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Spending Money Is Supporting The Game


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@Acheron.4731 said:c'mon, at least make them earn your moneywhy buy skins for a game that no longer shows proof of longevity?I love(d) the game too but the ANET now is not the same ANET from old.Don't buy in the 'hope' of things getting better. Actually wait for it to get better, 'then' reward them for it with all the hard-earned money you want.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.

Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.

I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.

having a playerbase log in and make the game look alive is a valueable meteic to them.

Im just saying, i dont think im the only person who is playing the game without even interacting with another player. i do wvw take tower take camps take keeps with no talking, i do fractal and dungeons join group .. final boss dead i leave group. no talk . Well yeah. No do things with other people make game alive.

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@knomslayer.9457 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.

Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.

I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.

having a playerbase log in and make the game look alive is a valueable meteic to them.

Im just saying, i dont think im the only person who is playing the game without even interacting with another player. i do wvw take tower take camps take keeps with no talking, i do fractal and dungeons join group .. final boss dead i leave group. no talk . Well yeah. No do things with other people make game alive.

If you do all that, it means you are still interacting with the multiplayer aspect of the game, which makes you valuable to Anet.

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@AlexxxDelta.1806 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.

Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.

I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.

having a playerbase log in and make the game look alive is a valueable meteic to them.

Im just saying, i dont think im the only person who is playing the game without even interacting with another player. i do wvw take tower take camps take keeps with no talking, i do fractal and dungeons join group .. final boss dead i leave group. no talk . Well yeah. No do things with other people make game alive.

If you do all that, it means you are still interacting with the multiplayer aspect of the game, which makes you valuable to Anet.

yes exactly. i am supporting and keep the game alive without interacting with people.. me talk to random player no make game alive. me play game make game alive

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@knomslayer.9457 said:

@"Westenev.5289" said:People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.

Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.

I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.

having a playerbase log in and make the game look alive is a valueable meteic to them.

Im just saying, i dont think im the only person who is playing the game without even interacting with another player. i do wvw take tower take camps take keeps with no talking, i do fractal and dungeons join group .. final boss dead i leave group. no talk . Well yeah. No do things with other people make game alive.

If you do all that, it means you are still interacting with the multiplayer aspect of the game, which makes you valuable to Anet.

yes exactly. i am supporting and keep the game alive without interacting with people.. me talk to random player no make game alive. me play game make game alive

Let me clarify:I used the term "interact", not "socialise". Even without speaking a word, simply playing the game changed the experience for everyone else. For fractals, maybe you provided buffs. For wvw, maybe you were some players target. For open world, maybe you were the nice guy who helped rally a dude. Kitten, maybe you were the angelcake who ran right past and left them to die, ruining their whole day...

This is the sort of thing I mean by player interaction.

TL;DR: I don't think you have to say a word to interact with other players, and I think you disagree with a point I didn't intend to make.

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@knomslayer.9457 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.

Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.

I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.

Supporting a game doesnt mean spending your parents money endlessly, if you cant see the effects then it just shows how narrowminded this topic really is.

Edit: I wonder why you keep creating the same topic with different titles, are you that desperate?

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@googel.3278 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.

Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.

I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.

Supporting a game doesnt mean spending your parents money endlessly, if you cant see the effects then it just shows how narrowminded this topic really is.

Edit: I wonder why you keep creating the same topic with different titles, are you that desperate?

Desperate to show people that black lion chests are endgame content, good luck lol. These topics are very funny.

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Uh, spending money can be a serious addiction. It's also not wise to waste money on material thing's, especially digital. I also feel like there shouldn't be cash shops in buy to play or pay to play games. It's a good thing they add really pretty outfits else my money be going to thing's I can actually physically touch and keep forever irl. Gw2 might be down one day and your money and time is gone forever.

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Why should I support something that I don't see being developed?

It's all just promises.

Guild Wars 2 rewards are skins, it's not the gameplay. We are witnessing a very critical time in MMO market, where Devs try to appeal to every single one person, making the content trivial, accessible on-the-go, unrewarding, uninteresting.

Good voice acting isn't content for me.

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@googel.3278 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.

Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.

I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.

Supporting a game doesnt mean spending your parents money endlessly, if you cant see the effects then it just shows how narrowminded this topic really is.

Edit: I wonder why you keep creating the same topic with different titles, are you that desperate?

Thats just your assumptions. No one is spending their money for no reason. If i saw a restaurant with no costumer ill go there and eat be happy and feel less hungry, at the same time im supporting and keep the restaurant from shutting down. Same applies to this situation. If you like something buy it at the same time youre supporting and keep the game running

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@knomslayer.9457 said:No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game. Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game.False.

Game is gonna be funded and exists as long as they promote real world agendas,funded by people who have nothing to do with actual gaming.

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@knomslayer.9457 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.

Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.

I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.

Supporting a game doesnt mean spending your parents money endlessly, if you cant see the effects then it just shows how narrowminded this topic really is.

Edit: I wonder why you keep creating the same topic with different titles, are you that desperate?

Thats just your assumptions. No one is spending their money for no reason. If i saw a restaurant with no costumer ill go there and eat be happy and feel less hungry, at the same time im supporting and keep the restaurant from shutting down. Same applies to this situation. If you like something buy it at the same time youre supporting and keep the game running

Have you ever wondered why a restaurant with no customers is failing? Poor hygiene, bad food/service? Now since you used a restaurant as an example, why is Guild Wars 2 failing? Poor content, false promises, compare that to when it was first released back in 2012, there was so much hype and potential, go way further back into Guild Wars 1 ( master piece ), the content they produced at that time was outstanding, now its just grinding achievement points, skins, skins and more skins. Can you tell me why skins are good content? Do you want to just show off your pixels and hope everybody you come across would kneel down to you like a god?

There are many ways to support the game, not just by 'buying' rng lootboxes that have no meaning whatsoever. You're one of the people who are actively encouraging others to waste money on pointless things, do skins help me in battle? Of course not. Does that pointy shoulder pad make my stats more powerful? Omegalul.

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@knomslayer.9457 said:

@"Westenev.5289" said:People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.

Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.

I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.

Supporting a game doesnt mean spending your parents money endlessly, if you cant see the effects then it just shows how narrowminded this topic really is.

Edit: I wonder why you keep creating the same topic with different titles, are you that desperate?

Thats just your assumptions. No one is spending their money for no reason. If i saw a restaurant with no costumer ill go there and eat be happy and feel less hungry, at the same time im supporting and keep the restaurant from shutting down. Same applies to this situation. If you like something buy it at the same time youre supporting and keep the game running

... congratulations, you probably just gave yourself food poisoning (in your analogy). Your "chef" probably prepared your angus (horsemeat) meal fresh from the microwave, which has been frozen for months and thawed out all night beside the week old (dead) lobster.

If nobody visits a restaurant, or anywhere really, one should question the quality of service provided there. That's just common sense.

Just be glad your analogy is irrelevant; Gw2 is by no means a run down restaurant nobody visits.

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In my opinion, This game had a lot of great opportunities however they were all missed due to the plague of lootboxes. As per the threads title, yes Spending money is supporting the game, but I'll never spend money in RNG boxes to do that and there are better and more meaningful ways to do that.

I like collecting skins but I'm not going to do that standing in some place clicking black lion chests, that's not content but just a money sink. Content is when you are actively playing the game, ramming your shield or slashing your way in some dungeon/raid/area whatever and have a chance for some good loot, there's a difference obtaining an item that way over simply clicking chest and personally I find it more satisfying. Over the past month I've been playing GW1 pretty often and I've been enjoying it 3 times better than GW2 and the reason is simple, I was playing not paying to get something.

If ANet released actual content and asked money for it, then I would be happy to pay. Again, GW1 did this quite well with 3 expansions and mini adventure packs, and I even bought about 8 character slots back in the day which I never regretted. On GW2 I can't even dream of spending any money on it, it's corrupted by the focus on the gem store, the only exception to that rule are expansion packs or something similar.

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@InvaGir.9158 said:The game need to stay alive somehow right?!People get free content regardless yet they cry all day Anet are greedy

they are greedy, its not normal (in my eyes) to let ppl gamble with real money just to get a skin from a black lion chest.a skin worth 5 euro max get put in rng box and ppl sometimes spend 50+ keys for the item. 1 key is €1,25 euro thats 62,50 euro for a skin.why everyone thinks this is normal? for millionairs its cheap. for that money i can buy 3 weeks drinks irl. or 1 skin in gw2..and about the free content, everyone have different taste of what they want. i dont care about story so even if its free i dont play it.i want skins and dyes or mount skins. (about story, its not my main language and difficult words) if i understand the whole text then maybe i like it.

and gold to gems, how hard i try to make gold i cant. only rich ppl can make enough money.and with my rng i have to complete 8 maps for 1 keyand then 1 in 26 keys i get a bonus slot. gl on gettings something nice.

sure i spend money in this game if i want an upgrade, and i will pay for deluxe edition but some rng based skins makes me angry because i CANT get it with normal gameplay. if i want it i have to buy gems with real money and thats what i will never do. i can control myself from that.

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If only Anet put some ou i don't know special bundle like Valve does for Dota2 , where they say this money goes to development of this and that or that tournament with a goal post like Kickstarter. Then again it is probably little bit too late for that since most people that cared moved on after years of neglect.

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I've spent money on this game. I'm not ashamed of the money I've spent even though it's been a lot relatively speaking. I'm glad to continue supporting this game with real money and I am actually excited about the future, Icebrood saga and whatever comes afterwards.

I hate the lootboxes, they're predatory. But otherwise I'm fine with spending money on this game even if the developers choose to spend that money on other projects. I have confidence in Arenanet, even if many don't.

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@googel.3278 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.

Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.

I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.

Supporting a game doesnt mean spending your parents money endlessly, if you cant see the effects then it just shows how narrowminded this topic really is.

Edit: I wonder why you keep creating the same topic with different titles, are you that desperate?

Thats just your assumptions. No one is spending their money for no reason. If i saw a restaurant with no costumer ill go there and eat be happy and feel less hungry, at the same time im supporting and keep the restaurant from shutting down. Same applies to this situation. If you like something buy it at the same time youre supporting and keep the game running

Have you ever wondered why a restaurant with no customers is failing? Poor hygiene, bad food/service? Now since you used a restaurant as an example, why is Guild Wars 2 failing? Poor content, false promises, compare that to when it was first released back in 2012, there was so much hype and potential, go way further back into Guild Wars 1 ( master piece ), the content they produced at that time was outstanding, now its just grinding achievement points, skins, skins and more skins. Can you tell me why skins are good content? Do you want to just show off your pixels and hope everybody you come across would kneel down to you like a god?

There are many ways to support the game, not just by 'buying' rng lootboxes that have no meaning whatsoever. You're one of the people who are actively encouraging others to waste money on pointless things, do skins help me in battle? Of course not. Does that pointy shoulder pad make my stats more powerful? Omegalul.

Skins that make one appreciate one's pretend character better are as meaningful as increased numbers on gear to help one in a pretend battle.

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@Ashen.2907 said:Skins that make one appreciate one's pretend character better are as meaningful as increased numbers on gear to help one in a pretend battle.I very much appreciate my base game armour and weapon skins.

I'd enjoy some gem store costumes more, if they were cut into armour pieces across all three weight categories.But Arenanet repeatedly stated they don't want to do that.

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My thing with the title is exactly the reason with the players problem. Back then when you bought a game there was no dlc. There was no loot boxes, skins. You know what game devs did to get money? They made another game. So why can’t arenanet just make an expansion to get more money? Because people choose to buy skins yet arenanet given all this money has nothing to show.... wait we have story guys. We are getting true content.

I understand it’s a mmo so it’s different and we have to keep servers up. What I do not understand is why mount skins are $25 and that’s $5 away from buying the whole game now. But saying buying skins support the game? Look arenanet has given free content for almost 2 years and people given more than the amount than pof and hot combined. They Still made profit from no expansion. But do we get content? No. We have story, a delayed Swiss tournament for 5 months. Wvw alliances been delayed for 2 years. No elite specs. No new fractal. No new raid. But arenanet says build templates is expansion content. 0_0. In gw1 it was a main feature that was (base) game. Non expansion feature. Arenanets views are horrible to the community. What we pay for arenanet is more then what arenanet has given back to the community. So should the community pay for gem store items because it supports arenanet? No. Unless arenanet gives more content then story, maps achievements, legendary weapon, mount in 1 episode. we should not support.

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