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How do you all feel about Strike Missions?

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@RaidsAreEasyAF.8652 said:I don't think I get the comparison. The Soulsborne series does explain the combat system to you. They explain that you can backstab certain enemies, they explain that you can parry certain enemies and they tell you which buttons to press to perform a certain action.Oh and its probably not super clear where you have to go next. But combat wise everything should be fine.Of course the games tell you the controls, but nothing beyond that.

Dark Souls 1 doesn't explain how poise and poise damage work.Dark Souls 2 didn't explain how Agility (giving more iFrames at set values) works, in addition to not telling you about poise and poise damage.Dark Souls 3 didn't explain how that fake-poise and hyper armour work.I can't remember if Bloodborne explained that serrated weapons work better for beasts, but I believe it didn't.

These things are stuff players only learn by playing (or looking them up online), yet they are elemental parts of the combat system that aren't taught by the game. Poise can even directly be compared to break bars. Poise is also something some people didn't even know that it exists (like your mention of combo fields), before looking it up.

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@Fueki.4753 said:Of course the games tell you the controls, but nothing beyond that.

Dark Souls 1 doesn't explain how poise and poise damage work.Dark Souls 2 didn't explain how Agility (giving more iFrames at set values) works, in addition to not telling you about poise and poise damage.Dark Souls 3 didn't explain how that fake-poise and hyper armour work.I can't remember if Bloodborne explained that serrated weapons work better for beasts, but I believe it didn't.

These things are stuff players only learn by playing (or looking them up online), yet they are elemental parts of the combat system that aren't taught by the game. Poise can even directly be compared to break bars. Poise is also something some people didn't even know that it exists (like your mention of combo fields), before looking it up.

Tbh. i totally forgot about that. However, i wouldnt consider that good game design either.

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And it doesn't even matter. The DS series is for players with certain mindset (and of course people who like this kind of genre). Lots of players playing those games actually have at least a decent level of frustration tolerance and they like to learn from the fights and to improve more and more. GW2 doesn't even come close to this. It's a game where you hop in, play some minutes/hours and have fun no matter what you are doing.

People have yet to prove that there's a meaningful audience for raiding at all. Of course there are people writing posts in the forums or reddit followed by some others but there are no huge outcries for raids being targeted to all players. Most of the players are not interested in instanced content of a certain difficulty. And that's why I think that Strikes are going to fail anyway. The only thing to make them successful is to put a very good reward behind it, make it easy and the need for a humane grind so all the people from SW, Istan, Tarir etc. go farming Strikes. If they are a little bit challenging people will just cold-shoulder said content and only raid- & fractal-addicted people will play it.My bet is Strikes will be like Freezy and as reward we'll get the armor skins or weapon skins like those we had to buy with map currency of Jahai Bluffs or Thunderhead Peaks.

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@Vinceman.4572 said:And it doesn't even matter. The DS series is for players with certain mindset (and of course people who like this kind of genre). Lots of players playing those games actually have at least a decent level of frustration tolerance and they like to learn from the fights and to improve more and more. GW2 doesn't even come close to this.

As far as I'm concerned, GW2 PvP requires a frustration tolerance that's at least three times as big as the one required for Dark Souls 3.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Vinceman.4572 said:And it doesn't even matter. The DS series is for players with certain mindset (and of course people who like this kind of genre). Lots of players playing those games actually have at least a decent level of frustration tolerance and they like to learn from the fights and to improve more and more. GW2 doesn't even come close to this.

As far as I'm concerned, GW2 PvP requires a frustration tolerance that's at least three times as big as the one required for Dark Souls 3.

Yeah, could be. But the average GW2 Joe doesn't play PvP. PvP is a niche, same as WvW and challenging PvE content.

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@"Vinceman.4572" said:Yeah, could be. But the average GW2 Joe doesn't play PvP. PvP is a niche, same as WvW and challenging PvE content.

I consider myself average.Also, PvP has reward tracks and dailies. That combined with the "skill" of most (silver) players I see makes me think there are many, MANY average players in PvP.

But I think we should not derail this topic any further.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"Vinceman.4572" said:Yeah, could be. But the average GW2 Joe doesn't play PvP. PvP is a niche, same as WvW and challenging PvE content.

I consider myself average.Also, PvP has reward tracks and dailies. That combined with the "skill" of most (silver) players I see makes me think there are many, MANY average players in PvP.

But I think we should not derail this topic any further.

What have reward tracks and dailies to do with not being niche? Those things exist since years and are in no way any indicator for an alive game mode. In case you haven't been here since game release: Compared to the old times you can call PvP almost being dead or at least being in a semi-alive state.

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it looks promising, Im hoping it will pan out well and Im pumped to go throw myself at it. I used to raid in WoW but im not too interested in raiding in GW2 (I've done the first three wings, they are ok.) This might get me interested I just never really feel the urge to play a raid in GW, something about the way they are designed just doesn't gibe well with me? Might need to give it another go.

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My opinion is not reflected in any of the poll options.I'm someone who would like to try raids but I did not my interactions with the raid community so far. So I think I will enjoy the strike missions a lot and I'm glad to see anet not putting effort into parts of the game that are accessible to people that don't enjoy dealing with the gw2 raiding community.

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@TwilightSoul.9048 said:My opinion is not reflected in any of the poll options.I'm someone who would like to try raids but I did not my interactions with the raid community so far. So I think I will enjoy the strike missions a lot and I'm glad to see anet not putting effort into parts of the game that are accessible to people that don't enjoy dealing with the gw2 raiding community.

thats literally the first option

I am a non raider who is interested in this

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@Nephalem.8921 said:

@"maddoctor.2738" said:"Look at my Twilight on mah Mesmer, meta is bad, I prefer GS because Twilight" disregard this if GS is meta for Mesmer, I'm not following the recent meta.

But gs is meta for power Chrono. Bad example.

As if I didn't add

disregard this if GS is meta for Mesmer, I'm not following the recent meta.

I think the appropriate phrase here is focusing on the tree and missing the forest.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@"TwilightSoul.9048" said:My opinion is not reflected in any of the poll options.I'm someone who would like to try raids but I did not my interactions with the raid community so far. So I think I will enjoy the strike missions a lot and I'm glad to see anet not putting effort into parts of the game that are accessible to people that don't enjoy dealing with the gw2 raiding community.

thats literally the first option

I am a non raider who is interested in this

A "non-raider" to me is someone who isn't interested in raiding.I would love to get into raiding but I would hate to get into the gw2 raiding community and my friends don't want to raid or aren't playing gw2.

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@"Blackarps.1974" said:It just sounds like a mini-world boss. I personally don't think they are the correct way to go about making an easy mode for raids. I'd rather see them just change scaling in normal raids. Reduce the HP, add more time, put perma chill or something on bosses to make them easier. I wouldn't change it too much or mess with mechanics because the easy mode should be a training process to get into "normal" raids. Then just disallow players to get marks and reduced rewards for the easy mode and that be it.

I think one person said it well. Strike Missions just sound like more content to abandon in a year from now. Keeping it tied to raids would be a lot better.

I think it's more about the fight mechanics rather than the scale of the fight, probably instanced as well so it's party or raid size without travel, environment, and puzzle aspects. Helps us noobs get a boss fight with what i'm guessing will be much lower rewards which is fair as the raids are a lot of work.

Looking forward to it myself as the world boss mechanics are still very old and simple while these ones might be much harder and hopefully timed.

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@GROMIT.7829 said:I think it's more about the fight mechanics rather than the scale of the fight, probably instanced as well so it's party or raid size without travel, environment, and puzzle aspects. Helps us noobs get a boss fight with what i'm guessing will be much lower rewards which is fair as the raids are a lot of work.

Hopefully not. Raids already have quite bad rewards factoring g/h. They are only good with a static for fast clears. The ascended drops are nice but most veterans have bank tabs full of them. Strikes need something like 20 to 25g per h to be worth it but they might end up as 2blues and a green.

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I'm interested in it sure. Especially the idea of turning story instances into repeatable challenging content (that always seemed like low hanging fruit). But I am not very optimistic. I was also previously excited for bounties, the wintersday raid (or as anet put it, 10 man dungeon, I believe), and the instanced fights in dragons bash. All were serious let downs. Even fractals are a let down nowadays.

But that's ok. The newest raid probably was a bit too easy (and too many kiters...), but I do at least enjoy it. And Anet told us they are developing new raids, so I'll have that.

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I like the "Strike" mission idea's especially how they could expand upon them. Think about breathing life into the old dungeons by adding a strike to it.Or maybe ad them to the major city's 2. Battle for Lions Arch strike mission? Claw Island strike mission? Zaithan Strike Mission? It could very well be possible with this.

They can make use of existing content and improve upon it.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@BlakThornArrow.2389 said:Zaithan Strike Mission? It could very well be possible with this.Does he even have his own model?All we ever saw of him was him flying in a cutscene and then being a part of the tower.

Actually he does how could they put it in otherwise? I have so many Idea's how they could make that fight engaging... The question that remains is will they ever do something about it? I certaily hope so. Dev's if you are reading this, make the zaithan fight a strike or something better than pressing skill 2 on a canon. I've played sinds the beginning and zaithans threat is there but not in its own bossfight which is sad.

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@BlakThornArrow.2389 said:

@BlakThornArrow.2389 said:Zaithan Strike Mission? It could very well be possible with this.Does he even have his own model?All we ever saw of him was him flying in a cutscene and then being a part of the tower.

Actually he does how could they put it in otherwise? I have so many Idea's how they could make that fight engaging... The question that remains is will they ever do something about it? I certaily hope so. Dev's if you are reading this, make the zaithan fight a strike or something better than pressing skill 2 on a canon. I've played sinds the beginning and zaithans threat is there but not in its own bossfight which is sad.

They'll never ever touch this ever again. It's the same with dungeons. Too much spaghetti code and I doubt that they are able to extract anything (the model) of value out of this instance. They would rather develop a "new" Zhaitan than wasting time for the old stuff. But when thinking about it why would they do it? The story has already been told and completed. It makes more sense to spend time on new stuff while using new mechanics and features that are available now. Especially if most of the players aren't that nostalgic and would rather have the continuation of the actual lore. They've also addressed that several times now in interviews and that they are not going back to old stuff.

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