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Living World Season 3 complete pack not appearing in store for me


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Having the same issue here. I have an unanswered ticket pretty much since the sale started. I'd really love to play LS3 before I move on to PoF story.

It seems this is only happening to people that purchased PoF after the LS5 annoncement and got HoT for free. Can anyone prove me wrong?Could there be other missing features (currently seems to be only gemstore related) from the HoT expansion and I just didn't notice yet? It was a very good deal, don't get me wrong. But this is buying something and not getting the full package.

Give us some update on the issue at least, it's bad enough we missed the sale.

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@"Krytor.7480" said:It seems this is only happening to people that purchased PoF after the LS5 annoncement and got HoT for free. Can anyone prove me wrong?

No need to prove you wrong, it's already been confirmed that's the problem. No one understands how it could have happened either because nothing should have had to change by making HoT free this way, the PoF purchase would normally just be treated like a bundle that gave both but for some reason only the activation keys given out since the day of the new season announcement are busted like this. But yes, there is more broken than just the gem store in my experience. HoT recipes also are not appearing on recipe vendors like in WvW, while PoF recipes are. So it's not JUST a gem shop problem.

I've had my ticket responded to and the only update is "we're working on it." Which after two weeks of an expansion being broken for no discernible reason is pretty much unacceptable. Communication is necessary for an issue like this, ANET. What changed with Heart of Thorns when you made it free? What changed about the Gem Store? I get why it might be taking so long to fix what with the loss of staff but what kind of problem is it that requires this much time to fix?

At this point I'm more upset that I went for PoF Ultimate. HoT going free made no difference in the price for that bundle, but I actively ended up paying the same price for less content and functionality than I would've had if I did it one day sooner.

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@"Archmortal.1027" said:What changed with Heart of Thorns when you made it free?

Just that. They didn't really give people HoT, they made it "free" / they changed the requirements to owning either PoF or HoT. Since these accounts don't actually have HoT, anything that still requires it is locked.

They should really remove the locks altogether and just show the warning instead (and again when confirming the sale). If people want to buy something they can't actually use because it's on sale, let them.

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@TheTimmaeh.2957 said:

@ruikarikun.9402 said:So, for example I can't buy some gliders from shop now, still game thinks I need HoT for that. Do I need to make ticket or it's global problem?

Support told me to wait till its fixed, so its a global problem that support can't fix for your account.

Same. They told me to wait until it's fixed and reply back to them, and they'll give me the discount that I missed.

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Core of their answer:Rest assured; we are working to get this back on the shop for our valued players, including yourself, as soon as possible.When the issue is resolved, please contact us again and we will look into being able to give you sale that price, no worries <3

I hope they'll fix it as soon as possible as they're saying... gearing for fractals without LS3 Maps is sooo painful.

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Got the response from the support regarding this issue, thought I'd paste it here for all experiencing the same problem.

I understand you're having trouble purchasing the Living World Season 3 Complete Pack from the Gem Store at this time. After taking a look into a few things on our end; I've found that the team is aware of the issue and working to get a fix out as soon as possible. With that said, I am unable to force this item to appear on your specific Gem Store, however, there is an ongoing thread for this reported issue. You can keep an eye on this page to see when this issue is resolved, in addition to any updates regarding the Sale or Availability of the bundle:

Living World Season 3 complete pack not appearing in store - https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1030927/#Comment_1030927

Rest assured; we are working to get this back on the shop for our valued players, including yourself, as soon as possible.

When the issue is resolved, please contact us again and we will look into being able to give you that price, no worries <3

Thanks for reaching out, and if you need anything else, please don't hesitate to let us know!

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I was hoping the issue will be resolved with today's patch but unfortunately it seems to be partially solved.On one hand I can now see the HoT deluxe upgrade for sale and all gliders seem to be purchasable (so Gem store now recognizes that my account owns HoT), on the other hand Season 3 Complete bundle is still missing completely from the Gem Store for me.The only thing that now is for sale in the Living World section is a Lava lounge pass (or something like that) that contains an episode of season 3 but no others.Any feedback for this please? We are so close buying Season 3 yet so far...

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@Speechless.3647 said:I was hoping the issue will be resolved with today's patch but unfortunately it seems to be partially solved.On one hand I can now see the HoT deluxe upgrade for sale and all gliders seem to be purchasable (so Gem store now recognizes that my account owns HoT), on the other hand Season 3 Complete bundle is still missing completely from the Gem Store for me.The only thing that now is for sale in the Living World section is a Lava lounge pass (or something like that) that contains an episode of season 3 but no others.Any feedback for this please? We are so close buying Season 3 yet so far...

I can confirm this. As of now, everything BUT season 3 is available in the gem store. I hope this issue gets resolved soon, I want to catch up with the story before starting with the icebrood saga...

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@robertbobman.2857 said:Worth mentioning that while you can't buy the complete pack, you can buy each episode individually in the story selection menu. I think it costs slightly more in gems, but it's up to you whether it's worth it to buy now or wait however long it takes for ANet to fix the issue.

This could be done even when the gem store didn't acknowledge ownership of HoT but I think the price difference is quite big (1200 vs 960 gems) and besides that we all waiting for the complete bundle to appear as ArenaNet promised to give us the discounted price we missed during the anniversary sale (which was 624 gems as the wiki page says) so that's almost 50% discount than buying the episodes individually.

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I do know that they are going to honor the sale price of the LS3 pack once it is fixed, we just need to contact them. I cant say they will give credit, but it would make sense to credit back the account the difference.

"When the issue is resolved, please contact us again and we will look into being able to give you that sale price, no worries <3"Regards,GM FictionGuild Wars 2 Support Team*

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@Fidelis.8350 said:

@Stephane Lo Presti.7258 said:We're looking into why the Living World Season 3 Complete Pack is not showing up in the Gem Store. Sorry about that!

Thank you! We're hoping that the sale for the LW Packs will return because of this issue.

Maybe read the thread?When you can see it in gemstore contact support to get the discounted price.

@"NytEMarE.3064" said:I do know that they are going to honor the sale price of the LS3 pack once it is fixed, we just need to contact them. I cant say they will give credit, but it would make sense to credit back the account the difference.

"When the issue is resolved, please contact us again and we will look into being able to give you that sale price, no worries <3"Regards,GM FictionGuild Wars 2 Support Team*

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