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[POLL] How satisfied are you about the August 30th announcement regarding the future of GW2?

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@NigthMaremoon.7185 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:It blows my mind how many people in this thread think this announcement was aimed at existing players and not people not playing who might be attending pax. I've said all along (and got downvoted on reddit for it) that this announcement wasn't for us. It was Anet trying to get more people playing the game. They don't need to rent a theater for us.

Yeah, everyone know wow and ff14 do their blizzcons and fanfest for new players, the vets and dedicated players dont need that, which dev in their right mind would make a live event for their fans to see and advertise through word of mouth? Im sure if wow and ff14 did these events for the fans or had content for them they would tank in popularity.

Let me check real quick their new stuff... oh, ff14 shb top rated expansion of all time and one of the best ff games.

Lets check wow im sure wow will be kittening their vets once more.... oh, classic has massive player queues, had 1+ million viewers on twitch and everyone is loving it.

Hmm weird.


Oh I see. Sarcasm. I get it.

No one went to Blizcon and complained about an announcement there, amIrite? No one ever complains about other MMOs just this one. Those other posts about WoW must all be my imagination.

Anet wasn't making an announcement to us and I said as much prior to this, either here or on reddit or both. I knew it. They're announcing Season 5, so why do they need to rent a room. It's not to tell us about an expansion, I knew that. So you know, I figured it out. It's not that hard. The fact that Anet, a smaller company with one single product, a single older game, that has no movies, that doesn't have XIII titles in front of the one they're promoting, isn't going to have it's own con. It's going to a con to promote the game to people who don't already have it. I'm not sure why this is such a strange thing to you.

More people have left WoW than have ever played this game. WoW players aren't universally happy. But comparing anything to WoW in this industry, even FFXIV doesn't work because they had a huge jump and a huge warchest from other successes prior to WOW. Anet just doesn't have that kind of clout AND NEVER DID.

You can use all the sarcasm in the world, but I knew what this announcement was about before it came out and said so. Not sure why it's so hard for people to figure out.

no sorry, but warframe is exactly what you claim, they have no movies nor numbers on their game, its just warframe, still they made tennocon, so what's your point?are you going to tell me that ANET after all this years cant make a dedicated con for his fan, get the hell out of here with that, don't be ridiculous.

That announcement was the single most disappointing thing I have ever see, they adress nothing the community has been asking, people is on the right to complaint for the poor decicions ANET is making.

Because the announcement wasn't aimed at us at all. That's why they had it at PAX. The announcement was aimed at getting new people into the game, not you. It's not what you're expecting because you're not the guy the announcement was for. It was for people who stopped playing five years ago. Not people who play every day now. I said this on reddit and got downvoted for it. That's why HOT is free. DOesn't matter if HoT is free to me. I own it already. I did get 2 free hots on alt accounts though which is nice, but no, I wasn't the target audience for this announcement and I didn't expect to me, not once, ever.

We talk about Anet not promoting the game, and then they promote it and now it's all about us. Okay. You were disatisfied with an announcement about Season 5 that they said was going to be about season 5. They were promoting the game to people who haven't played it. There are still hundreds of not thousands of hours here for some of the people.

It wasn't aimed at the WvW or PvP or raiding crowd, because this game doesn't focus on that and has never focused on that. It was aimed at casual lore/story playerbase crowd and for that group the announcment was fine. You wanted something you didn't get, because you're not in the demographic the announcement was aimed for.

There are people who still like this game and who didn't mind that announcement. Why? Because they're in the game's demographic. I'm one of them. So is my wife. So are most of the people in my guild.

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I'm glad the story's going in a previous neglected direction.But I'll be honest, my soul dies every time I hear GEORmag.And the lack of expansion-level features being announced, not even as a road map is disheartening.Alliances (I don't even care about wvw) are still "soon" with no date.Living World episodes/sagas are "content", but I can already predict they will be formulaic and unenjoyably grind-driven to artificially extend play time.No races to be excited about, no elite specs. A few "mastery" things for the new season, but that's about it.

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@Ashen.2907 said:ANet told us in advance what the focus of the event was. Anyone expecting more did that to themselves.

And they did deliver merely a fraction of what they could have and should have in this context. Yes, they told us what it was going to be about, just not how there was going to be no in-depth presentation of it. For a superficial summary, they did not have to waste money on a live event. They could have just published the trailer online. I think that's what surprised many people.

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Are we saying ANET participating in game event, getting active is inappropriate? because it deceive players believing something big is to be expected? Actively attending game conferences and events are something quite important to keep the industry active, even if it is small or big announcement it is for other purposes being involve in game events , it is healthy for gaming industry. Disregard what happen in the past whether Anet did or not participate that doesn't indicate they should never participate unless there's something enormous to be announced. We know... recently there is changes internal management system and how things are working out, people getting backfired.. and people getting laid off. players behaviour like this are one of main cause of why people losing job . I have to say for a game that continually provide updates and development at their capacity, people should appreciate and help to promote instead of throwing tantrum like 2 year old all the time.

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Honestly? Not very. The stuff they talked about looks cool but nothing on Fractals or PvP or WvW really... kinda concerning. They really could have used the time they wasted pushing merchandise to at least talk a little bit about those aspects of the game. Not everything has to be open world.

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Didn't expect much, I know it gonna be LS but many really is waiting for that little something more because the game is just not doing well, it is no longer popular and promising, it literally just running off LS, it is unfortunate truth. Many players simply having that little hope that anet will show everyone a different side but unfortunately anet is gonna be the same old anet.

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@FrigginPaco.4178 said:Yet it has a hardcore population, whether it's raids, T4 fractals, PvP, or WvW, those communities absolutely exist. I'm an example of someone who plays in 3 of those 4 that I mentioned whenever the PvE story/achievements have been caught up to, or don't want to farm anymore etc.

Hardcore GW2 player base is not the same as hardcore MMO crowd. Games like WoW and even BDO is recent times have been way bigger time sinks than GW2. Several GW2 players avoid those games for the endless grind as it's not fun.All I'm saying is that GW2 will not be able to keep the 12hrs a day gamer happy for long. That's why I really like GW2 as being casual friendly.

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@BadMed.3846 said:

@FrigginPaco.4178 said:Yet it
a hardcore population, whether it's raids, T4 fractals, PvP, or WvW, those communities absolutely exist. I'm an example of someone who plays in 3 of those 4 that I mentioned whenever the PvE story/achievements have been caught up to, or don't want to farm anymore etc.

Hardcore GW2 player base is not the same as hardcore MMO crowd. Games like WoW and even BDO is recent times have been way bigger time sinks than GW2. Several GW2 players avoid those games for the endless grind as it's not fun.All I'm saying is that GW2 will not be able to keep the 12hrs a day gamer happy for long. That's why I really like GW2 as being casual friendly.

You can be casual friendly still support game modes other than mindless open world and the gem store. Everything but open world in this game is currently being neglected or at least that is the perception and I can't really argue against it.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Mostly satisfied. I didn't expect this to be for us, I expected it to be more for new players. To get them into the game. Which is good for me.

I'm wondering how useful it is to be looking for new players after your game turns 7 years old.

And if i think about it, I fail to see how this was for new players. The only thing that new players would be interested in was that HoT and PoF are now under one package. Which is only part of the announcement. And would only make sense if you know about GW2 and it's expansion packs and monetization plan.

The majority was about continuation of the story. A story a new player couldnt even follow. And then an advert for items clearly made for people who are already a fan.

If you meant returning players or free to play players, at least already a bit in the know with GW2, that would make more sense.

Really? New players see a new trailer. They see they can get one expansion and get the other free. They see they can get the cool new prologue free, which Anet said was sort of a restart, and suddenly boom, hundreds of hours of play at least for the price of one single game. This announcement had new player written all over it. It's our way of starting over, which means they can start too. They even said it.

I didn't say it wasnt for new players at all, just that it's not >mostly< for new players, because a large part of it isnt aimed at them. (Meaning also, I thought obviously, some part of it is) Which also makes sense, it's not worth it to be just for new players,

Especially as large part of is aimed at existing or returning players who havent gotten any expansion, because they stopped playing because of lack of content or other, or even more sensible, are free to play accounts.

Which both, I suppose, could be considered new players by a stretch (not new new, but new to HoT/PoF) if we're not looking too critically at the announcement.

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@BadMed.3846 said:

@FrigginPaco.4178 said:Yet it
a hardcore population, whether it's raids, T4 fractals, PvP, or WvW, those communities absolutely exist. I'm an example of someone who plays in 3 of those 4 that I mentioned whenever the PvE story/achievements have been caught up to, or don't want to farm anymore etc.

Hardcore GW2 player base is not the same as hardcore MMO crowd. Games like WoW and even BDO is recent times have been
1. way bigger time sinks than GW2. **
2. Several GW2 players avoid those games for the endless grind as it's not fun.
3. All I'm saying is that GW2 will not be able to keep the 12hrs a day gamer happy for long. That's why I really like GW2 as being casual friendly.**

  1. Other MMOs may be more or less time sinks than gw2, but that is irrelevant since anything you do in any MMOs is necessarily a time sink. I just happen to want to see the other time sinks I enjoy participating in be curated in a fashion that is consistent with PvE in broad strokes.
  2. When it comes down to it, what else is there in GW2 that isn't a form a farming? Due to the limited range of loot rarity, and the extreme scarcity of finding legitimate gold off of mobs, practically all you have is farming for materials in some way shape or form. At least Seasons in PvP give you gold directly as you progress the Pip system there. WvW is another beast but the pip system helped there a lot to have tangible rewards throughout the rewards track to locked skins that allow for further gearing to ascended and such. Saying that GW2 isn't grindy only really applied to the leveling aspect, but for nearly everything else it really isn't much different and there are plenty of ways to make ascended weapons and armor that aren't crafting them directly.
  3. That may be true, but there are no shortage of players who are very good at navigating all aspects of the game who do not play 12 hours at a time. They probably outnumber them if we're being honest. I consider myself to be quite knowledgeable on many areas of the game and I frequently am one of a few people that others turn to in order to get things done in my guild. All I do is play WvW, PvP (when in season), and farm certain maps when no one needs my help and the story is caught up, and I'm certain I'm not the only one.
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Just posting quick to say I, in a mostly asleep state, miss-read the options and voted wrong. Meant to hit "Very satisfied" but picked Very Dissatisfied" by mistake.

Long short of it:

I like the Norn and their theme, so I'm looking forward to content based on them.

I'm glad to see their most likely finally doing something with Jhavi after 7 years of ignoring her as she collects dust in the Vigil Keep. (I hope they are, anyway.)

And lastly, I'm a multi-MMO player who moves from MMO to MMO in a small select pool (FFXI, FFXIV, GW2, and on rare short cases ESO and WoW) so I'm not burned out on GW2 as much as people who full time it might be.

So over all, I'm pretty hyped. Side note: I didn't really watch their thing live, as I was at work, and have only seen the new LS trailer and read odd facts in other peoples comments. Even so, I'm a simple gamer who doesn't expect to much most of the time.

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@FrizzFreston.5290 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Mostly satisfied. I didn't expect this to be for us, I expected it to be more for new players. To get them into the game. Which is good for me.

I'm wondering how useful it is to be looking for new players after your game turns 7 years old.

And if i think about it, I fail to see how this was for new players. The only thing that new players would be interested in was that HoT and PoF are now under one package. Which is only part of the announcement. And would only make sense if you know about GW2 and it's expansion packs and monetization plan.

The majority was about continuation of the story. A story a new player couldnt even follow. And then an advert for items clearly made for people who are already a fan.

If you meant returning players or free to play players, at least already a bit in the know with GW2, that would make more sense.

Really? New players see a new trailer. They see they can get one expansion and get the other free. They see they can get the cool new prologue free, which Anet said was sort of a restart, and suddenly boom, hundreds of hours of play at least for the price of one single game. This announcement had new player written all over it. It's our way of starting over, which means they can start too. They even said it.

I didn't say it wasnt for new players at all, just that it's not >mostly< for new players, because a large part of it isnt aimed at them. (Meaning also, I thought obviously, some part of it is) Which also makes sense, it's not worth it to be just for new players,

Especially as large part of is aimed at existing or returning players who havent gotten any expansion, because they stopped playing because of lack of content or other, or even more sensible, are free to play accounts.

Which both, I suppose, could be considered new players by a stretch (not new new, but new to HoT/PoF) if we're not looking too critically at the announcement.

Nope, I don't agree. They didn't reveal anything in this they haven't already told us. We knew swiss tourmaments were coming. We have the "road map" that was already provided. I really do believe Anet was trying to get people to play the game with this. This would obviously have been structured differently if it was for us.

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you about the August 30th announcement regarding the future of GW2?The August 30th announcement was not intended to be about the future of GW2. It was specifically stated to be the very first look at an all-new chapter in Guild Wars 2‘s Living World story.

Obviously anyone expecting anything more than that was bound to be disappointed.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

you about the August 30th announcement regarding the future of GW2?The August 30th announcement was
intended to be about the future of GW2. It was specifically stated to be

Obviously anyone expecting anything more than that was bound to be disappointed.

I mean, they also used https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/dont-miss-our-special-announcement-event/ to advertise it. The wording was very easy to interpret as something more than just the next chapter of the living story.

That and hosting a live event for it made it very easy for people to expect more.

Should people have jumped to conclusions? Probably not.Should Arenanet have known better and made it clearer that it wasn't something "special"? Yeah, they absolutely should have.

Letting players get overhyped before an announcement is as bad, if not worse than not hyping them up at all.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Mostly satisfied. I didn't expect this to be for us, I expected it to be more for new players. To get them into the game. Which is good for me.

I'm wondering how useful it is to be looking for new players after your game turns 7 years old.

And if i think about it, I fail to see how this was for new players. The only thing that new players would be interested in was that HoT and PoF are now under one package. Which is only part of the announcement. And would only make sense if you know about GW2 and it's expansion packs and monetization plan.

The majority was about continuation of the story. A story a new player couldnt even follow. And then an advert for items clearly made for people who are already a fan.

If you meant returning players or free to play players, at least already a bit in the know with GW2, that would make more sense.

Really? New players see a new trailer. They see they can get one expansion and get the other free. They see they can get the cool new prologue free, which Anet said was sort of a restart, and suddenly boom, hundreds of hours of play at least for the price of one single game. This announcement had new player written all over it. It's our way of starting over, which means they can start too. They even said it.

I didn't say it wasnt for new players at all, just that it's not >mostly< for new players, because a large part of it isnt aimed at them. (Meaning also, I thought obviously, some part of it is) Which also makes sense, it's not worth it to be just for new players,

Especially as large part of is aimed at existing or returning players who havent gotten any expansion, because they stopped playing because of lack of content or other, or even more sensible, are free to play accounts.

Which both, I suppose, could be considered new players by a stretch (not new new, but new to HoT/PoF) if we're not looking too critically at the announcement.

Nope, I don't agree. They didn't reveal anything in this they haven't already told us. We knew swiss tourmaments were coming. We have the "road map" that was already provided. I really do believe Anet was trying to get people to play the game with this. This would obviously have been structured differently if it was for us.

I don't consider myself a returning nor a free to play player? You seem to be misunderstanding what I'm saying, somehow maybe hell-bent on disagreeing rather than actually trying to understand where I'm coming from? I dunno seems like you're not really into this.

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@FrizzFreston.5290 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Mostly satisfied. I didn't expect this to be for us, I expected it to be more for new players. To get them into the game. Which is good for me.

I'm wondering how useful it is to be looking for new players after your game turns 7 years old.

And if i think about it, I fail to see how this was for new players. The only thing that new players would be interested in was that HoT and PoF are now under one package. Which is only part of the announcement. And would only make sense if you know about GW2 and it's expansion packs and monetization plan.

The majority was about continuation of the story. A story a new player couldnt even follow. And then an advert for items clearly made for people who are already a fan.

If you meant returning players or free to play players, at least already a bit in the know with GW2, that would make more sense.

Really? New players see a new trailer. They see they can get one expansion and get the other free. They see they can get the cool new prologue free, which Anet said was sort of a restart, and suddenly boom, hundreds of hours of play at least for the price of one single game. This announcement had new player written all over it. It's our way of starting over, which means they can start too. They even said it.

I didn't say it wasnt for new players at all, just that it's not >mostly< for new players, because a large part of it isnt aimed at them. (Meaning also, I thought obviously, some part of it is) Which also makes sense, it's not worth it to be just for new players,

Especially as large part of is aimed at existing or returning players who havent gotten any expansion, because they stopped playing because of lack of content or other, or even more sensible, are free to play accounts.

Which both, I suppose, could be considered new players by a stretch (not new new, but new to HoT/PoF) if we're not looking too critically at the announcement.

Nope, I don't agree. They didn't reveal anything in this they haven't already told us. We knew swiss tourmaments were coming. We have the "road map" that was already provided. I really do believe Anet was trying to get people to play the game with this. This would obviously have been structured differently if it was for us.

I don't consider myself a returning nor a free to play player? You seem to be misunderstanding what I'm saying, somehow maybe hell-bent on disagreeing rather than actually trying to understand where I'm coming from? I dunno seems like you're not really into this.

I find it a bit presumptious on your part. You think I'm not paying attention because I don't agree with you. I understand what you're saying. I don't happen to agree. People can understand and still not agree. However, in the interest of peace, I'll just leave it here. No point in beating a dead horse. I've expressed my opinion. It hasn't changed.

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Here's my five cents.Whatever was going to be said, there was a group of people waiting to pounce on Anet. You only have to see how many people were spamming/trolling/ came to flame on the counter twitch. Lovely peaceful calm discussions peppered by people who are obviously above us all.This was going to happen no matter how much you want to hit the 'I'm disappointed' band wagon or were happy.They get this every time.more more thing to add.I think there was a volcano waiting to go off in this company and by the five this 'lovely' community has made it explode.Lvl3 and out.

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I think the biggest problem was that having a announcement like that created a very large expectation in the community which was absolutely not filled at all. They shouldn't have hyped it up like that.The Announcement itself was fine, I'm excited about a new Living World Saga and I'm excited about the Strike missions and the Build templates.But considering the months of build up towards the announcement I expected to get new information about the future of the game, about Alliances and all that stuff. SO I can understand how people weren't satisfied and I think anet absolutely deserves that - they knew fully well the expectations of the community but decided to stay silent for months and deliver barely any new information in the announcement. We knew a new LW was coming, we knew there wouldn't be an expansion, we knew Build templates would be coming soonish and we know that there is merch for the game.We still don't know how the Alliance update is doing, we don't know if there will be another expansion in the future, we don't know if there will be new elite specs or some other form of new Build variety in the future nor do we know if there will be another set of legendary armor in PvE or another set of weapons or trinkets (please gimme another set of legendary trinkets, I don't wanna run around with stupid floaty ballz...)

I didn't expect much from the update and the strike missions were a positive surprise so I'll vote 4/5 and I'll coninue hoping for an update post on the Alliance update. I wanna know how the team is doing! Anet, step up your communication!

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Mostly satisfied. I didn't expect this to be for us, I expected it to be more for new players. To get them into the game. Which is good for me.

I'm wondering how useful it is to be looking for new players after your game turns 7 years old.

And if i think about it, I fail to see how this was for new players. The only thing that new players would be interested in was that HoT and PoF are now under one package. Which is only part of the announcement. And would only make sense if you know about GW2 and it's expansion packs and monetization plan.

The majority was about continuation of the story. A story a new player couldnt even follow. And then an advert for items clearly made for people who are already a fan.

If you meant returning players or free to play players, at least already a bit in the know with GW2, that would make more sense.

Really? New players see a new trailer. They see they can get one expansion and get the other free. They see they can get the cool new prologue free, which Anet said was sort of a restart, and suddenly boom, hundreds of hours of play at least for the price of one single game. This announcement had new player written all over it. It's our way of starting over, which means they can start too. They even said it.

I didn't say it wasnt for new players at all, just that it's not >mostly< for new players, because a large part of it isnt aimed at them. (Meaning also, I thought obviously, some part of it is) Which also makes sense, it's not worth it to be just for new players,

Especially as large part of is aimed at existing or returning players who havent gotten any expansion, because they stopped playing because of lack of content or other, or even more sensible, are free to play accounts.

Which both, I suppose, could be considered new players by a stretch (not new new, but new to HoT/PoF) if we're not looking too critically at the announcement.

Nope, I don't agree. They didn't reveal anything in this they haven't already told us. We knew swiss tourmaments were coming. We have the "road map" that was already provided. I really do believe Anet was trying to get people to play the game with this. This would obviously have been structured differently if it was for us.

I don't consider myself a returning nor a free to play player? You seem to be misunderstanding what I'm saying, somehow maybe hell-bent on disagreeing rather than actually trying to understand where I'm coming from? I dunno seems like you're not really into this.

I find it a bit presumptious on your part. You think I'm not paying attention because I don't agree with you. I understand what you're saying. I don't happen to agree. People can understand and still not agree. However, in the interest of peace, I'll just leave it here. No point in beating a dead horse. I've expressed my opinion. It hasn't changed.

I didnt presume anything. Hence the way i worded it "it seems..." and questioning style. Your argumentation didnt followup with anything I had said and seemed to disagree with something completely unsaid, by me. Which is fine, if you just want to disagree with whatever strawman youre spawning to make a point then fine. But that doesn't mean you're actually disagreeing with me.

In fact im not too insecure to say I actually agree that it wasnt for us super informed people. At least it didn't really add much new things we didnt already know

So why or what are are you disagreeing with? You're quite right that to be at peace with yourself you probably should stop beating your self-spawned dead horse.

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Arenanet still Love their Credo " We talk only about in things that are (nearly) finished. These things are the prologue, episode 1&2, PvP Set, Swiss-Style PvP and build/gear templates. The rest is not ready to talk about.Maybe there will be a new 45 minutes show when more/new important things are ready to release: episode 3&4, jeweller 500, wvw alliances, Elite Specs, new Merchandising…

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@"Belenwyn.8674" said:Arenanet still Love their Credo " We talk only about in things that are (nearly) finished. These things are the prologue, episode 1&2, PvP Set, Swiss-Style PvP and build/gear templates. The rest is not ready to talk about.Maybe there will be a new 45 minutes show when more/new important things are ready to release: episode 3&4, jeweller 500, wvw alliances, Elite Specs, new Merchandising…

I like it how you added wvw alliances to that list ;)Sad reality, wvw aliances gonna (if they ever will) towards the end of the saga, funs.

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It should've been the announcement of a new expansion. Now, I know it wasn't realistically going to happen. But the point is, that it definitely SHOULD have been that. LS is just crumbs by comparison to an expansion and the game should've already had an expansion coming out about, well, now actually. Why should it have been an expansion announcement? Because for players like myself who have gotten bored with the current content such as it is, LS is just crumbs for a starving person.

It seems to me they are banking on enough players still sticking around and feeding the gemstore but it really is a shame they are banking on the minimum effort.October 2015 Heart of ThornsSeptember 2017 Path of Fire

PoF actually increased sales for a while but those days are over as well by now. It's back at pre-PoF levels pretty much. Now there is no expansion even on the horizon, I wonder how well the next 6-12 months will go.

I do suppose I understand that they don't want to let their next LS season be snowed under by an expansion announcement but they caused their situation. It was their own short-sightedness that brought us to the situation of 2 LS seasons in a row while the game really needs another expansion to revitalize things. I'll be honest, I'll probably log in when the chapters come out, just so I don't have to pay for them later, but this new LS chapter is completely not motivating me to start playing again. At least if I wait for the whole season to come out, I'll have enough to keep me busy for a month or two.

They are really trying the patience of a lot of players it seems to me. For me it's going to take an expansion for me to really come back for a significant time. PoF did well. Kept me playing for over a year. That's good. Then if a next expansion is on the horizon the LS chapters can tie you over. Now they can't. That's at least the way it is for me.

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@Gehenna.3625 said:Then if a next expansion is on the horizon the LS chapters can tie you over. Now they can't. That's at least the way it is for me.

Maybe there is one at the horizon.Shoving an expansion right after Kralkatorrik's death would be the weirder part.Living Story Season 4 just tied up loose ends from the PoF story, So Season 5 will have to serve as the prelude to the next expansion.

However, I'd have preferred if Season 4 had a few more chapters serving as the prelude to the new xpac.Even ONE chapter as an intro would have been enough. They could have expanded that Icebrood Saga into an expansion.

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