about the August 30th announcement regarding the future of GW2?

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I find it pretty sour how poll posts only happen when there is community dissatisfaction.

As far as the announcement goes, I'm relatively neutral since I hadn't been expecting much after the layoffs and psychological effects removing all of those employees would have on everyone.

That and the announcement was already shown to be about the Living World.

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They delivered exactly what they kept saying and restating. This is NOT an expansion. This is an episode of LS.

I am very happy to have build templates and a stepping stone into Raids. I am not an elite even tho I’ve played from launch. All the negative comments by and about elites have made me shy away from Raids. Maybe this will help me get good enough for Raids. BTW I do think some content should be difficult enough to make it and the rewards exclusive. If I want a Raid reward then I have to earn it.

Also, I love the lore. I’ve wanted Meatober to be a big festival. I’m excited to have a Charr event. I don’t think it will be a “festival” like dragon bash but the story will take place within a celebration / meeting of the Charr political powers.

Finally, super excited to learn more about the Norn spirits of the wild. This will be my favorite part.

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I mean, i said it then and now, it's only living world. People who had any expansion level expectations were going to be let down.But since they made it a huge announcement and all i did expect them to tease some new mechanics like the masteries.Alas, nothing. They showcased is less than usually the trainer videos.

In my opinion, the game content will be fine as before. But you missed nothing if you didn't watch the stream.

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I knew there wasn’t going to be an expansion so I was expecting a LS announcement. I’m happy to be going north to new (old?) territory, the Grothmar Valley, and the story looking into Charr and Norn lorn. I was also pleased to hear they are giving HoT to PoF owners as this means the 2 masteries can now be used together in the new maps. I felt that keeping the two expansion masteries separate was bad for the game as it led to people learning a mastery and then never having use of it past HoT. And it led to ANet not being able to use full account progressions in new maps.

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very satisfied with what they did show us, very unsatisfied that they repeatedly advertised a 45 minute living world presentation, and we only got 15 minutes total of living world discussion. that part stung, and then they had to end the stream with merch information that should have been a blog post. the decision to include HoT with path of fire now is an absolutely amazing way to get new players into the game, but again, thats not what they repeatedly advertised this stream would be about. they seemed to think the surprise factor would win above the fact that they failed to deliver what was repeatedly promised for today, no matter how satisfied i may be with the living world stuff they did discuss. the presentation could have at least lasted the full 45 minutes that people literally paid for travel and lodging to come see

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The event did not create enough hype compared to the two expansions. This is actually good as the expansions were disappointing at first. PoF is still responsible for more damage to the game than good. There were some good announcements at the event and I'm happy that they're inviting more new players to the game by making it cheaper overall.Old players who played long hours will surely feel bored of slow moving content and will go elsewhere. It's ok though as this game does not really cater to the hardcore MMO market and some of us prefer it the way it is.

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I am neutral. I Hoped that they have more to announce than what we know, and hope that they can push the game in some sort of way. But I understand that they are limited in what they can do and on the tech they have so far.

And also, they want to make getting into the game a single purchase, but they don't fully commit to it. If they want to make the game easier to buy, they need to include the living world seasons too. Gems aren't free, gem to gold continues to shift more expensive as more 'free' gems are put into the exchange than taken out. Buying GW2 is incomplete. That is disappointing, because I think making buying content complicated is self defeating. I hope Season 5 included with PoF means it, and not have the addendum, only if you are an active player during the season, because... i just don't get it.

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anet already said they are announcing LS, and they didn't say its going to be more than that :pI am quite excited btw because I was thinking about what happen with the kodan and the norn fighting the corrupted forces or the follower of elder dragon.. the story needs to continue .. so it is what I am looking forward for

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I am more towards neutral than anything else. I liked what I saw about the game, but the other info was towards stuff that I either can't afford or are not really in my frame of interest. Don't get me wrong I love the game, but I figured that there would be just a little more about the game, and Funko Pops and clothing could have just had a blog post.

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4 for the announcement itself, it was exactly what they announced they were going to announce (a concept I still find strange): the new Living World season, or saga or whatever we call the episodes now. (A) new map(s), a new mastery, more lore - all the things we've come to expect from a Living World season are there.Mildly irritated by the merch announcements in the middle of the whole thing, minor stuff like that belongs towards the end and not smack in the middle of your big announcement.

Problem is, that's all they announced. They had the communitys attention and pretty much only told us about things we knew were coming (though it's nice to have Swiss tournaments somewhat confirmed). What we needed to hear was something, however vague, about where GW2 is headed beyond Season 5.Are there plans to do another expansion? If not, does "expansion-like" content for the LW include new elite specs?What, if anything, are they intending to do for dungeons, fractals, raids and WvW in the future or can we at least get confirmation development for these areas is done for good? What about Alliances?I wasn't exactly expecting any solid answers but something along the lines of "we are currently planning to release a new expansion after Season 5 is finished" or "going forward we are planning to release all our content as part of the Living World formula" would have done a lot to let the community know where we're headed and stop the wild speculating we're not doing ourselves any favors with. Even if we would not have liked what their plans are it's better than the uncertainty we're left with.

On the whole it feels like they completely failed to acknowledge the situation the community is in so my overall satisfaction sits where it was before the announcement: firmly at 3.

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First thing mentioning that we are going straight from season 4 to season 5.....made over a year ago.

We are finally get lore on Charr, Norn, and the Kodan. HoT vets are getting a glider, a title and a gem skin voucher. PoF people who didn't buy HoT get it for free and that includes people already here not just the new offer. That's quite satisfying and a great way to keep me playing. Especially with the whole Braham chipped the tooth and how freaking angry he was with us about Jormag 'retreating' but now buddy buddy he is now, not to mention being there and watching Rytlock be told he was no longer a Tribune and not a peep about it since or Rox...what the hell has she not said to Braham? I mean

On the way to the second drillBoticca: The two of you must go back a ways.Rox: Me and Braham? Ha, yeah. You could call me Eirsdottir, and I wouldn't blink.Boticca: Will he take it hard, do you think when you tell him?Rox: It's...not a conversation I'm looking forward to.

I mean, you can't just throw that out there so really hoping that that little snippet is explored as well. Anyway, I love that I can expect to see this all in game and not be told 'and in this book here's what happened! We didn't include it in the game as it isn't that important!' (You know who you are. Cairne deserved better.)

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Very dissatisfied and I just wanted new elite specializations. That's all. I knew it will be typical season announcement but they failed even on that. There was not only no new elites mentioned, they forget about other usual staff that comes with episodes like new legendary weapons, fractals and raids. And that was most painful in all of this. Fractals and raids are only thing I still enjoy in this game and they were not even mentioned in show. They were not even mentioned at all "The Icebrood Saga Begins" post.

We need to wait half of year for new fractal, one small map that take you 10 minutes to complete at most and around 9 months for raids with just 3 bosses. This is simply unacceptable release speed on any level and of top of that we don't even know IF they will make any new fractal or raid. Instead on saying don't worry, they will come, they simply ignore that completely, doubling down on single player 2 hours story every month that is killing game. They can't keep players at game like this, it's just impossible. From friends that I started playing with only one is still in game, from my guild only two people left. Some of them log in every few months to do story and then log off for another few months, some never came back.

ANet seems don't understand this is MMO, not single player game. You need to push repeatable content at good speed to keep veterans interested. They're the ones streaming game on Twitch, they're the ones that promote game to others. Game is at point where veterans are leaving game since there is nothing to do, not only that, even streamers are leaving. And what they show us in such dire situation? More non repeatable "content" for 2 hours.

That was not big content announcement that I waited for, that was just announcement of GW2 funeral. Honestly I felt like I'm simply not welcomed here anymore. It was just like that they just showed me middle finger yelling just leave and play something else. And that's what I will most probably do now.

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